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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 660 KB, 900x1200, SALT_HimalayanVsPink (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18777172 No.18777172 [Reply] [Original]

You have made the switch haven't you?

>> No.18777174

no, I'm not fucking retarded.

>> No.18777176

No, I don't want to eat Pakistani plastic.

>> No.18777177

I'll use it just for the lack off anti-caking agent 255 but I really don't give a fuck about the bogus trace minerals

>> No.18777192

Okay shill

>> No.18777199

how big of a deal are anticaking agents really? I mean my salt still cakes up so there can't be too much of it in it

>> No.18777213

I agree, if there's one thing Indians are known for it's unadulterated products, not like that filthy salt Morton pulls out of literal dirt

>> No.18777218

No, I'm not a retard who falls for cheap marketing tricks and bullshit claims.

>> No.18777293

I've made the switch to finishing salts, I like sel gris a lot. It's bad because I started over salting stuff again

>> No.18777347
File: 25 KB, 353x389, 41880mUzhiL._AC_SY580_DpWeblab_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay high price for bong salt, what should I be using instead for finishing?

>> No.18777366

> Likely contains iodine
Please enlighten us how the presence of iodine, which is essential for your thyroid, is a bad thing.
Also: fluoridated table salt? Never encountered that in my life. We don't fluoridate our drinking water, nor our salt.

>> No.18777369
File: 578 KB, 1623x2560, 91bK75-wyYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand aside

>> No.18777381

pink salt contains trace amounts of toxins too.

>> No.18777401

I dont know if they are unhealthy or not and I don't trust (((regulations))) to tell me they are safe to eat

>> No.18777404

Its usually potato starch.

>> No.18777423

Germany adds fluorid to salt.
Iodine in salt is a meme. It competes with the natrium for uptake. Eat some seaweed its much better.

>> No.18777471

What's the issue with the first thing? Cooking things is bad?

>> No.18777493

>good source of magnesium
>1mg/g (RDA = 400mg)
It's literally just dirty salt, you could like just crush a single multivitamin and mix it with table salt to get a better effect.

>> No.18777498

>I pay high price for bong salt,
Is this like how Americans cream their knickers over Kerrygold and pay out the arse for it?

>> No.18777535

Vitamins in food are a meme. Eat a multivitamin it's much better.
This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.18777562

himalayan salt is literally just salt with rust in it

>> No.18777857

If you're going to stick to just one kind of salt it's obviously sea salt. But it's nice to have a big variety to choose from.

>> No.18777922

>rust is pink
ok schizo

>> No.18777931

It's not rust that makes pink salt pink, but you realize how color works right? Rust is red, salt is white. red + white = ???

>> No.18777935

This would be a good time for that pink Himalayan salt autist to return to /ck/. His threads were funny

>> No.18777944

>rust is red
ok schizo

>> No.18777951

This is your brains after Muttland education has their way with it.

>> No.18777952

Rust isn't naturally occurring, idiot

>> No.18778606

>84 essential minerals
How much you wanna bet iodine is one of them?

>> No.18778614


Yes it is, other anon still wrong too

>> No.18778637

> Likely contains iodine
Is that supposed to be a negative thing LMAO
Can’t wait for OP to have retarded kids because his wife didn’t get enough iodine during the pregnancy

>> No.18778649

The minerals in salt are so trace they don't have any effect on the regular body.

>> No.18778667

I have an irregular body

>> No.18778678

ill just eat normal salt and lick a rock its cheaper

>> No.18778685

Flakes for finishing, some $2/kg sea salt for the rest.

>> No.18778702

himalayan has lead in it.

>> No.18778855

Your weight is not irregular;
you're just American.

>> No.18778874
File: 39 KB, 488x488, simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need.

>> No.18778886

pinku? I liku!

>> No.18778932

I have basic, seasalt, black salt and some leftovers of pink. Gotfa buy the latter but need to find a nice offer because price went throught the ceiling some time ago. Maybe sill check with horeca suppliers

>> No.18779139

neither of those is true

>> No.18779589

>retarded facebook mom pseud shit
Wild that cu/ck/s fall for this in AD2023

>> No.18780058


>> No.18780089

Bought some last week and filled my salt grinder.

>> No.18780099
File: 309 KB, 1149x1200, E2A651C3-7556-4E69-ABD8-0865BD1083D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salt. A fucking rock. Depleted of its minerals.

>> No.18780103

The bag is god awful but I use this too

>> No.18780310

>Himalayan salt
Indian salt, you mean? No thanks.

>> No.18780407

No i took the fleur de sel pill

>> No.18780415

Falksalt flingsalt med jod, the only iodized finishing salt I know of.

>> No.18780752

>Its usually potato starch.

>> No.18780865

I've literally never heard or read about "fluoridated salt" before tonight.

>> No.18780868


>> No.18780876

Its a thing in Germany. Curiously, only the cheap salts have them. Upper tier that costs 3 times as much doesnt.

>> No.18781280

Nah, I don't need an iodine deficiency.

>> No.18781338
File: 379 KB, 1600x1600, 3848370_digital-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bollocks, it's an option many brands have. Yu can also buy dirt cheap salt with no additions too.

>> No.18781361

So this is how you get the daily magnesium intake without supplements? Big if true.

>> No.18781374

Yeah just have a nice pound of salt daily and you're set

>> No.18781736

I would really like to thank the Facebook mom and all associated demographics for the pink paki salt and making prices fall on sea salt.
Just bought a 1kg bag of french sea salt for 1.5 € at LIDL.
Thanks, cunts.

>> No.18782106

You realize that isn’t how economics work at all, right?

>> No.18782379

Nope. Enjoy your heavy metals.

>> No.18782392
File: 278 KB, 504x692, 1658445401589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I use because I make pickles and I don't want to have multiple salts.

>> No.18782474

Why the fuck would you want this

>> No.18783206

You're not supposed to eat that

>> No.18783227


>> No.18783234

Make em extra heavy

>> No.18783236

It's literally just table salt. No iodine, no anti-caking agents.

>> No.18783483

no and i won't. i have table salt, la baleine coarse and maldon. all i need

>> No.18783563

Literal scam, salt is fucking salt. It's all NaCl.

>> No.18784193

I wonder how much pink salt costs, bet you a nickel its over 2-3$ more than normal.

>> No.18784223

i can't use non-pinchable salt

>> No.18784228

Kerrygold is $2.99/8oz where I live. Used to be a flat 2 bucks.