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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18802813 No.18802813 [Reply] [Original]

>adds bbq sauce to chicky nuggs just before the they finish frying in the pan
*chef's kiss*

>> No.18802820

when was the last time you even thought about applying for a job?

>> No.18802852

What would I need a job for?

>> No.18802858

jobcels on suicide watch

>> No.18802887

Buying more nuggets

>> No.18802914

I don't like nuggets

>> No.18802940

>frying sugar

>> No.18802979


>> No.18803758

those peas tho
I like peas

>> No.18803763
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>> No.18804132

The sloppy noodles actually look kinda good to me

>> No.18804153
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>> No.18804157
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it's perfectly acceptable to call them noodles. the entire canned soup industry does it.

>> No.18804159

On the bottom right

>> No.18804220

Its penne pasta

>> No.18804271

Yeah like I said penne pasta noodles

>> No.18804279

those peas look amazing. recipe?

>> No.18804284

1. Heat up some peas

>> No.18804568

If you sit down and look up how much you currently earn and the average wages in your country, or even minimum wage, you will likely find an increase of many tens of thousands of dollars per year.

Whether this is personally motivating is less of a concern for me then your overall impact on society, which I believe is one of the true fuels for the negative stereotypes associated being unemployed, namely the crime that comes from people who choose to buffer the lost income that would otherwise be gained through having a job by seriously, and sometimes dangerously bothering those around them.

>> No.18806266

looks comfy and delicious op
well done

>> No.18807022

on a same plate, even tendies are battered in carbs
still would

>> No.18807087

the pasta looks great OP, how'd you get the sauce to cling so well?

>> No.18807139

Or I can do no work at all and take advantage of the broken unsustainable systems that give me mountains of free shit out of my neighbour’s pocket, merely by virtue of having been born. Either I get the free shit, or I pay for someone else’s free shit. Either way, it’s all gonna come crashing down in my lifetime regardless.

>> No.18807377
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why are Americans like this?
it is unambiguously pasta

>> No.18807389

my friend used to work at Wendy's and one of thei things they would fuck around with was coating the nuggies in BBQ sauce BEFORE deep frying. they'd come out looking like sticky lava rocks and had a weird petroleum flavour.

called them "goat balls"

>> No.18807490

why is his thumb longer then his index finger and what the fuck is going on with her little flipper hand?

>> No.18807595

damn, bro...that looks wwwaaayyy to spicy.

>> No.18807626

Nice, have you tried the same with mustard? Cooked mustard has a very nice flavor.

>> No.18807793
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>> No.18807812

wagies btfo

>> No.18807816

is this a stealth merchant?

>> No.18807841

Lmao bless your little retarted heart

>> No.18807877

My point is that you'll have more money if you're working, even at minimum wage, even when compared to the higher brackets of welfare for a single person and this yearly increase is in the tens of thousands, it's my advice to unemployed criminals - lol. But overarchingly I'm more in your boat, and I don't hurt anyone. Taxes aren't really paid by your neighbour, either. Depending on your country, your Government likely runs on debt, and over the last few years that ratio is very high and not far half their budget. That would imply welfare is paid for via some mystical credit card. In terms of hard, collected income tax from citizens the bulk of that is paid by the very rich, the bottom 50% contribute less than 3% to the tax pool. The average earner sits in the pool contributing less than 10%, so more or less the "system" people rage against is autonomous and runs independently from the poor, or even the average or middle class at least in this aspect.

>> No.18809876
File: 162 KB, 723x666, Chad-Posting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
