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File: 130 KB, 1516x648, Donut.jpg.9d54fd2f000ff607cda3c5a347477b52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18776497 No.18776497 [Reply] [Original]

Donut thread.
What are your favorite donuts?
Also, do you think cake or yeast is better?

>> No.18776528

Rasberry fillled.
I like both, but prefer yeast.
I've probably had less than 10 types of donuts in my lifetime. Recommend me some for when I get to go to a bakery.

>> No.18776533

yeast if the donut is simply a vehicle for frosting, cake if the donut is the main event so to speak.

>> No.18776579

cake donuts are just too dense
when ive decided i want to be a fat fuck and eat some donuts i want 2 or 3 different ones

>> No.18776582

Powdered donuts should be cake. Everything else should be yeast.

>> No.18776612

yeast, just plain glazed is the best
maybe some maple glaze every once in a while

>> No.18776629
File: 614 KB, 2048x1536, la-dd-apple-fritter-monarch-donuts-arcadia-20150429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type are apple fritters? That's my favorite.

>> No.18776637

cake donuts for coffee dipping
yeast donuts for eating plain

>> No.18776733

Sourdough. I do not need any other.

>> No.18777003

Cake, but you just can't get them in my cunt.

>> No.18777031

cake donuts are disgusting

>> No.18777716

I'm not sure if I've ever had yeast, I've eaten 'krapfen's from Italian lidl and aldi, and krispy kreme in my cunt.
I like the berliner style round donuts with fruit filling and chocolate topping with a nice large latte or flat white, mostly for nostalgia reasons to when my mom would get them for me at the mall.
From toroidal donuts I actually really like the classic with no glaze, dip them into black coffee to balance out.

>> No.18777888

cake donuts are best donuts, yeast donuts are air and sugar.

>> No.18777893

plain cake is best for dipping

>> No.18777898

based apple fritter enjoyer

>> No.18777910

Old fashioned, plain glazed

>> No.18777911

get them hot off the rollers
with a container of milk and napkins

>> No.18777962

>its the same picture

>> No.18777981

based and blindpilled

>> No.18778364

Krispy Kreme is yeast unless they do it differently overseas

>> No.18778374
File: 3.91 MB, 3746x2899, photo-mar-25-5-17-06-pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the FUCK you want, colonizer?

>> No.18778378

for me, it's the simple bacon maple bar and giving $1 to the homeless guy who is always outside the entrance

>> No.18778382

glazed chocolate cake donut is always the right answer

>> No.18778385

For me it's the little pink

>> No.18778386
File: 436 KB, 2560x1707, korean-donuts-recipe-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18778394
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Little pink, glazed, portland cream please

>> No.18778448

Chocolate frosted for me
Mexican Hot Chocolate sounds delicious

>> No.18778459

Completely plain cake donut with a glass of whole milk and a shot of espresso for me thanks.

>> No.18778638

Cake, 150%. Cake with frosting and sprinkles. Runner up is filled donuts. Fruit jelly > cream and jelly mix > cream.

>> No.18778716

boston cream donut
raspberry jelly donut
buttermilk donut (i think this is just a CA thing though)
maple bar
old-fashioned donut
pink frosted sprinkle donut (the homer simpson)
apple cider donut
apple fritter
cruller (chocolate glazed preferably)

these are my favorites, but if a donut shop has a specialty variety i will usually opt for that as well

>> No.18778794

Plain or glazed year for me.
Cake """"doughnuts""""" aren't made of dough so they're not even really doughnuts. Fuck those shitty shits.

>> No.18778829

For cake donuts the small freshly made still warm ones rolled in sugar are beautiful but yeast is still supreme

>> No.18778856
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For me, it's jelly filled donuts.

>> No.18779010
File: 172 KB, 1024x683, Only The Best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeast, with booze added so the alcohol evaporates quickly in the fryer for a fantastic texture. Also booze in the filling. Either raspberry vodka or a vodka-cream pastry.

>> No.18779023

This thread seems pretty equally divided on cake vs yeast. Wonder what an actual poll would look like

>> No.18779092

The lack of a sour creme is disappointing although, I bet that buttermilk is right close.

>> No.18779118
File: 34 KB, 500x333, cruller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the cruller.

>> No.18779173

Chocolate frosted yeast
Plain cake dunked in coffee

>> No.18779644
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>> No.18779654

is buttermilk really only a CA thing? anyway those are my favorites and i can split them down the middle and dip them in my coffee

>> No.18779662

voodoo donuts are fucking terrible

>> No.18779672

the grape ape is the most vile thing one could consume in portland

>> No.18779701

I made myself queasy thinking about how it's probably fairly common for Americans to eat more than one of these at a time.

>> No.18779703

bro that voodoo doll is fucking racist as shit lmao

>> No.18779844

Do they make filled cake donuts?

>> No.18779873

Doughnuts are the one food that sexually excites me. When I bite in to a large, soft cream-filled one I get a head rush and I just want to slam the whole thing in to my face.

>> No.18780181

Why do americans call them Do Nut?

>> No.18780184

Rent free lmao

>> No.18780197

That's just pre-diabetic fat bitches with no self control.

>> No.18780267

Overpriced shitty donuts

>> No.18780316
File: 70 KB, 476x477, Sour-cream-glazed-donut-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cake donuts should open up when they are cooked. i think whoever was cooking that poor donut had the oil at a low temperature.

>> No.18780327

glazed cake donuts are the way to go