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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 766x1024, 172E8107-1D3E-49F7-9151-9112ED58C0AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18772658 No.18772658 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get hungry really often? I could gorge myself on food until my stomach hurts but an hour or two later I’m famished. I’m a skinny and inactive guy too.

>> No.18772668
File: 283 KB, 400x386, fat man keyboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy it while it lasts, kiddo.

>> No.18772701


>> No.18772706 [DELETED] 

How do I find comics like these? They're so hot

>> No.18772715

Go back to your cesspool you net negative creature. This is the white man's board.

>> No.18772728

This place is 18+

>> No.18772729

I don’t care if people post anime but I do find it interesting that animefags always make the worst threads possible

>> No.18772731

That doesn't even look like anime fanart

>> No.18772735

nobodies directing you to our secret porn sites get lost and go snarf up some more shit quality porn/hentai kiddo

>> No.18772744

Regardless, my point still stands

>> No.18772750

Yeah. Id eat a large pizza and 4 hours later feel hungry again. Figured out it was carb eating gut biome niggers driving my hunger. Fasted for 3 days then started doing OMAD low carb and I feel full and sated the whole day

>> No.18772778

Please guys I NEED it

>> No.18772876


>> No.18772896

I'm sorry OP, but the only way to get past it is to eats less. If you gouge yourself often the body quickly begins expecting the food you pass into it, and you will get cravings. If you tone it down and stick to 3 regular sized meals per day the body will eventually learn and the cravings subside.

>> No.18772924

I fully agree and I wanted to ask you: do you know where I can find more images like OPs pic? They're soooo HOTT brah

>> No.18773005

click the little dots/arrow/whatever, search image on saucenao, go to booru site, click the tag(american flag bikini this time), click good images, and search the artist
bonus tip/waste of time: look at profiles that like/favorite the pics to see if they have more good stuff
you are my little baby boy

>> No.18773017 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1000x1245, 84c2b7afe00f2abe289121b4c3925135030de331b27fd5fce38c8997a1cda0eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks a lot

>> No.18773019 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1000x1245, d47fbbc03c875d9525b6079c054b8b12418c077dcb1fe6b7a930194949e08e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18773222 [DELETED] 

I hate black people

>> No.18773236 [DELETED] 

Who doesn't

>> No.18773239

I'm friends with an entire family where dudes are like that. Issue is that pretty much all of them past 50 got beetus, skinny dudes, but still fucked themselves up.
Also all their wives are absolutely massive.

>> No.18773408

>anyone else get hungry really often?
if i have less than 3,500k/cals a day i legit start to get loopy and the empty stomach pain is unbearable.
i weigh 240lbs. and i'm 6' tall.
i work warehousing so i burn a lot of energy.
my legs are like fucking rocks.

>> No.18773436

when I hit my 30s my metabolism went in the shitter but I kept eating like the dumb american I am and got up to 220lb
then I started running and was losing weight consistently
but once I got under 190lb I'd get intense hunger pangs throughout the day
It's more or less evened out but for a year I felt almost insatiable

>> No.18773447

Yeah man, I feel the hunger, but my body doesn't burn it off, it just adds to my mass.

This guy.. >>18772750 ...has it right. Lots of what's available to eat these days is mostly carbs, and that is fuel, but not sustenance, for your body.

I do intermittent fasting and make a point to eat a heap of vegetables as often as possible. Together it works pretty well.

>> No.18773467

that doesnt really mean anything without a calorie count. if "gorge yourself until your stomach hurts" is 300 calories meaning 3 apples your stomach is abnormally small, or something is pushing against it.

If you're eating 4 or 5000 calories a day with little activity and still not gaining weight likely you have a thyroid disease. Your thyroid isnt properly regulating your metabolism. Get your thyroid checked.

>> No.18774007 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 743x743, 1657656970355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18774018

Architect approved.

>> No.18774022

Imagine her giant shits..

>> No.18774025

I've asked you not to post this picture of me.

>> No.18774054

turd birthing hips