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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18742824 No.18742824 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I just discovered that food tastes good.

This is those cake box mixes, I followed the recipe and it’s actually amazing. When my mom made it it always tasted like shit.

Since I started living alone I’ve been realizing my mother has been a FUCKING AWFUL cool my entire life. I’ve never eaten tasty food in my life. And since I’ve started cooking myself, everything tastes so damn good.

Pay respects please I feel like I deserve sympathy for growing up as an abused child.

>> No.18742825

Move out you pitiful manchild

>> No.18742829

>since i started living alone
what do you think that means, dipshit?

>> No.18742848

I don't give a shit, delete your shit thread and find somewhere else to cry about how bad mommy is

>> No.18742887

Delete yourself

>> No.18742913

You should try out the brownie mixes as well.

>> No.18742921

you can use the cake mix to make cookies too that turn out well. think it requires a slight change in prep but nothing crazy
>t.fatty who also had a bad mom

>> No.18742924

sounds like you are the one with mommy issues anon...

>> No.18742940

you have to be over 18 to use 4chan anon

>> No.18744070

It's not just your mom, jackass. Basically every single parent since 1970 cannot cook, and their stupid fucking kids can't cook as a result.
It blows my mind. I was cutting up a pepper at my brother's gf's parents house and they were blown away by a simple dice. They're cool people, but holy shit, people do not know how to do the most basic cooking nowadays.

We were roasting potatoes and they were measuring out the oil with teaspoons. Like, come on. Roasting vegetables is so basic, you just add oil that looks right for the amount of vegetables. You don't have to measure.

>> No.18744519

Why is this board being used as a person blog as of late?

>> No.18744989

can relate OP, turns out I love broccoli, it was just always boiled to death when served in my mom's house

>> No.18745059

Good for you op, cooking is a valuable life skill that too few lack, I can only cook a handful of recipes but I find it to be pretty enjoyable and I'm pretty decent at what I can cook, I discovered last year that roast beef is actually really good when done properly and not over cooked to the point it's dry as fuck, always hated roasts till I did one myself

>> No.18745531
File: 11 KB, 444x444, 1664245407684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my witch of a mom but tasting anything that's remotely similar to the food she cooked before she showed her true colors makes me feel incredibly sad

>> No.18745855
File: 186 KB, 971x614, poke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but tasting anything that's remotely similar to the food she cooked before she showed her true colors makes me feel incredibly sad
wtf am I reading

>> No.18745860

Shouldn't be possible due to the amount of baking soda in the instant cake mix