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File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1500, Jollibee-Menu-01-122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18752014 No.18752014 [Reply] [Original]

>There's no Pizza Hut in Italy
>There's no Taco Bell in Mexico
>There's no Panda Express in China
>There's Jollibee in the US

>> No.18752083

you know whats else in the US? filipinos

>> No.18752271

Who the fuck is coming up with these prices? Why is a meal only 3 (pesos?) more than the original item?

>> No.18752379

>be in Italy
>really want to eat pizza
>there's no Pizza Hut
>damn, where do I eat pizza?

>> No.18752398
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>go to fagolioni's pizzeria
>get served this

>> No.18752508

i don't get it.
what doesn't make sense?

>> No.18752533

Took me a minute as well but he's saying that American chains doing our version of other countries' food don't play in those countries, but a Filipino chain doing their version of American food can play in America. But like the other anon said they only really operate in cities that already have a lot of flips

>> No.18752536

>other countries' food
america owns earth.
they just don't like this fact.

>> No.18752544 [DELETED] 

you know whats else in Italy, Mexico, and China? Americans.

>> No.18752781

There's an audience.
There's not a significant population of Americans in Italy, Mexico, or China. But America has a real Flip problem.

>> No.18753045
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based and freedompilled

>> No.18753068

Yeah, I didn't get either at first. Probably because in the US you can drive to any area with a big Mexican or Chinese population and get real Mexican or Chinese food, so there's no real disconnect between "my country's version" and "the authentic version"; they're kind of just seen as two different things. And yes, Jollibee's literally doesn't exist outside of the really shitty parts of town and is primarily eaten by Filipinos. It's also kind of weird because there aren't that many non-fast food Filipino restaurants.

>> No.18753100

Looks a lot better than anything from Pizza Hut

>> No.18753182
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nta but here's literally every US location. Should shine some light

>> No.18753378

I wouldn't trust any Italian chef that can't make a round pizza.

>> No.18753638
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According to the Uncharted film, there's Papa John's in Italy

>> No.18753942

That was Spain, retard

>> No.18754017

whatever, nigga. I don't care what part of Mexico it was.

>> No.18754190

Mcdonalds is already in those countries you just listed

>> No.18754243

Because that's only in the case of the chickenjoy, where "meal" simply means they include a small portion of white rice.

>> No.18754393

It’s all the mail order brides

>> No.18754505
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>> No.18754628
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> No Pizza hut in Italy
> Dominos closed down all their stores this year there.
Wow, Italians must hate pizza.

>> No.18754855

>italian economy so bad they cant even afford cheap pizza
sad, very sad. my heart goes out to them

>> No.18754865

you're not me. why would you take credit for making a stupid mistake? lmao

>> No.18754891

There used to be Shakey's in Mexico. There's also McDonald's everywhere.

>> No.18754913

Flips are a tiny minority in the US

>> No.18754916

Jollibee in America (and Canada too if you even care about us) is because of all the filipino migrants coming over to work shitty jobs to send money back home, they all flock over to the closest Jollibee as their sanctuary to enjoy an authentic flip experience while being around other flips, I've seen it in person when the local mall in my area had a new Jollibee open up in it and every single person ordering food and sitting around eating were all asian people with noticeable tan/dark skin, which means flips or SEA in general

>> No.18755827

I really really hate whatever like photoshop shit to touch up the food pictures because goddamn does it all look so fake. It looks like pictures of those fake display food items you can buy for like buffets or shit.

>> No.18755893

Well, used to be everywhere. They closed up in Russia.

>> No.18755966

The food looks absolutely disgusting.

>> No.18756141

Nah, that's Chinese.
The Chinese government will give you $60,000 to marry a Chinese woman for long enough to get her citizenship.

>> No.18756175

THAT wasn't you, I'M the REAL you.

>> No.18756182 [DELETED] 

lol Americans go to McDonalds abroad and when they come back home they tell their friends how other countries have superior food. even the McDonalds is worse in the US than abroad.

>> No.18756519

Looks better. Tastes like trash.

>> No.18756545

I don't have a passport, but I've always felt this may be true ever since I saw my first Japanese slice-of-life inspirational McDonald's anime commercial. It has become a dream of mine to visit Japan, eat at McDonald's, and be inspired by the brave young people who get up every day and do their best working there.

>> No.18756553

I ate at mcdonalds two or three times during my month abroad there. The ebi fillet burger and and teriyaki burger were on point. But I also like normal mcdoubles.

>> No.18756660

good, then can you eliminate me? i'm miserable and don't want to exist anymore.

>> No.18756682

see? look!
i can't even get good digits.

>> No.18756692
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>> No.18756729

american pizza is so bad i can't comprehend why anyone prefers it
it isn't like it's impossible to get real pizza in america why on earth do people elect to have that horrible slop

>> No.18756863

Because there's no such thing as non-fast food fillipino food.

Take regular food, smother it in banana ketchup, and you get filipino food.

>> No.18756897

>spaghetti too sweet
>chopped up hotdog pieces and ham instead of meatballs
Trailer park tier. Chicken’s alright.

>> No.18756914

I dated a Filipina girl in high school and they definitely have real food. They just don't open restaurants for some reason.

>> No.18756921

>it isn't like it's impossible to get real pizza in america
drive 50 miles outside of your major coastal or airport city

>> No.18756957

I'm genuinely curious, what happens when migrant Flips gather in first-world urban areas, far from their home country (like the US, Canada, Europe, etc).
Do they form crime-ridden ghettos like "some" well known members of our international community? Or are they just a friendly face, keeping to themselves peacefully, speaking English exclusively, and MAYBE trying to actually fit in and belong to the country they invaded?
Just wondering, because I have never heard of Americans panicking when a Flip moves in next door. Should I panic? I need some stereotypes so I can train my AI about Flips.

>> No.18756960

>Flippy food
>Rice - Everything. Is Eaten. With Rice. *everything*
>Vinegar. Vinegar is used IN EVERYTHING. Vinegar, Garlic, and Black Peppercorn are the holy trinity (soy sauce, fish sauce, bayleaf honorable mention)
>Bagnet - boiled then dried then crispy fried pork belly seasoned with garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaves, and salt. It is eaten with rice.
>Silog - portmanteau of sinangag (fried rice) and itlog (fried egg). Literally what it says on the tin. Usually served at breakfast. Often paired with another meat or sauce that gets added to the name, like a short order call out. Ex. Tapsilog (most common), which is tapa (dried or cured beef, pork, mutton, venison or horse meat), sinagag, and Itlog. There are specialty breakfast places that'll serve just variations of this called Tapsi. If they try to serve you plain boiled rice or plain rice with garlic flakes over it (sinaing) then they are JEWS trying to rip you off, Sinangag specifically refers to rice fried with garlic
>Lumpia - yes the same papery crepe springroll that's on your chinese takeout menu. This is part of the problem of flip dishes, Phillipines have been migrated, invaded, and or colonized by literally everyone. Lumpia came to Phillipines from southern chinese immigrants in 900-1500 ad
>Adobo - meat and vegetables simmered & browned in a flavorful sauce. Phillipine adobo sprang up independent of Spanish Adobo and uses different ingredients - specifically Vinegar (especially important), Bayleaf, Black Peppercorn, and Soy Sauce. Adobo in Phillipines also tends to refer to the cooking process, rather than a specific dish - so you can have anything adobo'd, as long as that would taste good cooked in vinegar and served with garlic fried rice
>Daing - Fish (usually milk fish) dried, maybe salted, then marinated in garlick vinegar and fried.

the pattern is vinegar and garlic. It's probably native if it has that instead of tomato or pepper

>> No.18756968

I'm >>18756914 and in my experience they really tend to keep to themselves.

>> No.18756980

>I need some stereotypes so I can train my AI about Flips.
most stereotypes that apply to asian immigrants are usually also applied to flips, being SEAmonkeys. The extra wrinkle is added by the spanish empire, so they also get spaniard stereotypes in the mix
>Flips are accused of eating dogs (this ones not actually true)
>Flips are chronically late
>Flips are unskilled laborers
>Flips are really loud in groups
>Flips like Karaoke way too much (see above)
>Flips will name their kids retarded things like Girly, Honey, Boy, Uno, Junior, Blue, Princess, Queeny, Sweet, Lovely, Sweet-Rose, Virgie, Baby
>Flips are hyper religious
>Flip men are lotharios who cheat constantly, drink, gamble, and generally are degenerate
>Women are a weird mix of chingchong (soulless tiny assed gold digger) or tradcath spanish wife (just without the ass, which is an understandable dealbreaker...) who gets pregnant like falling off a log, lots of single moms
>basically midgets but really love basketball
Not sure how that one got in there Phillipines never had a black population AFAIK but there you are

The real story is the phlips never had a real unified culture, they were a bunch of autonomous regions and tribes who got swapped by various imperial rulers. Kind of like a reverse United States, or an easy asian Sicily-
>Small (both geographically and the people)
>Catholic (And yet terrible at it)
>Constantly invaded and ruled over by others rather than being the invaders like USA
>Melting pot by virtue of being conquered all the time like Sicily

>> No.18757004

So, what you are saying is,
When a Jollibee opens up in YOUR neighborhood
I should:
A. Welcome it and "them" to the community?
B. Raise an eyebrow and install upgraded locks and security system
C. Contact a qualified realtor and get out of dodge ASAP
So far I'm getting mostly A, maybe B-ish

>> No.18757013

B at worst but mostly A, they're still asians at the end of the day, they keep to themselves ala >>18756968 They'll just be noisy on holidays and won't bring up property values because they're usually working lower to middle income jobs rather than being Doctors or Lawyers or w/e the Asian stereotype is these days. This is because, like Mexicans, they can send a portion of that income they make at what we would consider a low paying job home and help support their extended family.

Flips don't really steal or trash the world around them, just their own lives (while singing really loud)

Jollibee is just Mcdonalds & KFC had a baby, it's cheap trash comfort food that's not actually comforting but you still crave it once a year like an alzheimers patient

>> No.18757023

Not Italian, but you have to understand their mentality. They’re very jealous and bitter people. Their country suffered major setbacks after getting their asses handed to them in WW2, their nation was in ruins after this and they were extremely poor and poverty fuelled, and so since then they’ve always been in the shadow of the other bigger and more influential western nations, like France, the UK and even their former allies the Germans. Not to mention the increasing influence of America and other nations of the world. Italy just became irrelevant. Even today they have slums in Italy still that are full of extreme poverty.

So after this, all they had left of influence was their food. It was the only thing they had left to be prideful of and so they can’t stand to see other nations take what they see as theirs and change it or make it better. They’re hanging into their last shred of dignity and relevance by playing ignorant, shouting and screaming if someone dares to cook “their” food. Of course the reality being it isn’t their food anymore and that Italian food in Italy has gone backwards, suffering from their years of poverty and that the evolution of their food has continued in much richer nations, America for instance has way better Italian food nowadays than Italy. You can also find better Italian food in France, which is the thing they hate the most. The fact that French food became the dominant force in gastronomy really gets to them. It’s sad, but that’s how it is.

>> No.18757125

>Burger and Chips
>Chicken and Chips
Pretty normal
>Hotdog and Chips
>Chicken and Bolognese Spaghetti
Okay, that's kinda weird.

Is Jollibee even a good fast food place? It's like SEA McDonalds ain't it?

>> No.18757166

>corporate ad
>corporate ad, Japan
It's literally the same ad praising wagies you see on an average day here but anime lol

>> No.18757277

This thread is racist af

>> No.18757290

I'd say it's nationalistic.

>> No.18757306
File: 6 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no outback steakhouse in australia

>> No.18757319

you'd have to really stretch the imagination to take offence to this thread. i mean you'd really have to go to some effort to choose to be offended. i don't know why anybody would consciously choose to be in distress but hey you do you i suppose. stay offended.

>> No.18757348

YouTube says their fried chicken is good. Anyone confirm? There's one near me here in Virginny

>> No.18757361

their spicy fried chicken bucket is the only fast fried chicken i like
you have to get spicy though the normal ones have absolutely no seasoning whatsoever

>> No.18757841


>SEA-Monkey McDonalds

>> No.18758436

Warping what Americans think "Australian" food is since 1988

>> No.18758475

What is Australian food other than Veeb and Britslop with ketchup?
I'd like to try kangaroo meat but I've heard people say it's nothing special.

>> No.18758497

>there is no outback steakhouse in australia

>> No.18758501
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Of course it's NSW and QLD

>> No.18758842

Why would I reveal our delicious secrets to an ingrate faggot like you?

>> No.18758867
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Italy makes shit pizza and it has nothing to do with their lack of faggoty chain restaurants.

Also if you think American pizza only comes from chains you're either a bong cosplaying as an American or from fucking Ohio and I don't know which is worse.

>> No.18758878

All american-style pizzas are trash

>> No.18758884
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bong confirmed

>> No.18759039

This menu looks unnatural. It's like something you see in the fake restaurants in movies or games.

>> No.18759056

No. It's different. Japanese employment anime ads are often like mini movie montages where the character overcomes adversity to contribute to a society worth being a part of. I haven't seen one like that here since the 1980's. Now there are no stories. We have no stories because we have no future to look forward to.

>> No.18759123


>> No.18759147
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very true, all of it so true

>> No.18759185


Still no Jolibees in Indiana.

>> No.18759198

My rural australian town had McDonalds, Kfc and then Quiznos for some reason. Seems like an odd choice, surely there were more popular options.

>> No.18759201

I live in Japan and McDonald's is heaven compared to back home. It's always spotless, the burgers look exactly like the advertisements and there are no folx working or frequenting the establishment.

>> No.18759251
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>> No.18759275

Flips seem fine to me. The only negative thing I have to say is that they're loud when they talk

>> No.18759345
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>I'm genuinely curious, what happens when migrant Flips gather in first-world urban areas, far from their home country (like the US, Canada, Europe, etc).

like any other immigtant community we tend to stick to close for support and to find room mates who happen to be a distant relation. because we have a decent tertiary education system geared toward medicine, you'll find a lot of flips in nurse positions. most first world countries tend to have nurse shortages as it's not exactly a glamourous job but for us it's a ticket out. nurse pay has been going up so we tend to stick to cities. also we're better than jamaican nurses.

i'm the son of an immigrant couple, and i don't like filipinos for most of the reasons this anon has said:>>18756980. i disagree on a few things, we do have a real culture unfortunately it's pretty shit. and the reason we like basketball is because we're americanized as fuck right down to shitty rap music, basketball hats with the stickers on them, adopting negro bling bling consumerism.

as for jollibees everything sucks except the fried chicken which btfo US popeyes and kfc. that's mainly why we managed to expand to US, the main competition is weak as fuck. also we're racist and we dont tolerate black crack addicts harrassing our customers. so you can come to jollibees without fear of that, and also a 5/10 short brown cashier girl will call you sir and thank you for your patronage. we also keep it strictly business and dont do shit like "oh its anon want the usual?" unless you're married to the cashier's cousin or something.

>> No.18759369

>The only negative thing I have to say is that they're loud when they talk

yes and it's the FOB as fuck flilps. i dont like them, and luckily my family is not so obnoxiois. but they're still loud and ignorant. in my middle school there were flip twin girls and not loud, i crushed on them super hard especially the tomboy of the pair (when i peaked under her skirt she had black shorts on which really irked me)

i cant stand filipino neighbors, so i live far away from my flip community. but that's because i dont want them pestering me, if you're not flip they usually wont bother you. if they bother you and are bad neighbors then treat them as any bad neighbor and call the police. flips are mostly aftaid of cops.

you'll quickly find out the real negatives if you go to the philippines. which you should because the USD has a very favorable FOREX rate, most everyone speaks english, and we've got big malls that are nice and air-conditioned as well as nice beaches. if you're adventurous you can go around the lesser subdivisions, i think. i havent been back since dutuerte was pres i heard bad shit about curfews and police being more awful than usual.

>> No.18759382

I didn't even know they were immigrants I just thought they naturally spawned from behind the counter inside Tim Hortons.

>> No.18759396


just dont blame us for tim hortons being shitty, that happened long before we came.