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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18752531 No.18752531 [Reply] [Original]

bongoids, I feel fucking scammed... for years ive been hearing how great this is and i finally found it in my country yesterday and... its just a fucking orange flavored chocolate, i thought its an actual orange coated in chocolate, so disappointing...

>> No.18752534

>being a gullible little idiot

>> No.18752555

Lad the magic of 'errys is the wonder in a child's eye when you 'ell 'em to whack the bloodeh fing against the bloody 'able as hard as maxwell silver 'ammer not in the way the bloodeh fing 'astes you FAKKIN nonce, yeh?

>> No.18752598

>he didn't freeze it and WHAM against his lil brothers unsuspecting noggin
many such cases

>> No.18752865

based stroke victims

>> No.18753093

Ts are skipped in the middle of a word, not the end [wa'er, instead of water] or Hs at the beginning of a word ['ow instead of how, 'ello instead of hello, etc.]

>> No.18753118

Ooo the bloodeh FAKKIN ell is this FAKKIN bellend, oy, tossah, get outta me face 'fore I glass ya ya daft cunt, fakkin smiler you are, a right fakkin smiler, I outta take you down to The Queen's Alleyway and bugga ya raw I oughta

>> No.18753174

This was much better, although "oughta" is more Humphrey Bogart than british

>> No.18753448

whats that?

>> No.18754267

you fucking braindead?

>> No.18754354

>i thought its an actual orange coated in chocolate
what gave you that impression?

>> No.18754358

>i thought its an actual orange coated in chocolate
yes people go out of their way to eat a fibrous citrus fruit with hard seeds in it covered in a bitter rind just because there's a 2mm layer of chocolate on it
that was entirely sensible of you to believe without question

>> No.18754361

you know you can peel an orange, right, retardbro?

>> No.18754366

One'd 'ope an american'd do som bloody reserch 'fore try'n'ta imitate wot 'e "aint", eh?

>> No.18754382

>why yes I'd enjoy picking membranes out of my teeth and spitting out seeds
You're the fucktard here

>> No.18754387 [DELETED] 

if you can eat an orange you can eat also orange in chocolate

>> No.18754388

you’re a bong so you naturally have shit taste, and that’s ok

>> No.18754392

>an actual orange coated in chocolate
why would anyone want this, you deserve to be disappointed retard

>> No.18754399

a tangerine coated in chocolate would be pretty dope actually if the membrane and webs'n shit were completely smoothed off. very very rare to actually get a seed with those

>> No.18754405

so in other word, real dead unboned crunchy frog, lovingly covered in glucose and lark's vomit

>> No.18754447
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>its just a fucking orange flavored chocolate, i thought its an actual orange coated in chocolate, so disappointing...

>> No.18754478

your inability to avail yourself of a search engine is likely going to lead to similar disappointments in future

>> No.18754487

are you actually braindead?

>> No.18754489

based fucking retard

>> No.18754616

One year here there was a christmas pudding with a whole ass unpeeled candied orange in the middle of it sold and bought as a premium product. The boundaries of good sense are ever shifting.

>> No.18754633

it wouldn't work unless you ate it immediately after coating, all that moisture in the tangerine would seep out and ruin the coating, i think the closest you can get is chocolate coated candied peel

>> No.18754638

They taste really good though, t. american

>> No.18754748

>, t. american
I'm sorry

>> No.18754790

>obsessed foreigner homo
I'm not sorry

>> No.18754948

You alright, bro?

>> No.18754957

I will be when you fuck off and die.

>> No.18755209

You feeling good, dude ...???

>> No.18755217

>t. has never met a pom

>> No.18756209
File: 78 KB, 600x800, 12487708424_ba30b27649_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not?

>> No.18757014

You doing well, chum? You good, pal? You OK, bud? Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.18757032

you alright, brother???

>> No.18757926

You fuming, MATE???

>> No.18758467

I always get one of these each year for Christmas, I don't even like chocolate never mind orange flavored chocolate so I have no idea why my family think I love them

>> No.18758471

>for years ive been hearing how great this is and i finally found it in my country yesterday and... its just a fucking orange
He does this EVEY YEAR

>> No.18758476

kek sounds like a you probem

>> No.18759190

Im American with British mom/family and chocolate oranges are easily the most disgusting sweet I've had in all of US and of England

>> No.18759197

I can scarcely imagine the godlike pleasures you've had until now if a chocolate orange is "disgusting" in comparison

>> No.18759348

I never once thought these were British. I'm from Utah USA and always viewed chocolate oranges as a staple Christmas tradition. If anything I viewed them as an American tradition evoking specifically the early frontier days when kids recieved actual oranges on Christmas because it was the only exotic sweet thing that existed. I choose to still believe this is the case.

>> No.18759691

I'm suddenly reminded of that time Tesco fucked up an offer combination and people were buying hundreds of chocolate oranges for like thirty p each.

>> No.18759752

>evoking specifically the early frontier days when kids recieved actual oranges on Christmas because it was the only exotic sweet thing that existed.
you know bongland doesn't have native oranges right
it evokes exactly the same tradition there.

>> No.18759772

>Literally brainwashed by puke flavoUred chocolate

>> No.18759787

I could see it not being what most people prefer, both orange and chocolate have a little bitterness to them and it might add up unpleasantly, they're not "disgusting" to me but I'm not a huge fan either

>> No.18759789

Pic or it didn’t happen

>> No.18759797

chocolate is only bitter when its dark and orange is only bitter in the pith.

>> No.18759811

ITT: OP is a scheduled post, a mere clickbait and is just supported once and then by >>18754267
and >>18754382 or >>18754388

Guys, start reporting in serious boards, those are not /b/

>> No.18759861
File: 275 KB, 800x618, magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, it was like fifteen quid.

>> No.18760302

based schizo

>> No.18760353

They're not good unless you get them freshly picked.

>> No.18760367
File: 45 KB, 479x479, APorange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18761055

doesnt look bad at all

>> No.18761068

Are you the one who kept reporting lemonpig threads?

>> No.18761422

I don't even like Hershey's. Chocolate and orange are just disgusting flavors together, same with orange and toothpaste. Orange is easily the worst fruit to pair with chocolate. I cant imagine a worse fruit to pair with chocolate when strawberries, bananas, grapes/raisins, pineapple, cherries exist.

>> No.18761432

Orange is better than all of your stated alternatives. Orange is a classic pairing for good reason.

>> No.18761443

Only if you're a bri'ish processed food consumer. Around the world, strawberry and chocolate is the most popular.

>> No.18761450

Strawberry and chocolate is gay shit that women think is romantic. You don't eat it because it tastes good. You eat it to have sex after.

>> No.18761461
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anon, do yourself a flavor and try pic related sometimes, it will change your mind

>> No.18761498

Pineapple literally curdles chocolate.
You're full of shit and hating on orange to fit in.

>> No.18762797


>> No.18762813

>the magic of my rich christmas pudding is the whole candied orange hidden inside
Stunning quote.

>> No.18763360

lindt is really overrated

>> No.18764875


>> No.18765075

Yeah, it's shit. It's for kids though. Kids don't really care. All flavored chocolate is worse than not. You can pair other things with chocolate, but you ruin chocolate if you actually flavor it. The people who like flavored chocolate are the same kind of people who think flavored coffee "creamers" are good.

>> No.18765079

I wish my local store still had the chilli pepper ones.

>> No.18765191

I got the white chocolate this year. It's alright, white chocolate overpowers the orange flavor

>> No.18765471

How fucked are your tastebuds that a chocolate orange tastes bitter to you?

>> No.18765477


>> No.18765758

I feel your pain Some anons can eat twigs and nut and wipe thair bums with 80 grit sandpaper im not that manly I need real flavor.

>> No.18766282

kek, I guess they had to use something.

>> No.18766310

No refunds

>> No.18766319

Heston - nuff said.

>> No.18766654

I wish I understood this reference

>> No.18766670
File: 336 KB, 2048x1536, alan-partridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18766702

dark > milk > white

>> No.18766717

Sophie is fucking cute I'm horny as hell now.

>> No.18766719

T. Southamerican
Raspberry is close second

>> No.18767382

>i thought its an actual orange coated in chocolate, so disappointing...
Why? Just...why?

>> No.18767385

mate its because they're like a quid if you shop around, quick easy present

>> No.18768183

Fucking kek

>> No.18769803

Sainos had them for 75p before Christmas so I got a few

>> No.18770132

All good british food has been ruined by 14+ years of shrinkflation

>> No.18770511

>good british food

>> No.18770537

Maybe you should use fewer ellipses.

>> No.18770777

I miss him..