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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18754121 No.18754121 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best alcohol for drinking alone on New Year's Eve?

>> No.18754133

Start with a really good champagne. Then some sherry because it's christmas. After that good beer until midnight. Drink shitty sparkling wine and feel forever alone feels at midnight. Cheep beer until you pass out.

Trust me, I'm an expert.

>> No.18754141


>> No.18754146

one drink? A good quality apple cider.
Multiple? Whatever the fuck you have you won't remember it anyways

>> No.18754164

homemade eggnog, you did get it in the fridge 3 months ago right?

>> No.18754183

A fifth of scotch or mescal

>> No.18754192

Thanks for the detailed game plan
No eggs disgust me
Yeah even if I don't remember I want it to be pleasurable in the moment

>> No.18754199

>drinking alone
Come to r/a/dio threads, Anon. Hundreds of ronery people had a blast on Christmas and NYE will be no different. We'll be alone together.

>> No.18754202

Oh, and several people did shots together if that interests you.

>> No.18754206 [DELETED] 

so are the hair beads deliberately the ukranian flag colours

seems low taste

>> No.18754211 [DELETED] 

blue for the color of her eyes
yellow for the color of her panties
now shoo away demiurge, we will not waste our spiritual energy on discussing meaningless politics

>> No.18754242 [DELETED] 

Why are they yellow, did she piss in them?

>> No.18754244 [DELETED] 

Do you have to be gay to attend this

>> No.18754251 [DELETED] 

Not really, most people there are waifu-sexual. Although you might have a slightly bad time if you think of every social interaction as 'gay'.

>> No.18754262 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 426x384, Olvi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time I ever tried posting on /a/ my thread was deleted and I was banned for 3 days.

>> No.18754280 [DELETED] 

Yellow girl panties?
What is she from some trailer park?

>> No.18754286 [DELETED] 

That's what you get

>> No.18754287

how can anyone stomach 70 proof southern comfort, let slone 100?

>> No.18754306

Its for dumb girls with yellow pisy panties

>> No.18754311


>> No.18754363

I wouldn't worry about that. Also stop using that word.

>> No.18754374

0% beer for that authentic Sauna feel and then bed by 11. Gotta drive home since work starts at 8am 2.1 and kids gotta get to school dont'cha know?

>> No.18754377
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>I wouldn't worry about that. Also stop using that word.

>> No.18754548 [DELETED] 
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Why wouldn't you be actively pro Ukraine?

>> No.18754567

lots of practice

>> No.18754584 [DELETED] 

You posted a frog didn't you

>> No.18754609

>best alcohol for drinking alone
given the festive atmosphere, i prefer spiced rum

>> No.18754620

Being alone on New Year's Eve is harsh, anon, I'd go with some bottom shelf rye.

>> No.18754663

Some people consider it a tradition to kiss your loved one when the NYC Jew Ball drops to signify the incrementation of an integer in your derivatives spreadsheet. But what the elites don't want you to know, is that you can simulate this experience with two hot dogs from your refrigerator. Heat them up to room temperature for 30 seconds in the microwave if if you want - or leave them cool & clammy, for that "unsupervised morgue intern" experience. When you gradually and regretfully regain consciousness around 13:00 the next day, you can boil and eat the hot dogs like a normal human man eating a normal human hot dog breakfast, thereby erasing all evidence of your violently desperate sadness. Fuck, it's 2023. An entire year, gone, wasted. FUCK. Are there any half-empty flat stale beer cans left without too much mold floating on top? Did I have a Zoom call scheduled today? Don't I have an aunt with an improbable Jan. 1 birthday? Should I text her? FUCK

>> No.18754681 [DELETED] 

They're full of fags bro don't worry too much about it
Unless you post a little anime girl or hentai and and spam a cute! A CUTE! you'll probably not fit in there

>> No.18754698

>Being alone on New Year's Eve is harsh, anon, I'd go with some bottom shelf rye.
t. cant be alone by himself or else he feels insecure lol

>> No.18754711

holy coperoni

>> No.18754719 [DELETED] 

t. dumb frogposter

>> No.18754749 [DELETED] 

No, what is your problem here exactly you've been posting this a ton. /a/ is a really garbage board these days why don't you stay there if you want to post 'a cute! A CUTE!'
Sorry if you feel called out by this bizarre behavior, weirdo

>> No.18754765 [DELETED] 

t. dumb frogposter

>> No.18754786 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1672450078373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is our new janny. came here from /v/ and /a/ during the nickocado craze. like all jannys, he is simply mentally ill.

>> No.18754792
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>> No.18754797 [DELETED] 
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nice fanfiction anon but it's time to take your pills

>> No.18754799

When you say alone, do you mean at home or at a bar? Why tf would drink alone at home.

>> No.18754804 [DELETED] 


>> No.18754806 [DELETED] 

Dude I come back here and this kids posting literally all day with this weird shit
Webm threads are also way too far gone with the same shitty spam
Now that you mention it it really does feel like just fucking /v/ came here

When the fuck are we going to get a decent janny for once

>> No.18754810 [DELETED] 

>stop posting things I don't like
heccin downvote them bro.

>> No.18754813 [DELETED] 

Someone feels fucking called out lmao
Go back weirdo

>> No.18754814 [DELETED] 

yeah amerisharts spamming fast food & eceleb threads 24/7/365 is way better

>> No.18754815 [DELETED] 

>actively pro Ukraine

what does that even mean

>> No.18754820 [DELETED] 

t. dumb frogposter

>> No.18754821 [DELETED] 

you have aspergers

>> No.18754825 [DELETED] 


>> No.18754826 [DELETED] 

>Go back
frogposter-chan, it's an anime website.

>> No.18754829 [DELETED] 

our /v/editor friends will never understand what /ck/ was like. theyre just so angry that theyve ruined yet another board and are being called out on it
theyre basically californians

>> No.18754830 [DELETED] 

Frog posters must die.

>> No.18754833 [DELETED] 

yep it's the reddit spamming fast food threads bro trust me bro. i'm totally not obsessed bro.

>> No.18754840 [DELETED] 

he always does this shit bro it's so tiresome

now samefag spamming because someone made fun of /a/

that board grooms the worst posters I swear

>> No.18754848 [DELETED] 
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I love frogs too my fellow /v/rother

>> No.18754877

My buddy drank like 25 shots of it in a row in high school because he kept claiming he wasn't getting drunk.

>> No.18754907

R&R for a quick suicide

>> No.18755000

how soon until you end it all anon?

>> No.18755149
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Cheap whiskey while listening to Hank Williams Sr. and eventually moving on to making cocktails when you're finally in your euphoric state

>> No.18755150

everclear. 3 shots in and you'll start drinking it like water then after that, it will be a new year

>> No.18755161

>it will be a new year
"Some people call it blacking out; I call it time travel."

>> No.18755171

I prefer not to start my year being so hung over i puke bile out my nose so I wont be drinking this year.

But typically in the past i've had dry gin and tonic, champagne, and hot buttered rum if it's snowing and im by the fire.

>> No.18755999
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>*blocks your path*

>> No.18756005

I recommend vodka. Lots of vodka.

>> No.18756018 [DELETED] 

90% of the posts screaming about trannies and jews/posting nazi shit comes from russians.

>> No.18756021

based trips of corn

>> No.18756028
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Blood orange gin and tonic

>> No.18756047
File: 100 KB, 1280x1280, monte-alban-mezcal-tequila__32524.1496361543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be worse it could that mezcal shit with the worm in bottle then you try to divide up the worm with folk and it's like wtf

>> No.18756089
File: 47 KB, 600x403, del_maguey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mezcal tastes good. Shame people found out about it and drove prices up, though.

>> No.18756092
File: 3 KB, 225x225, busnel_calvados-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvados is pretty good on a cold lonely wintery night

>> No.18756108

It's a grub, and it's supposed to go to whoever's pour it falls into.

>> No.18756180
File: 82 KB, 525x700, 403F9DB5-43E9-42E1-82E1-E6C3F5CC1D40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well since there’s no /wg/ I’ll just post this here. I managed to grab this baby today and already popped it open and holy mother of eternal flames this baby sets you on fucking fire. You know how you get different kinds of drunk from different liquors; you have the happy kind, the zen kind, the serious kind… well this one just makes me feel fucking alive. I know Glenfiddich can be a bit of a meme and they’ve been fucking around with 40% ABV bullshit for some time now… but this sucker at 50.2%… holy shit. Glenfiddich really do know how to make a seriously good scotch when they aren’t being held back by their fucking bean counters. I’m so glad I picked this bottle up and given them a chance on this one. This is easily 95/100 material for me, possibly even higher. It’s going to take me a while to settle on a final score but this is definitely right up there as one of the best whisky’s I’ve ever had and I’m honoured to have opened it on this day. Unfortunately Glenfiddich in their typical stubbornness aren’t making this easily obtainable. It’s only available at the duty free at an airport in my country. Fucking hell.

>> No.18756203

Just discovered calvados recently. I second this, I'll be buying myself a bottle

>> No.18756224
File: 15 KB, 228x623, wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a case of Pils, 2 bottles of white wine and
a bit of Johnnie Walker Black left from last night.
Planning on drinking throughout the day.

>> No.18756230

>when they aren’t being held back by their fucking bean counters
What's the story here, anon?

>> No.18756359

They’ve been dropping ABV on pretty much their entire core range and then some. Even their fucking 26-year “Grand Couronne” is 40% and the cheaping out to get more bottles per cask shows. Imagine paying that much and not getting at least 43%. Granted ABV isn’t always everything but Glenfiddich especially being more typically tame heavily benefits from being bumped up a few notches.

>> No.18756370

Sorry anon, too many teenage binges to ever be able to appreciate mezcal as an adult. I've tried too, one taste and I'm back to dry heaving by the dumpster at work after doing a half gallon of shitty screwdriver the night before at a jr high prom party

>> No.18756410

Where is that?

>> No.18756412

I guess the steretype that Scots are cheap is real then. Thought it was another Disney invention.

But what led to that decision? Profit maxing only? Supplies running low? I'm not baiting, just not as involved in whisky as you seem to be.

Do a few more percentage points of ABV really make that much of a difference in taste?
>typically tame
I like it when you can't taste much of the alcohol in a high ABV drink, to me it's like a sign of quality. Rotgut liquor just tastes like alcohol, whereas good liquor really has flavor to it. Or are you saying that a little more alcohol brings out more or different flavors in a good whisky?

>> No.18756498

For whisky I generally find that the ABV going up brings out more of the flavours, especially flavours which tend to linger at the back. Glenfiddich for me has always been more fruity with hardly any peat and not that much oak. And while I do still appreciate the Glenfiddich 18 40% as it’s really a decent bottle it’s also kinda annoying that I often feel that the flavours could be exposed a little more, because there’s really a lot going on. I agree with you though that one sign of a good liquor is having a silly high ABV while not actually tasting any of the alcohol, which Glenfiddich knows how to master. So it’s somewhat aggravating that they’re purposefully nerfing themselves. I don’t think anyone really knows why but the rumour is that they just want to get more bottles out. Glenfiddich has also been doing this thing where they’ll do restricted releases of higher ABV bottles like the one I just acquired (it’s pretty much limited to duty free merchants at airports and only in select countries). And from what I heard the original 18 43% can still be acquired but only at their distillery. It’s bloody annoying because they know their shit. The 15 VAT 03 50.2% I got was only about 80US$ and alcohol taxes in my country are stupid high. So they also know how to release a fucking stupid good product at a very decent price. Yeah. Go figure. I both love and hate Glenfiddich, but at least I managed to get one bottle of the VAT 03 and I’ll enjoy every last drop of it.

>> No.18756514

you listen to music on r-a-d.io
you shitpost with anons on r/a/dio threads on /a/, the show will start in a bit

>> No.18756587

I have some mead I was thinking of cracking open for the event do I just heat it the same way I would sake?

>> No.18756594

idk, something cheap like J.P. Wisers or Chapel Hill i guess.

>> No.18756620

It turned out pretty good, didn't heat it as long as I do my sake which I think was the right choice

>> No.18756651

Pretty sure glenfiddich brought the 18 back up to 43%. It's a decent bottle and slightly mogs glenlivet 18 which is a pathetic 40% now too. You pretty much have to avoid the huge brands to get a good bottle of 10yr+, non-chill-filtered, and natural colored scotch these days. The big brands are getting mogged by shit like Arran and the like, and seem to be slowly returning to decent bottlings at least.

>> No.18756767
File: 199 KB, 1200x1200, KAPLAAA!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mead, like revenge, is best served COLD.

>> No.18756771

I got it from a place where they gave us samples of different meads and they were mostly cold except the one I brought which they did serve hot

>> No.18756864
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Cool..err, I mean--
I have quaffed LOTS of mead over the years, even had it as you describe in a sort of mulled wine form.
What were the flavors? Type of honey? Fruit adjuncts?
Sounds delicious--I was just having fun with it.
Happy New YEAR! Hope your next is better than the last 3 by a long shot.

>> No.18756893
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It was this, says on the back it's made with raw honey, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and fresh rosemary

>> No.18756913

Top notch and Patrician taste.
There were some great breads on making your own either here, or...
Other chans. Not up currently.
Great stuff. The rosemary is a little surprising, isn't it?

>> No.18756936

Holidays like NYE exist for feasting and celebrating with other people. If you're not at least with family eating a big roast you're doing something very wrong with your life

>> No.18756987
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It happens.

>> No.18756989

Pro move: start drinking at noon so you fall asleep before midnight

>> No.18756991
File: 81 KB, 430x379, CRAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're not at least with family eating a big roast you're doing something very wrong with your life
That's not necessarily true, anon.
Many here have had families fractured deeply and irreparably by the events of the last three years.
Some, like myself, don't want to buy into the frantic madness most seem to be willing to throw themselves into just to forget, or at least distract themselves for a night, of the implications of $6/dozen eggs, $20 fast food "meals" and the rapid whipsawing of social narrative we've been rollercoastering on.
I'm completely content to relax, reflect on the year, prepare myself a nice meal, and wait for the inevitable fireworks and gunshots to die down for my yearly stroll around the neigborhood in contemplation of my plans for the year forthcoming.
Nothing wrong with that.
Enjoy who you're with as the odometer clicks over another year, even if it's only yourself.
It's one thing to SAY you're going to be better in the upcoming year... ...very much another to DO it.

>> No.18757210
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Not going to be alone, but rye whiskey.
After trying all 3 bottles hands down favorite is the Willett.

>> No.18757257
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bought this today and pouring myself one right now.
This is batch 6.
Comparing to my Octomores this is as close as you get, but for a quarter of the price.

>> No.18757262

Now thats something to talk about. Nice.

>> No.18757265

Is ardbeg any good? My boyfriend was gifted a bottle and we're going to drink it tonight

>> No.18757270

Ardbeg 10, Uigedail and Corryvreckan are great. I wouldn't bother with any of the others. They're overpriced.

>> No.18757341

Kilkerran is extremely good in general. Huge value for money

>> No.18757437
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what should i drink next

>> No.18757447

ive just got some cider and whiskey, think im gonna mix it with lucozade

>> No.18757471

5 fingers of the corn liquor

>> No.18757506

I don't think there's enough left. I only got a tiny bit left.
Mellow corn is unironically good and underrated

>> No.18757517

I saw them talking about grand daddy poppy on the Intern. What is that and why is it so expensive? It is good?

>> No.18757781

is he dead?

>> No.18758111

nta but you'd be amazed how much you can put away at that age. The resiliency of youth coupled with lack of experience, when you've never had a truly gates of hell hangover you ignore all the warning signs and just keep knocking them back until you black out. My 17yr old self could easily drink my current alcoholic boomer ass under the table

>> No.18758129

spumante. or as we like to call it:
because it's cheap and it'll make you chuck your guts up (vomit)

>> No.18758510

whats a good brand whiskey

>> No.18758518

malt liquor ,because its all you can afford

>> No.18758575

>no overpriced bs
>no normies
>can air guitar in my underwear
>my beds right there
There are only cons to drinking alone at home

>> No.18758601

a high proof IPA and cozy up with a nice long edh match on youtube

>> No.18758668

You're right, I forgot many families don't treat events like these as sacred and will cut you off over disputes like that. It's not easy to find friend groups that celebrate NYE without their families, either.

>> No.18758680

I drank a whole bottle of baileys, only thing in the house. That should do me for about the rest of my life.

God speed to yee but playing vidya alone seems less lonely to me than trying to have a party in a text chat with strangers

>> No.18759443

An Oa > 10

>> No.18760847


>> No.18761145

dark rum

>> No.18761977

I quite like my Batch 5. I saw both the Port and Sherry 8yrs and passed due to inconsistent scoring. my holiday splurge was Longrow Red 15, no regrets

my Batch 5 is very sweet and creamy and the smoke only comes in about 80% of the way through the palate and doesnt linger in the same way that Islay does. is the batch 6 really that peaty?

>> No.18762134

no thats Christmas (which is still going on for a few more days)

NYE is an NPC event. You'd have to be soulless to gaslight yourself into pretending to enjoy it. You'll realize this when you're older if you're capable of introspection

>> No.18762951

It's not that bad. Christmas is the real bitch.

>> No.18764591
