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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18753995 No.18753995 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most acquired taste you have?

>> No.18754020

room temperature beer

>> No.18754095


>> No.18754099

Pickled fish, salty licorice, offal of any kind. None are very popular in the states

>> No.18754104

i wonder if i could even find salty licorice here, because i quite like regular licorice

>> No.18754123

Ive found it at big candy shops that import popular foreign stuff and the grocery store I used to live by. They had a euro section with all kinds of candy

>> No.18754129

is it just like regular black licorice, but salty? or is it more complex than that?

>> No.18754134

it's more like salt, but licoricey.

>> No.18754137

neat, thanks lad, hope i can pick some up

>> No.18754142

Kinda this desu. You can feel it in your nose

>> No.18754147

Does salty licorice vary a lot between brands? I love black licorice, but I tried salty licorice once and I found it unbelievably vile. I was expecting an experience similar to salting caramel.

>> No.18754151

salty licorice bros, what's you're favorite brand?

>> No.18754158

Turkish Peppers and/or Djugelvrol

>> No.18754162

nope, that's pretty much it.

>> No.18754171

I've only got to try a couple different Haribo types and some brand that comes in the shape of a swedish fish kinda, but I definitely don't like the firmer stuff. I like chewy stuff not hard stuff

>> No.18754174

It's pretty much all salmiak or sodium chloride iirc. They use it in some asian candies as well I think. But then you get to some actual licorice tree licorice which is different from the flavored corn syrup you get from most "licorice."

>> No.18754176

Nothing wrong with cowboy cold

>> No.18754178
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these ones?
i've seen haribo piratos on amazon

>> No.18754180

That looks right. Mine always say turkisk peber but maybe it's Denmark vs Sweden in this case. Hard licorice drop covered in salmiak salt, spicy.

>> No.18754195
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thanks man, i might just go ahead and drop like $20 on a few different kinds, not too high a price to pay to try something new

>> No.18754216

gin chased with water

>> No.18754219

>that flat beer you opened but didn't start before passing out
not bad. i wonder if there's a market for no carbonation beer

>> No.18754226

it's a niche market but i've seen some here and there.
the weirdest part is there's no pressure in the can so it is squishy even though it's sealed.

>> No.18754230

Straight whisky
Black coffee
And buldak.

>> No.18754245

It’s not actually salt added to it, it’s more like ammonia. I like the milder ones that have some sweetness, the double salty is too intense.

>> No.18754249

>the double salty is too intense.
this phrase reminded me to drop a djungelvrol into my beer tonight, cheers

>> No.18754260

Based as fuck

>> No.18754261


>> No.18754263
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>> No.18754294 [DELETED] 

based and grillo pilled

>> No.18754301

their half sours are not acquired at all, they're good

>> No.18754481

These are objectively good pickles. No acquiring of taste needed

>> No.18754530

black cough drops

>> No.18754588

I eat wild violets in the spring. Very good.

>> No.18754661
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I LOVE stinky salty fishy fish. I sometimes buy dried squid from nipland just to get my fix. I used to sneak little pieces of baccala out of the pantry as a kid and suck the salt off and chew it.

>> No.18754671

This was high school

>> No.18754726

you're an older man than I

>> No.18754735

for me back then it was georgi vodka and heaven hill whiskey, truly rotgut swill no better than paint thinner

>> No.18754746

Get a load of this picky tasty drinker anon >>18754735, he dont like drinking paint thinner

>> No.18754751

Trucker loads gargled at the local truck stop for $10 a piece

>> No.18754753

kek, when the vodka you're drinking is literally advertised on the side of city busses it's not a great indicator of quality

>> No.18754755

Last night's leftover alxohol

>> No.18754757

For me, it was karkov with oj and a 24 pack of mich golden light

>> No.18754761
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this nigga eating axolotls

>> No.18754763

>you will never got a six pack of red dog tall boys for $5 ever again

>> No.18754782

thank god you can't ever again white trasher

>> No.18754793

Why would you rekindle my late teens/early twenties? You want me to be sad?

>> No.18754794

when you were seventeen and $10 bucks could get you trashed and a pack of smokes you find some nostalgia in it.

>> No.18754801
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It works everytime

>> No.18754802
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i bet you miss glass bottle OE as much as i do

>> No.18754805

nah, if that was the case i'd find a way to end my life

>> No.18754816

sorry you never had fun with your friends in high school, anon, that must have been sad

>> No.18754824

Please stop. Every now and then I still eye up the mad dog flavors. Life used to be way more fun bro. I'm tired now.

>> No.18754831
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we still have the memories

>> No.18754847


>> No.18754870

They weren't your friends loser. Where are they now when you really need a hug or a few bucks so the electricity won't get shut off. Nowhere. Jesus Christ just kill yourself or stop being a limp dicked my best days are behind me fag. Holy fuck.

>> No.18754880

Not him but I'm still best friends with the guys I used to get white trash drunk with. You really don't have fun high school memories do you?

>> No.18754892

Shouldn't it be sperm?

>> No.18754896

If you're going to try double salt get Vencos, not Gustafs. Different recipe with a better flavor. Also anything Fazer

>> No.18754897

Sad really. And yet you're still here.

>> No.18754974

I still play runescape with them even. We all have families and houses. I can't imagine being a bitter cunt like you

>> No.18754978

cunts like this just love to derail halfway decent threads, says way more about him than you or I, drinking shitty beer and getting fucked up with your friends in the woods in high school was objectively fun. was that where life peaked? nope. and it would be an incredibly depressing thing to be doing in your 30s. life has moved on, this cunt hasn't
>inb4 some snarky bullshit retort

>> No.18754980

Everyone has a family anon. Sperm can be deposited into a test tube I get it. I guess paying rent counts as having a house, I get it. Coming here on a Friday night to build yourself up to be more important that everyone else, I get it, you need it, you achieve it, you live it. Be the best Runescape player you can be even though that ship has sailed years ago. Be fierce, be persistent, be you.

>> No.18754991

The funkiest blue cheese you can get.

>> No.18755079

Man, I must have something wrong with me. Salty licorice makes me feel extremely sick, like there is something burning in my stomach.

>> No.18755082

I'm only more important than you

>> No.18755085


>> No.18755266

ive never been able to acquire any tastes. Still can't stand coffee and beer (or any alcohol really) even after drinking them lots of times.

>> No.18755284

I really like kvas

>> No.18755372

hot flat Pepsi

>> No.18755381

>no you can't just have friends you hang out with they have to be there for you in every minor crisis and at every step of the way
are you a woman

>> No.18755395

Fernet, pickled herring, not ever having sex

>> No.18755411


>> No.18755421

the problem with coffee and beer is there is a lot of shitty coffee and shitty beer out there.
I used to think I hate both but there are good coffees and good beers, if you look.

>> No.18755436

Salmiakki kossu/salmari
Pickles with vodka
cold hangover kebab

>> No.18755444
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>> No.18755450

i actually dont hate this, kind of a weird treat.

>> No.18755482

Brie stuffed olives maybe?
Real Coffee that isn't shit (good luck acquiring it)
Actual stout from a barrel from Ireland (same)
Pho with all the weird stuff in it like tripe and tendon

>> No.18755496

absolute white trash snownigger tier taste

>> No.18755737
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Love these bad boys

>> No.18755741

Why do I have to see this sort of shit every time I come to this board?

>> No.18755881

my life unironically peaked at like 10 years old

>> No.18755949
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Tried those things back in my 20s when I was trying to be old and unique. Fucking terrible, like a mouth full of granny perfume.

Anyway, pic related. My friends have all tried them and hate them, but I can't get enough. Got a real good kick to them, and they do wonders for my heartburn now that I'm actually old.

>> No.18755954

I feel you, buddy. I turned ten, and my Pokemon trainer's license never came. It's been all downhill from there.

>> No.18755957

smoked oysters

>> No.18756144
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Water without any ice.

>> No.18756602
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I thought my father was gross for eating these at the time, but now that I'm the father, I found I actually love these fuckers

>> No.18757473

Sounds like me trying to get drunk during covid when the liquor store was out of all their vodka

>> No.18757491

Frank's hot sauce on Pineapple.

>> No.18757571
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Campari is my favorite alcohol

>> No.18757687

I love unsweetened grapefruits, tonic water and gin, all on their own. Mixing them is like a drink of the gods for me.

>> No.18757689

>i wonder if there's a market for no carbonation beer
Yeah it's called Britain

>> No.18757726
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we have flat cider
its thing
also beer didn't used to be carbonated
flat beer is just ancestral beer
beer of the old ways

>> No.18757803
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That looks like some weird german knock off. Pic related is what you want. Dark blue is the most common.

>> No.18757902

Marzipane. I hated that shit with a passion as a kid but over time I learned to appreciate it. Same goes for chocolate with high cacao

>> No.18758013

>but over time I learned to appreciate it

>> No.18758739

Teaberry ice cream from the summers I'd spend in rural Pennsylvania.

>> No.18758760
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forgot pic. most people describe it as tasting like pepto bismol but that's not really the case. It's a really stark and sweey minty flavor. Almost a little a tart, too.

>> No.18758926

Black licorice. First time I was served it as a prank, and it gave me shivers from how much I loathed it. Now I can easily eat an entire bag lol
Funny, I like it precisely because my mom used to buy tons of marzipan sweets when I was a kid. She was a bit of a middle east weeaboo. A middle eastaboo if you will.

>> No.18759001

>room temperature beer
That just means you're an alcoholic. Once you start drinking warm beer, it's time for rehab

>> No.18759016

Quite the opposite. alcoholics binge drink adjunct lager all day, which tastes like piss when it's warm.
they can't bring themselves to drink the good stuff, which tastes best when its lukewarm.

>> No.18759105

Fuckin pickle moonshine & headcheese, buds. Divine stuff, they are

>> No.18759152

grand strategy games
slice of life anime
coca cola in my coffee
art house film like the cremaster cycle
walnuts and orange popsicles

>> No.18759174

The day that my corner store stopped selling 40s in glass was the day I stopped drinking 40s.

What else am I supposed to piss in on the way home and throw at the apartments of people I don't like?

>> No.18759295

holy shit that sounds based, just like with a shitty lager or something?

>> No.18759310

My buddy likes collared greens and I for the life of me fail to see the attraction. Shit looks like infant vomit

>> No.18759321
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i entered this thread thinking i dont have any acquired tastes but im realising most of my taste counts as acquired for the average person. straight rye and black coffee are my favourite things and i drink them everyday, i love blue cheese like roquefort etc, i love pate and terrine, intestine in a hotpot, steak tartare is probably my favourite meal, the list goes on
campari and soda water is the perfect thing to have with a thin base pizza with olives and anchovies. if you're a whisky/bourbon fan, try a boulvadier or a little italy (which features one of my other favourite apertifs, cynar).

>> No.18759371

Islay scotch is a good one. Took 3 pours before I enjoyed the flavor of laphroaig, but now it's my favorite whisky.

I love seeing the look on someone's face when I share a little with them.

>> No.18760498

Apparently licorice. Which I don't really understand, it's the one food/flavor that made me realize that people must taste things totally different than how I do. Since to me it's delicious but apparently tastes like soap to some people.

>> No.18761715

>no carbonation beer
Would have awful shelf life. The layer of Co2 is what keeps beer from being eaten by bacteria, and some of that Co2 will always bleed back into the beer and carbonate it to some degree. It seems much easier and safer to just carbonate the fuck out of it.

>> No.18762362

You just like intense tastes. I've met some people with our preferences.
Let me guess: you love smoked meats, garlic, neat gin and dark coffee. You don't hate kale like most people. You might even like brussels sprouts.

>> No.18762399

I like limburger cheese and I also like Vegemite/Marmate. Am an american

>> No.18762409

Fruit cake dipped in a bit of brandy or rum is divine

>> No.18762410

>still thinks bongs drink warm brown beer with twigs and gravel in the bottom
It’s 2023, the most popular beer in the UK is macro pale lagers like Stella and Heineken.

>> No.18762607

The english now drink german pissner instead of traditional ale? Disgraceful. Return to tradition.

>> No.18762628

The majority of ethnic english are all pan-european council estate chavs in tracksuits that speak in a weird mix of american and “multicultural London” dialects. They have zero connection to or understanding of the England that existed when their grandparents were their age. They really don’t even drink beer much anymore, it’s all vodka and club cocktails.

>> No.18764109

Is this concentrated purple drank?

>> No.18764121

>“multicultural London”

How did the lovely Jamaican accent and language (Patois) get corrupted into OI SENPAI U GOT TEN PENCE INNIT BRUV?

>> No.18764178

Licorice is extremely carcinogenic. Some gay ass turk candy isn't worth it.

>> No.18764209

I like to suck the juices out of dirty panties at the laundromat I work at

>> No.18764212

I love these little gin gins like you wouldn't believe, but I can just feel my teeth trying their hardest to stay in their socket when I'm chewing one of these.

>> No.18765631

Mentioned tracksuits.
Slavic hands typed that post.

>> No.18765897


>> No.18765950

Terry's Chocolate Orange. at frist I was like wtf this isn't an orange covered in chocolate but just orange flavored chocolate but then as I ate segment after segment I slowly began to love its smooth orangey richness.

>> No.18766706
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>yo bro can I have a piece of gum?
Every time.

>> No.18766752

It's not carcinogenic. High doses drop your potassium and cause your heart to beat irregularly, amongst other things. You could probably just supplement potassium, though.

>> No.18766771

/ck/ is infested with butthurt eurocucks

>> No.18766811

You're supposed to drink it cold??? I thought room temperature meant most flavor

>> No.18766832

cocaine and fresh oysters

>> No.18766837

goddamn I want to try this now but they'd cost like $50 to import lol.

>> No.18766838

I like chicken

>> No.18766851

Saucisson with dark chocolate.
Peanut butter and Pickles sandwiches.
Elvis sandwiches.

>> No.18766868

Sweet, salty, fishy, chewy and stringy

I love squid jerky