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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18779065 No.18779065 [Reply] [Original]

>told my brother I was making nachos
>he goes to the supermarket to get groceries for his gumbo
>he's in the kitchen for like 3 hours making gumbo
>i'm waiting patiently for him to be finished since he gets super aggressive when he's cooking and other people are in the kitchen
>sitting on the couch for like 3 hours waiting
>"ok anon you can make your nachos now"
>"oh btw I used up all the garlic in my prep 3 hours ago for my gumbo"
>I flip out at him, call him an idiot because A. he knew I was making nachos and obviously needed garlic B. he went to the supermarket and didn't buy more garlic and C. he didn't say anything for 3 fucking hours where I could have gone and got some more
>we start shouting at each other and calling each other faggots

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.18779069
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>who was in the wrong here?
you for being a dumb frogposter

>> No.18779078


>> No.18779079

It really depends on who topped who
To be sure post both your cocks

>> No.18779084

you, purely on the fact that gumbo mogs the fuck out of nachos any day.

>> No.18779097

>>i'm waiting patiently for him to be finished since he gets super aggressive when he's cooking and other people are in the kitchen
kek well it sounds like he literally dommed you and owns the kitchen, so he can do anything he wants. soon enough you'll be running to the grocery store on his command.

>> No.18779107

why put garlic on nachos?

>> No.18779109

this is an anime website faggot
your brother is a mentally ill retard and this is ot the right board. go to advice or reddit anon

>> No.18779116

your mom for keeping two tards

>> No.18779117

shut up bitch
you need garlic for the queso and for the beans

>> No.18779120

Him for being a faggot, you for being in that situation. Don't let him use the "you should have told me before I started cooking" argument to fucking gaslight you.
When you're both the victim AND suspect, thats how you know you're under the thumb of those you aren't allowed to make fun of.

>> No.18779125

lol bitch got rekt
OP you better start stretching since your brother owns your ass now fucking faggot hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.18779137

are you a woman or a homosexual

>> No.18779152

no, if i buy the premade stuff, i dont.

>> No.18779175

If you have more than two burners (doesn't every oven range have four burners?) and any reasonable amount of cookware then there is no reason he should own the kitchen. Just push him away, use burners as needed, make your own space for prep (use the kitchen table if necessary). I dunno, if you can't figure out how share an equipped kitchen with your brother then how can you ever share any facilities with anyone.

>> No.18779231

anon you don't live with anyone do you? people make a mess in the kitchen, need large spaces to prep, have multiple pots going, have timers going off
and especially if they are cooking something for the first time or aren't a very experienced cook shit can go wrong and get very stressful, it's far easier to section out times for when someone is cooking their thing, then they clean up, then the next person goes

>> No.18779234
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>> No.18779235

It won't come true no matter how many times you say it Gaianigger.

>> No.18779239

i think you both acted pretty retarded in this scenario

>> No.18779247

You are for putting g*rlic in nachos

>> No.18779249

Based centrist chad. There's virtually no difference between a pedophile and a geek.

>> No.18779262

why do you need nachos if hes making gumbo?
can't y'all just have gumbo one night and nachos the next?

>> No.18779306

don't call me a centrist you fucking freak. this isn't a clash of ideals it's two gay nerds fighting over nothing. is that not clear to you?

>> No.18779312

I live with six people and have lived with people my entire life. You talk to people. When you want to share the kitchen you ask, "are you using X burner?", "will you please excuse me so I can reach the drawer?", "can I use X utensil when you are finished?"

If you can't communicate with your roommates then do everyone in your city a favor and pay the markup to live in single apartments, because nobody wants to be stuck living with you.

>> No.18779317

>he knew I was making nachos and obviously needed garlic

>> No.18779319

his father for not pulling out

>> No.18779361

>make nachos
>aka plate of layered tortilla chips and shredded cheese microwaved for 60 seconds (1 minutes in American time)

>> No.18779386

the priest for marrying them

>> No.18779405

He wasn't allowed in the kitchen for 3 hours

>> No.18779422

but he told his brother he was going to make nachos, then his brother went to the store
i think going to the store takes longer than 2 minutes

>> No.18779436

be nice to your brother OP

>> No.18779442

He wasn't authorized to use the kitchen at that time.

>> No.18779454

Nice you should troon out

>> No.18779460

His gumbo is going to be a million times fucking better than your nachos.

>> No.18779472

no. gumbo is merely southern, where nachos are south of even there. south of the border, down mexicanyway

>> No.18779481

he's wrong for not letting you in the kitchen
you're wrong for making nachos
you're even more wrong for using garlic on nachos
he's an ass for using up all the garlic
you're an ass because you knew he would take a long time but didn't make nachos first or have a snack so you could wait
you're both correct in calling each other faggots
get a job

>> No.18779484

Get wrecked commie

>> No.18779513
File: 488 KB, 1200x1800, sausage-and-shrimp-gumbo_web-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are in the wrong
gumbo is way better than shitty nachos

>> No.18779528

why didnt you make your stupid nachos while he was at the store you cuck, or just suck it up and make it without the garlic instead of chimping out like a gorilla nigger. you sound like a faggot and your chad brother has every right to push you around like he does.

>> No.18779543

I've seen autists like this make "nachos"
corn chips on a plate covered with jarred salsa and slices of velvetta cheese
tossed in a microwave

>> No.18779552

You were going to eat a whole plate of nachos for yourself fat fuck?

>> No.18779559

Why not just eat some of his gumbo and make nachos another day?

>> No.18779565
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me and my brother always have passionate sex after a fight like this, then we eat nachos together and watch brokeback mountain

>> No.18779583
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if it werent for the laws of this land i would kill you

>> No.18779591


>> No.18779694

Cannot answer you until I know what kind of gumbo.
If it was a seafood gumbo, you are in the right and your brother is a massive faggot.
If it was a normal gumbo, fit for human consumption, it's hard to tell and I need more information.

>> No.18779708

What the fuck is gumbo - is that some nigger-soul food?

>> No.18779728

You were both in the wrong for not cramming the gumbo up each others asses like good brothers should.

>> No.18779756

You, for agreeing to move in with your brother in the first place.
Also this. FPBP as usual.

>> No.18780357

It's a Creole dish with French and African culinary origins

>> No.18780370

No cap OP's brother is gonna fuck the first girl OP brings home. Probably gonna make it real loud so OP hears too.

>> No.18780418

why didn't you make your fucking nachos while he was at the grocery store? it couldn't have taken you more than 15 minutes. retard.

>> No.18780429

then we'd be reading a thread about some nerd who didn't have garlic for his gumbo

>> No.18780431
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>> No.18780436

OP here. This has already happened to me before.

>> No.18780494

This garlic seems optional at best

>> No.18780511
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>He wasn't authorized to use the kitchen at that time.

>> No.18780588

By that logic whatever they’re serving at mcmurdo station must be terrific.

>> No.18780626

its thick soup

>> No.18781581

its not thick. its chunky

>> No.18781967

Shouldn't have told him. You telegraphed and were slow on the uptake. Why did you give him so much time to go get groceries and start cooking before you?

>> No.18781975

You are not a women, nor will you ever be. Lift some weights.

>> No.18781981

Garlic for Nachos?

>> No.18781986

Your brother was in the wrong.

>> No.18781995

Damn good is what it is

>> No.18782052

you can make nachos wherever you want.

>> No.18783469

ITT people how don't know how to make nachos and don't use garlic

>> No.18783772

You should kill him.

>> No.18783848

Sounds horrifying. I'll stick with my house, away from you lot, and I'll cook what and when I damn well please.

>> No.18783913

i wish my brothers cooked. be grateful anon

>> No.18783981

Well obviously you for being a faggot.

>> No.18784148

Maybe he doesn't share.

Why garlic for nachos? Never heard of that.

>> No.18784175

dude ,you can make "nachos" without garlic
even without the garlic you can make nachos
what the fuck is wrong with you ?

>> No.18784200

Why did you feel the need to say that? It adds nothing.

>> No.18785007

Garlic is important to Mexican flavor

>> No.18785009

faggot brother spotted

>> No.18785137

fpbp despite being a weebfag

>> No.18785151

Don't worry about it. There's plenty of space here, unlike in your kitchen.

>> No.18785175

Pick the garlic out of his gumbo

>> No.18785187

Garlic in gumbo? No

>> No.18785193
File: 243 KB, 1500x1000, chicken gumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are for wanting to eat shitty homemade nachos instead of gumbo
post nacho recipe, was it tortilla chips on a plate with cheese and salsa, microwaved?

>> No.18785846

Velveta doesn't come in slices

>> No.18786136

You both should go on Grindr and get TOPPED

>> No.18786154

You were a cuck for waiting. He used a shared resource and should have had the mindfulness to replace it. This would be resolved by not being collectivists.

>> No.18786294

>>told my brother I was making nachos
>sits on the couch for 3 hours while bro goes out to the store
>literally does nothing after saying he was making nachos

this sounds like an ESL moment. you weren't making nachos, you WANTED to make nachos. But because of your poor communication skills, your brother heard you say you were doing something that you weren't actually doing. then he did what he wanted without regard to your retarded, non-communicating ass because he's obviously a chad. Learn to fucking communicate, you retarded piece of shit. This was all your fault.

>> No.18786300
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Yes it does.

>> No.18786304

It seems like there was a lack of communication and consideration between you and your brother in this situation. It would have been helpful for your brother to let you know that he had used all the garlic while he was cooking his gumbo, so that you could have planned accordingly. Similarly, it would have been helpful for you to let your brother know that you needed the garlic for your nachos, so that he could have bought more at the store or saved some for you.

It's also not productive or helpful to resort to name-calling and insults during a disagreement. It might be more constructive to try to have a calm and respectful conversation about the issue, and work together to find a solution that works for both of you.

>> No.18786306

You, for pretending to be a woman when you will never be.

>> No.18786313

>he told his brother he was going to make nachos

actually no, he didn't. He told his brother "I'm making nachos." which is a different statement. his brother was obviously confused by a grown man, sitting on the couch like a slob, declaring that he was actively doing something that he very obviously was not doing. Bro probably assumed the retard was doing retarded roleplay shit and ignored him. Basically if OP the retarded knew how to actually talk to people, everything could have been avoided.

>> No.18786314

leave while you still can

>> No.18786336

I'm taking you all with me when I go.

>> No.18786407

But you're so lonely that you need to muster attention with irrelevant posts about yourself.

>> No.18786415

What a humilation. And you tell others of it? Haha must be a cuckold

>> No.18786538

what's it like having siblings?

>> No.18786562

Why the fuck didn't you make your nachos when you said you were? He had time to go to the store, buy his shit, and come back and you presumably hadn't even started.

>> No.18786577

Sexually tense. You both know you both want it but can never talk or act on it.

>> No.18786612


>> No.18786627
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>> No.18786635

You should have screamed," that's nacho garlic, bitch!" And then boxed his ears in.

>> No.18786684

I sure as hell want gumbo now. Fuck off with the shitty nachos.

>> No.18786743

how did your nachos turn out buddy? I like to make mine with beef, black beans, cheesy sauce, shredded lettuce, tomato, pickled japs, sour cream and salsa on the side

>> No.18786841

>I'm gay and abrasive
yeah we know

>> No.18786950

you two need a spanking

>> No.18786965

>this is a-ACK

>> No.18786982

Just go to the kitchen and cook whatever the fuck you want the next time, even if the brother is there. If he gives you shit just throw his preps into the garbage. Then watch him do the same to your stuff. Then nobody fucking eats, but at least you didn't cuck out. Repeat until he cucks out and learns that cooperation is better.

>> No.18786997
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>> No.18787683

Nah, but let's not act like sharing a living space with strangers is a preferable alternative.

>> No.18787894
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If you don't ruin or spill out his gumbo you're a bitch. I'd piss right in his gumbo if it were me.

>> No.18787907
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You for flipping out and not correcting your brother's wrong ways.

>> No.18788003

Anon have a duel with kitchen knives, that way at least one of you dies.

>> No.18788014

Are those poop muffins?

>> No.18788411
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Do whitoids really put garlic in Nachos?

>> No.18788420

That may be the funniest thing abput the entire post. He actually killed his brother because he didn't save any garlic for his nachos.

>> No.18788527


>> No.18788552

Oh wow, a dyed in the wool Biden supporter.
Ha Ha Ha

>> No.18788569

The whitest of the white posting here.....

>> No.18788585

Yet these faggots still keep posting frogs.
No way to kill them but we have to live with these fucking retards.
Frog-posters need to die.

>> No.18788589

you will never be a woman

>> No.18788591

Do black people post frogs, all day, every day?

>> No.18788601

Only octoroons post them daily.

>> No.18788602

Bitch, at what point did I say I was a woman?
Get off your tranny bike and get a fucking clue, not everyone lives in the arsehole state of America.

>> No.18788603

>can't share kitchen with brother
>can't communicate while he cooks
>can't prep before cooking
>can't make nachos without garlic
>doesn't own garlic powder
SORT your SHIT out retard

>> No.18788615

garlic powder isn't a substitute for garlic, anon

>> No.18788640

Garlic for nachos? You’re either majorly retarded or this is bait.

>> No.18788642

It's fucking nachos dude

>> No.18788652

KYS, paedophile autogynephile.

>> No.18788656

I basically had this exact same sort of situation happen with me and my younger brother multiple times, over years. Just basically him being incredibly selfish, never thinking of others, just in my opinion being a piece of shit. I could write out stories but I can't be bothered.

In the end what happened is I've just turned 32 and he's like 28 or something, haven't spoken to him in about 8 or 9 years. Didn't invite him to my weeding, he's never met his neieces or nephews. I don't even give a fuck what he's doing or where he is. He keeps in contact with my mother and I roundabout hear of him through her. That's it.

You don't pick who your family is but you can choose just to drop them from your life. I'm far better off for it.

>> No.18788673

You're both fuckheads for shouting over each other over garlic.

And nigga I fucking LOVE garlic.

>> No.18788683

Thanks for the compliment anon

>> No.18788717

you can carry your garlic that you need in your pocket so no one uses it

>> No.18788728

top 10 most based post ever made on the fourth channel.

>> No.18789050

why is your shirt brown? are you a brown shirt? what did OP mean by this? marge.

>> No.18789140

Cringe tranime spammer

>> No.18789163

>who was in the wrong here?
The frog poster is always in the wrong.

>> No.18789177

The Potion Seller

>> No.18789189

>op finished making his nachos