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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.18 MB, 1587x977, 1650778159225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18788280 No.18788280 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw this at my local Harmons.............

>> No.18788288 [DELETED] 

Trump ruined my life and I'm happy to see him crash and burn.

Back in 2016, I was his biggest supporter.

I went to a couple rallies and I donated a decent some of money to his campaign.

On election night, I was watching the coverage with my gf at the time, who was a hardcore hildog supporter (out of politics, she was a pretty cool chick so we didn't have any issues).

When it became apparent hilary was going to lose, she started to lose her shit and was getting real mouthy.

I tried to calm her down to no avail.

She eventually said "Trump supporters are going to pay for what they've done today!" so I responded with "start with me, you stupid bitch!"

The dumb whore slapped me across my face.

Once this cunt realized what she did, her face turned paler than a ghost.

I chuckled and let off a slight grin, then I cold-cocked her right in the face.

She dropped to the floor instantly and I grabbed her by the hair and started to smash her face into the phucking floor.

The neighbors heard her screaming and called the cops.

I wound up getting five-years in prison.

I got out in 2021 just to find our Trump didn't build the wall, he didn't drain the swamp, Hilary wasn't in prison, cucked on aid to Israel, and was another chickenhawk with his intervention in Syria and Iran.

I went to prison defending this snake, so it's pretty epic ftw seeing the republicucks crashing and burning right
now, not to mention Trump's going to be indicted in two more weeks.

I obviously can't vote, but I live in a state with loose voter ID laws.

My geriatric father has the same name as me, so I used his name at the polling station and voted blue down the line.

Feels good man.

>> No.18788291

Yes, sadly they try to make chicken out of plant now.
I lol'd.

>> No.18788294

wtf is this? some kind of new sex toy?

>> No.18788296

>tastes so good, even niggers can't tell the difference

>> No.18788297

stimulate what?

>> No.18788298

That looks like a DVD or videogame from the thumbnail. That's weird packaging for food

>> No.18788307

They want the Zoomer crowd.
>looks like a VR Headset
>Original circled like Nintendo does
>electronics box

>> No.18788308
File: 1.88 MB, 1684x947, 1652054643253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official advertising btw

>> No.18788326

Were they behind a lock and key?

>> No.18788331

You should write that as "Trying to look like Grace Jones and failing miserably" .com or some shit

>> No.18788345

Also a play on Layer Cake and they failed yet again. Lets guess the demographic of the types that came up with this >>18788280

>> No.18788348


>> No.18788373

Fuck off you california cunt

>> No.18788382

Layer cake is a type of cake with multiple layers.

>> No.18788385

google the store in the OP faggot

>> No.18788406

well nigs aren't going to waste their EBT on plant based chicken if a white person is advertising it

>> No.18788425

Nearly all groups have an in-group preference, where they prefer their own kind, or in other words, you could say they are xenophobes/oikophiles. The one major group in the United States that bucks that trend is white liberals, who have an out-group preference, or are oikophobes/xenophiles. When you advertise targeting white people, you only capture the attention of white chuds. When you advertise depicting minorities, you get that minority’s attention, plus white libtards, which makes for a bigger market. Libtard xenophilia is a big part of why the demographic majority is massively underrepresented in ads and media in general these days.

>> No.18788427

>decent some of money

>> No.18788431

>not even 25.5oz

>> No.18788543

Dude Harmons seems to be getting progressively shittier. Doesn’t surprise me they have this Slop most won’t buy.

>> No.18789658
File: 455 KB, 1536x2048, 1641068236265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18789670

This would make sense if most woke leftists weren’t broke as shit.
They think they should be able to make a living wage out of 18hrs/wk at Starbucks and it’s when they can’t that they start screaming that the system’s rigged and capitalism is why their life sucks.

>> No.18789673
File: 1.63 MB, 822x927, 7234544654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pretty easy to make something "taste like chicken" especially when its in fried form like that. I still don't understand why manchildren get angry over the existence of vegan foods. Its kinda funny that they have a nigger on the box. The idea on the box art is allright too.

>> No.18789685


>> No.18789715

nobodys mad over vegan food existing, people get mad when vegans try to imitate meat instead of just eating meat
i'll eat a lettuce, sprout, and tomato sandwich with some mustard all day long. i'm not shaping it to look like ribs or anything

>> No.18789922

the label reminds me of those warnings in cig boxes lmao

>> No.18789932

>I still don't understand why manchildren get angry over the existence of vegan foods.

because they arent just providing an alternative, they have a stated desire to completely take over the market and force you to consume it. Corporations dont spend billions of dollars making shitty chicken tenders because 'dey care about duh animbuls' or because 'dey just want 1% of the population to enjoy something similar to meat'. They do that because in their long term view of things, its infinitely cheaper and more profitable and allows eteranl control over the protien industry if they can regulate real meat out of existence and hold a monopoly over plant-based-product-manufacturing.

>> No.18790457
File: 1001 KB, 4032x3024, 1640113165207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to cram blakx into everything
>put them in your chikkn ad
>oh no now you're raciss and cancelled

>> No.18790556

what the fuck is harmons. stop going to faggot grocery stores. just get your food at mcdonalds like the rest of us.

>> No.18790575
File: 36 KB, 450x450, 066d71bc-bd9d-4860-860c-a7171daa0aba.c319a82526f45353b1981c6a0dbaf2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing these in the grocery store, always chuckled when reading the package for some reason. something about calling them 'nuggs' and showing it to a chicken...

>> No.18790951

>Slogan is "It's lip smacking good!"
What did they mean by this?

>> No.18790980


>> No.18790981

I think it's just in a freezer.

>> No.18790995

I dunno but I liked the negro spirituals in the background

>> No.18791936

>Images with threating auras

>> No.18792049

To think this would be enough to drive our forefathers to bloodlust and act.

>> No.18792057

Yeah you will be eating that all day long because it has zero subsistence in it, no fat or protein, just fiber. People in the great depression ate better. Most prisoners eat better. It is ironic that the people who act like livestock also strive to eat like them

>> No.18792062

they wore wigs and petticoats they were fags, at worst they would gasp in a feminine fashion and have her stockaded until they can figure out who would pay $3 for her

>> No.18792072

Retarded aristocrats and junkers wore wigs dude. That was less than a percent of the population. Most people were farmers or craftsmen.

>> No.18792080

>Retarded aristocrats and junkers wore wigs dude
So the founding fathers

>> No.18792090

zoomers don't have the money for overpriced meme products like this
and the people that do won't buy them
this is the quintissential product for nobody

>> No.18792144
File: 32 KB, 639x962, polddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans try to create foods that have a similar texture and flavor profile to foods they have been used to eating for decades
>low carb keto-friendly cookie

>> No.18792251

this ain't it

>> No.18792270

Lel I thought the same thing niggers can't even be trusted to not steal fake chicken

>> No.18792305


The industry leadership is on record for stating that they want to eliminate traditional animal husbandry, make it illegal, and have a defacto monopoly on food production. The reasons they cite is sustainability, but the reasons they dont cite are rather obvious: if you have a monopoly on a product everyone literally has to consume to live, then you have unaccountable power over them. Large corporations such as wallmart have systematically been buying up small/independent farms, processing centers, and shipping companies to consolidate economic power into their own hands and monopolize it. Today they want you to eat fake chicken nuggets, and they haveto try really hard to get you to like them. But what happens when they dont have to try and you have no choice? It's in your own best interests to resist this kind of consolidation of economic power.

>> No.18792565

These are the tendies you get when you don't give mommy her cummies.

>> No.18792568


>> No.18792871

I remember the thread about the guy who ordered the square meal and tested it out. That was a great time.

>> No.18792985

the tendie represents my pp

>> No.18792997
