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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18794936 No.18794936 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: signs of a tryhard cook

>> No.18794947

>I share this board with people so disgustingly poor they get angry that people can afford nice ingredients
Go get your shine box.

>> No.18795037

>t. seething poor

>> No.18795065
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>paying 50 cents more for a ubiquitous ingredient that is objectively better quality is now considered "tryhard"

>> No.18795069

ITT: signs of a tryhard op

>> No.18795081

That tin doesn't even have the DOP label on it. It's fake.

>> No.18795121

Those cans are bottom tier.
So are San Marzano tomatoes.
Their only advantage is meatiness.
They produce more, not better passata.
You're not buying passata, you're buying whole tomatoes, which is retarded.
We have 100s of great tomato varieties, but the San Marzano definitely isn't one.
OP is definitely right this time, tryhards.

Jap knives, Western wasabi, avocado and Dijon mustard are equally worthless

>> No.18795149

I bought Dijon recently because I had never tried it and wanted to find out what the big deal is. it's litteraly just regular mustard with vinegar in it. wtf

>> No.18795176

They're grown slightly outside of the DOP area but they're still pretty much the same shit. That's why they're cheaper than actual DOP tomatoes.

>> No.18795224

>plz belebe me guise

>> No.18795428
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>> No.18795444

San Marzano are good because they're less acidic, and dijon is nice. If you can't enjoy guacamole with chips, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.18795451
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I use these, whenever I cant use actual fresh tomatoes, seem pretty good enough.
Im an yuropoor and I've never seen the ones on OP aside for meme youtube videos from amerisharts, are they an american thing or something?

>> No.18795452

cento and mutti are about on the same level. I use both. Dei Fratelli makes the best fire roasted crushed tomatoes for Mexican salsa.

>> No.18795468

Where can I find a large can of these cheap? It was like 95 oz. I bought 1 at costco, used it making curry and now I need to make more curry. I checked costco and they no longer carry them.

>> No.18795471

Tomatoes lead to a good life. Not.

>> No.18795484

>Jap knives
They're great, but more specialized than Western knives. I'm guessing you bought a cheapo Tojiro or something and got mad when you couldn't beat up on it like a Wüsthof.
>Western wasabi
Yeah, it's not the real thing. But what are you going to do? Refusing to eat sushi outside of high end restaurants in Japan is like refusing to eat some nice chicken liver pate because it isn't foie gras.
The greatest fruit on the planet next to tomatoes. Acting like avocadoes are tryhard, or a fad, or a meme, or a hipster thing is literally retard tier and invalidates everything else you could possibly say.
>Dijon mustard
What the fuck is wrong with Dijon mustard? I mean, what little mustard is still made in Dijon mostly uses seeds imported from Canada, but it's a style, and one of the best.

Sometimes I can't tell if threads like these are serious or just meant to bait the plebs into showing how much of a pleb they are.

>> No.18795500

Europe has higher food safety and quality standards.

>> No.18795587

Based take

>> No.18795598

>Tries something french
>Is a scam

No shit

>> No.18795632
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all you neckbeards do all day is hate on shit. ur just a hater bro. no wonder nobody likes you, just negative all the time. why don't you do something fun for once. get a fuckin hobby. mad at a can of tomatoes the fuck is wrong with you? find something to do with yourself

>> No.18795636

shut up nigger

>> No.18795638
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enjoy dying alone as a khhv

>> No.18795639

I'm engaged to a woman, zoomzoom. We're looking at venues this weekend, but we're pretty sure we're going with this place on the water that has in-house catering. cope + seethe + dilate + an hero, FAGGOT

>> No.18795641
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>ITT: The poors envy my life

>> No.18795643
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sure you are bro. you're so loved that you spend your evenings on 4chan getting mad at tomatoes lol

>> No.18795649

My fiancée's a therapist and works until 7 or 8 PM on most nights, and I'm actually >>18795444
not OP

>> No.18796717

you are dumb and stupid

>> No.18796756

I've never seen someone bring up an issue with fucking dijon mustard of all things until today
seriously whoever wrote that first comment should just 41% himself right now, there's nothing worth saving in a brain that fucking gay and retarded

>> No.18797726

mustard is mustard seed and vinegar, dijon is mustard with white wine

>> No.18797735

ITT: signs of underage posters.

1) Kids pretending it's fucking /b/.
2 Kids incessantly using gamer lingo like it's 1999. "Tryhard?" "Wow this Cento can is goated!!"

You know what? Fuck you. End of post.

>> No.18797758
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Am I evil? I mix my Colman's with red wine instead of water. I might go straight to hell.

>> No.18797772
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less acidic sweeter less water content. Its a fat cherry tomato. If youre making sauce for pizza or chicken parmesan. Have the right sauce recipe and dont want to overcook the tomato sauce its GOAT. If youre doing anything else with it get the cheap sauce. Im going to go out on a limb and say 95% of people have a sauce recipe with too many ingredients for it to really matter. But give it a whirl. If you notice the difference, like it and can afford it then its gtg.

Price difference is more than 50 cents. Thats why I say use it when youre looking to highlight a stand alone tomato flavor.

>> No.18797780

I gave a cat a good whirl by its tail and got a nice scratch over my right eye

>> No.18797799

This is probably one of the worst takes I've seen on here.

>buy a jar of pureed san marzanos for $5 instead of buying a giant can and doing it yourself with minimal effort for the same price

>cries about jap knives, like it matters what tool someone uses. You can get really cheap japanese knives off amazon and there's nothing tryhard about it if you prefer it.

>western wasabi is a fine substitute and costs like 50x less unless you are in japan, yet you don't like their knives?

>avocados are definitely overrated, but tryhard? probably the opposite

>dijon is objectively fine. Mustard, white wine, vinegar, what's the problem?

>> No.18797814

>my fiance "works" till 7 or 8 pm every night

Lmao get cucked

>> No.18797826

sounds gross

>> No.18797834

I typed "fiancée:, dummy. ESL retard.

>> No.18797875

the dude bangin your soon to be wife probably can't spell great either.

>> No.18797877

How many times a day do you have elaborate cuckold fantasies about strangers?

>> No.18797884

Looks like I struck a nerve. You can end it now anon it's not too late. Just trying to do you a favor.

>> No.18797898

mustard is health food dipshit

>> No.18797907

Just once or twice? Or is it an all-day obsession?

>> No.18798099

It's that, hunts, or store generics in my town. Cento is miles better than hunts.
No the fuck I do not have access to 100s of tomato varieties.

>> No.18798252

Anyone who chops loud because they're trying to do some technique they saw a pro use but doing it in a way where they are basically slamming their knife into the cutting board

>> No.18798276
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For me it's:

>> No.18798521

you're in denial that's alright, hopefully you don't lose too much in the divorce.

>> No.18798663

Poor people disgust me.
Go away.

>> No.18799149
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every store I've been to has "san marzano STYLE" tomatoes that are actually romas for $2 a can and the real deal for $6 a can.

>> No.18799288

retard italian proving again that 99% of the italian population can't cook. cans are still shit, san marzano aren't used cause they're ""meaty"" you fuckin idiot

>> No.18799307


>> No.18799318

This american youtuber said italian flour costs as much as $20 in the states. That can't be true, can it? What about marzano from Italy, how much is that for a can?

>> No.18799323

$20 for a 1-2 bag that is.

>> No.18799890

I buy 50lbs bags for 100 dollars.

>> No.18799910
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>he's not a contadinachad

>> No.18799928
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>> No.18800013

i have no idea what this is, but it looks gay af

>> No.18800018

Stop simping for Japanese shit you weeb

>> No.18800059

How the fuck are you people paying so much for canned tomatoes?

>> No.18800099

Fuck you the pricey meats are better than your dogshite 4$ a pound ground

>> No.18801049
File: 90 KB, 623x604, 18E471C4-083F-4C07-ABE4-42B64E7F81DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a sous vide water heater gets the gay lil meat to temp the same way every time takes the magic outta cooking

>> No.18801062

Sous vide, MSG packs, black garlic, pizza peel and steel, pizza oven, felicetti pasta, Caputo flour, Modernist cuisine books

>> No.18801065

It’s not even organic, dropped

>> No.18801067

$5 for a 1kg bag of Italian flour, and $3.50 for DOP San Marzano cans (796 mL) in Canada. (Canadian dollars) So surely they are cheaper in the US.

>> No.18801072

I’m not a tryhard but I read they’re healthier.

>> No.18801073
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>I'm mentally retarded
Not something I'd brag about, personally, but you do you home slice.

>> No.18801074

From the thumbnail I thought that was a skinned hamster in there

>> No.18801081

For a supposedly European product, it’s impossible to find Cento in Europe (at least on my Belgian shithole).

>> No.18801089

Dont knock it until you give it a try

>> No.18801091

san marzano "style" wtf does that even mean?

>> No.18801100

>having fun making a pizza 1 time is tryhard
I can't even cook I'm bad at it, that's how I know you're an uppity faggot

>> No.18801105
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>> No.18801106

be glad for the beer and chocolate i guess
t. fellow belgian

>> No.18801223

same variety of tomato grown outside of italy

>> No.18801586

>people so disgustingly poor

My guy this whole can is like 2.39 how poor are we talking???

>> No.18801596

>Using IPAs in your dough

I've seen this, it does nothing at all but makes you look like an even more pretentious frat boy douche bag.

>> No.18802080
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>> No.18804056
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Ah you mean like these ones?

>> No.18804464

schizo post

>> No.18804639

I recently used these to make a large batch of sauce, following a recipe I got from my grandma's Sicilian neighbor. Blended one can and hand crushed the other. Sauce came out much more watery than it normally does but thats probably due to me not using crushed romas. Makes a decent sauce desu, but if you like really thick, robust, tomate-y flavored sauces, stick with the crushed romas and tomato paste