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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 600x257, 600px-US_$5_series_2003A_obverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18754033 No.18754033 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do for dinner with $5

>> No.18754043

go to the casino and bet it all on these digits

>> No.18754058

87 gets

>> No.18754077

Chicken thighs, roasted, diced and put into some beans and rice for a quick, dirty jambalaya kinda thing.

>> No.18754085

5 boxes of max and cheese

>> No.18754152

Skip dinner and pocket the five, times have been hard

>> No.18754168

where can you buy chicken thighs, beans, and rice for $5?

>> No.18754189

Per serving you can have all those for around $2.15. You can feed yourself, someone else, and still have enough left to buy a gumball.

>> No.18754227

i see what you're saying, but what would you do if all you had was $5 and had to buy something to sustain you right now?

>> No.18754228

2 mcdoubles

>> No.18754234

make creases at the ends of lincoln's mouth so that it'd appear as if he were grotesquely smiling or frown when the plane of the is tilted forward or backward

>> No.18754241

In that scenario I'd just buy a can of corned beef hash. If I'm that fucking broke then all I'm concerned about is getting a metric fuckton of fuel into me as quickly as possible so I can get more money. The fact that it can easily be used to bludgeon someone to death and take their wallet is a factor.

>> No.18754247

Four for $4 from wendy’s

>> No.18754275

Five dollar foot-long from Subway
Little Caesars five dollar Hot-and-Ready

>> No.18754282

Go to sams club and get a giant slice of pizza and a huge fountain drink for 2.50$

>> No.18754284

Loaf of bread and a scoop of chips, it just 5 bucks chips.

>> No.18754359

based and survival pilled

>> No.18754384
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>> No.18754390


>> No.18754486

Either pb&j or bologna sandwiches, wash it down with some nice tap water.

>> No.18754492

Buy the cheapest frozen za around

>> No.18754525

Burger King. With the free sandwich you get for filling out their survey, the meal is $3.69. The remaining $1.31 will get me a candy bar at the supermarket down the block.

Maybe not the most healthful meal, but you didn't mention that.

>> No.18754571

I would buy 1 pound of beef and fry it in a pan.

>> No.18754603
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1 potato
1 slice of deli bacon (avg slice size 14 grams, .03 of a pound at $7/lb = .21c
1 onion

room to spare for maybe a single cheap beer or i can just shoplift that

>> No.18754617

Onions, beans and rice. Shits expensive at the supermarket nowadays. Probably beg outside the supermarket for more shit, pretty sure some kind soul would buy me a few things.

>> No.18754621

A burger

>> No.18754626

Five dollar foot long

>> No.18754640

peanut butter and bread

>> No.18754646
File: 226 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ez ass meal for two with leftover pasta cooking for more? buy more sausage

1 28oz can of whole tomatoes (san marzano style preferred) -1.19
1 lb of linguine -89 cents
5 tablespoons of butter - 20 cents worth?
1 yellow onion -79 cents
2 one dollar hot Italian sausages from the deli

should be close to 5 dollars

Combine the tomatoes, butter and onion(only cut in half) in a pan and cook for 45 mins breaking the tomatoes down with a spatula. No less no more time. Salt and pepper to taste. Start boiling pasta water 5 mins before your 45 min timer is up.
Once done remove the sauce and remove the onion from the sauce. Wipe out the pan add in the sausage and brown them up cook for 12-14 mins or so. While they are cooking cook your pasta for 10 mins or until al dente.

Serve the sauce over the pasta and slice up the sausage and place it on the side of the pasta. Place 2-3 of the onion pieces on the side of the pasta as well they should be well cooked and translucent. Grate some parmesan over the pasta if you have some. Can serve with a buttered french bread chunk as well.

Pic related and trust me its one of the best sauces you can make. Look up Marcella Hazan tomato sauce.

>> No.18754653


they are like 10.99 now
even with a coupon they are lik 7.99 at best

>> No.18754672

I’d go to the liquor store and buy a king can

>> No.18754721

either this >>18754228 or this >>18754247 or this >>18754525 or this >>18754571 or a pack of ramen and a street cart hot dog.

>> No.18754727

in my city you can get a pack of ramen for $1 or less, and a hot dog is $3. So really 2 packs of ramen and a hot dog.

>> No.18754784

Jesus fucking christ none of you are going to make it. How are you posting on a board about cooking when all you can think of eating for 5$ is fast food cancerchem filled trash?
It's this >>18754646, or me personally I'd make a puttanesca sauce. Or something with potatoes, beef and some kind of root vegetable. I'd have to be in the store to see the prices but it wouldn't be that hard to get something for 5 dollars.

>> No.18754839
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>Marcella Hazan tomato sauce.

Is actually really good given its literally 3 ingredients.
No one is actually cooking here. Its like 80% people bitching about tiers of food and 5% cooking and 15% shit posting.

>> No.18754956

Very few anons on this board can cook.

>> No.18755088

thats the most brain dead recipe ever
literally put the shit in a pot and boil some water and cook a sausage

>> No.18755113

Going into the woods to shoot a moose and then saving my $5.

>> No.18755170

If we're saying I'm in the grocery store and I have $5 in my pocket, then I'd get potato, onion, carrot, and butter. Chop it all up and fry it. Presumably I have some salt and pepper around.
If I can buy bulk to make something that's at most $5 per serving, then I'd probably make some bean and rice burritos or some pasta dish.
If I just have $5 in my pocket and I can go anywhere, then realistically I'd probably just get some shitty fast food value deal or maybe some tacos from a cheap mexican place.

>> No.18755231
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you have $5, you buy 2 cans of canned fish,
you sell 3 cans to your publicly listed company using letters of credit opened up by your brother in law at the bank,
then execute an equity swap with an associated general offer,
this gives us 4 cans to work with, with a tax exemption for a 5th can.
the unit price for all 6 cans can then be transferred via an intermediary to a cayman island company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the unit price for the 7 cans back to your listed company.

your annual report will say the company owns 8 cans of fish, with an option on one more

>> No.18755240

baguette and a handful of slices of cheese and ham will do it

>> No.18755802
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how do you buy "a handful of slices of cheese"

>> No.18755851

2 taco bell grilled chicken bacon ranch burritos off the cravings menu and a very small diet pepsi.

>> No.18755935

Bro do you not have a fucking deli in any grocers near you? You don't have to buy a whole pound of cheese. They'll literally sell you a single slice if that's what you want.

>> No.18755938

If I was alone I'd buy as much pork as I could (pork shoulder probably) and roast it or fry it. If serve it with some sauces. Loads of meat and sauces. Simple as.

>> No.18756596

Wendy's 4 for 4. And they usually have some kind of free thing with purchase.

>> No.18757108
File: 78 KB, 960x540, Cheese Pizza 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a homemade 15 inch pepperoni pizza.
Dough: ~$0.40
Sauce: ~$0.60
Cheese: ~$2.99
Pepperoni 35 slices: $1.00

here is a cheese pizza example of the same thing.

>> No.18757113
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>> No.18757181

San marzano canned tomatoes are shockingly expensive, and I live in a place that's typically pretty cheap. Usually mine are about $4 per can for whole ones. For meals like tikka masala, I end up spending more on the tomatoes than the meat.
They get marked up a bit for having an italian name though, so there may be regular gringo tomatoes for closer to $1.19.

>> No.18757189

Hot dogs and Hormel chili

>> No.18757219

spaghettio's and 375ml of cheap liquor

>> No.18757448

It's demoralizing how even the $5 foot long gave way to the NWO

>> No.18757457


>> No.18757459

>Bro do you not have a fucking deli in any grocers near you?
No. Europeans have said for years delis in grocers don't exist in America, so everytime I walk into one now my brain mentally fogs out the deli section like it doesn't even exist.

>> No.18757656

Loaf of bread and a can of tuna or sardines or mackerel. Hopefully you have some kind of vegetables and condiments at home. Alternatively you can probably just buy some cheap dried pasta and a jar of sauce.

>> No.18757660

Half a box of elbow pasta, can of beens, can of tomato sauce, and some spices for a poor man's chilli Mac.

>> No.18757747

five dollar

>> No.18757753
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2 of these and 2 boxes of cheap mac and cheese

>> No.18757942

2 chicken thighs should run about $2.50-$3.00, ricearoni is $1.00-$1.50, go to the area of the store where you can buy beans where you scoop them into a bag and weigh them, then spend the 50 cents to $1.50 on beans

>> No.18757962
File: 91 KB, 648x364, roasted chicken supermarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best bang for your buck, even cheaper if you buy the cold ones

>> No.18757974

I'd check out Joshua Weismann's "but cheaper" series on youtube. He has some great ideas.

>> No.18757982

That's not a thing anymore. The ones that used to be $5 for a 12 inch are now about $6.50 after tax. I just got a cold cut combo a few days ago so I'm an expert

>> No.18757986
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I picked up a $5 box of spring time mixed lettuce and some crutons and dressing, has been the best fast snack that's also healthy I love it. It's only been a couple days of lots of salads and my skin already feels better

>> No.18757993

I made the mistake of ordering a sub other than the sub of the day and it cost me like $15, like fuck that, $15 for a fuckin subway lmao no fucking way. I can go to a real sandwich shop for $15, it left such a sour taste in my mouth (figuratively but probably literally too) that I haven't gone back to subway, not even worth it anymore

>> No.18758139

Why the fuck would I eat a 5 dollar bill for dinner. This is a retraded thread.

>> No.18758166

That's why I pretty much always stick with the cold cut combo. It will always be in the cheapest group and at $6.50 after tax for a foot long sandwich I don't have to make myself it's worth it.
Their vegetables where uncharacteristically unfresh last time I went though. I'll give them one more shot and if their veggies are bad again I won't go back there.
Its easy for me to make that claim and stand by it because I live by a Jersey Mike's and Jimmy John's both are much closer to me than the nearest subway

>> No.18758177

I'm gonna randomly jump out at you and yell HIYAH while I kick you in the balls

>> No.18758182

Don't eat it, retard, eat WITH it. Like where are you taking honest Abe?

>> No.18758219

you eat with a fork and knife not paper money you fucking idiot

>> No.18758254
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And that's what I mean, I also have a Jersey Mike's, Jimmy John's, and a Potbelly, I'm not paying premium sandwich prices for fuckin Subway psssh, I'd rather go to a Potbelly