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File: 264 KB, 1434x859, Screenshot_20230103_124645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18765114 No.18765114 [Reply] [Original]

You have 30 seconds to explain why most cow milk production shouldn't be shifted to one of the plant-based milks
>It's expensive right now
Cost would go down
>I don't like the taste
Subjective, you'd get used to it

>> No.18765120

Because there's a consumer demand for milk.

Stop trying to tell others how to live, commie.

>> No.18765125

you'd get used to the taste of my ball milk

>> No.18765127

>I don't like the taste of shit
>Subjective, you'd get used to it

>> No.18765142

People used to hate potatoes and now look where we are

>> No.18765144

I won't get popular until they start selling it for cheaper than milk.

When I can buy a gallon of milk for $3, why would I buy some water that oats soaked in for $4 a quart?

>> No.18765146


>> No.18765147

there are many more nutrients in cow's milk than the others which are mostly water
also different uses, a bechamel sauce with rice milk isn't going to work out that well

>> No.18765150

Oat milk also contains oil like sunflower oil.

>> No.18765151

i love making yogurt
no way I love my milk go away.

>> No.18765152

>You have 30 seconds to explain why most cow milk production shouldn't be shifted to one of the plant-based milks
Derivative products
We don't even know if CO2 emissions cause anything related to climate change

>> No.18765159

>plant-based milks
why the fuck do people keep saying this shit? It doesn't fit any historical scientific definition of milk, it doesn't have the same nutrients as milk, and it doesn't taste like milk. I'm impartial to them for the most part but it's not an alternative, it's a replacement.

>> No.18765160

Doesn't matter, the seasons will never stop. It's all just fear mongering to raise taxes and take away rights from the people, they effectively have destroyed all real environmental issues with their cult. It's also why they have to target kids in school with it.

>> No.18765164

>it's for faggots
objective, you're a faggot

>> No.18765166

I don't think the average normie coke drinker is gonna worry about sneed oils.

Money talks. Make it cheap and sales will skyrocket. Same goes for all the "impossible" fake meat shit. hamburger is $3 a pound in bulk sizes, Morningstar burgers are $10/lb. Not happening.

>> No.18765167

How 'bout it doesn't fucking work? Learn to cook.

>> No.18765175

If you're gonna act bossy, just take everything away and replace it with nothing. Don't be a tyrant and a coward at the same time.

>> No.18765177

30 seconds are up, guess that means it's time to delete the thread?

>> No.18765183

>You have 30 seconds to explain why most cow milk production shouldn't be shifted to one of the plant-based milks
plants ain't got no titties.
>mic drop

>> No.18765448
File: 1.78 MB, 1000x1321, 1643941201915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Land use" - ranchland is usually in an otherwise empty, useless area. If we were kicking people out of their houses to build cowscrapers this complaint would make any sense.
"Water use" - This is often meaningless. A California almond grower is using a precious resource. A cow in the Mississippi basin is using a worthless one.
"Emissions" - methane decays quickly. The environmentalists are asking us to go off meat and dairy for the rest of time for a one-time savings of a few years of one of subset of emissions.

>>It's expensive right now
>Cost would go down
There's already more than enough demand and production for economies of scale to kick in for plant milk. Costs would in fact only go up as inputs like almonds were hit with more demand.
The fact that cow milk is cheaper is a tiny little hint being whispered in your ear by the market that this infographic is a lie, and processing plant milk is actually more resource-intensive in some ways than milking cows.

>> No.18765463

Just not into jew stuff. Same with the vaxx

>> No.18765467

Because the millionaire farmers need milk to buy their next porsche while hiring jose for 3$ an hour to do all the real work

>> No.18765472

Alternative plant based milk substitutes are objectively nutritionally inferior to animal derived milks such as inferior protein quality and much lower levels of naturally occuring vitamins and minerals which is why essentially why all plant based milks need artificial supplementation of quite often inferior quality synthetic nutrients with the rare exception of folic acid which is superior to the natural unrefined folate, in short trying to replace real milk with plant milk is retarded

>> No.18765480

Derivative products (butter, cultured dairy, CHEESE)

Also animals are a crucial part of good farming practices, ie. ones that dont strip the soil and require truckloads of fertilizer etc.

I'm glad there are decent alternatives for people who can't, or don't want to, consume dairy, but I also certainly don't want actual dairy production to stop.

>> No.18765485

They always post all this bullshit water use when it comes to cows. Where does the water go? Does it disappear? Last I checked cows are passing still so it's not like the water is gone forever

>> No.18765513

I enjoy suffering of animals and why shouls I care for environment?

>> No.18765520

You can't make cheese out of plant based milk and the vegan cheese taste like coconut.

>> No.18765527

Water scarcity is a local rather than global problem. Bumfuck Nevada can't get as much water from the Colorado river as it needs, the Hoover reservoir is drying up, etc.
Reasonable water management can fix it without listening to a single environmentalist. Let water's cost reflect how scarce it's becoming, and then whoever is wasting water the most needlessly is forced to stop.
But this isn't enough for environmentalists, they want to dismantle the current water management system so the fish can freely fuck up and down all the rivers and every body of water will be exactly the size mother nature decreed. When humans keep using as much water as there is available to make more things humans want instead of doing that, it gives them an aneurism.

>> No.18765532

The only milk I drink is cow milk and my wife's titty juice because I'm not a gay twink like OP.

>> No.18765536

>slurry of cashews... it's milk!
bug slop meat and nut juice is fine for jews but I'll take the actual thing. now get out of the way

>> No.18765544

Based as a motherfucker

>> No.18765900

I want access to raw milk and agree you should eat bug meal. Which is all this garbage you're shilling is going to be over time.

>> No.18765997

>hey what if we got more people to drink oat milk instead of cow milk so we use less water, less land, and create less pollution? It doesn't contain quite as much protein as cow milk, but that can easily be accounted for in any diet. I love my country and I want it to remain beautiful for future generations
>um uh yeah but it's not "real" milk

>> No.18766002

>It's expensive right now
Soy milk is cheaper than cows milk in Australia

>> No.18766004

Milk shouldn't be green, it's supposed to be opaque white.

>> No.18766018

Oat milk tastes better than the real thing.

>> No.18766019
File: 1.17 MB, 1335x866, drgsdrgdrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of these is cow milk?

>> No.18766020

>I love my country and I want it to remain beautiful for future generations

nice try

>> No.18766023

Yeah clearly I want my country to be less polluted and use its resources more effectively because I hate it, you got me

>> No.18766030

The one that tastes good

>> No.18766045


they all taste like shit

cow forever

>> No.18766085

Because I like cheese you fucking faggot. Kill yourself violently and take as many of your vegan faggot friends with you as possible.

>> No.18766088

Because plant-based milks tend to be highly processed, which is associated with an increased risk of developing bowel cancer.

>> No.18766089

Actually, they used to FEAR potatoes because they are a member of the toxic nightshade family.

>> No.18766122

not my problem

>> No.18766190

it's unhealthy, expensive and tastes bad. it's also not a base for dozens of products like cow milk

>> No.18766194

Top middle is whole cow milk. That said trying to cook with anything other than cow milk is shit.

>> No.18766202

actually it's top right

>> No.18766210

Cow milk is far more nutritious than any other alternative. If you have the lactase persistence gene, there is no reason to consume anything else. Culinarily, it also works in a lot more recipes than all plant-based milks.

Also, when evaluating the amount of land and water cows take up, it's important to keep in mind that not all land is equal. Some land is just plain shitty for growing crops, but you can graze cattle on them and raise dairy cows.

>> No.18766212

Yeah im wrong. The middle one was soy. Still wont use it.

>> No.18766214

Cow milk is objectively superior to nut milks, you can say that the superiority in taste is subjective but you can't make the same argument for how much more versatile dairy milk is in cooking. And as in all things, authenticity is better than compromise.

>> No.18766215

I was just baiting to see whether you reverse-searched it, it actually was top-middle well done. How did you know?

>> No.18766216
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>> No.18766220

Mostly color. Bottom row has too much brown/grey

>> No.18766222

kys tranny

>> No.18766254

People never hated them
Return when vegetable milk has the same nutrients as real milk and the same chemical properties that allow curdling and fermentation to produce a plethora of yoghurts and cheeses, also having a naturally whippable cream and working exactly the same as cow's milk in recipes

>> No.18766260

Crops are always more pollutant than cattle if you take everything from growing to being purchased into consideration
Don't you know how much fucking water it takes to grow your precious almonds?

>> No.18766294

Can't make real kefir with plant milk. Quit trying to steal my microbial gains.

>> No.18766300

You don't put milking cows on range land.

>> No.18766316

none of those things are really a substitute for milk

>> No.18766321

>Don't you know how much fucking water it takes to grow your precious almonds?
yes, it's in the OP

>> No.18766327

I would die without butter and cheese

>> No.18766331

Soy milk tastes even better
>Derivative products (butter, cultured dairy, CHEESE)
You can make all these from soy
Soy milk and products are far more nutritious with less anti-nutrients than cow milk

>> No.18766332
File: 478 KB, 1366x1025, whole milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause cow's milk is way better, than fake milk

>> No.18766334

No thanks, you can poison yourself if you want, nobody is stopping you. But touch my milk and we aint gonna be friends.

>> No.18766335

>buying raw milk, packaged, from a store
shiggy diggy

>> No.18766338
File: 738 KB, 1280x530, mothers milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18766343

It's bought on the farm not a store

>> No.18766345
File: 512 KB, 1366x1025, 1665609543_63472f4797ba6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.18766360

Google them retard

>> No.18766368
File: 887 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230103_084618_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did retard

>> No.18766402

Because I want to buy milk, simple as. Same thing with HRT, I want it so mind your business

>> No.18766417

>kill all niggers, kikes and kike-accessories
>every single problem solved, forever
I will NOT sip the bugmilk

>> No.18766434

>dude why don't you switch from cow's milk to plant-based milk? it costs more and tastes worse, but, like, whatever!

>> No.18766468

>I don't like the taste
>Subjective, you'd get used to it

I want you to play this back to yourself in your head, every day until you eventually reach self-awareness

>> No.18766470

>2.24 cubic metres of waste for a 250ml coffee

>> No.18766506
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>You have 30 seconds to explain why most cow milk production shouldn't be shifted to one of the plant-based milks
The taste
>I don't like the taste
>Subjective, you'd get used to it
I probably would get used to it so what? If all I had to eat was potato instead of chicken, I could probably get used to it. I'd still want chicken because it tastes better.

I work on a dairy, and yeah dairy cows are sort of gross to look at. The Fresians we raise are bony and all of their mass goes to the udders, which I find a little bit foul. If you saw them in the field you'd think they were malnourished, but that's how they're bred. That being said, they eat like kings in cow terms, fresh feed or silage year round, because what you put in you get out in terms of milk. Some of the shit we do is some real george orwell stuff, for example calves are removed within a day of birth, tagged and put in the calving pens, a big shed where they go up to the feeding station, get scanned by a machine, get their allocated drink of milk, and then get logged so we get a warning if any calf hasn't been drinking enough and needs sepcial care
it's all slightly nightmarish but this is what farming has become
I still drink milk

>> No.18766631

i will NOT drink the gayening juice
give me cow milk or give me death

>> No.18766641

Because A: plant juices are unhealthy and B: fuck you

>> No.18766677

Because the milk industry is the largest and the only reason the environmental impact from plant based milk is less is because far less is produced.
If we shifted to plant based milk being the largest produced milk, I assure you it'll be just as bad or at best, a minimal impact on being environmentally friendly, it's still mass produced and you can't exactly go to a family ran farm to buy fresh organic rice milk that's from a tiny plot of rice paddies lmao

>> No.18766688

Based "I never get hayfever" raw milk enjoyer.

>> No.18766720
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There is no such thing as plant based milk.
Nut juice drinkers should stay drinking their bf nuts and stop ruining ours.

>> No.18766757

milk is pretty useful as an ingredient, it's fat based so it help increase the taste of several beverages and food.
as to the people who drink it as a drink, I have nothing to say to those people.

>> No.18766759

I would argue that a lot of people also fear nut milks.

>> No.18766777

Lies, kill yourself faggot

>> No.18766815

Recipes that call for dairy milk often can't substitute for non-dairy milk. Non-dairy milks don't behave the same way and are only good for applications where they're consumed as is like cereal, cocoa, or as a drink.

>> No.18766823

one is milk from cow titty and the others are estrogen water
stop peddling counterfeits, commie malk pusher

>> No.18766834

I never understoof why statistics like this count water falling on grass that the cows eat as water the cow uses
the rain is gonna fall regardless of whether the cow eats the grass or not

>> No.18767086

You cannot make butter or cheese out of soy. It's literally not possible. You can make something highly processed and fake that tries and fails to be butter or cheese.

>> No.18767098

>Cost would go down

>> No.18767232

You can't just "shift production". If land is used for grazing it's because they can't use it for a higher-profit option like cropping. Anybody who talks about this has no idea about how farming (or probably any other business) works.

>> No.18767306

It fails to mention how much product is produced.

>> No.18767327

There's already millennia worth of infrastructure and human lifestyles built around herding cows and milking them. Sorry that you're lactose intolerant.

>> No.18767366

The fat and protein of milk are the only beneficial parts, and also the parts plant milks can't replicate. They are just estrogenated sugar water

>> No.18767418
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>the only reason the environmental impact from plant based milk is less is because far less is produced.

>> No.18767429

>We can't change because this is how we've always done it

>> No.18767438

Lacks the minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, amino acids and all that good jargon
Plant juice not properly digestible by humans

>> No.18767450

Western progressives will never understand tradition or culture. You think it's just a fad and you can change culture like you change your socks. Early man survived hardship by drinking milk from cows, sheep, goats, etc, regardless of their ability to actually digest lactose. These traditions have been entrenched into us biologically to where many humans have evolved the ability to digest dairy in adulthood well past the point that other mammals have long since lost the necessary enzyme production. Humanity literally evolved to consume milk. I'm not going to give up that biological and cultural heritage just because some wimp got a tummy cramp. Go cry about it and squeeze some milk out an an almond. I hope you're not allergic to nuts.

>> No.18767470

>We can't stop living in trees, I'm not going to give up that biological and cultural heritage
>We can't develop agriculture and stop eating coarse food, that would mean giving up use of our wisdom teeth, a priceless biological and cultural heritage

>> No.18767489

>land use
Dairy cows are all kept on private land. It's none of your business what people do on their own land.

>greenhouse gas emissions
How do they even calculate this? The cows are producing plant food, and the almond trees are consuming it. It's not the apocalypse.

>water use
Water doesn't run out. It's called the water cycle.

The word appears to have been invented to push the UN/WEF agenda of reducing human population.

>> No.18767495
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At what point did homo sapien live in trees? Lactase persistance is a relatively new evolutionary development at approximately 10,000 years ago.

>> No.18767499

Make me faggot

>> No.18767500

Water runs out in California because they divert it all into the ocean like idiots rather than retaining it. Poor water management has led to widescale depletion that will take decades to recover from.

>> No.18767504

Should add central-north asians to the left, steppe turks and mongols have almost no lactose intolerance

>> No.18767515
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It is apparently spotty through the world.

>> No.18767517

Yet they still consume it anyway, because they know of the benefits of having dairy animals in the winters. A little tummy rumbling won't kill you. No food in the winter will.

>> No.18767531

Don't forget massive corporations and shell companies for Chinese/Arab wealthy are abusing the ever living fuck out of water rights.

>> No.18767535

>I love my country and I want it to remain beautiful for future generations

Except you don't

>> No.18767542

because i am not a faggot

>> No.18767544

>Cost would go down
>Subjective, you'd get used to it
>People used to hate potatoes

>> No.18767553

>this is what lactose intollerant people actually believe

>> No.18767564
File: 153 KB, 828x499, 1668862241844085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for once, agree with the french.

>> No.18767862

Are those monkeys?

>> No.18768053

I can't see the sickle cells in the pint of nigger blood either. What's your point supposed to be?

>> No.18768286


>> No.18768300

plant juice isn't milk, and it's nutritionally inferior

>> No.18768301

those almod milk water consumption figures are wrong. in fact, a liter of almond milk uses 120 times as much water as a liter if cow's milk

>> No.18768307

Fuck your mother, I'd much rather the bottom 90% of the world's population be culled than give up milk and meat for the sake of human vermin who only exist because their parents were not capable of connecting cause and effect.

>> No.18768318
File: 32 KB, 369x500, SusanWaughtal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to explain myself to anyone.

>> No.18768361

Naturally you're in the top 10% of the world, right?

>> No.18768393

Yes, but even if I weren't, I'd stand by that assessment.

>> No.18768474
File: 81 KB, 472x465, 1670880748990008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top 10%
>Posts on a Nepalese rice strainer subreddit about genocide

>> No.18768502

The woman from How To Cook That also talked about this. Quantifying the resources to produce milk and milk alternatives is very difficult where there's a huge variance in the calculated resources from the numerous studies. OP's image has just one source.

>> No.18768518

I've got one simple question for Rorke
As part of wanting the best for your country, how do you know where to stand in the debate of industrialists vs. environmentalists?

>> No.18768541

>Dutch Meadows Farm
incredibly based. just got some of their cheese

>> No.18769183

>irreplaceable in cooking (vegan knockoffs are never as good)
>by doing so it disrupts my weird american culture
>gypsies would be mad because no yogurt
>it feels like a slight against my very being, an afront to my very nature and the nature of the world
Op, I used not to hate vegans. But now I recognize you all as joyless, circumcised, freak perverts.
Like a catholic monk, you try to enforce joylessness onto us all. You say it is because you love the earth, but one who would so flagrantly spurn the earth's fruits of flesh can only hate the earth. You are spurred by envy and the all too American urge to express ones necroticism in dietary restriction.
You're personal perversions will not save us. The animals do not care about you. And I'm sick of hearing all your pearl clutching. Go bomb the Exon offices if you wish to waste your body. At least then you won't be such an annoying bitch.

>> No.18769332


>> No.18770257

soy proving once again to be the only decent meat substitute
it's the best fake milk
it's the best fake meat
it's the beat fake tit supliment
it keeps winning

>> No.18770290

>It doesn't fit any historical scientific definition of milk
Almond milk was the most common form of milk during the Middle Ages in Europe
They couldn't store animal milk in cities without refrigeration, but they could make fresh almond milk whenever you want

>> No.18770348

Make your own.
You're blending cents of ingredients in water and straining them.

>> No.18771857
File: 6 KB, 197x256, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that milk is horrible for adults? I had an old man come into my work and he was ranting about milk. Said he drinks almost a gallon a day but it will kill you. Said that milk keeps your body inflamed. I don't drink a lot of milk I was just curious what you guys think about these statements....

>> No.18771868

1 is milk
the rest is not

the nutrition of fake "milks" isn't comparable, OP is a retard

>> No.18771873

Notice there is no row for nutritional value, because plant based shit can not compare

>> No.18771874

This, fuck vegans I don't want fake milk and it's none of their god damned business.

>> No.18771884

English is pretty hard to learn isn't it bugman

>> No.18771885

I used to cause I used to rarely actually use milk but made smoothies pretty often so the shelf life made it cheaper in that it wouldn't go bad. Plus you really don't notice a difference in flavor when it's a cup of milk to the blender.

>> No.18771887

>I love my country and I want it to remain beautiful for future generations
Good for you retard, I don't give a fuck about future generations and I like milk. Nobody's stopping you from pretending your nut water is milk we just want you to shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.18771896

Vegans never want to talk about the fact that there's not a single alternative source that provides anywhere near as much calcium for children during development as milk does and there is a strong direct correlation between dairy consumption during adolescence and higher bone density.

>> No.18771902

I make smoothies with yogurt, which I make from milk.

>> No.18771921

Freedom isn't free

>> No.18771932

I used yogurt as well but it never seemed to blend properly. The almond milk was purely to keep everything moving about properly. Btw in case you were wondering I do actually say fuck op. I'm just not really a fan of milk itself so I rarely use it. Think American picnic that's my diet most of the time. Burgers, chicken, occasionally pasta salad. I'm only pointing out there is utility in that shelf life. That's not to say it's a good alternative quite the opposite. If the best thing you can say about a specific food is that it's got a good shelf life, well think about it, that's a shitty food

>> No.18771936

Redpill me on this. Farmers are definitely millionaires but at the same time they don't seem wealthy. Like think about the cost of all that machinery just to buy, then remember it costs money to run it all and maintain it. Is the overhead on farming that shit that you can own millions but have to live like I do as a mechanic anyway?

>> No.18771955

People that come off as unhinged are pretty often correct. Pol/ for example

>> No.18771961

Farm credit companies loan for these, and they last forever.

>> No.18771964

I wonder if vegans know that there's no such thing as an herbivore, only animals that haven't figured out how to hunt. Watched a deer eat the baby's out of a birds nest before shooting him this uear

>> No.18771966

>plant-based milks
no such thing

>> No.18771968

Last year*
Apologize I'm drunk and also pretty stupid

>> No.18771976

I suppose if I ever get curious enough I'll look into what that is but like I'm 12, does it essentially mean that yes, the overhead is a shit? Cause Ive got a pretty good credit score I could probably pretty easily switch profession and start a landscaping outfit cause that shits got like 0 overhead.

>> No.18771978

I brought up landscaping as a comparison mind. No way a bank would loan me enough to buy and equip a garage but enough for a couple 0 turns, weed wackers and trailer? Absolutely

>> No.18771991

cow milk tastes better and communists want me to drink the soy juice

>> No.18772021
File: 306 KB, 567x759, AC57F526-10A2-43A2-A776-1D324D58A2D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plant milk is nutritionally inferior. only niggers drink plant “milk” lmao.

>> No.18772186

looks majestic

>> No.18772196

Most of the water used to make milk is rainwater for grass. Extremely deceptive and retarded infographic.

>> No.18772311

If it's so great, then why do you have to steal the term 'milk' rather than just calling it what it is?

>> No.18772341

>use resources more effectively
>promotes fucking almond milk, one of the most water intensive crops out there

>> No.18772345

You have 30 seconds to post nose

>> No.18772350

Now factor in the amount of work and poisonous chemicals you need to defend those crops from insects and animals.

>> No.18772463

The defect in the middle one is bleach

>> No.18772473
File: 246 KB, 368x425, 1671508478261002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make homemade oat milk
what dimension of faggotry does this fall into?

>> No.18772506

You could photograph a pint of Elmer's glue and say it's milk too

>> No.18772903
File: 2 KB, 200x200, Dunmer_Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post solidifies it. Veganism is a religion. And OP is a giant faggot.

>> No.18772916

I see soy I make the pog face simple as

>> No.18772923

BASED dunmer anon btfoing fag op

>> No.18772930

Impressive. Now let's see the nutritional value.

>> No.18774088

>plant milk
You mean juice you fucking jew?

>> No.18774095

>I don't think the average normie coke drinker is gonna worry about sneed oils.
But they're worried about cow milk? Insane contradiction you've got in that head of yours.

>> No.18775634

>Cost would go down

no it wouldnt.

>> No.18775693

Plants don't have nipples.

>> No.18775711


>> No.18776006

Its not even close to milk Why not change to beer on your cereal if your woried about the environment dont have kids or better yet invent a better gun. Your comparing apples and oranges make a healthy cheaper than milk products and people will buy your products in mas quantities. Right now plant based products are 10 year from being drinkable.

>> No.18776077

I love veggies thair delishous I could eat my self sick and dam straw berries grandmas apple pie .dam vegans make me look bad like im an acult leader if thairs not a pice of beef on my plate . And yes a fat juicy steak from a tendorizer cow after I beat that cow with a basball bat all morning sound good fore diner but dam ten dollars a pound grass still grows fore free do you feel my pain?

>> No.18776134

>believing """history""" about what people thought

>> No.18776140

what's it like having no sense other than sight?

>> No.18776162

>divert it all into the ocean
it's a fucking river that's what's supposed to happen to the water in it.

>> No.18776166

How about you drink what you want and leave the rest of us alone.

>> No.18776178


The plant "milks" taste like shit. SHIT. You also cant use them to make all the things we use milk for, like creams, cheeses, etc, etc.

>> No.18777536

Me no want booba

>> No.18777570

>plant-based milks
No such thing exists.

>> No.18778155

>I love my country and I want it to remain beautiful for future generations
>no cows
get a load of this loser, doesn't think cows are beautiful

>> No.18778171

I am not "getting used to" your bullshit. It's not milk and it should be false advertising to have that word on the container. Also... It categorically sucks in every way. Including health and environmental impact.
The problem is that you haven't added to the suicide statistics.

>> No.18778177

The one that has nutrients instead of estrogen

>> No.18779288

hes right about lactose being an inflammatory, but the benefits of milk outweigh the negatives.

>> No.18779366

I don't drink fake milk. I will never buy fake milk. It is useless in cooking. It's shit.

>> No.18779406

Real milk gives nutrients to you. Fake milk takes nutrients out of you.

>> No.18779595

I wish I had your retarded, inexperienced optimism about the quality of the average human being on Earth.

>> No.18779614

Because it is the white man's drink.

>> No.18780019

because it's definition overprocessed modern nutritionally bankrupt goyslop, (with the exception of soy milk, which, despite not being overprocessed or modern isn't good for you, either) and a microcosm of the current conspiracy to destroy the middle class and institute post-industrial serfdom.

>> No.18780126

Fuck off bug eaters. We will bankrupt your companies and then come after you. Stay in your fucking lanes.
>plant based
Yeah and pink slime is all natural too.

>> No.18780302


>> No.18780410

I think we should just start milking human females

>> No.18780420

>Be me
>Be dairy cow rancher
>Hear about new milk made from oats
>Buy some and try it
>Tastes like shit
>Give it to my cows to drink
>Cows drink oat milk, produce real milk
>Bottle and sell cow's milk
>Market as Oat Milk Milk
>"The great taste of cow milk, but with the smugness of oat milk"
> Morons make me millions

>> No.18780428

Well said. OP should go dilate with his phytoestrogen laden goy drink. Leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

>> No.18780524

>((Subjective, you'd get used to the taste and you vhill be habby))

>> No.18780586
File: 1.01 MB, 2500x2500, SNEED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water use

>> No.18780592

That's a really weird fake little story you made up

>> No.18780593 [DELETED] 

retard newfag nigger

>> No.18781204

these always seems so disingenuous. cow fields might use more land theoretically but something that is never taken into account is the biodiversity or lack thereof in soy, almond or whatever fields. cow fields allow other creatures and plants to exist. another thing i find perplexing is that these people where the ones that hated monsanto, GMO and BIG AGRI just 15 years ago but now they think they will somehow save the world?

>> No.18781283

i like to eat bugs sometimes and think soy milk as its own thing tastes good and will get it from a chinese place but only want dairy milk in my coffee. i don't understand why these things need to be a culture war
t. cultured gourmand

>> No.18781389
File: 231 KB, 1150x1544, 1647109025621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, there's data that shows the exact opposite.

>> No.18781446

Then post it, piss baby

>> No.18782516
File: 54 KB, 791x1024, Milk-Nutrition-Facts-791x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The macros od cows milk is way better. Your alternarive "milks" are mostly sugar. The only ones that have protien worth mentioning are soy and pea.

In addition, plant based milks cant be made into cheese.

>> No.18782924

Retards who say this shit have no idea how efficient current farming models are in the west. You can't replace cows with anything.

>> No.18782930

Plant "milk" contains no actual protein. It's all just amino acids that you can't use unless you eat the other amino acids. This is a large part of why vegans are so gangly.

>> No.18782937

That might be true for most of them, but soy is a complete protein on its own.