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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18759447 No.18759447 [Reply] [Original]

Happy new year, anons!
What are your food trend predictions for the new year, and the next couple of years?

I'm sure some of you have some knowledge and involvement to say what direction things are probably moving.

I'll post mine in the next post.

>> No.18759455
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I have 2 major predictions:
1) honey berries/haskap will become a trendy superfood- high in antioxidants, a super hearty plant grows in many climate zones. You will begin to see haskaps used in specialty culinary applications, and then in flavorings like drinks, or smoothies, juices, hot sauces, shit like that. I think they are already growing in popularity in Canada. If you have a chance to have a haskap, or something that uses then as an ingredient, do it! They taste a bit like between a cherry, blueberry, and açai berry.

>> No.18759469

2023 is the year of rooibos.

>> No.18759470
File: 92 KB, 1500x1038, mosa-cultured-beef-01-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2) cultured meat
Also known as invitro meat, lab grown meat, and probably some other names. This is meat cells that are grown in a controlled bioreactor lab setting. So, instead of raising a whole cow, they can produce just the meat cells. Back in 2010 a food technologist guest spoke in a college class of mine, and he said we will likely see in vitro meat become common in the next 10 years. The time is due for this technology to become more available. New discoveries have brought this closer to our reality and affordable for the common consumer.

I'm really excited about this, personally. Cruelty free, so vegfags are appeased. It is grown in a controlled environment so less need for animal pharmaceutals, and hormones. Use of far less resources to grow, since you're only growing meat cells, not the entire other bio function of the whole animal. The entière growth environment can be easily kept safer from pathogens and disease. You can customize the taste, amount of fat, and other nutrients. Maybe it could get to the point where people can grow their own.

It likely won't replace your high quality wagyu steak soon, but processed and industrial food applications are plenty- meatballs, McDonald's burgers, chicken nuggies, all are ideal applications for cultured meat.

>> No.18759533

Oh yeah and the """""""""uncured""""""" meat bubble will pop.

>> No.18759560

2023- You will eat the bugs.

>> No.18759687

They look like smurf dicks.

>> No.18760010

Even if it's lab grown, it must be made from something. what are they made from?

>> No.18760017


1. Dessert always making new trend. Bento and take away cake is getting popular at the end of the year and I predict some trendy/hipster bakeries will make it.

2. More vegetables based food, not because vegan shit, but because fancy restaurant are getting to that direction.

>> No.18760034

>Food trend predictions
More and more people with continue to live off of fast food, microwave dinners and ready to eat gas station meals
It's sad but we've really become a society that loves glorying sloth and gluttony

>> No.18760715

Other meat cells.
I'm not really versed on the science behind it but it's probably a process comparable to lab grown skin grafts.

>> No.18760722

By 2030 you will own nothing and be happy. Your meals will mostly consist of insect proteins and meat will be a special treat for the good of the environment.

>> No.18760796
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Brain soup

>> No.18760879

Women all around the word will be desperate to live on nothing but my cum.

>> No.18760900

I believe I can safely predict that /ck/ will maintain its insatiable hunger for cocks.

>> No.18760925

lower standards of living for everyone on the planet middle class or lower. more janky substitutes, more mystery meat, more bruised or damaged produced that would usually be used as animal fodder instead reclassified as human-grade. More up-cycled food (read: garbage) presented as the new high quality, technologically advanced, moral food choice for consciencous consumers

bugs are a meme to make processed beans more appealing and desirable/reasonable.