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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 338 KB, 1900x1737, x34z5qi6n5001-4197175527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18795203 No.18795203 [Reply] [Original]

sad thought-

if 99.99% of species ever on earth have gone extinct, then what are the chances that the tastiest ones are alive right now?

post theoretically tasty animals

>> No.18795237
File: 115 KB, 926x618, Yummi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are supposed to be delicious

>> No.18795258

very high, because we bred them to be

>> No.18795260
File: 86 KB, 320x244, monepieces2v204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, the most delicious animal is surely extinct. I'd love to be able to try a big ass piece of dinosaur meat, preferably a large herbivore like a sauropod.

>> No.18795585

>t. mite be rite
i want to say things will be better in a thousand years but who knows

>> No.18795594

This. People who ate them routinely cited them as the most delicious animal.

>> No.18795614

I know that guy is giant but the piece of meat is as big as he is

>> No.18795626
File: 584 KB, 600x700, goodbye-cruel-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you will never supp on a delicious Dodo Parm

>> No.18795934

Why arent the lab-grown-meat people looking into this?
Theoretically, any animal from which we have DNA can have its muscles lab grown, right? Or something like that.
So why try to grow chicken or beef? Gimme some mammoth tenderloin or dodo drumstick. That's the only lab grown meat I want.

>> No.18795958
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idk they're reptiles. i've eaten gator and snake, and neither are that great.

Honestly we probably have the tastiest food now. We breed animals with extra fat in them to taste better. No chance anything like wagyu existed in the past naturally.

>> No.18795961

>I'd love to be able to try a big ass piece of dinosaur meat
you can't have sauropod meat, but you can still try theropod meat by eating chicken

>> No.18795989

I fucking love science XD
A tip of the fedora for you, sir, here is your upvote!

>> No.18796018 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 427x400, mer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why arent the lab-grown-meat people looking into this?
>Theoretically, any animal from which we have DNA can have its muscles lab grown, right? Or something like that.

>> No.18796019
File: 49 KB, 399x537, reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soience is bad because I didn't know that chickens are dinosaurs

>> No.18796061

>being obtuse and pedantic makes me smart

>> No.18796067
File: 1.15 MB, 686x776, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soience is le good because they told me that the heckin' chickereenos were dinosaurs

>> No.18796081

The soïboï projection. Nice.

This may be the correct take, but personal preference also matters. For instance, I prefer grilled venison to grilled beef. It seems that the fatty and marbled steak should be better but while I love it, I would pick venison first.
Has anyone ever eaten Coelacanth? I bet that would tell us something about other extinct fishes' flavor.

>> No.18796094

look at that soy faggot posing with a ladder when it's obvious they use a boom/lift to paint the rest of it.

>> No.18796096

I agree there is something to be said for wild animals that actually live life instead of have extra fat and sit in a cage all day.

google says
>They don't taste good. People, and most likely other fish-eating animals, don't eat coelacanths because their flesh has high amounts of oil, urea, wax esters, and other compounds that give them a foul flavor and can cause sickness.
>they just don't want us to know how delicious it really is

>> No.18796097
File: 820 KB, 765x988, 1627414983280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using words that I don't understand makes me look stupid
>samefagging makes me look desperate

>> No.18796108

>We breed animals with extra fat in them to taste better. No chance anything like wagyu existed in the past naturally.
wagyu is a niche exception. The vast majority of livestock and produce is bred for size and weight, often sacrificing taste and nutrition.

>> No.18796112
File: 1.51 MB, 594x565, NIGGERS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>18796018 #
>The soïboï projection. Nice.

>>>18795958 #
>This may be the correct take, but personal preference also matters. For instance, I prefer grilled venison to grilled beef. It seems that the fatty and marbled steak should be better but while I love it, I would pick venison first.
>Has anyone ever eaten Coelacanth? I bet that would tell us something about other extinct fishes' flavor.

>>>18796061 #
>>using words that I don't understand makes me look stupid
>>>18796067 #
>>samefagging makes me look desperate

>> No.18796115

this, and bred to grow fast and have a longer shelf life

>> No.18796128

yeah except there's animals untouched by human husbandry that taste better than anything we have created

and countless more

>> No.18796139

>something is reddit cause it's true

found the redditor. go back fucktard

>> No.18796153
File: 707 KB, 737x1024, IMGP6271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ammonites are probably really delicious and nutritious. they were the preferred diet of plesiosaurs

>> No.18796199

produce is an interesting one. sometimes breeding out giant seeds and giving us more fruit "meat" is good, but the size one definitely makes a lot taste worse, like tomatoes.

I imagine keeping animals locked in cages and injecting them with hormones is what really ruins them more than how we've bread them. I've had elk, deer, boar, buffalo, and other minimally bred animals, and I don't think they taste better than regular chicken/beef. Could be my palette that I'm just used to that though.

>> No.18796207

they're not extinct so why can't we eat them?

>> No.18796210

there's something kind of comforting about the fact that every thread devolves into s0ib0y posting

>> No.18796211
File: 1004 KB, 480x480, 4371 - SoyBooru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>something is reddit cause it's true

>found the redditor. go back fucktard

>> No.18796216

The burger bears

>> No.18796259

bro I have more testosterone in my blood than you have had or ever will. im 6'2", 220 lbs of muscle, I fuck. I'm a white nationalist christian and a notorious gangster. you are probably a skinny or obese faggot and I could kick your ass.

get off my board faggot

>> No.18796285
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1024, 3178 - SoyBooru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro I have more testosterone in my blood than you have had or ever will. im 6'2", 220 lbs of muscle, I fuck. I'm a white nationalist christian and a notorious gangster. you are probably a skinny or obese faggot and I could kick your ass.

>get off my board faggot

>> No.18796289

I doubt he looks like this he sounds sort of alpha

>> No.18796306
File: 17 KB, 214x255, 1672831009672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt he looks like this he sounds sort of alpha

>> No.18796347

You can't just reply with insulting images

>> No.18796364

>how we've bread them
and then we deep fry them

>> No.18796371

kek you got me there

>> No.18796390

I stole that joke from MST3K

>> No.18796394
File: 19 KB, 320x383, 28952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't just reply with insulting images

>> No.18796401


>> No.18796413

I will post last I can be here all night

>> No.18796466

looks like you won anon probably because high school is back in session, and it's a school nite

>> No.18796470
File: 1.07 MB, 250x250, 3589 - SoyBooru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will post last I can be here all night

>> No.18796479
File: 82 KB, 645x770, 2013 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like you won anon probably because high school is back in session, and it's a school nite

>> No.18796508


>> No.18796510

samefagging again.
and either been posting all day, or have a 4chan pass

>> No.18796513
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>> No.18796517
File: 375 KB, 740x859, deepthought.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefagging again.
>and either been posting all day, or have a 4chan pass

>> No.18796534


>> No.18796538

a 4 chan pass? you pay to post here?

>> No.18796539

The tastiest animals alive today aren't even eaten. Do you think we eat cows, pigs and chicken because they taste best? It's literally only because they're fucking retarded, making them docile and easy to raise. A fat ass reindeer taste much better than a cow for instance. But, reindeer are smart as fuck making it much more expensive and a bigger hassle to raise them.

>> No.18796547
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>> No.18796551
File: 43 KB, 392x590, 29769 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a 4 chan pass? you pay to post here?

>> No.18796557

how do you pick which one goes with which comment

>> No.18796573
File: 15 KB, 645x770, 4109 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you pick which one goes with which comment

>> No.18796601
File: 238 KB, 805x1254, 9001 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trans btw

>> No.18796609
File: 15 KB, 255x254, 1672098907231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm trans btw

>> No.18796618

The British grabbed a load of them to take them back home to show how wonderful they were but ended up eating them all. I seem to remember they were also useful due to having water in there somewhere so they were a source of safe drinking water.

You'd think they'd have been farmed by now. Like, who'd give a shit about cows if they didn't taste good, produce milk or leather? They're useful in so many ways, so they survive. It's like the Giant Panda. Useless but was saved because it became a PR animal (personally want them to change to saving big cats, especially tigers, jaguars and leopards because the Chinese are scum that need to be wiped out).

>> No.18796632

maybe they take really long to grow big?

>> No.18796639
File: 73 KB, 776x838, 991 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe they take really long to grow big?

>> No.18796654
File: 50 KB, 540x367, snow leopard biting tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personally want them to change to saving big cats, especially tigers, jaguars and leopards because the Chinese are scum
based big cat lover

>> No.18796671
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 451 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based big cat lover

>> No.18796676
File: 317 KB, 1333x1200, 13788 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>personally want them to change to saving big cats, especially tigers, jaguars and leopards because the Chinese are scum
>based big cat lover

>> No.18796724

>99.99% of species ever on earth have gone extinct
to be fair, the vast, overwhelming majority of species that have ever gone extinct were obscure amoeba/viruses/bacteria. It’s the same reason thousands of species go extinct on an annual basis: almost all of them are just tiny single called organisms that never really did much of anything and weren’t vital to the ecosystem.

>> No.18796892

>overwhelming majority of species that have ever gone extinct were obscure amoeba/viruses/bacteria
well, the species concept doesn't work so well for them though
horizontal gene transfer moves DNA from one microbe to another easily and drives evolution in the microbial world
species is just an abstract concept anyway

>> No.18796957

An anon in this thread got really upset about eating chicken.

>> No.18797011

Yet plants spread by being consumed and having their seeds shat out elsewhere, a survival advantage, so it can be concluded that vegetables are tastier than meat.

>> No.18797082

Wojak retards are a blight of /ck/

>> No.18797175

should I tell him?

>> No.18797208

we could theoritically MRI scan people's brain when they're eating and research which chemicals could give the highest tasty signal, and then breed animals to have the most of that.

in other words, the tastiest animal hasn't been born yet

>> No.18797438

I wouldn't call most of those things "untouched by human husbandry".

>> No.18797451

if you eat them wild they are

like any deer, elk, and moose in the woods in western canada has never been domesticated since the dawn of time

most shellfish are wild and not farm raised

you could make a case for boars having pig admixtures but there are still wild boars all over the world

grouse has never been domesticated

>> No.18797853
File: 21 KB, 254x254, 1673392029361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wojak retards are a blight of /ck/

>> No.18797883

This really got out of hand but
I started laughing hysterically right about here.

>> No.18797938

glad I made you laugh :)

>> No.18797983

completely unseasoned baked salmon outclasses any domesticated animal prepared the same way

>> No.18798034

Yeah, fair point. For some reason I thought "husbandry" had a broader definition than specifically domesticated and farmed and I figured we'd had at least some influence on wild populations, but I'm just getting things mixed up.

>> No.18798184

They went extinct for one reason - they were tasty.

>> No.18798228

Try nautiloids, not the same, but similar. fuck the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event for wiping out the Ammonites

>> No.18799221

who won?

>> No.18799244

the guy posting the soijacks

>> No.18800553
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 01812 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was only 1 person posting soyjacks

>> No.18801225

It was all me

>> No.18801895
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18802105

Lol. Let me guess, over 300 confirmed kills.

>> No.18802166

I love and miss /qa/ jakkers in this thread are doing the lord’s work.

>> No.18802992

/ck/ never disappoints me.
Love this thread

>> No.18803346

Apparently they tasted pretty good

>> No.18803369

>you will eat the extinct bugs