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18729754 No.18729754 [Reply] [Original]

No matter what, pecan pie finishes the dinner

>> No.18729760

i go to a chinese buffet

i live alone and i feel like i'm a character in a hollywood christmas movie in new york

i'm not jewish nor even american

i'm so lonely :(

>> No.18729788
File: 82 KB, 647x1171, 00 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese buffett is open for dinner? The ones near me are NOT...

>> No.18729790

our christmas day dinner is pretty straightforward, roast beef followed by pies for dessert. christmas eve is more casual and we make whatever we think sounds good, we’ll be doing gyoza, stuffed mushrooms, cheese and olives, probably some guacamole, my sister made tamales last year, it’s a fun dinner

>> No.18729798

As far as I know, my mother tends to make ham and other fixins, nothing spectacular. I guess she makes pumpkin pie. Actually a lot of pies. She used to make mince meat pie (which I like) but not lately.

>> No.18729810
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We do the big family dinner and go to mass on the 24th, then on Christmas Day we just spend it lounging around eating leftovers and watching Christmas kinos
The only culinary traditions we stick to are the sharing of the opłatek and every holiday we make this great stuffing recipe that’s been handed down on my momma’s side for generations
We don’t do the 12 dishes or make fish though, just the standard turkey and roasted vegetables sort of fare. If we’re feeling fancy we might do a roast tenderloin

>> No.18729816

>Christmas Eve
eat delivery chinese or indian food before going to church
>Christmas Day
wife and I try to be a little creative with Christmas dinner. this year we're making
>roast goose
>sage sausage stuffing
>mashed potatoes
>goose drippings gravy
>stir fried brussels sprouts with bacon
>dinner rolls
>french sourced pinot noir
pretty excited for it desu

>> No.18729862

Yeah I go to this chinese buffet.

Ironically, when I was living in Taiwan, there was this chinese american old dude who used to live in Jersey and opened up a pizza joint. That's were I used to eat my christmas dinner. Used to bring my GF, but when we broke up i'd just go there alone. :(

>> No.18729879

I don't actually have anything unusual, just the standard turkey, mash, stuffing, etc. That's just the way I love it though, no need to make it "unique" or "special".

>> No.18729924
File: 48 KB, 600x800, Salisbury steak Stouffer's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christmas eve
Stouffer's chicken pot pie
>Christmas day
Stouffer's Salisbury steaks with crescent rolls

>> No.18730026
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Hope you find some joy, anon

>> No.18730037

>Christmas eve
Dinner with mom's side of the family. Although for the last few years it's only been my parents and my useless leech retarded shitbag autist uncle (god I wish he would fucking die already)
>Christmas day
Dinner with dad's side of the family; pretty standard fare, all the proper meats and sides and desserts

>> No.18730047
File: 635 KB, 1200x1800, honey-roasted-turkey-wings-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mum wasn't a very good cook, and she always hated the way her Crimmace turkey came out. So by the time I was 7 or so she switched to turkey wings. FUCKING GAME CHANGER. She'd bake them in a roasting pan, top them with bacon strips and baste with orange juice. Shit is delicious.

Pic is misleading, they look like smol chiggin wings but they're massive. Like, hang over the edges of the plate massive and one or two wings fills you up.

>> No.18730056

My grandma used to make some kind of soup with carp for Christmas. It was a traditional Christmas dish where she grew up but it's pretty much extinct nowadays. After she died the recipe became lost, because my mom can't cook and I was too young at that time to pick it up. These days the Christmas dinner is goose, red cabbage, potatoes and baked apples.

>> No.18730069

Damn that reminds me my grandma always made this raisin sauce for the ham (literally just currant sauce but they grew up poor so raisins instead of currant). That's my most ingrained memory of what Christmas tastes like

>> No.18730077

Christmas eve we always have turkey soup and on Christmas day Roast turkey with stuffing and veggies but no pigs in blankets or brussel sprouts. Then on Boxing day I make a stir fry with the turkey leftovers.

On New Year's Eve we always have roast lamb.

>> No.18730082
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do you think you can maybe work it out if you try anon? I hate to see a family recipe just die like that

>> No.18730084

One person would get into a yelling match and fuck off from Christmas
This year is my turn

>> No.18730126
File: 103 KB, 1080x905, Screenshot_20221223-071348_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>""""pecan """" pie
Interesting dish, amerimutt. One sec
*pulls out goyslop detector*

>> No.18730129

It’s the best

>> No.18730132

Ham on Christmas Eve before Church
Turkey with sage stuffing on Christmas night