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File: 64 KB, 847x647, waitress paid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18727429 No.18727429 [Reply] [Original]

restaurants in usa are evil

>> No.18727438

That sounds incorrect, or if it is, she stayed at the job? That’s on her

>> No.18727442

I don't get it. Did she get tipped 1c? Who the fuck still uses checks in 2021?

>> No.18727455

When will children stop falling for fake retarded internet bullshit?

>> No.18727465

This is her tips check and it's based because this shows the restaurant is lying so she doesn't get taxed on her tips. OP is retarded big time

>> No.18727467

God I'm moving to the US soon and this tipping business already has me mad as fuck. What's a good number? 10%? What if the meal like just one very expensive plate, still 10%?

>> No.18727469

10% is a hate crime, it’s 20% minimum now

>> No.18727473

could just tip black people style

>> No.18727480

>10% is a hate crime, it’s 20% minimum now

>> No.18727481

Probably an accounting rounding issue where she was supposed to be paid $482.64 but her check was only $482.63, so she got a second check for $0.01. And she decided to lie about it on Tiktok for updoots.

Or she broke something/stole shit and agreed to have it taken out of her wages rather than be fired, and the company had to give her a $0.01 check because their system couldn't accept a $0 amount for her pay day.

>> No.18727484

15% min. Is acceptable on orders over like $30. If you grab like 3 beers and ur bill is less than $10 just give like .50-$1 per beer or whatever

>> No.18727488

Good. Imagine what she'd be willing to do for 50 bucks!

>> No.18727494

It is not accurate or fair to make a blanket statement about all restaurants in the United States being evil based on one individual's experience. The wage and working conditions at a particular restaurant can vary widely, and it is important to remember that every restaurant and every individual's experience is unique.

It is true that the restaurant industry can be challenging, and that many workers in the industry, including servers, may not earn a high wage or receive benefits such as health insurance or paid time off. However, it is also important to recognize that there are many restaurants that value and support their employees and provide fair wages and working conditions.

If you are concerned about the wage and working conditions at a particular restaurant, it would be a good idea to speak with the management or HR department to raise your concerns and ask about their policies and practices. You can also research the labor laws and regulations in your state or jurisdiction to learn more about the rights and protections that are in place for workers in the restaurant industry.

>> No.18727498

No most servers make a ton in tips and they have to claim all the tips that are given through a credit card. They make so much on tips that the tax they owe on the tips is greater than the amount they receive in their paycheck. So they often get paychecks for $0.00.
So in this case she's saying she only made $0.01 (if you totally forget about the hundreds she made through tips).

>> No.18727502

T. Worked at a dive bar/ music venue. The only way to keep employees is when we walk out with 4-5 hundred dollars cash, but according to the IRS we get ripped off in tips

>> No.18727525

That's even more evil because it means they're ripping off tax revenue and effectively putting a greater burden on the costs of society on everybody else.

>> No.18727528

So, don’t tip?

>> No.18727532

Get off welfare nigger

>> No.18727573

You mean stop driving on roads, walking in public space, using libraries, going to the park, visiting national parks, relying on the fire department, using garbage collection services...

>> No.18727577 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 1376x720, deuteronomy-14-9-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18727582

this is horseshit
and all these airhead broads are probably sharing shit like this and reinforcing their stupidity

>> No.18727632

>muh tip
Just tell them you're European and that tipping is not an acceptable practice in civilized countries.

>> No.18727640
File: 471 KB, 570x530, nig'vi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1999: omg u need to tip because waitresses only get minimum wage
>2010: omg u need to tip because waitresses only get $2 an hour
>2022: omg u need to tip because waitresses only get 1 cent an hour
what will they say in 10 years?

>> No.18727648

is god going to smite me for a kelp smoothie

>> No.18727649

thanks Wikipedia, LOL like what a nerd, right guys?

>> No.18727653

fuck off with this AI bs. It was funny in that other thread but this is annoying

>> No.18727705
File: 80 KB, 218x238, HARRYPOTTAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically, could there ever be a future in the US where tipping culture doesn't exist anymore, or at least be greatly diminished?
Or would too much change be needed for something like that to take place

>> No.18727735

fuck you stupid A.I bot

>> No.18727749

0 and just never go to the same place twice

>> No.18727775

Fuck you. it was never funny.

>> No.18727834

No, short of a sudden massive die-off in the old, the poor and other fiscally backwards people it'll keep on forever.

>> No.18727906

>usa is evil

>> No.18727911

If my waitress looked like that i would give her the largest tip ever if you catch my drift

>> No.18727919

Yeah, "expensive makeup used sparingly will achieve more than cheap makeup ladeled on."

>> No.18727931

>However, in the caption of her video, the waitress writes to her TikTok followers: “Tip your servers!!!”
Yeah I'll just fulfill your employer's obligations even though I'm also underpaid. Tipping in the US has become a cancer. However it should be noted that she apparently works in Nashville and if she was worth a damn she'd be raking in tourist money. Even a Chinese tip, which admittedly is what I always do, is $2.

>> No.18727987
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1663447029615133s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck these losers. You are not legally required to tip, so don't. Just don't. You want to end tipping, end the expectation, end the entitlement. If they want it they can put the gratuity on the bill, which they will never do.

And you can certainly go back. Just wait a few months, most restaurants have such high turnover that by the time you come back they will have forgotten you in the sea of assholes.

Another trick is to write cash on a credit card recipt and wait till they leave your sight and just leave. It's the equivalent of putting 4 pigs in a high school as a prank and painting 1,2, ,4, 5. They'll look for the cash forever.

No. A Waitress can make tons in tips so they perpetuate the shit because people still fall for it. They literally have done multiple studies where they determined that better service does not increase tips. Basically, people do it because they do. A waitress could literally curse at you and spill coffee on your silk dress shirt and you would probably still tip.



>> No.18728043

Well shit, if a desperate clickbait news site sourcing "Articles" from social media videos says it happened, it must be true.

>> No.18728068
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, Taqueria Goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Uber driver
>drive home two female servers
>entire ride they complain to each other about some guys not tipping despite a big bill
>they mention having to work extra hard due to amount of drinks served
>ride ends
>they don't tip me
I don't expect a tip. My job is to drive humans from A to B. I get paid what I agreed to in my contract. But the irony was too delicious here.
My momma was a waitress when I was a kid. It's a shit industry and can be rough. I used to do flat rate tipping of $5 per hour I'm there as I found that fair and wanted to honor my momma. After that Uber ride I stopped giving a singular shit about wait staff. I feel justified too because legally if they don't make minimum wage via tips their employer HAS to cover the difference. That's how they get away with paying wait staff like $2/h.
This guy gets it.

>> No.18728122

Decent looking chick like that, she probably makes more in tips in a shift, than some people make in entire week.

>> No.18728147

She worked for free and was hoping for tips.
Turns out her boss stole it all since it's required by law to report tips now.
Well she still has tons of money from her bwc costumers at night.

>> No.18728151

i just won't tip.

"but what if the waitress spits on the food?"

oh no what a tragedy to taste the saliva of the cute white blonde 21 year old.

>> No.18728174
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, Kiss-The-Ground-Movie_TotallyVeganBuzz-1280x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dont know how many different ways we can explain basic econ to socialists

You are going to pay for the service for a meal one way or the other.
I europe, the restaurant has higher prices then pays the waitress in the form of wages

In the US your food is about 25% cheaper but you are expected to tip

Its just two different systems , the price is the same

No one is ripping you off

>> No.18728192

woman moment, 1 cent is too much. or is the 00.01 the amount of brain cells she has?