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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18739598 No.18739598 [Reply] [Original]

Merry Christmas anons!
I gor a voucher for Christmas and wanted to get a cookbook. I had one in mind, it has 550 British dishes in it.
Now, I'm a terrible cook, but I'd like to cook traditional meals for my child.
Anyway, my wife reckons it's a waste and I can just google recipes.
I reckon that it's good to have that many recipes right there (how would I remember that many dishes to look up?), further, perhaps recipes online are of lower quality, I enjoy not having to use the internet in every facet of my life, and, I think that many cookbooks teach you more about the food than online recipes.
Anon, do you use cookbooks?Are they obsolete?
Am I a relic?
Tell me about your favourite cookbooks, post cookbook shelf, etc.
Pic for thread, not mine of course.

>> No.18739613

Books are a superior source of information to digital for most things. One possible exception is technical codices with lots of cross referencing. It's handy to have hyperlinks for that. But cookbooks aren't like that.

>> No.18739617
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Just buy it if you want it, don't be a faggot asking your wife for permission. I have maybe 10 cookbooks and I use them all the time. My favourite would probably be pic rel

>> No.18739642

550 dishes in 2 colours is a great book

>> No.18739651

>550 British dishes
Kek. What is it? Like 400 different "pudding" recipes, 50 different ways to make mushy peas, 50 different kinds of roasts that are essentially all the same, and then dumbed down recipes from other countries?

>> No.18739669

Every single online recipe has a blog post written by the author composed of absolutely inane drivel, usually having to do with the author trying to come out of the closet or get support from people for their gender transition surgery. Online recipes are garbage.

>> No.18739684

Opinion safely discarded.

>> No.18739695
File: 39 KB, 338x500, 9781838665289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I had assumed.
Looks like a great book there. She considers it wasteful when there are free recipes available, but I think it would be a great thing to have. Especially as I want to eat the food of my culture and to give that to my child.
She didn't forbid me or anything, but she thinks it's daft and wasteful.
I've only found one recipe online that I use with any frequency and even then, I don't do what it actually tells me to do.
This will be my first cookbook, I had seen some interesting ones on Roman cuisine and medieval cookery, but the former seems a bit too different for my family to like and the latter is out because Heston can't make an affordable book.
I came across a Victorian cookbook for the poor, but I think picrel could be a good pick for my first cookbook.

>> No.18740024 [DELETED] 

british "cuisine" in a nutshell:
>fish and chips
>poo and pee
>faggots and niggers
>toast sandwich
>curry (stolen from india)
>everything else stolen from france

>> No.18740033

Have you ever had a toast sandwich? It's nice. Poo and pee is top tier nosh

>> No.18740039


>> No.18740078

Cookbooks are good, a big problem I have with online recipes is they often have some long winded blogpost attached at the start where the writer waffles on about where they learned the dish or their family history or some trip they took and on and on and I don't know why anyone would care about all that shit, just want to know the ingredients and cooking method

>> No.18741233


>> No.18741267

“On Food and Cooking” by Harold McGee is the one of the greatest resources a home cook can have. If you have a question about food or cooking or want to understand ingredients or techniques or food in general, Mr. McGee has probably answered it in his book. He’s the original science foodie, his book was published in 1984, before all the faggot jewtubers shamelessly stole from his book and passed it off as their domain. Alton Brown is cool though, he gets a pass.

As far as actual recipe books go, Elizabeth David might be what your looking for. Her books are classic English cookery

>> No.18742492
File: 278 KB, 1292x1360, Claudia_Christian-Snack_Hacks-81laxuUYYBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the Claudia Christism cookbooks to be pretty good, heck I have them all

>> No.18742499 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself before the winter takes you nigger

>> No.18742694

You're more likely to master a recipe if it exists as a physical object in your house that you see everyday rather than in the ether of the internet

>> No.18742702
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>arranging books by colour

>> No.18742733

I remember when /ck/ had cookbook sharing threads

>> No.18742891

Do you mean the mega torrent threads? I have that stuff just no seeds

>> No.18742903
File: 167 KB, 1080x1080, 1661990808277984-serving_wench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was distracted

>> No.18742929

love cookbooks
hate new ones

>> No.18742942

yeah the newer ones all seem to have nothing to do with receipes or anything interesting, their purpose is to push click bait shit websites and upsell and try conversational advertising because they're that desperate

>> No.18743004

Marcella Hazan is absolute bottom tier. She can't cook.and knows nothing about Italian cuisine.

There's still good ones but they're ridiculously expensive

For the British Isles get Albert and/or Michel Roux Sr.' books. You'll probably have to look for them in second hand shops.
Gordon Ramsay's *** chef is fantastic, the rest is mediocre.
Fergus Henderson's nose to tail is fantastic as well.

For Italy look for The Silver Spoon, Pellegrino Artusi and Lorenza de Medici.

For France look for Paul Bocuse: The Complete Recipes, The Complete Robuchon and Larousse Gastronomique.

>> No.18743033

>hey babe pull down your shirt so I can take a slutty photo of you in this restaurant

>> No.18744276

>Marcella Hazan is absolute bottom tier. She can't cook.and knows nothing about Italian cuisine.
You're a nigger.

>> No.18744920

where does one go to get legally aquired cookbook ebooks now?

>> No.18744947

What knd of dumb whore did you marry ????