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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 1500x1077, america-steak-wellness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18726851 No.18726851 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18726854

Why are redditors so obsessed with steak? It's just beef, grow up and get a job

>> No.18726858

I will never understand why Americans were convinced that undercooked meat has more flavor, and I am one. No other culture has this. It does not drastically change the flavor and increases the risk of food borne illness drastically. Why do we do it?

>> No.18726867

It's much less a flavor thing than texture. Many people find well done steak to be dry and tough, where as others find that appealing and rare steaks to be wet and mushy. It's just preference.

>> No.18726870

I usually cook my steaks rare, sometimes medium rare.

>convinced that undercooked meat has more flavor
It's not really about flavour. It's just juicier.

> and increases the risk of food borne illness drastically.
There's no risk in eating rare steak. Only the surface is potentially contaminated.

>> No.18726871

Americans believe that the more rare or raw the meat they consume the more manly and grown up they are, same with black coffee, high percentage chocolate or hot sauce (the hotter the sauce the more manly I am!)
Its kinda embarrassing but everything about American life is about consumption, so they have these silly rituals about who is the better consoomer (my consumption is better than your consumption)

>> No.18726875

>do americans really
>posts an online poll taken by middle aged bong women

>> No.18726880

medium, it allows for a margin of error that won't upset me. i'm fine with medium rare and medium well, not fine with rare or well done.

>> No.18726881

steak is shit

>> No.18726884

If you eat a steak well done you may aswell get a burger

>> No.18726891

Why are europoors so obsessed with America? No one in this thread even said they were American and we eat rare steak in Canada too.

>> No.18726917

132 F with a very fast sear on the outside

>> No.18726965


>> No.18726967

I like medium but my stomach can't handle it in large quantities so I often have it well because I'm a shitter who can't do it medium well.

>> No.18726976

For a ribeye I'll go medium, so more fat can render, every other cut I'll do medium rare

>> No.18726982

Ops image is about american preferences you tard

>> No.18726987

I am American. If you actually know how meat cooks on a chemical level, there is no reason for anything "rarer" than medium well. People associate cooking it less with being better because it's bloodier, which you avoid in a well done/medium well steak by properly marinating and searing it. As far as I'm concerned people who like their steaks raw are just overcompensating for a time in their past where they were served overcooked food. It's like those former vegans who only eat steak and butter now.

>> No.18726993

>it's blood

>> No.18727017

>Blood, chicken: >:(
>Blood, beef: :O

>> No.18727020

Steak tastes much better cooked less and the red stuff you see is myoglobin. This is textbook Dunning–Kruger right here.

>> No.18727024

The flavor you are getting is from the searing and marinade

>> No.18727031

Depends on the cut. Rib and strip steaks should be served at an internal temp of 122° - 127° fahrenheit. Chucks, sirloins, and flat irons should be served at around 130 - 135. Tenderloins and filet mignons are for girls and it doesn't matter what temperature they're served at.

>> No.18727042

If it's free I'll accept anything from med rare up, if I'm paying I want well done and that by a cook who can cook meat without fucking it up.

>> No.18727446

steak absolutely has a different flavor when it's rarer in my experience, whether it's better or not is up to you

>> No.18727460

Sauteed with peppers, mushrooms, carrots, garlic and ginger with sesame oil, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, chilli oil, oyster sauce, fish sauce and black vinegar

>> No.18727483

For fillet mignon, blue
For strip and ribeye, rare to medium rare

>> No.18727522

Heat destroys nutrients and minerals retard faggot wild game or clean livestock doesn't need to be purified in fire before consuming. Faggot

>> No.18727556

For me it's blue rare.
Raw is even better. I'll fix myself a steak tartare.

>> No.18727557
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blue rare or rare, buttered with salt, pepper, and herbs

>> No.18727588 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18727609

Medium-rare if I'm cooking at home for myself, rare if I'm at a restaurant

>> No.18727658

>No other culture has this

Obvious bait but just off the top of my head I know krauts eat raw pork, japs eat raw chicken, and mongols conquered half the known world eating raw horse

>> No.18727829

>Heat destroys nutrients and minerals
Heat degrades some vitamins to some degree, but not all. You can stew red meat in bone broth for half a day and it will still be packed full of good shit.

>> No.18727859

>No other culture has this
except for every other culture on the planet.

>> No.18727895

medium or medium rare depending on how good of a cut it is

>> No.18727897

I like it well done but i can empathize with folks who say its too dry. I always have my well done streak with gravy and mashed potatoes. Orange juice nicely finishes the meal

>> No.18727910

I'm one of the Medium-Medium well weirdos, I like a little pink but not too much

>> No.18728035

Medium with some kind of sauce is perfect and I don't give a shit what you hoity toity fucks think.

>> No.18728283

rare to blue rare depending on the cut and my mood
I just like meat bruh
blue rare beef liver is so fucking good

>> No.18728289


>> No.18728311

Med-rare for me.

>> No.18728325

I dont like steak. Beef is its best when it is stewed.

>> No.18728365

I was obsessed with hot sauce when I was like 11 or 12 then I grew up and realized just adding excess heat to dishes doesn't make it more flavorful, it's about how you distribute and vary it, and which spices are used in any given dish.

>> No.18728392

No one cares about Canada my guy

>> No.18728397

Med well is a little too tough but medium is perfect

>> No.18728402

Nice restaurant: rare
Normal restaurant: medium rare
Breakfast steak: medium
simple as

>> No.18728412
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, 1559851817557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium Rare, but one time I said "Medium Rare" in a noisy restaurant (Texas Roadhouse) and she misheard it as Medium Well and they burnt it

So I just say Medium in restaurants, but I cook my own steak Mid Rare. Thanks for listening to my blog

>> No.18728898

Blue Well

>> No.18728918

marinade, yes, like obviously? you need at least salt to bring out the flavor. but it's definitely not only the searing. salted raw beef is great and it's the sort of flavor you want in a med rare (not accounting dry aging etc)

>> No.18728930

don't you find rare ribeye slimey and yucky tho. like I also like filet mignon and top sirloin blue/rare but can't stand squishy slimy cold fat

>> No.18728945
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>> No.18728946

can't a man just ask a question on a cooking board jfc. plus it's good healthy and (relatively) cheap so shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things

>> No.18729000

>more rare or raw the meat they consume the more manly and grown up they are, same with black coffee, high percentage chocolate
tastelet cope
You have never had a quality steak, quality coffee or quality chocolate. You are likely a poor thirdie who simply cannot afford it.

>> No.18729003

Good bait

>> No.18729008

Triple blue with a parmesan pansoaker on the side.

>> No.18729032

Medium-Wellchads where we at