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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18739487 No.18739487 [Reply] [Original]

this was posted here so I made it for my extended family for xmas and everyone really liked it
anyone have any other comic strip/meme recipes that are confirmed good?

>> No.18739501 [DELETED] 

The dude who made that fucks post op trannies

>> No.18739688 [DELETED] 

the dude who makes that is a post op tranny.

>> No.18739692 [DELETED] 

Bros I want to fuck a post op tranny so bad. Imagine her squealing and writhing around in pleasure as you fill her guts with poz seed

>> No.18739712 [DELETED] 

you're a post OP tranny

>> No.18739788

this pic reeks of numale 9gag womanlike estrogen redditor betacuck energy soy guzzling scrawny limp wristed college arts degree consumerist brain rotted american west coast bloc

>> No.18739793

Stop being a newfag

>> No.18739807

We don't sign our posts here.

>> No.18739905

it's more soy to point out that this is soy at this point

>> No.18739923

You post on anonymous cooking forums.

>> No.18739940

I want to see the chili one. Thanks for reminding me I've been coming to this board for 12 years and this website for 16

>> No.18739950
File: 31 KB, 250x350, 21_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for reminding me I've been coming to this board for 12 years and this website for 16

>> No.18739961

trying so hard to fit in lmao go back

>> No.18739965

>tfw sort of liked a couple anime like Death Note back when I started lurking /b/ in like 2005 or 2006 (can't remember at this point because I was like 12 or 13 at the time and now I'm almost 30)
>start interacting with lots of anime fans on here
>start hanging out with anime fans IRL
>they're annoying and spergy
>the ones online turn out to be a bunch of pedophiles, transgingers, and transginger pedophiles
>stop watching anime except for the occasional Ghibli film
>mercilessly mock weebs online
>hang out with the cool kids who do drugs IRL
>get laid
>be normal
I legitimately believe I MKULTRA'd myself into not being autistic through years of psychedelic drug use. You should try it.

>> No.18739969

not a comic, but chef john's pecan pie recipe is a go-to for blowing people's minds

>> No.18739973

>normalfag and proud
pass, thanks.

>> No.18739985

I guess if a 9/11 truther / fascist / man who has made it his entire mission in life to dismantle the globalist capitalist deep state and usher in a new era of human consciousness through online trolling is "normal" lol

>> No.18739990

to elaborate, by "normal" I just meant "not an autistic weeb"
If you have the option to be schizophrenic instead of autistic, always choose the former.

>> No.18739999

That's why you hang out with the cool kids who drugs and get laid in the FIRST place, then start watching anime after you're already well-adjusted

>> No.18740002

If you're well adjusted, the vast majority of anime is not going to appeal to you, quads-kun

>> No.18740009
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>hang out with the cool kids who do drugs IRL
I almost went down your path, but the "cool kids" turned out to be psychotic schizos.
I will take autists over schizos any day. That's MY disability of choice, at least.

>> No.18740014

Nah you just have to get over the hump of how bizarre and cringe it is and then it's just a wellspring of pure idealism and good feels

>> No.18740022

At least schizos are fun/funny and understand irony and humor and figurative language and can read people's emotions through non-verbal cues. You know, the things that make us human and not robots.
I liked the Edgerunners anime that CDPR did on Netflix.

>> No.18740035


Sorry, does it need a chad and a soyjak for your zoomzoom brain to understand it?

>> No.18740047

>At least schizos are fun/funny and understand irony and humor and figurative language and can read people's emotions through non-verbal cues
The one I was living with and cooked for regularly threatened to stab me in my sleep because he convinced himself I was trying to poison him. He was also a flat earther years before that whole movement took off. I could write a book on the insane shit I dealt with.
I've had my fill and I'll stick with autists, thank you.

>> No.18740051

Why were you trying to poison him? You deserved to get stabbed tbqhfamalam

>> No.18740082

I believe by schizo he means "kind of out there person with weird eccentric idiosyncratic beliefs and maybe strange mannerisms and / or patterns of speech but who is still basically functional as a normal person" rather than a literal paranoid schizophrenic

>> No.18740107

>kind of out there person with weird eccentric idiosyncratic beliefs and maybe strange mannerisms and / or patterns of speech but who is still basically functional as a normal person
I get that, and I'd smoked enough while living with him that I was essentially that person at one point.
He started like that, too. But after his break-up, his mental state collapsed like a house of cards and those idiosyncrasies went from "amusing" to "alarming" really quick. And after looking inward, I realized that I was pretty far-gone myself.

I should probably stop posting about this. I'm getting off-topic and just digging up past trauma now.

>> No.18740113

Maybe if you were more willing to talk about your feelings you wouldn't be so autistic.

>> No.18740133

Don't be rude, I told you 3 times already that I prefer the 'tism.

>> No.18740137

Autistic people are just sociopaths without the charm