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File: 244 KB, 1880x1879, Keto-Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18764789 No.18764789 [Reply] [Original]

About to do a month and a half of keto, what are some of your favorite keto foods/recipes?

>> No.18764876
File: 80 KB, 1880x366, 1672704362192942~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18764886

Pretty much this. Go easy on the tuna and salmon though, once a week or have deenz.

>> No.18764892

whats that weird red blob you crossed out? ground beef?

>> No.18764895

I wasn't sure so I crossed it just to be safe. Don't eat anything you don't know the origin of.

>> No.18764899

looks like some sort of offal

>> No.18764901

why go easy on salmon? i just bought some smoked salmon lol

>> No.18764908

pound bag of sugar with milk

>> No.18764913
File: 20 KB, 1200x675, keto be like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao have fun with your retard fad diet, retard

>> No.18764914

Probably the heavy metals from ocean pollution.

>> No.18764919

>free radical biology
>The Society for Redox Biology and Medicine
Yeah no thanks.

>> No.18764920

A pound of bacon for lunch and a pound of bacon for dinner rinse and repeat for a month

>> No.18764923

no thats very unhealthy, salad for lunch and dinner

>> No.18764927

post source please

>> No.18764928


Looks like prosciutto or gabbagoo, or some other type of deli meat.

>> No.18764934

I did keto last year. it works.

This year I'm going full carnivore for 30 days. No plants, no dairy products. Just meat.

>> No.18764936

Pretty much. Mercury is a pain in the arse to flush out.

>> No.18764952

Reduced carb bread/pizza dough (percentages are by weight): 40% lupin flour, 40% vital wheat gluten, 20% almond flour. Add water with equal mass to your dry ingredients. Use whatever yeast you want plus a sprinkle of wheat flour, I use sourdough starter. Also add a few tbsp of olive oil and couple teaspoons salt. 500g dry ingredients is pretty good size for a loaf. Give it a good kneading and cook in Dutch oven at 220C for 20 mins lid on, 40 mins lid off or until cooked through.

>> No.18764959

Another top tip, make bread if you're a non-carnivore bitch and/or you enjoy bread too much.

>> No.18764961


>> No.18764963

> taking diet advice from Insider
lol, lmao even

>> No.18764969
File: 62 KB, 594x334, tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18764970
File: 108 KB, 585x883, Pimento-Cheese-Spread-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pimento cheese spread on a bell pepper (sliced into quarters)

>> No.18765361

>About to do a month and a half of keto
stop being a fuck up.

>> No.18765370

>No beer

>> No.18765494

Why the fuck is there a jar of peanut butter in the fat section of a keto food pyramid?

>> No.18765717

Healthy legume proteins and fats. And peanut butter is a Black invention.

>> No.18766648

>About to do a month and a half of keto

>> No.18766664

to shed off the excessive indulging of october - december

>> No.18766669

so just eat less?
if you have no self-control, doing keto isn't magically going fo fix that
I can already tell you're the type of person that'll be googling keto brownie recipes half a week in

>> No.18766701

i'm not actually that type of person, but good luck being deranged to strangers on 4chan

>> No.18766711
File: 97 KB, 1200x800, Keto-Rash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy smelling bad and having a weird rash on your face. This is specifically why I don't go to whole foods. I can't be bothered by the presence of those freaks

>> No.18766716

>profess to going 3 whole months exhibiting no dietary self-control whatsoever
>"but I totally have self control, I swear"
you're not fooling anyone tugboat
I'm only trying to help you, if you want to follow your pointless meme diet then by all means go right ahead
just don't be surprised when your month and a half weigh-in is exactly the same as your current one, if not worse

>> No.18766726

what makes you think part of keto isnt eating less to begin with, and im literally 6'2", 180 lbs, and lifting while on keto. you're way too excited to be this retarded

>> No.18766735

Okay so if you're committing to eating less why are you going keto at all?

>> No.18766737

>"keto rash"
lol is this how fags are trying to pass off their monkeypox now?

>> No.18766740

"eating less" isn't keto, it's just dieting
if you eat less, you will lose weight, keto has fuckall to do with it, and maintaining it for such a short duration will in fact hamper your weight loss as you won't be able to exercise as effectively while your body adjusts to using ketones for energy instead of carbs (which coincidentally can take about a month)
you act like I'm just spouting nonsense; I've tried keto, I know how it works, and I can tell you firsthand that it's fucking retarded. wanna lose weight, eat less and exercise more. it's that simple.

>> No.18766742

you can eat less and be on keto and its more effective in a short term than just eating less

>> No.18766750

did you read a word I said? I clearly outlined to you how it will hamper weight loss maintaining it for such a short duration.

>> No.18766756

you said how it works for you and youre stupid enough to think the way your body works is the way everyone elses body works.

>> No.18766766

>you're stupid enough to think that human biology is generally universal when it comes to nutrition
lol okay buddy
like I said I'm only trying to help, and you're being needlessly hostile covering your ears insisting that your shitty meme diet will magically put you into shape. I can't change your mind so I'll just say, good luck with that! see you in a month a half when you're shitting on keto just like everyone else with half a brain.

>> No.18766768

Source: your ass

>> No.18766773

but ive done this before and it works for me. i made the thread to refresh myself on recipes. youre sperging out and double replying in here as if your personal experiences need to now become mine. theres nothing to respect here.

>> No.18766776

>eat less
>lose weight
wow it's almost like keto has nothing to do with it!

>> No.18766779

We're two different people retardbro.
>it works for me
It clearly doesn't if you have to do it again. Going on meme diets might work short term but it won't fix your relationship with food hence why you end up relapsing

>> No.18767321

looks based but get rid of the fat section
and add a little bit of fruit, potatoes and bread!

>> No.18767357

>keto has nothing to do with it
This is not true. Keto is (generally) low calorie and low to no processed sugars and starches. Keto as a diet is good for you. Keto as a religion is fucking annoying.

>> No.18767397
File: 743 KB, 1213x548, 1666669328701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much protein. That's not a real keto diet, that's the "Atkin's rebranded for the social media generation" diet.

>> No.18767398

post the real one then please

>> No.18767417
File: 34 KB, 191x344, 1662298105985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% fat, 10% protein, 0% carb.
Any protein your body doesn't NEED just converts in to glucose and defeats the purpose of the diet.
Also I will point out that practically every cell in your body is fully capable of metabolizing regular old triglycerides which it will start doing the instant your body runs out of glucose stores, whether that be 5 minutes or 5 days after your last carby meal, and keto is a very extreme diet meant to control epilepsy and is a complete scam and highly unhealthy for weight loss.

>> No.18767528

Why does keto literally make people seethe uncontrollably? It's just a diet nigga, what works for you might not work for someone else. I had success with it in the past, it's not that hard to do

>> No.18767536


>> No.18767586

Did keto last january-february and lost 10kg.
Kind of want to do it again but it's not cheap though.

>> No.18768732

Dark chocolate mousse
>whip egg whites
>whip cream
>melt dark chocolate
>fold chocolate into egg whites
>fold whipped cream into mixture

>> No.18768791

this is nonsense. protein stimulates glucagon as well as some degree of insulin. 90% fat would be an intervention for a severe epileptic or maybe somebody with cancer

>> No.18768969

I don't understand why it's so hard for people not to pig out on donuts and cookies. Then they run to "keto" and say how it changed their life. Yes, when you're not scarfing down 1200 calories worth of donuts + whatever else you eat, you won't be fat.

>> No.18769091

To sabotage people into thinking keto doesn't work

>> No.18769193

the only diet that makes sense for humans is hunted animal meat and fat and foraged fruits/veg/nuts that don't need to be processed to eat and taste good.

>> No.18769214

Keto worked extremely well for me, but be warned:
The first month, you will feel like SHIT
After that, though, you will feel fucking invincible
Stock up on freezer meatballs, you're going to need them.
Learn how to make fat bombs, they will be your main source of sweetness for the duration of keto. That, and lily's dark chocolate.
There is keto bread, see if you can find it at your local grocery store.

>> No.18770143

ground pork and lard, every day, forever
or if you have money, eggs and butter
salt heavily
also, to everybody using images and broscience, do yourselves a favor and read books

>> No.18770161


>> No.18770538

>Affects hormones
You realise that's the entire point, right? Your hormone balances get fucked up by eating junk all the time.

>> No.18770566

How would a keto diet work for a vegan? I guess I could eat lab-grown meat but that's expensive. And it's not like they have lab-grown eggs or lab-grown cheese. Peanut butter is also unsuitable for a vegan since it has palm oil, which is made from deforestation.

>> No.18770568

avocados only

>> No.18770579

Legumes are carbs you retard

>> No.18771634

Anyone know the best oil to use to make mayonnaise? Olive oil gives too much of its own flavor and I'm wary of seed oils.

>> No.18771729

try avocado oil or walnut oil

>> No.18771745

Walnut oil! Sounds good. The Omega 6 to 3 ratio is good and it fits french cuisine.

>> No.18771895

Keto has something to do with it because both of the psychological effect of having less choice of food you can consume (and thus makes you eat less) and ketones are also hunger suppressant so you have those 2 effects combined, making it an effective diet.

At the end is true tha it's CICO but calories restriction diets tends to fail while keto makes it easier to do CICO. So in the end it's also a keto merits

Btw keto should be done for short period of time and to start improving your lifestyle as a whole. Doing keto in medium long term turns out to be a suboptimal diet with unpleasant consequences

>> No.18772044

Why do you hate bread and yourself?

>> No.18772059

i have celiac disease

>> No.18772061


>> No.18772084

That's a good reason for both.

>> No.18772094

waffles with syrup and a glass of oj

>> No.18773118

>Keto is (generally) low calorie and low to no processed sugars and starches. Keto as a diet is good for you. Keto as a religion is fucking annoying.
You could also eat a diet high in protein instead of a diet high in fat retard