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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18794167 No.18794167 [Reply] [Original]

all memes aside am i supposed to wash chicken or not?

>> No.18794186

I never do and I have never gotten sick from eating the chicken that I cook.

>> No.18794191

not if you are in a developed country that has good food/safety regulations

>> No.18794199
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this made me cover my mouth and laugh

>> No.18794212

I've never even met a black person who does this and I lived in a shitty part of florida for years. I'm not completely convinced it isn't some kind of weird racial twitter meme

>> No.18794220

how would you even know dumb fuck

Did you not smell the dish detergent/bleach on his breath when you were tongue kissing him after a chicken dinner?

btw they all do this. When I worked at McDonalds in high school (I was the general manager at age 16 because I was one of only 15 white people in the entire city) I was constantly telling the black new hires to stop washing the mcnuggets before serving them to the customers

>> No.18794244

I ate with them and talked about cooking...? I feel like I would have at least heard of such a thing before if it was so common

maybe it's regional and just wasn't a thing there

>> No.18794248

i've never met a black person that does this but judging from how defensive people get about this there are definitely ones that do it

>> No.18794249

Sometimes, but not always necessary.

>> No.18794251


>> No.18794255

How would that even come up in conversation you dumb Reddit LARPer. Yeah bro you and your le wholesome chungus black friends frequently roasted chickens together

>> No.18794258

you don't have to, the bacteria will be killed when you cook it.
however, the meat processing in America is disgusting they spray chemicals and shit on it so i guess that's why people say to clean it.

>> No.18794268
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>Ayy brotha mayne 1st u gotta hit it wit da seasoning

>> No.18794273

I usually cut them into pieces and give them a quick bath. Not to the extent of using soap though. I don't want to bite into wild specs of dirt.

>> No.18794287

Yes, submerge in bleach. Preferably for 48 hrs or more

>> No.18794323
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dont forget the seasoning

>> No.18794406

it seems to be a cultural thing. Some assholes will say black people are uneducated or retarded for washing meat, but in some cultures and some time periods people were taught that that is the thing to do. I've heard that in a recent period of time that people in britain were taught in schools and stuff that chicken and the like should be washed.
Also in china (or maybe just chinese style american restaurants) they wash chicken in water and thoroughly scrub it and squeeze the water out before the velveting process, and that makes the chicken more tender.
Now of course some dumbasses take that shit way too far and marinate their chicken in dish soap but i don't think that silliness and just plain old racism is a good excuse to shit on people for washing meat. I have a totally white ass honky roommate who washes his deli meat before he puts it in a sandwich

>> No.18794649

american education system fails children again

>> No.18794661

Rinsing is exactly what they're talking about when they talk about washing chicken. You've taken jokes about using bleach or soap seriously because you're far too eager to latch onto anything that enhances your sense of superiority.

>> No.18794671

I like to choke the chicken before I wash it.

>> No.18794696

Don't be this dumb.

>> No.18794725

Why the fuck would you wash it and risk cross contamination in your kitchen when you just cook all the bacteria and shit out of it anyway

>> No.18794727

Just use paper towels to pat it dry

>> No.18794760

it's literally just the inverse of "wypipo dont season they food", people just overblowing a stereotype that doesnt apply to 99% of people in the group

>> No.18794772

not with soap. just rinse it off in the sink to get any loose pieces, feather remnants, etc off of it.

>> No.18794921

actually we did, lol

I saw them do plenty of stupid shit but not washing chicken

>> No.18794928

hold on, people don't actually wash chicken right? this is a joke?

>> No.18794938


>> No.18794941

enough people do it that the CDC had to release a warning not to

>> No.18794945

Americans have to because their chickens are treated with harmful chemicals to make them look nicer than they actually are.

>> No.18794979

the heat of the pan kills the bacteria

>> No.18794992

>ruining a chicken to make a fake meme video
I hate the internet

>> No.18795042

you rinse it. not wash it.

>> No.18795047

>Why the fuck would you wash it and risk cross contamination
because that does not happen when you rinse meat.

>> No.18795054


>> No.18795070
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>> No.18795084

I do wash the skin of chicken but only when doing Korean style fried chicken.
Or Peking duck.
It helps the skin loose that thin layer of slime over it to allow for better drying

>> No.18795128

>bacteria doesn't stick around in your sink when you wash chicken
what did he mean by this?

>> No.18795138

I see no harm in rinsing it if you really want to. Yes it gets your sink dirty but lets be real it was already dirty anyways.
Don't use soap because it breaks down fats.

>> No.18795157

Man if you think something is so toxic you have to disinfect it, why would you eat it to begin with ?

>> No.18795191

Just when I thought niggers IQ couldn't go any lower.

>> No.18795210

good question, they buy the lowest quality meat and throw a whole bottle of all purpose seasoning over it

>> No.18795211 [DELETED] 

When whites do something like that, it can be explained by a compulsion or complex, and be considered illness. When blacks do something like that, its considered acceptable. Just different standards, which is fine, they are beasts.

>> No.18795233

Based retard

>> No.18795238

I heard that rinsing chicken actually leads to greater risk of salmonella because people get lazy with washing their sinks afterward. guess its just a dont be a retard type of thing but the soap on food is ridiculous

>> No.18795244

They think it's literally covered in dirt and feathers.

>> No.18795251

You only need to wash it when it's covered in slime.
i.e. it's days old and sitting at the back of some fridge in a broken home with the occupants struggling to reach triple digit iq combined.

>> No.18795488

not true
yes it does, moron

>> No.18795532

>btw they all do this

not all. i have never met a black person who washes their chicken and i live in tennessee

>> No.18795561

From what I've seen, it's a Caribbean thing. Mostly people from rural/broke areas with poor means of refrigeration.

>> No.18795607

black hands typed this.

>> No.18796190

that makes sense.... I guess... why not just boil it?

>> No.18796224

No, just rinse it

>> No.18796281

soap permeates meat god damn retards. just use water alone.

>> No.18796533

Yes. And you should make sure to wash it in the same place that you rinse all the vegetables too, the chicken juice helps to keep them sanitary.

>> No.18796835

stfu you lying faggot chicken nuggets are prebreaded and frozen, also in your retarded fantasy you forgot one of your favorite talking points, tyrone isnt gonna go out of his way to do extra work.

>> No.18796857

>all memes aside am i supposed to wash chicken or not?

also no

>> No.18796875

Rinsing chicken is one of those memes that has a small grain of truth. A chicken butchered on a farm might still have a bit of feather or dirt on it. One butcher in a chicken processing plant won't. Way back in the day, people bought your chicken from a farmer or from a butcher who bought it from a farmer. They had to check over the chicken to remove the last bits of feather and dirt. I buy my chicken from a family near me and have to do this. If you didn't buy your chicken from a farmer, this is 100% unnecessary. In fact, you're just spraying raw chicken water around your chicken.

>> No.18796911

What is wrong with rinsing it?

>> No.18796914

>you're just spraying raw chicken water around your chicken.
Who cares

>> No.18797186

it's actually perfectly safe to kiss and caress the chicken breast prior to cooking. you should try it.

>> No.18797229

Oh my fuck

>> No.18797235
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>> No.18797245

Im glad that i'm not as stupid as that nigger. I mean, look at that face of obliviousness, not knowing the basic biological science of bacteria dying at extremely high temperatures, and later on will be ingesting chemical surfactants absorbed by the chicken.

Lmao, niggers.

>> No.18797254

As long as you don't buy food from an Africa tier food store, you're probably fine. Especially in America, there's already strict food safety regulations in place.

>> No.18797352

dont eat if it raw if you wash it. only eat raw unwashed chicken

>> No.18797376

it doesn't
educate yourself

>> No.18797416

you can soak chicken, some of the funk will go away with the surface grease from cuts rubbing around. I soak for 15 minutes and rinse after. Doing that ghetto stuff is probably for bodega 2 month old chicken that's been sweltering under the snacks section w/o cooling lel

>> No.18797427

Think about the nasty shit that happens at the processing plant. Yes you do. Bone shards, feathers, ground up random and gunk. Ew. Rinse with water or vinegar/lime juice

>> No.18797433

Toxins from the rnacid fat on the surface stays with the meat then. Still, this is absolute brainletism if you're not starving. People replicating behaviors they don't understand. At most you need to soak a normal store bought chicken, even 2 days after buying it, if you got a fridge.

>> No.18797668

>What is wrong with rinsing it?
What is good with rising it ? How does it improve the quality ? Just cook it ffs.

>> No.18797712

Unless you're using a jet of chlorinated water it'll do fuck all for bacteria.
Wipe off anything really egregious and allow the heat of cooking to kill the bugs.

>> No.18797717


>> No.18797718

its a puerto rican thing

>> No.18797779


im Ethiopian and we wash chicken but with lemon and just water. This soap shit is a meme to make black people look bad, fucked up racists man.

>> No.18797781

oh yes, "toxins". how could I forget. make sure to place a few healing crystals nearby as well.

>> No.18797785

In water, yes. Not with soap and bleach and obviously you clean up the area where the chicken's been.

>> No.18797816

This is how I knew my coworker years ago was a coal burner. She always said she had a boyfriend but he never came to anything and she had no photos of him anywhere. One day she was talking about how she washes chicken in water and lemon juice because her boyfriend showed her how, my black coworker said they do the same and it clicked. She also had an un-neutered pitbull that literally ripped a hole in her apartment wall to get to another room when she was at work one day, and said that it had been acting aggressive and growling at her a lot when she got close to him when he was eating. Everyone told her it's not normal for a dog to do that and to at least get him neutered, but she said her boyfriend doesn't want to because it's cruel. A few months before I left that job she came in with a black eye and made some lame excuse for it. My manager was a woman and when black-eye girl went to the bathroom she straight up said "Damn, Ashley is on the single mother track" and even my black coworker laughed.

>> No.18798268
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It's your choice.

>> No.18798285

I'm much smarter than you.

>> No.18798304

I sometimes boil it a bit and remove scum but usually nope.
My sister has a black friend who uses soap in that way though. They use soap to wash all of their food before cooking, including vegetables. Honestly braindead. Not evening joking.

>> No.18798373

when did /ck/ get dumb enough to fall for the wash with soap memes

>> No.18798857

nice story. you're very creative:)

>> No.18799291

I used to rinse off anything that came from those cheap Chinese butchers during my student days. Probably didn't do anything but I felt a little better doing it.

>> No.18799435

You remove the gunk

>> No.18799459

>all memes aside am i supposed to wash chicken or not?
The ONLY reason people are told not to wash chicken is they are too stupid not to get sprayed water and juices all over their countertops, their sink, their faucet and handles and then cross contaminate their food poisoning to other places around their kitchen, from handles on pans, to kitchen handles.

The blood in packages is a breeding ground for any germs there to multiply. The germs are there, for sure. If you have an aerator and a mentality for maintaining a sterile field, then do rinse off poultry, in and under the skin, and go for it. If you have a half filled sink you can't fill with cold water, and will contaminate clean dishes air drying in the other side of the sink, maybe just remove skin and pat flesh dry. Only you know how stupid you are. If you think chicken processing is safe or clean, it's not. You know this, and you're not a fool.

>> No.18799471

Oh, also, national brands hate bad publicity for illnesses linked to them. Probably the package was irradiated to kill some of the bacteria, so less bloom exists to multiply during the time it's for sale before you take it home. It's controversial, so they don't stick stickers of warning on the chicken packages anymore. It's an acceptable practice now.

>> No.18799738
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>You remove the gunk
Ok I'm afraid to ask but show us how does your average chicken look like before rising.

>> No.18799796


>> No.18799897

>i just use water and lemon
>this is overkill you just need to soak your chicken
Niggers are retarded and they are posting in this thread. You don't need to do any of this dumb shit

>> No.18799918

Sometimes my chicken sits a little too long in the fridge and come out of the package kinda slimy so I rinse it off.

>> No.18799949

Just like yours, don't be a dense twat

>> No.18800112
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Niggers hold onto this from the time of slavery when they stole the dead foul from their masters hen house. Washing it in lemon or just borax to kill
>dat nasty stank

Lindon's best no doubt add a dab of Dawn to their over spiced slop cuts of chicken. Serves them right eating on my dime. Welfare chicken should give you tape worms. That's what you get for being Lindon's best!

>> No.18800196

>some cultures and some time periods people were taught that that is the thing to do
Well, in some cultures if you make eye contact with somebody that means you want to fight, and in others it's mandatory to cut a chick's clit off when she hits puberty. News flash: some cultures and peoples are dangerously fucking retarded.

>> No.18800218

if chicken smells bad it's probably expired. One time I had wings in the freezer that were expired for a few days and they smelled but I ate them any way.

>> No.18800234

It's a 100% true story buddy. Other than that she was a very nice person and a good coworker in a small department.

>> No.18800312

No, you don't have to. Black niggers heard that you should sanitize your sink after washing meat-contaminated utensils and dishware, and their monkey brains parsed it as "wash meat in sink."

>> No.18800395

really up to you. as long as you cook it thoroughly the risk of illness is low. however, from the time it was slaughtered to the time it reaches your hand, nobody really knows what happens to it. i rinse off my raw meats because i'm not too confidant in the meat supply chain.

>> No.18800515

you may not get ill from frozen chicken but if its just straight then your playing with fire.

>> No.18800672

Unlike you cavemen I eat my chicken the way God intended medium rare. So yes I need to wash my chicken at least twice before giving it a quick sear.

>> No.18800876

just a rinse.

>> No.18801000

Mine isn't covered in gunk.

>> No.18801006

hehe yea totally not true ahhh i feel better living a lie

>> No.18801041


>> No.18801183

Unironically it's an African American AND US South thing in my experience.

It's beyond wrong and fucking disgusting. They wouldn't sell it if you had to wash it, anything harmful will be destroyed if cooked correctly.

>> No.18801190

I saw a Carribbean recipe Facebook group years ago post about "do you wash your chicken or are you white?"

1000's of comments, being from the UK I was beyond bewildered when about 99% of those comments were along the lines of "yes ofcourse! I'm not stupid" I think I may have scrolled through 4000 comments and only saw about 3 "no, it's not required and dangerous" type comments, shit destroyed my brain.

I'm surprised how they don't constantly get ill getting raw chicken all over their sink.

>> No.18801345

That you see

>> No.18801533

only if you fuck it first

>> No.18802716

do you have holes in your brain or something?

>> No.18802854

what is chicken slime anyway is it the chicken trying to return to yolk?

>> No.18802875

rinse fruit = good
rinse meat = BAD!!!!

people dont know how stupid they sound. wash your fucking chicken.

>> No.18802956

Rather than using soap, use fresh citrus and vinegar

A lot of black people do this because the meat available to them is of poor quality
Doing this not only helps cleans any bio film that may have accumulated but also helps tenderize/flavor the meat

You don't really have to worry about an intense layer of biofilm, particularly if you cook it properly, it's more like a "knock on wood" thing

It's no more dangerous than ingesting soy, which I know 4chan posters have an aversion to

>> No.18802974

I'm always using a brine or marinade anyway so the slime rinses off in that.

>> No.18803340

the fruit goes into my mouth after it's washed
the meat gets COOKED before it goes into my mouth
stupid bitch

>> No.18803361

rinse meat = good
rinse bread = BAD!!!!

omg I'm surrounded by retards, wash your fucking bread

>> No.18803398

It's Knorr choice.

>> No.18803425

>chicken slime
In what shithole do you live where the chickens have SLIME lmao?

>> No.18803561

lmfao. lol dollar store chicken

>> No.18803618

>It helps the skin loose that thin layer of slime over it to allow for better drying
If your chicken is slimy, you shouldn't eat it. It's not normal.