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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18795297 No.18795297 [Reply] [Original]


It's fucking over, gasbros. We've ruined the climate for too long.

>> No.18795311

It's not about the climate. It's because brown people don't use a fume hood and give their children asthma. They can't be trusted to keep their children healthy without government intervention. This upsets you.

>> No.18795316
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2023? Sounds more like 1984 to me

>> No.18795356
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heres my fume hood, my parents say that they have never had any issues with their gas stove or the fume hood. Its ductless and old as fuck, very yellow in person. Does fuck all, i can watch the smoke stand inside the range all day long

>> No.18795366

Check the catalog dickface

>> No.18795385

Elections, even stolen elections, have consequences, chud

>> No.18795387

>But as of last February, 20 states with GOP-controlled legislatures have passed so-called "preemption laws" that prohibit cities from banning natural gas.

They won't be able to ban em. Too much pushback.

>A ban of gas cooking would fail to address the overall concern of indoor air quality while cooking, because all forms of cooking, regardless of heat source, generate air pollutants, especially at high temperatures."

People have already pointed out in the article it won't do what envirofags want it to do. All it will do is fuck over minorities & poorfags who can't afford this shit. They will receive a lot of hate comments for this crap.

>> No.18795393
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why are we being flooded with all these anti gas stove postings all of the sudden?

>> No.18795397

What kind of fucking retard cooks without ventilation, regardless of the heat source?


>> No.18795401

inductionfags are PMSing, they don't need a reason

>> No.18795425

My roommate cooked dinner on the gas stove tonight, and now I have a bit of a cough. Should i get checked for asthma?

>> No.18795569

>All it will do is fuck over minorities & poorfags
so? literally nobody cares about them.

>> No.18796137

>Black people are more likely to live near garbage incinerators so we must ban gas stoves

I want Russia to nuke us

>> No.18796145

I don't have children and I know how to open a window, kindly fuck off geriatric Obama

>> No.18796154
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>> No.18796295

Reminder that residential usage accounts for only 15% of all natural gas burned in the US as of 2015 (that number is likely lower now) and less than 3% of that 15% it's used for cooking.

Ironically if they actually outright banned gas stoves in the sense that they must be replaced with electric immediately (literally no way this would ever happen, the most they'd do is ban sale of new gas stoves if this somehow passes) then the manufacturer of new appliances to replace all the existing gas stoves in use would have a significantly higher impact on the climate than the entirety of the emissions created by all gas stoves likely for several years over.

>> No.18797422

you know you are running out of gas when the flame turns orange. Mom knew best

>> No.18797905

Wow this is all totally organic and not a massive push that came out of nowhere

>> No.18797912

I hope this is enforced under penalty of death

>> No.18797952
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>> No.18797959

>one person posts it sincerely
>underageb&s and redditors decide to play it like a /v/ console war and repost it over and over with inflammatory phrasing to stir fights.

>> No.18797967

Just like the whole thing with manufacturing new vehicles that run on lithium ion batteries and how electricity to power them is generated. As was obvious back when the climate scam first started, it's all a show to further divide the rich elites from the common person.

>> No.18798502

nicolas cage movies are apparently linked to drowning accidents too

>> No.18798693

I don't live in the US, so I'm not fucked.

>> No.18799287

twitter users when you ask them to provide a fucking source

>> No.18799298
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isnt that just because electric stoves are just more common nowadays? would be interested to know those statistics compared by percentages

>> No.18799309

Why would american golems need a stove anyway? They only need a microwave to heat up the hot pockets, and a smartphone to watch ads, bbc porn, and order uber eats/doordash/other goyslop delivery food and get fattened up until they expire at bmi 45 at age 50

>> No.18799350

It's obviously relative you dunce

>> No.18799596

this is a pro gas website......

>> No.18799725
File: 206 KB, 1081x1086, 7ACA6729-7D57-4F15-976B-DF80A350AEEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her and the rest of the hole patrol use gas stoves. It’s about making you suffer

>> No.18800322

Does butane count? How do I go camping?

>> No.18800334

i actually switched to just using a portable electric hot plate simply because gas prices have gone through the roof
cooking with gas is easier i guess but nothing that i'd pick up arms over

>> No.18800337
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> I'll literally fight to the death sacrificing my entire family in a lengthy siege that culminates in a shootout with dozens dead simply to use a gas stove indoors.
Why are American conservative retards like this?
Just don't tell them you have a gas stove bro, no one is doing inspections.

>> No.18800414

The difference there is that cars actually do produce enough emissions for it to be worth the effort to transition away from gas vehicles since you will break even on emissions over the life of the vehicle. Gas stoves are such a ridiculously small contributor relative to other uses that it's hilariously retarded to focus on them. Banning gas stoves while gas is still used for grid power and large scale industrial heating applications is like banning mopeds to lower emissions while leaving every other type of vehicle alone.

>> No.18800418

Don't you have a TV license to renew, Nigel?

>> No.18802311

aw geeze it's a good thing you circled the stove in the lower right, someone might not have noticed the fucking oven otherwise
Are cuckservatives really so stupid they need retard circles to know what to look at?