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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 1500x1500, ratatouille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18795794 No.18795794 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled

Is ratatouille an entree, or a side dish (appetizer)

>> No.18795801

both depending on portion size and preparation

>> No.18795802

That looks like an entree to me. It depends on how you cook it.
I’ve never made a ratatouille so beautiful at my own home

>> No.18795805
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Best from a can

>> No.18795812

Its a meal cooked by a fancy rat, it is what it is

>> No.18795818
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This photo is deceiving, the entire pan is not meant for one person.
Typically the portion is pic related.
I would consider it a side, I would pair it with an entree of lamb or pork tenderloin.

>> No.18795823

Lamb, definitely

>> No.18795825

neither of these depict ratatouille. Also it’s usually a main dish, serve with some bread and you’ll have a nice meal

>> No.18795834

sounds like you eat bird seed as your typical meal.

>> No.18795847
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>vegetarian main course

>> No.18795852

meat is very nice but you’ve seriously never enjoyed a vegetable or any other non-meat dish as the main entree?

>> No.18795857


>> No.18795858

sounds like you're mad for being wrong

>> No.18795860

sounds like you're 130lbs.

>> No.18795865

>meat is very nice but you’ve seriously never enjoyed a vegetable or any other non-meat dish as the main entree?

>> No.18795870
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>> No.18795872

No. Hahaha. That's a joke right? You being serious?

>> No.18795878

you should try some ratatouille, or I also like manicotti stuffed with cheese and spinach, covered in tomato sauce, and baked. Or falafel sandwiches with babaganoush and taboulleh. I’m not vegetarian at all but I make these for dinner sometimes and love them

>> No.18795894

>mfw my two year old probably consumes more red meat daily than this poor fag eats in a week
>mfw my two year old yells at people who offer her vegan food
>mfw no face

>> No.18795955

It's a salad. It can be an entree or a side.

>> No.18796015

>entree or appetizer
First, entree means "entrance" IE it's the starter IE the entry into the meal IE appetizer (sic). ytf do Americans use the word for starter to mean a main?
Secondly, my mother served it each Easter, and a few other miscellaneous meals each year, as a side dish to a roast (usually chicken or pork, but lamb or goat on Easter) or whatever the English word is for food cooked by open flame (usually steak or pork ribs or lamb ribs), but afaik, it was more common in the poorer past to have it as a main.

Vegetarian mains can be nice. The OG parmigiana di melanzane (not the inexplicably breaded American version) is a great example of one. I would not eat that as a side.

I occasionally make lentil "burgers" as a meal because I like the taste.

>> No.18796023
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, end of davy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salad? as an entree?
do you live in a foresaken country?
In my country a salad is only an entree when it has meat in it.

>> No.18796036

>reading more than a sentence of your faux-posh gay display

you're such a europoor faggot, go eat your snails and huddle by your wood stove.

>> No.18796039
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not what I'd typically call a salad, but I guess you could stretch the term

>> No.18796044
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this looks like vomit ngl

>> No.18796051

that's because you're gay and you only like frilly gay things like OP's version

>> No.18796070
File: 1.75 MB, 2048x1265, 1560786201812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never consider eating ratatouille. squash and zucchini are some of my least favorite.

>> No.18796092

Nothing wrong with a vegetarian meal from time to time, we are omnivores afterall.

>> No.18796125

>she thinks a fresh vegetable casserole is posh
Just how poor and fat are you, Cletus?

>> No.18796179

Recommend me a ratatouille recipe.

>> No.18796185
File: 2.85 MB, 2480x2046, Velazquez-The_Surrender_of_Breda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, your attitude is posh, retard.
no one cares about your off topic shit about americans calling an entree the main course.
the question is ratatouille a main dish, which you answered, so you're not completely retarded. but first you had to whinge about americans calling a main dish an entree. they're rent free in your head, pierre.

>> No.18796189

>both depending on portion size and preparation

this covers any "is x an entree?" question you may ever ask again

>> No.18796193

They're posting the fancy American version, confit Byaldi, not the French peasant dish.

>> No.18796204

>no, your attitude is posh
How do you know?

>> No.18796218
File: 1.02 MB, 2000x1305, 1596768228118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay maybe you are retarded.
answer OP or debate other posts. you start your reply with something unrelated to OP and go on about
>americans call the main dish an entree? well entree means 'enterance', blah blah
no one fucking cares.

>> No.18796223

first of all-
escargot is really good, particularly when drowned in butter and garlic, secondly:
you wish you had a wood stove instead of an in window air conditioner that pumps fag vapors into your room at a high rate

and finally, I know if this guy made a post describing your views you would think him as pandering

>> No.18796244
File: 772 KB, 2048x1215, 1560786163969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first of all it's great if I soak it in butter and garlic

>you wish you had a wood stove instead of an in window air conditioner that pumps fag vapors into your room at a high rate
live in a cold climate, I don't use AC, I have a furnace.

>first of all-
are you a fucking woman?

>> No.18796251

all casserole are side dish

>> No.18796257
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>> No.18796261
File: 753 KB, 960x667, 1476963-screen-shot-2019-08-23-at-1-51-13-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing wrong with a vegetarian meal from time to time, we are omnivores afterall.
You won't have any meat and you will be happy

>> No.18796276

bro I have more testosterone in my blood than you have had or ever will. my doctor keeps telling me i'm gonna have a stroke because of it. im 6'2", 220 lbs of muscle, I fuck. I'm a white nationalist christian and a notorious gangster. you are probably a skinny or obese faggot and I could kick your ass.

get off my board faggot

>> No.18796287

Where's the posh attitude?
I simply explained what a word means and asked why Americans use it for something else.
If you don't know the answer, then that's fine. I don't either, after all, Travis.

Escargots are good, yes, but wood stoves aren't that great. And what does that bit about describing her views even have to do with anything?
She simply got upset because, having an inferior female brain, she felt attacked by someone asking a question. Feeling attacked is the defacto reaction for the modern female when asked something that requires her to spare bandwith away from instafacetok, so I'm not surprised at her reaction but your jumping into it does surprise me a bit, especially as you've added nothing.

>> No.18796308

>so I'm not surprised at her reaction but your jumping into it does surprise me a bit, especially as you've added nothing.

nobody adds anything here ever.

and nobody ever has

>> No.18796329

Too shay.

>> No.18796342

>and a notorious gangster
Don't stop there! Please, keep going.

I'm a fairly happy person in general. I'm happy eating vegetarian or vegan. I'm happy eating raw, or seared red meat, pork and fish. I'm happy being a carefree assbucket on here. I'm happy being a slightly intense kitchen wench.

>> No.18796363

inb4 what did you say to me you little bitch? i'll have you know i grad-

>> No.18796370

>I'm happy eating vegetarian or vegan
The vegtard reveals his true colors

>> No.18796386

Fuck, that reminded me of a song.
Too shy. An ex girlfriend would have loved that.
Kajagoogoo - Too Shy (Official Music Video)

>> No.18796392

These plates are so fucking stupid.
>1/4 almonds, 1/2 sweet potato and strawberries, 1/4 bread
>1/4 chicken breast, 1/2 broccoli and carrots, 1/4 bread
>somehow these meals are the same

>> No.18796405

I think the sqare plates are totally retarded looking and serve no purpose except for idiots on cooking channels

>> No.18796421

What about triangular ones?

>> No.18796432

That's even more faggy like from san friancisco or christopher street, the fags charge extra for that bullshit

>> No.18796444

They expect tips as well

>> No.18796455

Who's Christopher Street? Is he related to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picabo_Street ?

>> No.18796463
File: 1.35 MB, 3463x1999, 1537984968463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im alpha male
no one cares. you described me, you don't see me gloating about it as a non sequitur. you're still some faggot DEFENDING ratatouille, a side dish (entree for the peasants)

>> No.18796484

NYC. it's the fag street and I lived there for a time, also had some friends who lived around there. I go downstairs from my apt to have a smoke and some fags from the local gaybar come out trying to touch me. One thing I can say from there, I saw a B2 go right up 8th ave at low altitude. Those things are really loud and much larger than what's seen on some tv picture.

>> No.18796491

I don't enjoy ratatouille but i'm gonna have to say the guy you replied to is definitely better than you.

You, my friend are a scoundrel, a heathen, and a smelly tranny

>> No.18796514
File: 153 KB, 1280x814, 1537994393242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like projection, I don't like ratatouille but I think it's better than you.

>> No.18796516

>followed immediately by "I'm happy eating raw, or seared red meat, pork and fish."
I'm happy to teach you the wonders of the English language - the term "Cherrypicking" for instance has a colourful history.

>> No.18796521

Don't forget the cheese

>> No.18796524

Ratatouille>You guys>The Dutch

>> No.18796528

queso de prepucio?

>> No.18796530
File: 440 KB, 1446x962, 1560764946313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your sides, slut.

>> No.18796531

I go for the cheddar

>> No.18796532

I would, if they weren't in orbit.

>> No.18796545
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>> No.18796550

Your mom was in orbit last night when I was done with her

>> No.18796554

I'll tell her to grab my sides on her way past.

>> No.18796564

Are you quite alright, ma'am? Where did >>18796287 claim to be an alpha male?

>> No.18796571

Why are you be friends with a smelly scoundrel/heathen/tranny? Is this a birds of a feather sort of thing and you are also a malodourous non-believing gender-traitor of low moral character?

>> No.18796582

>thread about vegetables
>immediately turns to roleplay and posturing about masculinity

>> No.18796584

>now that the dust has settled

bro shut the fuck up

>> No.18796588

I sit up straight and stand with my shoulders squared so I'm fairly certain my posture's quite fine, thank you.

>> No.18796592

are you guys mad because your mother told you to eat your vegetables or something

>> No.18796596
File: 569 KB, 1280x781, 1537984933067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replied to the wrong post, mb.

>> No.18796598

>he doesn't know.
newfag detected.

>> No.18796602
File: 61 KB, 578x538, 1625527209169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt respond to the criticism, responds to an argument he didn't make.

>> No.18796606

>Why are you be friends with a smelly scoundrel/heathen/tranny? Is this a birds of a feather sort of thing and you are also a malodourous non-believing gender-traitor of low moral character?

pro-tip: i'm not.

>> No.18796630

>preceded immediately by "I'm happy eating vegetarian or vegan."
I'm happy to teach you the wonders of the English language - the term "Cherrypicking" for instance has a colourful history.

>> No.18796635

You have to go back

>> No.18796637

Anon was upset about posture, so I felt it pertinent to assure him that mine is exemplary.

>> No.18796638

Then don't call them "friend."

>> No.18796640

You are stripmining this thread of all joy

Ratatouille can be a main, but is best as a side.

>> No.18796646

Back where?

>> No.18796648


>> No.18796651

Have you seen a miner? They all look like Mark Addy fucked a meatloaf. I wouldn't want them to strip. Ew.

>> No.18796652

Gaia online? I'm not that old

>> No.18796655

like this? >>18796652
Why don't you take a seat?

>> No.18796681

the real truth is...
it was never a main

>> No.18796687

I'm not a minor

>> No.18796692

Then explain why you're luring >>18796651
with your ratatouille?

>> No.18796693

rat a too ill ee

>> No.18796728

where can i eat ratatoullie? It looks delicious and I would like to try it for once

>> No.18796731

French restaurants, especially ones with sizeable menus. Or just look up a recipe and make it - it doesn't have to be perfectly cut discs of different squashes and nightshades (even if it does look nice). It's fantastic as a coarsely cut vegetable stew.

>> No.18796820

If only it were lamb, it would be delicious.

>> No.18796880

If it werent an entree it would be called a salad

>> No.18797278

This isn't ratatouille, this is, as best, a tian.

>> No.18797392

its never too early to get a head start on colon cancer

>> No.18797486

it's cooked whole veg, anyone that can stomach more after eating that needs to eat less.

>> No.18797782

Lol, new pasta

>> No.18797925

There's a reason he doesn't have a face

>> No.18798439

I can’t believe they turned the movie into a side dish

>> No.18798511

Where's the meat?

>> No.18798681

Idk why they stopped putting rat in the ratatouille. At least that’s how we made it. Could have three or four rat meat ratstouilles at a time to make a full meal

>> No.18798728
File: 494 KB, 1000x1350, ratatouille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a ratatouille. Ratatouille is a vegetable stew and looks like sloppa. The stuff in op is called something else, but I don't remember the name

>> No.18798800

the recipe is still a ratatouille (au four - in the oven)
the presentation is called a tian (de ratatouille, or "de legumes", "of vegetables")
I agree with you though, because the ingredients are thinly sliced in the op dish it will be ready faster and the veg will keep their identity while they'll blend together in an actual stew like a ratatouille. That's just me. Darroze and Ducasse have a different opinion.

>> No.18799056


love it

>> No.18799074
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>> No.18799079
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>> No.18799088

I like to eat it for pretty much any meal as a main dish. My roommate doesn't like to though.

>> No.18799783

If I eat a plate of fries, enough that I am satisfied, is that a meal or a side dish ?

>> No.18799992

>Mountain Man Breakfast is a side

Holy living god tell me you weigh 500 pounds without telling me you haven't seen your own dick in decades.

>> No.18800002
File: 39 KB, 688x800, d63edd9af879f866baea5e3c5b506959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has no rat in it
WTF Guys!?

>> No.18800082

Do you seriously believe the (((studies))) that show red meat causes colon cancer? ISHYGDDT

>> No.18800126

Does your mother know you are on 4chan on a school night?

>> No.18800146

That entire movie was an "in" thing

>> No.18800332

No that's retarded, some slices of squash and zucchini on top of tomato sauce isn't a meal. Hell it's hardly even food. At least have some slices of mozzarella or something jesus.

>> No.18800381

Seriously it was the ratatouille that turned him into as monster

Rose tomatoes bruh

>> No.18800508

you should try some ratatouille, I don’t think you’ve tried it. You specifically described confit byaldi but that would make a good meal too. I don’t understand the resistance to a traditional vegetable stew. It’s good, fuck you faggots

>> No.18800522

Didn't say it couldn't be good but it's not a meal. A meal = meat. Everything else is just a compliment to the meat.

>> No.18800545

but it is a meal, I’m not vegetarian but I’m not hungry after a bowl or two of ratatouille and a nice piece of bread. And I’m a fat piece of shit. I made chickpea pitas with dill tzatziki and cucumber/tomato for dinner tonight, I’m telling you some vegetable dishes are good.

>> No.18800554
File: 565 KB, 2898x2364, orson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just diced vegetables roasted over tomato sauce?

>> No.18800565

The weak european constitution can't handle more than that.

>> No.18801117

>no meat
side dish

>> No.18801541

why does this board hate vegetarians? mad that we won't die of a heart attack before 40?

>> No.18801735

Many are unpleasant to speak to and since 4chan(nel) has the tendency of amplifying one's most unpleasant personality traits, vegetarians here and people's reactions to them become exaggerated.

>> No.18801803

this is a cooking board, take your children's movie discussion back to /tv/ chud

>> No.18801939

Because of their holier-than-thou attitude like you've just demonstrated.