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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18765801 No.18765801 [Reply] [Original]

It's literally impossible to avoid seed oils. How do I cope?

>> No.18765805

Canola is very healthy. You should love most seed oils. Nothing better than a ice cold salad with fresh vegetables sprayed with Canola.

>> No.18765807

Imagine living your life in crippling fear of seeds. Pathetic.

>> No.18765812

Seeds are toxic for a reason

>> No.18765816

that's like saying that because raw chicken is dangerous you can't drink chicken soup. Fucktard.

>> No.18765822
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>muh sneed oils

>> No.18765823

Raw chicken isn't dangerous. Toxic plants are.

>> No.18765825

Eat a piece of raw chicken and report back to us.

>> No.18765826

I have on numerous occasions. Wtf do you think happens?

>> No.18765830

>I have on numerous occasions
yeah I noticed your salmonella half rotted brain

>> No.18765832
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I do all the time. I just sear it and bread it on the outside.

>> No.18765833

Nice one. How many boosters are you on?

>> No.18765837
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Requesting resources that explain in detail what the issues with seed oils are.

>> No.18765839

The only thing I boost is children.

>> No.18765840

You can either KYS yourself or finally grow a brain and stop believing memes are real.

>> No.18765843

imagine being scared of fucking seeds lmao. don't you have a pigeon to catch?

>> No.18765852

Where do you live? I rarely eat any seeds oil unless I'm using it on purpose

I eat a lot of seeds tho: pumpkin, sunflower, poppy, sesame

>> No.18765860

I like to give seed to little girls.

>> No.18765885

>It's literally impossible to avoid seed oils. How do I cope?
Cope by realizing you fell for a right wing meme. You're gullible

>> No.18765892

There are none. It's a right wing obssession just like soy. It's all bullshit. Get ready for some random weirdo chart from pol, posted by a rambling schizo.

>> No.18765979

>tranny reak gets dilator in a bent when someone doesn't want to eat his gutter oil

>> No.18765995

Yea I'm trans, but what does that have to do with anything (also how did you even know wtf)

>> No.18766013

For what it's worth, here's an interesting overview of the anti seed oil argument: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQmqVVmMB3k
I'm sure you'll find a source that will counter every claim made here, so it's up to you which side you want to believe the most (or on a more rational take, which you think has the most to gain from lying in your face).

>> No.18766016

>not using freespeechtube.org

>> No.18766017

By not freaking out over the latest meme-nutrition craze

>> No.18766107

I really would listens to all the ketoschizo arguments if they didn't pepper their diatribes with racist and classist methodology each time they explain it to me.

>> No.18766151

>why are you linking to a site familiar with everyone and their grandma?
>fuck that, go to this irrelevant piece of shit one no ones heard of