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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 364x242, complete-guide-to-eggs-51484-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18776092 No.18776092 [Reply] [Original]

An alien abducts you and tells you you're free to go once you prepare these for the alien to try, using human cooking techniques. It puts you into your kitchen and says you can use other ingredients too if you like.
what do you do?

>> No.18776096

Shove them up my ass and shit them into his mouth, as is the custom

>> No.18776098

hard boil

>> No.18776103

Soft boiled with a side of soldiers for dipping. Make a nice cup of builder's for him too.

>> No.18776105

bacon and cheese french omelette with salt and pepper

>> No.18776125

Over easy with a slice of toast.

>> No.18776144

I make a cake, just to be different
Idk if it means he's gonna kill or spare earth, or maybe tell other ayyliums about us and make us a popular tourist destination, but I might as well show him a recipe using lots of earth ingredients refined over thousands of years.

>> No.18776152

The heat of the rice cooks the egg

>> No.18776156

I was going to say cake as well.

>> No.18776167

>abducts you
>into your kitchen
That's not abduction. I'd demand to speak to a manager. I paid for an abduction and a cornholing, and by Judy Garland's slippers, I'll have them.

>> No.18776177
File: 149 KB, 1536x864, 294611ebb017238d5fcffe574f76553c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alien instead takes you in particular to this kitchen

>> No.18776184

Wait a minute. I'm abducted in my own kitchen?

>> No.18776196

you also get taken here

>> No.18776200

looks familiar, is this prey?

>> No.18776205

i googled alien kitchen and took one of the results

>> No.18776209

What else did you do?

>> No.18776212

uh I guess I took a sip of cran-pomegranate juice

>> No.18776222

Ugh.. Ew.. Ick.
I'll take the cran juice.

>> No.18776236

can i interest you in my cram-pomegranate juice?

>> No.18776240


>> No.18776248

instantly vaporized by their atomic laser guns

Made ambassador of Earth

>> No.18776266

think it might be Alien Isolation.

white squares with rounded edges.

>> No.18776273

3 egg omelet with onion flakes, seasoned salt, real bacon bits, parsley flakes, garlic powder, and pepper. put a slice of kraft american cheese when i fold it up mmm mmm good

>> No.18776463

Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda gay

>> No.18776707
File: 202 KB, 730x1095, 2C2F3962-C372-4C4B-9479-7B0614241F59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d fix him a Western Omelette

>> No.18776763

Scrambled eggs, cold start, sunflower oil and corn starch.
Sea salt, pepper.

>> No.18776803
File: 575 KB, 1512x1512, 48da01d5c701bb87328e5ef7f10de9b6b56240b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in New Jersey we call them Space Fags. Every so often they show up in Weehawken, or someplace like that, with this Intergalactic Egg Challenge shit. So we serve up a basic, Newark-level pork roll, egg, and cheese on a Kaiser roll and those gay grays can't even take a proper bite with their tiny underdeveloped alien mandibles. Like, even reptilians can handle that bro! You better phone home, ET bitch! By this point we're chugging Genny Cream and blasting classic Springsteen and just bust a gut laughing at those low-gravity losers as their huge hollow black eyes shed tears of defeat. This ain't Area 51, nerds! We yell a bunch of racial slurs into their universal translators and kick those saucer-monkeys to the orbital curb.

>> No.18776807
File: 1010 KB, 3160x3254, 1463377311155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18776835
File: 33 KB, 600x450, FD8AE117-BFD0-4281-A079-992A889D0DFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make cheeseburger, fry an egg. Put egg on top of burger

>> No.18776851

curse you! you've doomed us all!

>> No.18776937

Kotoura anime was better than the manga
Final 2 episodes sucked though

>> No.18776938

I make him the egg, bacon, and cheese burritos I make for myself every morning.

>> No.18776948

Gordon Ramsay's Scrambled Eggs!

>> No.18777045
File: 56 KB, 924x1385, peeled-century-egg-2-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Century egg.