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18799906 No.18799906 [Reply] [Original]

is tofu a meme?
what are some actual good recipes that aren't just vegan shit

>> No.18799920

Tofu is what asians pretend to eat when white people are in the room, when the white people leave they go back to eating fried duck blood.

tofu is literally poison to the hormone sytem, only a eunich or a country at war with america would promote it. we all know americans are ignorant to the hormone system and we know how to transform their nation.

>> No.18799923

Ok but mapo tofu is nice

>> No.18799926

>is tofu a meme?
>what are some actual good recipes that aren't just vegan shit
There are none, because it's a meme.

>> No.18799932

yes, nice as duck feed so that I can make more tasty duck blood.

My warehouse contains 30kg of tofu at a time, and over 2 ton of duck blood. Tofu is astroturfed on western countries to make them infertile.

>> No.18799989

It's not even the right type of estrogen. Beer and tap water with birth control hormone remnants are way worse.

>> No.18800009

cut it into squares.
You want to get the water out of it so it can be cooked without being a weird soggy mess. Best way to do this is actually to boil it in salted water like pasta for 5-10m and then lay out to dry completely ideally. Pressing it is a meme, no restaurant on the planet does that because it's stupid.
Now that it's dry toss it in a mixture of corn starch with equal part flour and salt / pepper. You could probably add other seasonings if you want. Now you can either fry it or bake it. I usually bake it because then I can walk away and come back later. If frying use a good amount of oil. More than you would think probably, but not deep fry. You want the oil to come up the squares a bit. Get all sides light brown and ur done.
If baking I also put in slightly smaller squares of sweet potato tossed in cornstarch as well. This is the secret to getting that crispy outside edge on sweet potatoes. Toss the tofu and sweet potatoes in some oil and bake 400F until brown enough for you. For me that's about 20 minutes and I give it a good stir after about 15m.
One of my weekly meals is baked tofu and sweet potatoes like this with a basic peanut sauce on rice. Btw for an oil I like coconut oil for this but if you do that you'd have to melt the oil before you toss everything in oil. For me that's easy because I'm using a cast iron to bake it all in anyway so I just melt the oil in that. Go ahead and use your sneed oil here if that's your thing.

>> No.18800041

i don't know what duck blood faggot is talking about but it's not entirely a meme, it can be pretty tasty.
is a good option, but you need an asian market for the bean paste. I like a pad thai with super firm marinated tofu. both of these dishes also have meat, I feel tofu is best when coupled with meat for flavor

>> No.18800081


>> No.18800357

Not a meme. The secret is to freeze then thaw tofu. The water inside expands, changes the texture, and leaves larger pores. Better for marinating and better for cooking. Search "freezing tofu".

>> No.18800363

Tofu scramble with potatoes is my go-to
Pan-fried tofu with gochujang and broccoli absolutely fucks
I prefer it to chicken in thai curries (though paneer is better for indian food)
Once made tofu enchiladas when I didn't have chicken on hand and they were great

not a vegan or vegetarian, but tofu is cheap and easy to use

shit this sounds really good, might make this later in the week

>> No.18800398

might try this

maybe with bacon grease?
they just absorb the flavor of whatever it touches while having a slight flavor of it's own like mushrooms right?

>> No.18800399
File: 253 KB, 514x635, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know that tofu is made from the forbidden bean?

>> No.18800442
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i've been cooking for 8 years. when do i unlock the fivebidden beans?

>> No.18800458

they will come to you when you’re ready

>> No.18800559

tofu broccoli and hoisin sauce

>> No.18800575

source? not kidding i want to know

>> No.18800624

source I'm from China we are vampires
All bird blood is O negative, every single bird

>> No.18800643

Eat it with meat. Tofu can be a vegetarian option, but you can also combine it with meat.

>> No.18800697

I put it in my lentil stews, it great

>> No.18800882

retard detected

>> No.18801835
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This. Vegetarians do bizarre things to tofu trying to make it like meat, when the thing you're supposed to do is have meat with it. Stuff it with pork and shrimp, fry it in meat sauce, add it to meat broth etc.
You probably need to try a few different brands to find one you like, the flavour is surprisingly variable.

>> No.18802870


>> No.18802900

Get pork belly, slice into chunks, braise tofu with the pork + garlic, ginger, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce and a little sugar

Or use ground pork, fry it a bit, add small cubes of tofu. Then add the same combo above (garlic etc).

Both are good with rice or noodles

>> No.18802933
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Another one: dip in egg, then fry, then add light soy sauce at the end.
Also you can put it in meat stew.
Another thing is there are many types of tofu. If you go to a Chinese supermarket you can get a few other varieties for frying:
Qianzhang 千张 - a thin yellow sheet. Cut into thin strips, fry with julienned leak pork and veg (parboiled celery especially). This type of tofu is also very high in protein. 30g per 100g. Like meat.
Pic related - xianggan 香干 (has other names too): flat 1cm thick slabs of firm tofu that look like they've been marinated. They are just basically a firm version of tofu and hold up well to a vigorous fry. They can be cut into thin strips and fried/braised with meat.

>> No.18802945 [DELETED] 

It's actually perfect for me and my diet! Constipates me just enough so I can record myself taking a massive shit in a squatty potty desu!

>> No.18803015

beer promotes estrogen?

>> No.18803030

chemicals in medicine don't get broken down by the human body 100%
humans pee medicine containing piss into toilets
toilets feed to waste reclamation systems to make sure rivers and lakes don't get flooded with poo
you can capture piss particles, but you can't capture medicine particles
the piss free water goes back into the water supply containing medicine

medicine, microplastic, teflon particles
guaranteed you're drinking it in the average brewski

>> No.18803828

The trick is to incorporate it into meat dishes as a filler. Fry up some ground beef and crumble some tofu in. Use it for burrito filling, you will hardly be able to tell the tofu is in there.

>> No.18803836

>Tofu scramble with potatoes is my go-to
Could you elaborate on this, what exactly do you do?

>> No.18803839

i don't think it's from what >>18803030 says so much, but long alcohol exposure is bad for your liver, and estrogen breakdown requires enzymes from your liver. it's the same reason why chronic alcoholics have hypoabuminemia and/or clotting factor deficiencies

>> No.18804044

Various deep-fried silken tofu formulations that I've had at nice restaurants have been amazing. I think it's exploiting the delicate-but-solid texture of silk tofu in the tempura or whatever style of frying they do that makes it work on a level that you really don't get with any other dish (the closest is maybe fried ice cream?).

>> No.18804101

>when the white people leave they go back to eating fried duck blood.
This is unironically one of my favourite foods, but not fried. Hsuedoufu congee is just too good.

I like that Korean tuna and tofu stew, Japanese pork, tofu and beanpaste stew and my mom's veg-stuffed fried crispy tofu. Chinese tofu dishes tend to be oily. See >>18799923

>> No.18804266

alright here's a really loose recipe
i typically use firm tofu. no silken
break block apart with hands, lightly squeeze to get some of the water out
cook chopped onion + garlic in pan until soft. add your veggies (red bell pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, etc. or mushrooms) and cook a couple more minutes
add in your broken-up tofu and seasonings, making sure everything gets incorporated evenly. i typically use turmeric for color, curry powder, paprika, black or white pepper, nutritional yeast, and sometimes dried tarragon. harissa is a god-tier add-in if you have it. some people also add black salt to give it an eggy flavor but that's not my thing. basically whatever you'd eat normally with scrambled eggs or a frittata. can be easily adjusted to fit other flavor profiles
make sure to taste semi-often, as the flavor will become more concentrated as water leaves the tofu. be careful not to cook too long, otherwise the tofu will lose its bouncy, egg-like texture
near the end i add baby spinach and sometimes cheese. when those things are wilted/melted it's done
pair with your fav hot sauce and home fries, eat on toast, or make breakfast burritos. bacon (or its vegetarian equivalent) pairs really well with this

>> No.18804274

Thanks for the info I'll try it out sounds delicious.

>> No.18804364

This ruins the tofu.
Soondubu, mapo tofu, and agedashi tofu.

>> No.18804398

Deepfry em and then chuck em in yer stir fry. My Srilankan colleague makes it like that and it's super delicious. I'm sure she mixes in some exotic alien spices in there too.

>> No.18805830
File: 42 KB, 400x266, goya_champuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mapo Tofu (with minced pork and Gochujang)
Goya Champuru (with SPAM, Egg and Bitter Melon)

>> No.18806995

Miso soup

>> No.18807113

Tofu is good if prepared appropriately, but it's subtle. It's not a meat replacement, it's a thing unto itself. My favorite tofu dish is fresh over rice with chili oil and peanuts.

>> No.18807585

>teflon particles
PTFE is completely inert.

>> No.18807720

tofu is virgin version of paneer.

>> No.18807767

Try it fried. Delicious in hot pot.

>> No.18807839

two completely different things IDIOT

>> No.18807847

nta but they're made using essentially the exact same process. love both though

>> No.18808897

I like to eat Hirtenkäse or feta cheese and pretend I'm eating tofu.

>> No.18809024

a plant typed this

>> No.18809025
File: 78 KB, 880x495, rl_31240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep-fried tofu