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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.88 MB, 480x480, Italian human rights violation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18732091 No.18732091 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Authentic Italian Coffee™ edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drinking anything smokey lately?

Previous Thread:>>18720800

>> No.18732181

what the fuck is that webm

>> No.18732217
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i almost made a mess today so i bought the prismo. i wouldn't have bothered but the plunger has begun backing out on its own during the flip.

>> No.18732230

Hope it works well for you. Report back when you get it.

>> No.18732251

thanks and will do!

>> No.18732255
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>> No.18732257

Double dubs
Kek @ "almost"

>> No.18732336

I's fucking over.

>> No.18732351

>fucking manual lever espresso
>"for convenience"
If you wanted convenient coffee you could have used almost any other method of coffee preparation known to man. It's like if someone made a slow bullet train.

>> No.18732379

This is unironically a good choice for that retard italanon whos going to buy a silvia and mignon lol.

>> No.18732404

I've made a mess with the inverted method maybe 3 times in my 5+ years of owning an Aeropress. I still do the inverted method to this day

>> No.18732464
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Ain't that expressedly counterindicated in the manual?

>> No.18732510

What's the bottom line for the cheapest passable espresso setup?

>> No.18732563

china wtf r yew dewin

>> No.18732566
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whoops forgot image

>> No.18732613
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Refurb flair($145/$219 with pressure gauge and better tamper) or Picopresso($129).
Kingrinder k4($88) or K6($99) will get you pretty far.

>> No.18732983

that's not as bad as i would've thought

>> No.18733040

is there a similar chart for electric grinders?

>> No.18733042

i watched a video by those two meme italian youtuber fuckwits where they put something i thought was salt in the grounds

>> No.18733204

>fill coffee without pressing it
>heaps coffee on top
>presses it down with pot
wtf was the point of that I thought he was gonna take a knife and level it out

>> No.18733224

No I haven't made one. What grinders are you looking at?

>> No.18733320

aeropress dumped a bunch of grounds into my mug and i didnt notice until the last mouthfull. (spits)

>> No.18733332

Just here to laugh at the burgers attempts at coffee making kek

>> No.18733349

k3/4 is supposedly work better for espresso than the k5/6 btw
Also made some aged eggnog with Anton's recipe
Not really a drinker at all so I guess I shouldn't be surprised this wasn't as enjoyable as just the normal storebought stuff. Maybe I used too much sugar but even then the brandy is a bit overpowering (I just used a 750ml bottle of brandy instead of doing a mix). Anyway I added in coffee and liked it like 3x more so yet again this is just another case of coffee being the best I love it.

>> No.18733461

Better is subjective.

>> No.18733467

yeah some people like you enjoy dogshit so who am I to judge lol fucking kike

>> No.18733526

>preground coffee
go fuck yourself

>> No.18733575

looks like utter shit

>> No.18733578

>written by italians
its wrong anyway. just listen to the hoff.

>> No.18733658
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C3 is good product and fuck you latina n600

>> No.18733672

I am 60% sure I am being trolled

>> No.18733688

Pretty sure the guy was being geniuine

>> No.18733705
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Whoops, forgot link

>> No.18733712

Hogging those delicious Simao Beans

>> No.18733718

Italians are just like that. Italian cooking is probably as superstitious as African

>> No.18733735

Just drink tea, James

>> No.18733774

The idea that all coffee is either light floral and tea-like or disgusting bitter burned tar like the OP webm is a false dichotomy.

>> No.18733800

For me? Single origin city roast with a 5lb dark roast blend in the freezer

>> No.18733880

FYI niggies there's a 20% off coupon active on the J-MAX product page on Scamazon right now. Snagged for $159

>> No.18734019

I've just started to get into batch brew and single origin coffee after listening to the podcast: "Making Coffee with Lucia Solis".

One thing I have kind of gotten out of the podcast and looking at coffee / cafe culture in Australia is... That most people don't drink coffee without milk and I've been wondering if we do obsess over milk flavoured with coffee rather than just liking coffee.

Is this the case in other countries or are people the flavours of coffee production more than milk with roasted flavours in it?

>> No.18734051

People basically everywhere in the world make shit coffee. Good coffee is always the realm of a minority of enthusiasts, I don't think any country has a genuinely good and widespread coffee culture. And because they make bad coffee they add lots of milk to it because milk makes bad coffee better.

>> No.18734055

Making coffee correctly even though that sounds gay as fuck to say is an extremely niche thing. On the flip side the fun of the hobby is that just taking a few weeks to learn how to really do it and picking up your own equipment means just about anyone can easily rise to be making coffee/espresso in the top 5% of the world. The bar is that low.

>> No.18734072
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Sorry I don't get what you asked for cause there's no such thing as flavours coffee nor roasted flavours.
Post harvesting from prosessor to brewer is the process to get that fancy nor bad notes or what you called flavours, and milk is preferable too cause some development beans is to make milk better with it but don't have too worry just drinks coffee what you like except instant especially from fucking nestle

>> No.18734078

Use paper filter dumbass

>> No.18734359

Pre-wet the filter, dingus
If you take milk or sugar in your coffee, you don't like coffee

>> No.18734398

I got one of these on the recommendation of a twitter mutual. It's quite nice, I think, but the fact that you shouldn't machine wash it kinda cuts back on the convenience of the aeropress overall IMO. Still a good device, it's my daily driver

t. someone who used to do the inverted method

>> No.18734462

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.18734464

>look at them use my catch phrase.

>> No.18734492

I have medium roast 88.5 cupping score beans from Flores wolobobo, when I'm using on v60 15gr (250ml/3xpour/2.30) taste orange peel, chocolate and sweet candy like.
But for espresso especially milk based taste like waffle with chocolate syrup and hint of orange.
The point is nothing wrong with milk on coffee especially if you use grade 1 or even grade 2 beans that especially more suitable for house blend (espresso based)

>> No.18734611

Sounds like dessert, not coffee. I will spit on your grave.

>> No.18734687

>One week without my coffee setup
Damn, didn't imagine I'd miss it so much. Also I can't drink the normal bar espresso anymore. Good thing is I don't think I've got caffeine withdrawal so I'll just wait to get back home

>> No.18734709


>> No.18734988

Does anybody have tips for researching/shopping for espresso machines? I know I want a semi-auto single boiler machine but it's hard to get a list and compare. Seems like way too many brands to keep track of.

>> No.18735191
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Is this electric grinder any good?
Im tempted to pick one up

>> No.18735244

might want to add $200 to that price tag before considering buying it.
hand grinders can be good under $200 because they dont need so many things that electric grinders need.

>> No.18735253

just see what hoffmann has reviewed and buy which one he likes and matches your budget.
he has reviewed a bunch from like $500-$3000 or something.

>> No.18735270
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No. The cheapest electric grinder I've seen anyone recommend are wilfa grinders (pic related) and the baratza encore, and even those two get a lot of shit from anons and they're both over $100.
If you want to go cheap go manual.

>> No.18735280

The general beginner recommendations are the gaggia classic and the rancilio silvia (on the upper end). If you want the more controversial popular options there's also the very cheap delonghi dedica and the "advanced" but relatively poorly built breville/sage bambino plus.

>> No.18735283

the least bad cheap grinder in my experience is the OXO conical burr, you can reliably get it on sale for 70-80 bucks
but if you care about quality you're better off getting a kinu or something

>> No.18735453

Just get a manual grinder if you want cheap and good
See >>18732613

>> No.18735460


Re-explaining it. I find that the coffee drinking culture in Australia is obsessed over coffee with milk, rather than just the coffee itself.

"Roasted flavours" would be notes like 'carbon' and 'chocolate' from dark roasts... Which probably be the quality coming out of nestle.. which needs milk.

>> No.18735473
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>> No.18735829

im pretty sure its a joke webm?

>> No.18735848

idk man italians are dumb sheep but their not actually retarded tho, vid is either a joke or some 12yo trying to shock their ameritard tiktok audience to get their 100th subscriber or however the fuck tiktock works

>> No.18735859

Youtube not tik tok and if you read through the comments he seems genuine about this and a lot of people agree with him and praise the technique.

>> No.18735862

you can get genuinely good roasted notes without burning the coffee, essentially like a crusty toasty slice of toast. though I agree that the romanticization of super dark roasts is just a marketing scheme to sell actual garbage

>> No.18735865

But k4 is 88 bucks on sale usually, same burs

>> No.18735884

Can confirm, a roaster I sometimes order from roasts their stuff darker than specialty shops normally would, even without looking at the color it's very brittle to grind and you need to brew it with like 85C water if you don't want it to come out bitter, but it still tastes nice when done properly and even retains a fair amount of the taste notes from the beans.
I think the reason you don't see stuff like this often is that most specialty roasters love really light floral stuff so they prioritize that, and the ones that make darker roasts aren't specialty roasters that give a damn, but mass producing companies that shit out grocery store coffee. I feel like there's a whole dimension of coffee taste that's being largely ignored.

>> No.18736642

Merry coofmas

>> No.18736645

debating between a DF64 with SSP burrs vs Craig Lyn HG-1 Prime.

>> No.18736694

Those are two very different burr sets.

>> No.18736708

I know. I like clarity but I also love texture.

>> No.18736727

So get a df64(or acaia orbit) with either of the 64mm cast sweet clones.

>> No.18736739

What do you think of the DF83?

>> No.18736765

Too soon to tell. Probably fine since they didn't actually change much from the df64. Shitty to align, loud(1400rpm, 550w ac motor, messy, but it works. Hopefully the 83mm casts are out soon. I'm really enjoying the 80mm dittings so the 83 should be great. I guess it actually will have a slightly shorter grind path then the 80 because of the 3 screw mount vs 2 on the dittings.

>> No.18736814

>vid is either a joke
seeing how disgusting both the moka and the rest of the kitchen is(deep cooked on grime) i can believe this is somewhat genuine.

>> No.18736970

funny troll but also dangerous filling water to the brim and then stuffing as much coffee as possible in the basket is a great way to make the moka explode on your stovetop

>> No.18737044

real talk everyone, how many fucking hours did you waste aligning your df64 and how to properly lubricate the fucking ring

>> No.18737369
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Why on BH coffee brewing compass 'tea like' on the outside, but really often used as a positive descriptor?

>> No.18737400

If I hook up an air compressor to deliver 150psi to my aero press will I be able to make proper expresso?

>> No.18737465

I don't think I've seen people use it as a positive much, a neutral at best.

>> No.18737505

Yes. Take a video of the process just in case

>> No.18737587

Which Moccamaster to get?

>> No.18737633


>> No.18737915
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What moka pot should I get bros? Are those e&b lab filter thingys worth it? I use a French press normally, but I want something to mix it up occasionally.

>> No.18737938

Don't get a moka pot unless you want to lose your sanity

>> No.18738033
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A stainless one you can throw in the dishwasher.
Why? It's a perfectly reasonable way to make coffee.

>> No.18738096


>> No.18738192

>problem glasses
Closed before "he" even started talking.

>> No.18738196
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>> No.18738205
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Did you expect more from a tard jamming compressed air canisters into an aeropress?

>> No.18738309

Just received 4x 250gm of various ground coffee from my sister for Christmas. Looks like it was packed 22 November.

How do I store these? Should I open them and consume them one by one or try them all on seperate days?

>> No.18738323

>Are those e&b lab filter thingys worth it

>> No.18738327

Open one, freeze the rest. Pull out as needed.

>> No.18738332

Freeze the unopened ones but keep the open on in the pantry?

Or freeze them use them then put back in the freezer everytime?

>> No.18738338

Never the latter
Do the former. Put them in freezer bags if you have large enough ziplocs

>> No.18738357

didnt have time to make coffee before i go to family christmas(family christmas on the day extended the day after)
so i just drank wayyyy too much cold brew
bro im fucked up, jittering and shit. its over.
on an empty stomach too.
i should eat something.

>> No.18738460

I'll get jittery off some geisha for you bud.

>> No.18738478
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thoughts on using picrel inside the flair's brew head for maximum comfy heating.

>> No.18738483

How much fiddling is a DF64 ? I'm looking at the DF64 ELR right now and about to pull the trigger on it with High uniformity SSP burrs. Is the allignement a once and done thing or you have to readjust it everyonce in a while ? How's the work flow?

>> No.18738557

One and done until you feel like fucking with it more. Just pay the guy to do it for you.

>> No.18738601
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does quality of paper filters really matter? thinking of just going cheap so i can go back to using my v60 instead of my french press

>> No.18738621

I thought the video was really cool but the first comment below the video from the engineer talking about material fatigue scared me from trying this.

>> No.18738627

They can affect how quickly the water drains through. Honestly are hario papers that expensive? A pack of 100 is about 5 or 6 bucks isn't it?

>> No.18738645

Absolutely. Just buy cafec mediums or abacas and be content.
Hario filters are dogshit.

>> No.18738767
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How the fuck do you even make a good cup of Moka? I've tried light roast, dark roast, finer grinds, coarser grinds. It always ends up tasting like shit.

>> No.18738772

the image posted is £0.03 per paper and the hario ones are £0.07, by far not the end of the world though.

>> No.18739012
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Is there a stainless one that can take the e&b 3-cup filter? That bialetti is a 4-cup. There are some other brands that make 3-cup stainless pots.

>> No.18739028

what kind of cohee does niggatoro drink

>> No.18739074
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>buys a $320 hispter lever piston
>wants to add a $3 chinkshit electrocution/branding iron dongle
picrel anon, it just works

>> No.18739113

had christmas lunch and felt better :)
just got back home, made 6 cup moka(natural process burundi of course.) poured over a chunk of large toblerone i got as a gift and a generous scoop of lactose free vanilla ice cream.
tastes bretty good.
i spent a good hour deep cleaning my moka last night.
its hot as fuck.(the weather not my goffee)

>> No.18739120

if you use anything other than a 6 cup moka you are a loser, objectively.
just get the 6 cup E&B lab moka. or buy the 6 cup filter and add it to a different 6 cup moka.

>> No.18739123

ethiopian double washed medium roast chemex served in a glass with 3 large reverse osmosis filtered ice cubes consumed over the course of 6 hours.

>> No.18739125

damn thats banger.
thanks :)

>> No.18739249
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Was thinking about stepping up from nespresso to this (picrel). Are integrated grinders really that bad?
Also, how long will it take to make better coffee than what nespresso can do?

>> No.18739255

Barista express

>> No.18739257

just buy a bambino



>> No.18739265


>> No.18739266

Don't get a grinder and machine in one unit. Makes upgrading a pain.

>> No.18739282
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eh it works

>> No.18739322
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Rate my cold brew

>> No.18739411

I want to replace my old reliable rancilio rocky for a better model. I mostly drink medium roasts espresso in 1:2 or 1:2.5 ratio.

Should I go for the DF64 with either SSP Cast Lab Sweet or SSP HU or is there another grinder in around the same price range that I should also look into?

Is it easy to allign the DF64 ?

>> No.18739424

>Click here
9/10, is that cold foam

>> No.18739542

I just used my tiny french press to froth fridge temp milk

>> No.18739656

Just ordered my first light roasted beans. How much longer should I brew it when using a french press?

>> No.18739808

Just got a Brevillle Barista Express, what am I doing wrong with its steam wand? I try to heat it for 25-30 seconds until the steam looks alright. I turn it back to standby for a little less than 2 seconds, then when I try to switch it back to steaming with milk, the pump, and with it the steam, don't seem to turn on properly. Like it only spits out water and some steam. Then when I give up and purge it, it then works?
Is there a timing with the steam wand that I'm missing or not getting?

>> No.18739817
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Newfag here, all I have is this thing and I want to step up my game, what should I do, Is it shit? should I throw it out or get better pods?

>> No.18739823

Don't breville machines have automatic programs for steaming milk? Have you tried if those work?

>> No.18739835

Among coffee making methods pods are in the bottom 3, along with instant and cheap filter coffee machines. They're better than instant, and like on par with basic filter coffee.
If you want to upgrade the first thing you're gonna want is a grinder, grinding beans fresh makes a big difference and also opens you up to specialty coffee shops, which often sell only beans. The usual entry level recommendation for a grinder is the 1zpresso q2, there's also the kingrinder k4 (more espresso focused) and k6 (more of an all rounder). All of these cost $100 or more, but the grinder is often the most expensive and most often used bit of coffee kit you're gonna own.
You're also gonna want scales (there's a decent chink one you can get for $15, I think the OP pasta mentions it), a thermometer if you're gonna be brewing medium or darker roasts (you don't want to use boiling water for dark roasts) and pick what brewing method you want
A plastic tube that you brew coffee in and push it through a filter with a plunger. About $30 and hard to fuck up.
The most popular pourover brewer is the hario v60. Ranges from $10 (plastic) to $20 (glass or ceramic). Pourovers can be great but require a bit of skill that you'll need to learn. Also it's very nice to have a gooseneck pouring kettle for them (although not essential), which drives up the cost.
>french press
Usually about $20 or more, hard to fuck up like the aeropress, but with the downside of having worse filtering and the upside of making bigger batches of coffee
>moka pot
Makes strong espresso-ish coffee, decent ones are $30 for very small ones and it goes up from there. Some people really like them, some people really hate them. The warcrime that is the OP webm is using a moka pot (just don't do what that guy does for the love of god).
Espresso is expensive and a lot of fuss, even a lot of coffee enthusiasts don't bother with it.

>> No.18739869

>run out of v60 filters
>use a very fine mesh stainless steel tea infuser instead
>pour goes well, water runs a bit too quickly but slowly enough
>end result tastes alright, almost no bottom slurry, surprisingly clear cup of coffee
HOWEVER it had a very noticeable metallic taste. is this unavoidable? was the mesh not clean enough? maybe it's just not stainless steel? if it wasn't for that metallic note I would consider never using disposable filters again

>> No.18739871

Thanks for taking the time anon, sad about the Espresso part

>> No.18739876

I mean you can still get into it if you want, it's good coffee, but just know that it's a hobby, and like most hobbies it requires some dedication and monetary investment.

>> No.18739911

gonna make some cold brew myself for the first time give me tips lads

>> No.18739922

It's not worth it. You should only get this if you want more oil in your coffee. I have one and it doesn't clean up as well.
Also stop flipping your fucking aeropress like a savage. You just have to vacuum lock it by pushing and pulling and it won't drop like precum.

>> No.18739925

Do NOT do this. Just insert the plunger and leave it alone. Pulling doesn't help and only adds the risk of sucking up some air through the bottom of the brewer, which fucks everything up and makes more coffee leak through.

>> No.18739933

Idk m8. I insert and pull and it locks fine. I've done it since watching the hoffmeme series on the aeropress.

>> No.18739934

use Honduras Opalaca fully washed.
just had some and it was great.

>> No.18739937

It doesn't have programs for foaming, like the ones in bean-to-cup machines. It has a full-fledged, albeit weak, steam wand. The settings are supposedly either off or full steam, but the latter needs warming up since it's a single boiler.
The steps I detailed is me trying to follow what's written in the manual (should be less than 8 seconds in between turning off the steam, and then placing the milk and turning the steam back on). But for some reason when I do this, I oddly end up with the pump off and the water squirting.
I guess I'll just try messing with the timings later.

>> No.18739945

To add to this, french press method can be replicated by basically immersion brewing in any vessel and scooping the ground that float on top. I basically use a tea leaf strainer to pour into another vessel then pour that into the mug (another strainer).
2 min break shell on top
8 minutes, let grounds settle fully and you'll be surprised how little sludge you get.

>> No.18739995

Huh, weird. Looked it up and yeah the barista express doesn't have an auto foaming option, but the reason I assumed it did was because the cheaper bambino plus has it. Don't know why they wouldn't include that with all their more expensive units.
Anyway, all I can really recommend is looking up video tutorials to see if you're doing anything different from them.

>> No.18740289
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>> No.18740432
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Has anyone tried this brand?
Tempted to pick up a bag since its like $16 for 2 lbs

>> No.18740467
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Anyone have a coffee/caffeine extraction % chart/graph for various methods? Just got me a French press.

>> No.18740608

is the Ceado E5SD a good grinder for espresso? Would it be recommended over a DF64 or DF83?

>> No.18740612

looks fine but i think you can get a better grinder for the price.

>> No.18740618

does it say the roast date?

>> No.18740643

>most specialty roasters love really light floral stuff so they prioritize that

No, you are wrong. Roasters that "prioritize" lighter roasts do so because it's cheaper. The energy costs of making a darker roast are massive compared to a light roast. So they roast the beans lightly, underdeveloping flavours, and then use (((marketing tricks))) to convince people it's better. If you "enjoy" lightly roasted coffee, you are a brainwashed faggot. kys.

>> No.18740646

None as far as i can tell, only has a best by date of 10/23

>> No.18740655

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.18740660

DF83 rundown? is it worth it compared to the 64?

>> No.18740661
File: 220 KB, 713x713, 3629693A-F2F1-4417-98A9-B6D2FAFFDF38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dumb question but bear with me.

I always drank Nespresso coffee and since I want to step up to an espresso machine with grinded coffee I started learning about making “manual” coffee.

So, to make an espresso you need 7 grams of grinded coffee, and this is the same amount that goes into a nespresso capsule (like the ristretto black one I drink), therefore to adhere to the 1:2 rule you should end with 14 grams of coffee in your cup, right?

I watched many videos and I see people grinding anywhere between 14 to 18 grams for a single dose of espresso, ending with 28 to 36 grams of coffee in their cup.

1) does this mean that they’re drinking a double espresso with these doses?

2) what happens if you go above the 1:2 ratio?

I tried weighing the cup when I make my Nespresso coffee and from a 7 gr capsule I end with way above 30 grams but the coffee is ‘good’ and not watery, there’s the crema and all. Should I make less coffee from a capsule?

3) if I’m alone and I want to make a single coffee, can I put 7 grams of grinded coffee in a double portafilter and make a coffee that exceeds the 1:2 ratio like I’m doing now?

I have the same cups as pic related made by nespresso and I fill them just like in the picture, it’s definitely way more than 14 grams of coffee from a 7 gr capsule.


>> No.18740663

i prefer my coffee beans to be medium rare. not well done.

>> No.18740666

also daily reminder that:

my coffee > your coffee

accept it and move on.

>> No.18740667

I agree.
My coffee > your coffee

>> No.18740669

>7 grams
is this really normal? i thought it was at least 15.

>> No.18740676

>what happens if you go above the 1:2 ratio?
nuclear war

>> No.18740682

Yes, an Italian espresso is 7~9 grams of grinded coffee.

>> No.18740684

then it's shit
probably already months on a shelf

>> No.18740686


europe = 7g
usa = 14g

>> No.18740692

light roasts go stale faster than darker roasts. this is likely to be shit. you'll get what you pay for.

>> No.18740702

i have the best coffee set up in all of melbourne but no frens to make coffee for. wont you be my fren? please be my fren.

>> No.18740711

>an Italian espresso
bin it.

>> No.18740714

lol, your coffee sucks.

>> No.18740721

have you heard of mcdonalds? they're a global fast food chain that has over thirty-eight thousand restaurants all around the world. they serve coffee too but when they came ot melbourne we didn't buy their coffee because it wasn't up to melbourne's standards. so melbourne invented the McCafé.

>> No.18740782

>have you heard of mcdonalds?

>> No.18740821

>A stainless one you can throw in the dishwasher.

Fucked up the finish on mine. Granted my water heater is set to hellish temps. Still works fine but not it looks like like and antique.

>> No.18740825

>muh finish
your ancestors are rolling in their graves

>> No.18740834

just watch the hoff's vids on espresso and it'll answer ur questions

>> No.18740867

this works?? should i buy a small french press just to froth milk for my moka coffee

>> No.18740872

K thanks

>> No.18740875
File: 2.63 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20221226_164035226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this for Christmas. Gonna taste it in a bit

>> No.18740897

>t. doesn't know what he's talking about and won't move on

>> No.18740915

>COLOMBIA covers half the bag, as if this is something to be proud of and not just the most run of the mill beans
>(handwritten) name of the person who roasted it

>> No.18740934


>> No.18740955

>sad about the Espresso part

it's only sad if you're a poorfag. if you have $2000-3000 to spend, you can get a great grinder, a pro-sumer level machine (with PID, HX, & flow control), a scale, and a fancy tamp/distribution tool. From there it's just a matter of watching the right videos on YouTube to learn the theory & technique.

once you have the gear & knowledge, the world is yours for the taking. you'll be able to buy any type of freshly roasted coffee and make the best possible espresso from it, all in the comfort of your own home. Of course if you don't have the coin to spend...just stick to telling yourself your "pourover" isn't just a manual version of Mr Coffee, scrub.

>> No.18740957

plz stop :(

>> No.18740963

Has anyone ever tried mixing a bunch of various roasts for science?

>> No.18740966

Post your setup.

>> No.18740968

>Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

I know what I'm talking about, faggot. Dark roasts are objectively the literal best tasting coffee, but (((they))) have been brainwashing faggots for decades into believing the BLUEBERRY BOMB meme. I pity you, sheeple.

>> No.18740971

dont do that it makes mustard gas.

>> No.18740975

also no, this coffee will be shit, but i doubt you can tell the difference anyway,

>> No.18741001

the 7 gram rule comes from the Italian Coffe Institute rules for making espresso. Literally read the Wikipedia page about espresso.

the 2:1 extraction ratio is a rule of thumb that should be a starting point for making espresso. Go to YouTube and watch Whole Latte Love's videos about "dialing in" espresso. Hoffmeme probably has a good video, too, but I get distracted by his fetal alcohol syndrome face under his massive eyeglasses.

adjusting the brew ratio to balance the flavors is a common technique. it's generally accepted that during extraction you get acids & oils first, then sugars, and finally bitter compounds. So if your espresso is too sour, more extraction can help. If your espresso is too bitter, less extraction is needed. You can change boiler temperature, grind size, dose size, extraction pressure, and brew ratio to affect the extraction. Each variable has its own benefits and consequences.

Finally, understand that ristretto and longo shots exist as a means to fix coffee that give very bitter or very sour espresso.

>> No.18741012

I’ve just ordered a Gaggia Classic Pro with an Eureka Mignon Specialità grinder, a Motta tamper, magnetic meme ring to avoid spilling the grinded coffee, the meme mat for tampering without destroying my countertop and an inox jug for steaming milk.

Experience apart, did I miss something?

>> No.18741013


>> No.18741016

>Breville Pro (modded)
>Bezzera Magica PID + flow control
>custom water with 125 ppm TDS
>$12 scale with 0.01 g accuracy (traceable)
>normcore tamp
>better coffee than yours

I've literally been at this for 2 weeks and have already mastered it. the bar for making good coffee is VERY low.

>> No.18741017

Yeah you should have bought a flair 58 with illy pod holder instead.https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EZJfd1l1_xU

>> No.18741024
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>better coffee than yours

>> No.18741037
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>1) does this mean that they’re drinking a double espresso with these doses?
Yes. I typically make a 16g, because that's how much coffee fits in my 18g basket without a dosing funnel being needed.
2) what happens if you go above the 1:2 ratio?
You make a lungo, try it, many people like this.
>3) if I’m alone and I want to make a single coffee, can I put 7 grams of grinded coffee in a double portafilter and make a coffee that exceeds the 1:2 ratio like I’m doing now?
Yes, but you will probably just start drinking doubles like nearly everyone does.

>> No.18741048

How many coffee can you safely drink per day? I drink max 3 coffees from nespresso capsules, so 7x3=21 grams of coffee per day.

>> No.18741049
File: 4 KB, 225x225, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A trash can for all the meme shit you bought and wont end up using after first week or two.
>t. gaggia disposable tamp enjoyer >>18741012

>> No.18741052

This shows that a ~$200 espresso maker reaching 10bar is possible. Replace the aero press with something that won't eventually burst in your face . A 2 inch diameter x 6 inch long stainless steel sanitary tube, a high pressure tri clamp, and a 2 inch diameter x 3 inch long filter cap would work. Maybe get a 150 mesh screen too.

>> No.18741060

No idea, I drink 2-4 of my typical 16g(measured by grinder) to ~32g(eyeballed) espresso.
Caffeine tolerance is a very individual thing so if you start feeling jittery ease off.

>> No.18741067

But why would you bother when you can just get a refurb flair($145/$219 with pressure gauge and better tamper) or Picopresso($129). Just to have an unstable boiler?

>> No.18741084

I just assumed manual ones can't get to a high enough pressure but apparently they do

>> No.18741085

>t. thinks brand & price matters more than performance

i bet you posted that from iPad air, right?

>> No.18741088
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I call this one "the maggot"

>> No.18741093

>This shows that a ~$200 espresso maker reaching 10bar is possible.

no shit, sherlock. DeLonghi has been making those for years. My first one cost $80 in 2015. the newer models sell for $150 msrp

>> No.18741094

i drink 200-400ml of moka a day on average, each dose of grounds is anywhere from 25-30g medium roast.
i have had some people say this is too much but it doesnt feel like anything to me.

>> No.18741098

>fetal alcohol syndrome
you dont know what that means.

>> No.18741107
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>Breville Pro (modded)

>> No.18741114
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this stuff is pretty good

>> No.18741117

How long my beans good for?

>> No.18741121

Not bait. it performs the same as the virtuoso with minimal fines. I've been using it for espresso with literally zero issue, so I see no reason to change. My coffee > your coffee, and that's all that matters.

>> No.18741133

two weeks

>> No.18741138


>> No.18741143

Same day that they're roasted and not a second more

>> No.18741146
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And the virtuoso burrset is dogshit. I don't understand what you're getting at.
>My coffee > your coffee

>> No.18741153

>I don't understand what you're getting at.
what I'm literally saying is my grinder works well enough for the task of making espresso. you can seethe about it until your asshole bleeds, but I'll still be over here enjoying my rich, gooey, medium roast, BLUE BERRY BOMB shots.

>> No.18741159

It works about as well as a $60 hand grinder and you're getting uppity.

>> No.18741170

>It works about as well as a $60 hand grinder

keep posting that cope. it makes my fruity, 3 day from roast, washed colombian even better. =}

>> No.18741182

My $200 kinu is a far better espresso grinder than your modded breville. My $2600 wug is in another league entirely.
>3 day from roast
You'll learn.

>> No.18741188

>My $200 kinu is a far better espresso grinder

got a link? if it's actually better, I'll consider it when my Breville breaks down. I know the plastic gears are a weak point, but I've had it for 2 years already and no issues. hence why I did not replace it when I got the new espresso machine.

If I upgrade the machine, I'll probably just step up to Decent.

>> No.18741193


>> No.18741203

>hand grinders

Instant nope. I am not autistic enough to hand grind my morning coffee beans. post something with a motor or stfu.

so now we're back to square one. I'm making great espresso with my Breville Pro, but you autistic shits can't stop hating on it. Literally explain why and I will consider replacing it.

>> No.18741212
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STFU kinufag, that's a manual grinder, ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.18741213


>> No.18741218

Espresso is quite low in caffeine per shot generally speaking.

>> No.18741222
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>> No.18741230

all you need is a french press and a grinder

>> No.18741232

I’d like to press and grind a French

>> No.18741234

retarded as fuck reddit CONSOOOOOOMERS. a 20 dollar grinder is fine

>> No.18741236
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I got this as a Christmas gift.
It seems real bad. Very cheap feeling plastic. But I don't want to be ungrateful for a gift so I tried using it.
The water department on the back doesn't come off and the space is incredibly tiny and awkward to fill.
I looked it up and they paid 50 dollars for this. Crazy. Bought me a bunch of k cup coffees and tea too. Almost feel tempted to buy a keurig so they won't go to waste since this maker seems to bad to use.
But then I don't even like the idea of single cup coffee. I drink pots at a time and grind my own beans. It just feels bad man.

>> No.18741241

I don't think you drink very good coffee fren.

>> No.18741250

yeh those are the worst gifts.
its why i always say to loved ones or whatever "give me cash in the amount you would spend on a gift or dont get me anything at all"
so far its worked out great.

>> No.18741255
File: 5 KB, 219x230, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when someone gets me a present for my "le hobby" thinking they learned of some secret gimmick I wasn't aware of.
They always hand it over with a huge shit eating grin and I'm not a dick to deny them the pleasure of gifting me.
I have a dozen of those small chink bracelets with weak ass magnets that are supposed to hold screws for you, and a bunch of those credit card sized multi tools.
IDK anon, k cups are not rocket surgery, it might make a good k-cup, try it.

>> No.18741286

I hate this thing, it's not even the right size. I don't mind that it's cheap plastic, because most people will be using whatever tamper they like, I mind that they couldn't even be fucked to get the diameter right.

>> No.18741294

I think it's just thrown in so you can play with the machine first day you get it if you forgot to buy a tamp. But yeah it's small and also not flat on the bottom. However tamping is a huge meme, and that plastic POS will make just as good cup as the spring loaded force calibrated meme tamps of several $$$.
I just prefer to have one that fits the portafilter and feels nicer in hand.

>> No.18741295

>$1900 for a chinesium burr grinder

Nah, that ain't it. I'm already making good espresso with my $200 Breville Pro. I literally dialed in the supposed golden ratio (2:1 EBR, 25 s, 9 bars at the grouphead) and I'm nowhere near the finest setting. Literally why should I replace what already works well?

>> No.18741306

>it's just thrown in so you can play with the machine first day you get it if you forgot to buy a tamp

Literally this. I forgot to buy a tamp so I had to use the nylon shit that came with my machine. I was actually able to get things reasonably level with it, but it took 3x longer. I ended up buying a normcore because it's self leveling, cheap, and fits well. Anyone spending more than $100 on a tamp is a literal fool.

>> No.18741319

>the supposed golden ratio
Coffee isn't a static process. You're dialed into a suggested ratio, pressure profile, and extraction time for dark roast italian robusta blends. It works for you because you're blitzing the fuck out of the beans with 450rpm and a shitty set of tiny conical burrs. Creates the high % of trailing fines that get you
>rich, gooey, medium roast shots.
If you're happy you're happy, good is relative. The second you make better coffee than you've been making, that good ceases to exist. Try pulling a 1:3 in 15s at lower pressure.
>Literally why should I replace what already works well?
To broaden your experiences, to try something other than medium roast grocery store blends? Different burr sets will give you vastly different presentations of the same crop. But again, if you're happy with steakums, don't ever look for wagyu. If gas station earbuds sound good, probably don't need hd800s.

>> No.18741323

Canadian here so all prices are in canadian monopoly dollars.
I want a new espresso grinder. I don't want to have to mods and fiddle with it too much, I want one that is good out of the box that I could upgrade the burrs down the line.

Currently I am looking at the Lagom P64 which is $2300CAD right now (around $1700USD). They will ship out in march 2023 from what I have read. Is it a proper endgame grinder for espresso or should I spend that much money on another one?

>> No.18741333

>Coffee isn't a static process.
No shit, Sherlock, but you faggots have been telling me it's literally impossible for my grinder to do what I did with it. So I'm pointing out the FACT that my grinder is more than capable of hitting a common target.

>high % of trailing fines
[citations needed] show me the data that says my grinder is making a high % of trailing fines. according to my research, it produces very little fines.

>try pulling a 1:3 in 15s at lower pressure
I've tried a bunch of different profiles already. I spent a few days using the last of some dark roast to learn how to use the machine and get consistent results. Then I bought some locally roasted, medium roast beans. I've been making incredible espresso with it for a week now. I've even been using my flow control valve to dampen the acidity and balance the flavors in my shots.

>Broaden your experiences
this isn't a very good reason to spend nearly $2000 on a chinesium grinder. My grinder is working well for the task at hand, and it is nowhere near the limit of its capabilities. Once it is no longer capable, then I will replace it. Until then, you can stay seething. Bitch.

>> No.18741335

>buy a couple light roasts from nearby specialty coffee shop/roaster
>every single one is darker than the grocery store bulk medium roast I get
Welp, that sucks.

>> No.18741342

Yeah you'll be fine with that. I might have gone with one over the wug lab sweet if Prima had them in stock at the time.
>Is it a proper endgame grinder for espresso
Its a proper endgame grinder for HOME espresso.Most cafes will have a very different tolerance for retention/noise and no need for rpm control.
>should I spend that much money on another one
You could look into the acaia orbit(should be out in canada early 2023), zerno z1(preorder, hasn't released yet) df64(way worse workflow), or jt64(odd little chinese 64mm spinner). P64 will have the best build quality, acaia orbit will be very similar but have grind by weight tech+ a hopper. Zerno looks very nice but hasn't made it to market.

>> No.18741369

buy a medium from a local
get dark, medium dark at best.

>> No.18741397
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>according to my research
Your research led you to believe peak espresso is 1:2 in 25s. Its not 1990 anymore. Are you the
>SGP is the only grinder backed by science moron?
>produces very little fines
Its all relative. Noone said you couldn't make espresso with it. You just have a shitty muddy brew because of the wide bimodal distribution caused by your high rpm, small cutting path conicals. A burr set with a more focused distribution will highlight flavors that your grinder is obscuring behind all that texture. Evenness of particle shape also plays a role. I'm sure this guy is real happy with his espresso off $80 ceramics too.
>locally roasted, medium roast beans
Post the roaster. Post the beans. Local roast medium is a very wide descriptor.
>I've been making incredible espresso with it for a week now.
Look pal I get it. I was here, bright eyed and bushy tailed, making great espresso with a $200 grinder and $200 flair. Then I started trying beans from world renowned roasters. Then I learned how to dial in those beans and wanted to see what dipping my tongue in the garden of espresso eden was like and dumped money on an "endgame" grinder. Its worth it. I hope you get there one day. Do you think the espresso out of these two pucks would very at all in taste?

>> No.18741412

What's your grinder?

>> No.18741437

hario skerton

>> No.18741444

lmao thanks anon

>> No.18741445

500w reversible motor, 90-200rpm+400-700rpm range. I've got 80mm ditting lab sweets in it now but I can swap in mazzer/ssp 71 and 83mm cones(weber key), all the mazzer/ssp 83mm flats, all the ditting 80mm(+ the boyt super), and the 80mm weber eg1 blind burrs now.

>> No.18741446

Breville Bambino Plus. My coffee is currently extracting faster than I'd like. I notice my puck is still a little wet with some water left behind when I pull it out, would that be an indication of channeling or should I just keep grinding finer until I get to where I want? The puck *looks* uniform..

>> No.18741448

Going up in dose half a gram or a gram may fix both of those

>> No.18741452
File: 214 KB, 940x529, texas-style-smoked-brisket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into a le hipster coffee shop
>999 different pre flavored coffees
>one medium roast non flavored
>ask for espresso to test
>counter wagie confused
>"Do you want that espresso in like a latte?"
>Wtf does this even mean?
>argue for another 45s about not wanting flavors, milk, cream, butter, cum in my cup
>get a shitty paper cup
>medium roast turns out Schwarzenegger
>Walk into a BBQ joint
>spy a 4 group at the bar
>ask for an espresso
>wagie smiles and says she'll bring it to my table
>get an amazing espresso served to me in a proper cup first time since moving to Burgerland
>bar has 6 different light-medium roasts
>3 of which are great the rest are decent
Fucking what?

>> No.18741457

I'm using an IMS 14-18g basket and am currently at an 18g dose, I've seen some mentions that the Bambino Plus doesn't handle 19g or higher well. I'll give it a go though, worse case scenario I refund larger basket

>> No.18741474

>I notice my puck is still a little wet with some water left behind when I pull it out
Means nothing. If the sloppiest puck in the world left behind a great shot, you've got a great shot.

>> No.18741475

>pre flavored coffees
should have walked out right after that.

>> No.18741481

>Noone said you couldn't make espresso with it.

troll confirmed. faggots literally ITT said you can't. CTG says it's not recommended for espresso. the boomers at espresso afficianados say you can't make espresso with my grinder. Keep seething, faggot. it's only intensitying the BLUE BERRY BOMB flavor in my espresso. :^》

>> No.18741482

Ok, definitely try grinding finer first, then - often a wet puck is a result of using less than is intended for a basket but if you're at the upper limit grind finer first.

That being said, there's nothing wrong with a wet puck as such as long as what you're drinking tastes good - I dose 16.5 in my 18-20g basket and not uncommonly find it a little wet afterwards.

>> No.18741483

>Are you the SGP is the only grinder backed by science moron?
I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.18741485

>hario skerton

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU fucking retard. Imagine literally shelling out the money for that dogshit workflow and unreliable motor! No wonder you're seething so much. Buyer's remorse is a BITCH!

>> No.18741496

>You just have a shitty muddy brew because of the wide bimodal distribution caused by your high rpm, small cutting path conicals.

LMFAO, the sheer amount of cope. Literally where is the data to support your "bimodal distribution" hypothesis? Better yet, where is your data to prove you could even taste the difference between Starbies and "muh local mum 'n poop"? Just stfu you cringey delusional brewlet.

>> No.18741497

>Lots of people get sucked into the SGP trap. Don't let it happen to you or your loved ones.

>> No.18741500

I have two

>> No.18741501
File: 270 KB, 706x560, grindlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally where is the data to support your "bimodal distribution" hypothesis

>> No.18741519

Gotcha, I'll just focus on the extraction, thanks

>> No.18741526

good thing I don't use a Bratza grinder!

>> No.18741529

Also if your puck channels to fucking pieces but the espresso is still good, the espresso is still good. Its just not repeatable. Focus on that prep and use your tongue. You're not running a cafe, there's no rush.

>> No.18741532

> it performs the same as the virtuoso
Preciso was a more expensive virtuoso with 11x more steps and a portafilter fork. Baratza is owned by Breville. Keep on coping pal.

>> No.18741534

wtf is a SGP grinder? I've not heard of that company.

my point was that I've heard many, many claims about particle size distribution, % of fines, and so on, but the only actual study I've seen says that my grinder produced very little fines compared to other mid-tier grinders. And for all of his bullshit, even the mighty Hoffmeme acknowledges there are diminishing returns from more expensive grinders. So until someone shows me some actual data that says "Breville Pro is objectively bad for espresso" I'm gonna keep on enjoying my high-clarity, full bodied, locally roasted, super fresh, pressure profiled for optimal flavor, BLUE MOTHERFUCKING BERRY FUCKING BOMB shots.

>> No.18741546

Baratza is a different company, designing and making different products than their parent company. keep seething. I'm still patiently waiting for data that says my grinder that I use for espresso is no good for espresso.

>> No.18741549
File: 158 KB, 1536x999, best-results-4-grinders-graph-cropped-1536x999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breville Pro
>the only actual study I've seen says that my grinder produced very little fines compared to other mid-tier grinders
Again, its all relative. Those mid tier electrics get shit on by <$60 hand grinders. Turns out not running small conical burrs at 450rpm cleans them up a bit. Are you talking about this analysis that shows a massive 33% hump of trailing fines and 8% boulders? Yeah, thats not ideal. You can imagine how a more narrow spectrum would affect the taste right?
>I'm gonna keep on enjoying
I hope you do. But one day you'll move on and understand just how ignorant you were. Let us know when it happens.

>> No.18741552

>Preciso was a more expensive virtuoso

that's like saying a corvette is a more expensive camaro and then saying a firebird also has the same flaws as a corvette because they're all made by GM. you just sound like an idiot. he's got you beat. just admit that you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.18741556

Baratza doesn't design shit, they buy it and outsource manufacturing to china. Thats an etzinger burr and internals.

>> No.18741563

>the data shows the Breville performed best

thanks for proving my point! do you have a graph showing how it compares to the more expensive ones?

>> No.18741567

>You can imagine how a more narrow spectrum would affect the taste right?

Not really. Has anyone done a double blind study on how particle size distribution affects the taste of espresso?

>> No.18741588

Yeah you're the same idiot. Happy holidays pal.
People triangle test burrsets all day long.

>> No.18741664

>o you have a graph showing how it compares to the more expensive ones?

I'll take your response as a 'no'. please post a link if you find some actual evidence about particle size distribution versus flavor. how wide is too wide for PSD? what is the threshold for fines before they start affecting taste? I'd love to read some quality research on these topics.

>> No.18741710

I've tried every place within a 30 mile radius, none of them have a good light roast. Most don't even offer a light roast at all, this last place gave me hope since they had a whole bunch labeled light roast.
I don't want to have to mail order expensive coffee.

>> No.18741728

>expensive coffee.
what would you consider expensive (usd)

>> No.18741734 [DELETED] 

allowing this general was a mistake, though however

>> No.18741743
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Knock yourself out. Its only about 15 years out of date.
More good reading. Coffeeadastra is gagne's site. Might help you ask better questions in the future. For what its worth, Gagne so far hasn't liked espresso on lab sweets but loves filter. We're well into the realm of intangible science, driven by subjective taste. I'm glad you enjoy what you're using, but I guarantee we can find you something that blows you away.

>> No.18741774

I drink Nescafé instant coffee, with 2 teaspoons of white sugar and a splash of whole milk. It’s really good, but can’t drink more than 1 or 2 because it’s too strong and will keep me up.

>> No.18741847

I hope you are enjoying your beverage anon.

>> No.18741855

Brewing yourself a cup is way cheaper than buying it at a shop though? Maybe not on day 1, but if you drink coffee even slightly regularly and are in your 20s to 30s today, it'll be ridiculously in favor of doing it yourself over shops.

>> No.18741933

>been at this for 2 weeks
>better than you!
kek. you'll make a fine barista some day with that attitude

>> No.18741936

looks like a Witchetty grub

>> No.18741941
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/ctg/ I will admit and confess. One time, I roasted my beans in cooking oil.
>It was good, but I don't have a roasting machine atm

>> No.18741947

>I roasted my beans in cooking oil.

you fried your beans, bro.

>> No.18741949

BUT IT WAS GOOD, I had a fun time doing it outside during the summer time. It was a fucking pain grinding them after.

>> No.18741956

>1) does this mean that they’re drinking a double espresso with these doses?
>2) what happens if you go above the 1:2 ratio?
sour and watery coffee
>I tried weighing the cup when I make my Nespresso coffee and from a 7 gr capsule I end with way above 30 grams but the coffee is ‘good’ and not watery, there’s the crema and all. Should I make less coffee from a capsule?
I'm sure the nesspresso machine does some stuff that a normal espesso machine doesn't
>3) if I’m alone and I want to make a single coffee, can I put 7 grams of grinded coffee in a double portafilter and make a coffee that exceeds the 1:2 ratio like I’m doing now?
yes but you'll end with a wet a goo-y puck that's hard to clean
>I have the same cups as pic related made by nespresso and I fill them just like in the picture, it’s definitely way more than 14 grams of coffee from a 7 gr capsule.
You're using volumetrics and measuring with the eyes, don't do that
Those cups look cool tho

>> No.18741960

why don't you leave the roasting up to the professional roasters who studies at university to learn how to roast?

>> No.18741965
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No. I love finding new fun ways to roast.

>> No.18741967


>i have to have full control of everything

>> No.18741974

Yes. Do you question a coffee addict autsimo who roasts coffee on a open frying pan? Or better over a open fire?

>> No.18741979

well i can afford to pay professionals to roast beans for me and i can appreciate the results. let me make you an espresso one day.

>> No.18741982

>Not learning on your own

>> No.18741986

i know how to use an oven but i have better things to do

>> No.18741989
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NGMI, Anon I had to use COOKING OIL to cook my beans and it was sub-par. Even James the eurofag did it. Hell I'm even about to get my first roasting machine soon and I can make whatever I want.

Why can't you even learn how to roast? A oven is just shit.

>> No.18741990

Link right here if you don't believe me.

>> No.18741992

>Why can't you
can't =/= won't

>> No.18741993

I've literally been at this for 2 weeks and have already mastered it. the bar for frying good coffee is VERY low.

>> No.18741995

Stop avoiding my question.

Same here, gonna get into the real machines. Any good tips for using a roasting machine?

>> No.18741996

I absolutely judge people whose coffee consumption isn't mostly black, unsweetened coffee. If you need milk and sugar or a whole curry's worth of spices to drink it you're a bitch.

>> No.18741998

i already told you that i have better things to do so i pay professionals to import and roast my beans for me. you don't need to apologize for being poor. you're adapting. i don't need to adapt because i'm a better person than you.

>> No.18742003
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>i don't need to adapt because i'm a better person than you.

Sorry, I like to live cheaply even though I live pretty normal. Plus I'm not 100% into this game unlike some people like you. Sounds like you have skill issues, maybe go touch some grass?

>> No.18742008

touching grass (and banging ur mum) is why i don't have time to roast beans

>> No.18742011
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Doesn't matter, imagine hiring people because you can't even take time to roast it yourself.

>> No.18742015


can't =/= won't

>> No.18742017

Kek what a waste of money

>> No.18742019

i have more than i need

>> No.18742022
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Your loss.

>> No.18742025

my loss enjoying the finest coffee that melbourne has to offer? i'll manage.

>> No.18742027

Figured, Moot was right.

>> No.18742028

>i just have to have the final word!

>> No.18742030
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>Being this assblasted over not roasting your own beans.
Have the last word fagola, lmao.

>> No.18742033

imagine being poor

>> No.18742060

I don't have to imagine.

>> No.18742071

I never notice any metallic note with the ikea metal filter I occasionally use.

>> No.18742133

where was that bar graph from? the link is just to Breville's page to buy their grinder. Post your source.

>> No.18742138

>We're well into the realm of intangible science, driven by subjective taste.

that's the opposite of science, dipshit. back to plebbit you go, now!

>> No.18742214

the coffee astrada article on grinding finer has been the most relevant thing post ITT with respect to grinder selection. That said, Gagne also acknowledges that the need for reducing the height of the fines peak in your grind's PSD is still debated. Here's what I took from the article:

>reducing the proportion of fines can increase flow at a given grinder setting and extraction condition
>to restore flow to your target (whatever you had with the larger fines proportion) you can now grind even finer
>grinding even finer at the same extraction condition should lead to higher extraction yield in the same amount of time
>but achieving low fines peak is still technically difficult and therefore expensive
>at the end of the day, reducing fines peak may not lead to better tasting coffee, just different tasting coffee

based on everything I've seen & read from Rao, Hoffmeme, and now Gagne, it seems like I should keep playing with my current setup and delay moving into next-tier grinders until the science is better understood.

I got into espresso because it's a rich, complex beverage. Increasing "clarity" sounds like you're making watery espresso and telling yourself it's good because you spent a lot of money "reducing fines" to make espresso that tastes like coffee from your V60. Just go back to your manual Mr Coffee if that's what you like. It's not a contest, but my coffee > your coffee.

>> No.18742228

most Baristas are trained over the course of a single 6 hour shift. I spent 1 hour per night, plus a Sunday morning practicing my technique. I'm already pressure profiling, which is something I've never seen at a local cafe. So yeah, I've gotten good enough to make better espresso than most shops in my city. Stay mad tho.

>> No.18742271

>opposite of science
How do you chart taste?
You'll get there one day.

>> No.18742415

What's your grinder?

>> No.18742462

Smart Grinder Pro

>> No.18742516

I've had my smart grinder pro for about a year, and it does ok I think. More clumps than I'd like. The motor is starting to sound like it wishes for death, so I want to be ready with a replacement grinder if it blows up. What should I be looking for in a new hand grinder? If I can spend less and get a better grind with less noise, I'm perfectly happy turning a handle for a bit. I just don't know shit about grinders yet, and the arguments in this thread have gone a little over my head.

>> No.18742638

Hello, idiot here, been slowly getting into coffee autism for the past year but I'm still using a blade grinder.
Was looking to finally upgrade into an entry-level hand grinder but I don't wanna go over 100€.
I'll be mostly using it for filter coffee (aeropress, v60, machine).
I'm already researched the recommendations a lil bit, but I'm wonder what's the right choice for the prices available where I live (western Europe).
>C2 for 60€ off aliexpress
>Q2 for 80€ off amazon
>C3 for 70€ish off aliexpress, but delivered from China, which is making me hesitant over custom fees and the sort
I was pointing towards the Q2 until I realised that it apparently only has a 15-20mg capacity, which is apparently lower than the C2's reported 20-25mg, although I really have no fucking clue about how reliable that information is. This is only an issue as I'm used to grinding between 25 to 30mg in the morning for some other family members, but I'm willing to compromise over it (especially as there's usually some leftover coffee drank at lunch, not by me, but I still find it fucking disgusting).

>> No.18742646

The q2 is the best grinder of that lot. Depends on how much you dislike hand grinding I guess, if doing it twice isn't a huge turnoff I'd definitely say go for that. Also has the benefit of fitting inside an aeropress for traveling. Just make sure you get one with heptagonal burrs.

>> No.18742661

The one that's listed at amazon claims it has the heptagonal burrs, I'm hoping it's truthful.
Is the 80€ price tag alright?

>> No.18742663
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Yeah, they usually go for around 100€ actually. Not sure where you found it for 80€. Make sure it's the same thing.

>> No.18742664
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It has some weird 20% off coupon.

>> No.18742668

Neat if it works, that's a very good deal then.

>> No.18742674

Fuck it, I'm pulling the trigger then.
Thank you anon.

>> No.18742675

New thread

>> No.18742752

I work at a thrift store and found a bigger size moka pot.

It seems like it's in solid condition. The gasket is worn, the water chamber looks kind of calcified or something.

Think it's worth getting? Should it be easy to restore you think?