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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.22 MB, 272x480, wagies rise up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18732066 No.18732066 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL respect the fast food workers.

>> No.18732074

idc abt wagies but its really fun actually seeing them do someones ass in for once esp against someone whos prob a little faggot who tried being funny

>> No.18732080

This is the most based thing that BK will ever do

>> No.18732087

In those 15 seconds that kid saw more parenting potential in a random fast food wagie than he ever did in his parents.

>> No.18732096

op probably wanted this to be a seethe thread but nah, i respect that wagie, if those kids' dad never taught them anything, hes gonna take up the task

>> No.18732097

nope, I hate service workers. I am a 40 year old man, I don't have to respect some punk who's 15 years my junior and if they don't like it they can suck my cock.

>> No.18732103

he was fired for this, right?

>> No.18732105

I officially crown this man the BK king. I haven't been to one in years but after the snow melts I'm going to get myself a whopper in his memory.

>> No.18732108
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desu i thought the wagie was insanely based dabbing on zoomer retards like >>18732097

>> No.18732110

idk i mean they kinda look like slavs

>> No.18732112

You sound like a very unpleasant person.

>> No.18732113

Hopefully they gave him a promotion and his own store.

>> No.18732119

For what? Being the father figure they never had? Those kids are obviously the products of single mother homes.

>> No.18732121

Probably, but he won our hearts

>> No.18732141

I would be so happy if this shit happened to me. Imagine the settlement from BK

>> No.18732153

No he's got the keys to the city.

>> No.18732154

only if the parents snitched

>> No.18732157

nah, fuck the kid but fuck the pathetic wagie more. he got the tiniest bit of authority and just needed someone smaller than him to exert it. guarantee he never confronted any adult when they made a mess

>> No.18732178
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Only because he'd need to be wearing one of these to do that to the average BK customer

>> No.18732190

What an easy way to lose your job and got to jail.

>> No.18732192

No. This is a Russian video. That is common in Russia. No one cares.

>> No.18732195

Bootlickers disgust me, never post on this board again.

>> No.18732200

>lose your job
>go to jail

>> No.18732201

Literally go fuck yourself.

>> No.18732205

Yeah. Assaulting kids is kinda a big fucking deal in the legal system. That's easy jail time.

>> No.18732208

>tell me you make less than $25,000 a year without telling me you make less than $25,000/year

>> No.18732214

Why are you a little bitch? lmao

>> No.18732219
File: 1.12 MB, 484x305, 1646468604376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obviously suffering from childhood trauma and school bullies wageslave uses opportunity to bully kids
Any info on the aftermath to what happened to the wagie? I wish he got time.

>> No.18732223

First punching nazis, now keeping little hooligans in line. How does one country become so based.

>> No.18732226
File: 612 KB, 1023x768, yak-punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I would also like to punch a stupid kid in the face from time to time that guy completely ruined his life in that minute. Physically assaulting minors is the kind of blemish that prevents you from ever getting a job. Hell it makes you nearly undateable. Probably won't even be allowed around minors for the rest of his life. Probably will never get married now.

All for a useless whagie job

>> No.18732232

The kids obviously made a mess right infront of him, on purpose, as a power play. Those little sociopaths need to be put in their place early, and their paretns obviously aren't doing the job.

>> No.18732237

Probably what happened, yeah.

>> No.18732238

>yummy shoe my favorite meal please step on me more government
You are less than a worm you make pond scum look good.

>> No.18732246

yeah if you say you assault minors people will think you're a psycho, but you're delusional if people will ostracize you because they saw you do this

>> No.18732249

>Hell it makes you nearly undateable
Lmao you have never seen or touched a pussy since you came out of one. Women are the number one abusers and killers of children. They don't give two fucks a man could rip a child in two in front of them and they could be dripping wet for him 5 minutes later.

>> No.18732259

calling this bullying just makes me take less seriously anyone who claims they were bullied. actual bullies will engage in horseplay to the point you will walk away missing your clothes or your teeth

>> No.18732262

why are people disrespectful to slop servers? They didn't do nothing wrong.

>> No.18732265

just because wimmin are themselves psychos doesn't mean they'll tolerate that in their partners

>> No.18732272

Humans have an innate desire to have someone lower than them that they can abuse. They get an almost sexual thrill from feeling above someone else. Since fast food workers are near the bottom of the totem pole of society they are an easy punching bag. It's a sign of a mature individual that has learned to respect those less fortunate than himself.

>> No.18732275

Lol we're reaching incel levels that shouldn't even be possible. You know less than nothing about the psychology of women.

>> No.18732283
File: 49 KB, 1080x1000, 86743407-37f8-4915-8348-8aa914b1b121-Untitled-1-1080w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.18732286
File: 18 KB, 500x327, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon my assertion is that the whagie ruined his life because having a record of assaulting a child pretty much exlccudes you from every part of society. also regardless of how much you hate women or think you're a master of psychology, nobody is going to date someone if they find out they got arrested for punching an 11yo in the facce

>> No.18732289

Thats clearly the UK, those are school kids in school uniform. So they are under 16 and he assaulted one of them.

>> No.18732293

>doesn't understand anything about women
>accuses others of hating women
Do more brain exercises yours has clearly atrophied.

>> No.18732294

I now love Russia a little more

>> No.18732298

>arrested for punching an 11yo in the facce
yeah women don't date men who throw their full weight into suckerpunching a child. good thing he didn't do that then

>> No.18732301
File: 57 KB, 496x666, 256542754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I can retire knowing that my kingdom will be left in good hands.

>> No.18732312

it is in russia, pretty sure thats how he was allowed, american bk wouldve crucified him

>> No.18732323

eh maybe you got a case once he put his hands on the kid but if you are the time of parent to press charges over this you are a douchebag

>> No.18732326

Kek reminds me of a Korean I worked with when I was 20. He was extremely meticulous about everything and had scars on his back cause the military whipped him

>> No.18732329

Maybe he shouldn't lose his cool over some faggots. Then they win.

>> No.18732335

/ck/ really is the most pussy whipped board on 4chan. All these crying bitch responses because a kid gets some much needed parenting for the first time in his life. That hero potentially saved hundreds of lives righting the course of future school shooters.

>> No.18732337
File: 1.10 MB, 1240x744, a1d81cc-48f5-4bb6-aaa6-8f6d26b6ff7b-2060x12361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is almost exactly the opposite of true. the amount of reprehensible behavior that is forgiven by women would blow your mind.

>> No.18732340


>> No.18732342

Wrong actually. The kids weren't in it for an explosive reaction, they were in it to humiliate someone in a "lower" position. That's how these things usually go.

>> No.18732343
File: 438 KB, 170x170, VV23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His smile ... restored

>> No.18732368

Andrew Tate should congratulate the fine worker for protecting his pride against these loser kids also you should respect your sloppa also sigma for life respect to fellow giga Chad kid beater and adult hiders. Tldr rent free

>> No.18732376

>Humans have an innate desire to have someone lower than them that they can abuse
I agree, but the weakling wagie is perpetuating this same idea. he can abuse the child that made a mess, so he does. he would never say a word to anyone over 16 who shit on the table.

>> No.18732382

I would have stomped this wagie for five straight minutes if I saw him doing that to my kid. My kids wouldn't do that shit to begin with, but any wagie that touches them is going to the hospital and I'll be getting an apology letter from corporate afterwards

>> No.18732384

You would have to leave your basement first before you ever have children lol.

>> No.18732388

Wrong, children that aren't corrected when they act up grow up to become the worst human beings imaginable. That man did more good for those kids than all his parents and teachers had up to that point. At any other point in history before 20 years ago this would have been seen as normal and good. A kid purposefully making a mess in a public place would get put in their place so hard you have no idea.

>> No.18732416

it's not for some random bathroom cleaner to discipline the kid. even if my kid was a complete jackass, i would kick the shit out of some peon that tried to act like a parent. he's MY kid, not yours. that burger flipper didn't correct the behavior because he wanted to help the kid, he did it because the kid was smaller and he could overpower him. again, if it was an adult, that worker would have said nothing and cleaned up like the cuck he is

>> No.18732417

No, it’s Russia. They speak Russian in the clip with sound.

>> No.18732420

So terrible human being under the guise of setting future terrible human beings into fine proper men is the excuse also remember this is happening because of fries of spilled sloppa is the reason the wagie is reacting terribly also was the wagie do this the same as the kids he doing something terrible if you think about it no?

>> No.18732424

it's not for some random pig to lay a hand on my employee. I would suplex you before you even realized what happened, mongrel. *tips fedora* how's that for customer service

>> No.18732432

Wrong the worker did nothing wrong, he did no lasting damage to those kids. Swift and painful punishment is a natural deterrent to shitty behavior. Like putting your hand near something hot your body reacts by quickly sending you pain responses.
Those children will know better in the future to not be shitheads in public. The world was made a better place and natural human society was put in order. You and people like you are the reason things are falling apart because you want to coddle and baby people from birth to the grave.

>> No.18732433

Manager of wagies lol lmao even. No more responses are needed just lol lmao king of the wage

>> No.18732441

If that's what you believe ther's reasons for everything right? :)

>> No.18732442

you have never had kids or even dealt with kids ever.

>> No.18732456
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 8e4c4feeeffa2c1ddd7f65c34b31fd23b401d43bf62b1d2ee890e071292c12d7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18732458

The way the wagie acted also reminds me of animals maybe even hungry ghost. Just like example an animal put next to something they don't like they push back hard. some do the pushing seemingly like zombies example the wagie. By zombie I mean mindless no better than a caveman aka not gentlemen or civilized folk

>> No.18732459

Damn guess I have to tell my 15 year old girl she's got to crawl back into her mothers womb. That's going to be tough since she had a major growth spurt these last two years and is taller than her now.
Anything else you would like to share with the class virgin king?

>> No.18732463

Is your 15 taken or what? Future father in law

>> No.18732469

Good luck, she's not interested in boys at all. Somehow she got obsessed with ducks. I'm pretty sure she knows more about them than 90% of the planet. She raises them and has even buried a few that got eaten by foxes. I'm hoping it gets her interested in a vet career or something else in the field she really loves animals but ducks in particular.

>> No.18732471

my dad works at nintendo

>> No.18732472

Lol I thought I was talking to someone else lol sorry but maybe I'm taking to the wrong again lmao>>18732463

>> No.18732477

I'm only into boys under 5 sorry I'm taken >>18732472

>> No.18732484

Lol all these are me

>> No.18732486

Might have to crawl inside her womb if ya' know what I mean

>> No.18732492

same desu

>> No.18732494

>someone having a child is on the same level of impossibility as someone working at a japanese video game company
Where do you think you came from? Where do you think I came from? Ask your parents again, it wasn't storks. Most human beings have sex and procreate at some point. This shouldn't come as a surprise to you unless you haven't seen the light of day in years. It is time to crawl out of that hole anon and see the vast world around you.

>> No.18732501

now we know you’ve never even had sex

>> No.18732506


>> No.18732517

Me thinks you doth project too much.

>> No.18732524

You should look in the mirror my katana wielding friend.

>> No.18732527

You're going to need a bigger wall to project that much buddy.

>> No.18732529

And bashing his head against a bench.

>> No.18732534

anons see small glimpse of traditional parenting and seethe. really says a lot...

>> No.18732542

>my shitpost made anon seethe so much he's boxing at shadows
we're hitting awesomesauce levels that shouldn't be possible

>> No.18732579

I've been the fast food workers... It's a job when your chosen field disappears out from under you, or when you "Don't have the experience." People tend to treat them like NPCs because corporate demands they act like NPCs. There seems to be genuine surprise and fear in their eyes when they throw a coffee over the counter and you respond by jumping over and chasing them out the door with a fresh half-urn. Nobody would expect any other group of people to just sit there and accept thrown coffee with a smile.

So how's this? You shouldn't disrespect the fast food workers any more than anyone else. If disrespect's your game, remind yourself that these cunts can't afford to take time off for illness, and it's so easy to drop a luigi between your burger and the cheese.

>> No.18732587

uhhhh based wagie???

>> No.18732629

fuck yeah. snot nosed brats generally think theyre untouchable. very based wagie.

>> No.18732640

Military is mandatory for Korean men, they even shame celebs who skip out iirc

>> No.18732641

There is no way this is an American clip, all the BK workers in America are niggers. Plus Americans never discipline other people's children, especially not white parents.

>> No.18732644

how did she bury them if they were eaten by a fox? sounds like your 15 year old is a dumb fucking idiot like you

>> No.18732650
File: 37 KB, 1000x742, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>luigi between your burger and the cheese

>> No.18732658

They were sleeping in a cage, somehow one got partway in and took off it's head and half the body. We buried the rest out back by the pond. Her duck spirit is at peace resting near her fellow ducks.

>> No.18732664

It's been a while, but I've definitely heard "1 up" when one of my more retarded friends' orders was up. Only once did I tell him "Don't eat that." and only because he wasn't an ass that particular time.

Some people think because they wear a suit and sell themselves to a corporate ideology that they're anointed or something. Homeslice is one of those.

>> No.18732672

A fox is the size of a very large cat or medium sized dog. They pull meat off of the bone. Imagine trying to shit a corgi - a duck's skull and vertebrae would fuck up a fox in a similar way.

>> No.18732823

based, but if I was the dad I think I would pick him up and give him a wooden pallet in his buttcheeks until he shits himself. Never hit a child because there's always some adult to defend him

>> No.18732829

not undateable, but look at the guy. I don't think he is a pussy slayer. If he was black or thug he would be fucking all year round and no woman would bat an eye

>> No.18732843

I will respect nobody, especially not the borderline retards that work fast food, you get at best veiled disgust and contempt, be glad it's veiled and not open

>> No.18732850

>*teleports behind you*
>*slams your head into the counter*
>*forces you to mop the floor*

>> No.18732854

so how's 8th grade going aeden?

>> No.18732858

>internet fights won today - 1

>> No.18732870

>Generic "I lost half of my money in the 2022 crypto crash and now I have to make apolitical stuff to appease my legal and financial hanlders bullshit"
Stonetoss will never ever say anything controversial as long as crypto remains low, he is told what is acceptable in terms of his content and relationships with other artists by his handlers. His break with Antoons and aloof behavior towards GPrime85 proves this. He is an anonymous Tucker Carlson and nothing more.

>> No.18732872

this wagie...his energy is too powerful...
I'll have to use my ultimate move!! AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! BIG! DADDY! BUSTER!!!!
*400lb obese man appears*
now you'll get it! nobody lays a hand on daddy's little boy!

>> No.18732879
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>*already bleeding profusely*
That's it... no more holding back!