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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18775189 No.18775189 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18775202

I like scrambled eggs and I don't get stuck on rpgs. I get stuck on metroidvanias

>> No.18775224

all true for me, a real gamer

>> No.18775264

who orders just eggs at a restaurant?
>videogame analogies
a manchild made this picture

>> No.18775276

What kind of retarded image is this?

>> No.18775281

I say those things and mean those other things.

>> No.18775305

i like sunny side up over a bed of hashbrowns and sausage because that yolk is yummy

>> No.18775314

Where are the basted eggs on this shitty half-assed list?

>> No.18775322

What if you don't like eggs and just get bacon/hashbrowns/sausage on the rare occasions you go out for breakfast?

>> No.18775367

This is incomprehensible. It's nonsensical and seems like a joke, but there are no punchlines.

>> No.18775369
File: 1006 KB, 2110x1720, TIRED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can order other items with your eggs, ne?
Also, I guess I'm a 5-year-old cartoon-watching shit-RPG-player.

>> No.18775377

Not them but no, I don't know of any situation where you order eggs other than at a greasy spoon, and you're not going to get a fucking eggs benedict at a greasy spoon are you.

>> No.18775436
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>> No.18775464

>accusing people of being immature when your bases of comparison come from children's games

>> No.18775485

How the fuck does a raw egg take 2 minutes??? It takes a second to crack an egg.

>> No.18775631

you got eggs benedict wrong.
the correct is as follows:
>i'm a fucking horrible person and addicted to everything that tastes like fucking garbage

>> No.18775945

Sunny side up may be true if you're not ordering it with toast. Runny yolk on toast is absolutely god tier.

>> No.18776280
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Absolutely patrician
I prefer over easy, tho

>> No.18776287

That's the optimal resting time.

>> No.18776347

Over easy (good) has a runny yolk. Sunny side up (disgusting) has a runny yolk and mostly uncooked egg whites. If I wanted raw egg whites I would order a whiskey sour.

>> No.18776403
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>2 minutes
Bruh it's fucking raw as is

>> No.18776407

So you can't order eggs in any way without being insulted? Fuck off you neckbeard low t fuck, I'll face fuck you.

>> No.18776412

Yeah, it's raw so it doesn't need to rest as long.

>> No.18776796

You're just giving it a moment to take the chill off.

>> No.18776813

>What people post on /fit/: OP pic
>What they actually mean: I am a massive faggot with AIDS

>> No.18776815

These personality associations with how people order their eggs seem like a stretch.

>> No.18776822

Bro, by the time 12+ minutes have passed, my eggs are going to be cold. I'm only letting eggs sit on the plate long enough to season them and shred some cheese over the top and then they're going in my mouth.

>> No.18776928
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I order Eggs Florentine with cheese added
I'm exactly the sort of person you'd expect me to be

>> No.18777068

Which one is the right one to pick here?

>> No.18777079

Seems like you need to hide the taste of eggs. Maybe you shouldn't eat them.

>> No.18777095

You can get eggs benedict at Wetherspoons here, the main chain pub and beloved provider of expansive breakfasts for tradies everywhere

I tried it once, it wasn't very good. I only had it because they were somehow "Out" of scrambled eggs but not fried eggs, so they either literally just microwave scrambled eggs there or don't teach anyone how to cook eggs other than fried

>> No.18777098

how new are you?

>> No.18777103

How do I order my eggs if I want them to know I really mean we should kill all niggers and kikes RaHoWa NOW

>> No.18777105

Damn, this guy really hates eggs.

>> No.18777188


>> No.18777526

>I don't know of any situation where you order eggs other than at a greasy spoon
how about a hotel?

>> No.18777553
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>> No.18777615

What about one?
I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but all the hotels I've been at have either been basic cheap places or they've had menus with clear choices. You're not asked "how would you like your eggs".

>> No.18777663

i stay mostly at mid tier places and think it's pretty common to have a buffet with a cook somewhere for the fresh stuff like eggs

>> No.18777784

And those menus with clear choices never include eggs Benedict?

>> No.18777795

>I'll face fuck you.
haha oh nooo...

>> No.18777800

Buffets, sure, but I've never encountered the idea of there being a cook somewhere who'll just rustle up some eggs for you in my life.
You've misunderstood me. Ordering specific meals off a menu is not what the OP is describing. I have only ever seen eggs benedict be an option on menus. When a waiter asks you "and how would you like your eggs done?", nobody answers "eggs benedict please", because that would be psychotic.

>> No.18777825

just cook it sunny side up with a lid on the pan, you won't fuck it up from flipping it and the top cooks

>> No.18777983

>there being a cook somewhere who'll just rustle up some eggs for you in my life
sometimes they are a bit hidden but it should be pretty standard for decent quality buffets especially in larger hotels
how else would you get eggs and other freshly cooked items at a buffet?

>> No.18778016

yes I always wait 20 minutes before eating my cold omelette

>> No.18778032
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The proper term is Willyvania

>> No.18778033

You don't season anything? Maybe you shouldn't eat that stuff

>> No.18778058

Posts like these always baffle me.

>> No.18778335

If you can't make a sunny side up egg that has crispy whites and a runny yolk you don't belong on this board.

>> No.18778454

based bennedict and poached chads

>> No.18778464
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>> No.18778477

any place asking how you want your eggs is not going to have eggs benedict or poached eggs

>> No.18778490

Anon, what do you think a poached egg is?

>> No.18778513

Every diner "over-xxx" egg I've ever had was actually sunny-side up.
I think they do that because it looks better.

>> No.18778547

something a diner isn't going to make
the waitress will call you a fag and laugh

>> No.18778554

Horrible. Every new thing I learn about America makes it sound worse and worse.

>> No.18778587
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>Every new thing I learn about America
He's completely wrong. I've been to plenty of places that serve poached/Benedict style and still ask how you want your eggs.

>the waitress will call you a fag and laugh
Maybe this happens to you mostly because of how you're dressed, hmmmm cowboy?

>> No.18779292

Nothing in the OP said anything specifically about the waiter asking you how you want them. It’s said how you order them. You are fucking retarded and should be shot.

>> No.18780132


>> No.18780139

haha too funny! so real hahaha!

>> No.18780148

Very useful observation, thanks anon. People from non-english speaking countries shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

>> No.18780172

I dotl that frequently

>> No.18780238

Over medium for me, and I dip my bacon n' toast in it.

>> No.18780242

Sunny side up isn't flipped. How would you crisp whites that never touch direct heat?

>> No.18780246

Great pick. Love you, anon.

>> No.18780265

love you too, anon

>> No.18780292

He's full of shit, and you are too probably.

>> No.18780312

its super easy to cook a sunny side up without having uncooked egg whites, i do like over easy too

>> No.18780317
File: 729 KB, 838x540, eggs are for feggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating eggs

Enjoy your chicken period eggfags
i'll be over here enjoying my low cholesterol

>> No.18780338

Browned omelette please, 3 eggs, french spiced

>> No.18780692
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I'm coining the phrase "soft fried" to circumvent all this horseshit

>> No.18780705

Maybe you should just eat chocolate for dinner every night then, stupid fuck

>> No.18781061

>Sunny side up isn't flipped. How would you crisp whites that never touch direct heat?
Not him, but:
a) use excess butter and spoon some over the whites.
b) add a splash of water and cover the pan.

I'm not sure just how crispy he likes them, but this works for what I'm shooting for.

>> No.18781064

>mostly uncooked egg whites.
Only of you don't cook them.

>> No.18781074
File: 180 KB, 880x885, BfWtoLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy your chicken period eggfags
>implying chickens are mammals

>enjoying my low cholesterol
>I haven't read anything about nutrition since 1993.

>> No.18781103

Sunny side up or over easy for me. I like hard boiled but those are mostly for snacking.

>> No.18781157

I like sunny side up and I like looks of sunny side up in a cartoons.