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File: 245 KB, 400x600, cherry moonshine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18721424 No.18721424 [Reply] [Original]

Got a bottle of this. I've been seeing these various moonshines getting popular over the past decade or so, and now this company a Jelly Belly-like assortment. I got this tonight. I'm just hoping it tastes good. I have no idea how it's gonna taste. I'm a sucker for flavored liquor (because I'm a gay faggot lmao! on god fr no cap! not even capping!)

>> No.18721438

I'm 2 weeks sober. If I bought a fifth and drank it all tonight I could just pretend it never happened right?

>> No.18721457

This is just unaged whiskey and fruit. It isn't moonshine unless you're breaking federal law.

>> No.18721471

Sugarlands is another you should get in if you want a coffee liqueur option of theirs bit with a slightly higher abv.

>> No.18721520

wanna save me the google and tell me why in brief?

>> No.18721523

you could but your body won't
at least you're not drinking handles you're drinking fifths

>> No.18721563

I made my own with grain alcohol, rock sugar, and fresh cherry back in June. Thinking of opening it this christmas to celebrate alone.
Hope I don't die.

>> No.18721582
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>> No.18721602

so you gonna tell us how was it?

>> No.18721612
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my boss has a still and specifically says his favorite liquor is moonshine.

>> No.18721639

nice photo of Anya Taylor-Joy

>> No.18721645

Why do you think they call it moonshine?

>> No.18721646

that's the black mermaid tyvm

>> No.18721648

Shinin? Nah you don't need to know nothing past that Mississippi and north that mason Dixon. We'll keep it under wraps and you and the tootsay frootsay commies out west can kick a rock. How them apples and kiwis?

>> No.18721660

i just bought it i didn't drink it yet

>> No.18721694

Not him but: for the same reason that Dom Perignon isn't called "prison toilet wine"; it's about the context of production. The usual explanation is that moonshine was called moonshine because it was produced under the cover of darkness to avoid Prohibition enforcement agents... and even now, to avoid the ATF tax man Did you know: in America, the "land of the free" lol, homebrewing beer was not "legalized" until the 1970s, and home-distilling is still illegal without Federal license?

This modern commercial "moonshine" is just trying to appear ironically rustic by calling itself that and packaging in mason jars. It's a little bit of fun. Enjoy but be careful because that proof, plus what I assume is a ton of added sugar, looks like a nasty headache in the making.

>> No.18721707

>that proof, plus what I assume is a ton of added sugar, looks like a nasty headache in the making.
it sucks, and its only purpose is giving sickening hangovers, worse than college dorm wop.

>> No.18721724

It's not moonshine if you paid tax on it.
Breaking federal and state laws adds to the flavor.

>> No.18721732

These were never enjoyed by any of my guests. Really need to drain and add sugar to the liquor.
I would instead recommend tossing out those cherries and getting some of the gourmet cherries from walmart. They're darker, very sweet and nicer than the maraschino. The syrup is really good.

>> No.18721735

thanks, i figured most people would just call me a stupid faggot, which they did, but that was helpful
i ate one of the cherries and it tastes like everclear if it wasn't as strong with cherry

>> No.18721738

>toss out alcohol soaked cherries for cherries that don't have alcohol

uh huh. nah i'm good man

>> No.18721740
File: 20 KB, 540x720, vodka_spi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unaged whiskey
AKA diluted grain alcohol AKA diluted rectified spirit. For those who make liqueurs at home, in some states you can easily buy the undiluted stuff (example, pic related) like normal booze. (In other states it's restricted. And yes, 95% ABV is considered "pure" because you can't distill above that level under normal conditions.) I know people who make fruit liqueurs but the end product--after weeks/months of infusion, mixing, and maturing--has typically been diluted to vodka-strength or maybe a little higher. (Don't try drinking it straight, that would be like those Youtube hot-sauce retards who pour industrial capsaicin extract on their nachos. It's more than intoxication, it's also what that much ethanol does to your mouth/esophagus/stomach.)

>> No.18721754

not real moonshine
but i would try some if it was given to me
ive passed this up at the booze shopmany times
i willnot succumb to this cheap marketing scheme
i was drinking with some retard who got all excited when he saw this at the liquor store and promptly bought the biggest jar frantically boasting how he just scored moonshine and couldnt believe he found some in a liquor store

>> No.18721766

Blackberry moonshine/storeshine is the best flavor.

>> No.18721777

I would be more interested if it had some connection to 'shining history. We all know the story about how many modern cocktails/mixed drinks were invented during Prohibition to help cover up the taste of shitty booze. Maybe out in the mountains, 'shiners were doing similar things with local fruits... berries, paw-paws, etc. (Or maybe they just didn't care because life was shit.)

>> No.18721793

I keep a bottle of ever clear in my garage because it's great for cleaning things and also calming me down when I'm mad about a stripped bolt or something. I take a shot of it and return to normal.

>> No.18721809

i'm the kinda drunk that can buy a bottle every few months and be okay, but I can't just have a handle of everclear in my house
i will consider that if i wanna get another one sometime next year
i haven't taken a straight shot of everclear since i was like 20 so 15 years. i don't think i could do it anymore.

>> No.18722159

I don't want to enable you but i cant even go a day without drinking heavily and if i was you id definetly get fucked up as a reward for giving my body a break for once

>> No.18722193

>i don't want to enable you, but i'm going to do exactly that anyway

cmon bro lmao
not him

>> No.18722239

What's strange is that shooting 95% pure alcohol is actually not very intense conpared to diluted. Something just overwhelms the nerves in your mouth and it becomes, paradoxically, very "smooth". Seriously, it just tastes almost like nothing and goes away immediately. When it's diluted to below 85% abv the water carries the vapors differently, and you perceive it to be much hotter and chemical-tasting. Maybe it just lingers longer because of reduced volatility. If you've always been too scared to try it, grow a pair and give it a shot. It won't kill you (right away), but beware that each shot is the same as 2.5 of normal vodka. Also yea, it probably is really damaging to the soft tissues of your mouth and throat so don't make a habit of it but it's an interesting phenomenon to experience once for sure.

>> No.18722886

The booze goes back into the other cherries. Add a bit of everclear back if you want. The point is the cherries suck ass.

>> No.18722929
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Learn from The King

>> No.18722959 [DELETED] 

>homebrewing bear was not "legalized" until the 1970's
dumb nigger alert
it was legal until 1919, and then prohibition happened, and in '78 was made fully legal again (it had only remained illegal due to carryovers from prohibition laws)
of interesting note is that by 1933, beer of an alcohol content of 3.4% by weight (roughly 4% by volume) didn't actually count as being alcoholic and was permitted for sale, so it's kind of up in the air as to if homebrewing at that level would result in any actionable charges

>> No.18722971

I sometimes make sugar wine and distill it up to about 65-70% vol. in my kitchen.
It tastes like shit and is more hassle than it's worth but it's illegal and I like to stick it to The Man.
I just use a still made of pots and bowls. I think I've seen them called wok stills.
Works surprisingly well once you have the temperatures down pat.

>> No.18722980

It's cheap grain alcohol with corn syrup and artificial flavoring like Kool aid.

>Low abv
>High sugar
>Bad taste
>Mass produced goy slop
It's not good and it's not moonshine.

To be "moonshine" it should be nearly 100%corn, high abv, and copper pot stilled. This abomination is no of those it is cheap flavored vodka for "country" woman and fat.rednecks.

>> No.18722982

It's litterly 70 proof nothing to worry about. What op really needs to watch out for is the sugar content it will put him in a diabetic coma

>> No.18723478 [DELETED] 

nothing you said refutes anything the other guy said.

you are a double dumb nigger, and i can tell from your post you're one of those fags who like to unironically say "ackshually..."

>> No.18723489

>on god fr no cap! not even capping!)

>> No.18723579

That's what's up, toobz. Last night's stream was one for the ages. Best content in a while.

>> No.18723599

They boy really aired some laundry, yeah.

>> No.18723622

Because it makes you go mostly blind from the methanol so it feels like it's night all the time

>> No.18723627

>falling for the mason jar and old timey sounding name

its just everclear

>> No.18723631

no, because they do it under only the light of the moon to stay hidden

>> No.18723809

Protip: this is best enjoyed warm, kinda like cheap sake.

>> No.18723847
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I'm all about drunken tomatoes myself

>> No.18723855

Don't do moonshine guys. 80 people died in my country last week because they drank improperly distilled moonshine.

>> No.18723871

Only people with a deathwish drink moonshine by definition.

>> No.18723958

That warning goes for literally any consumable product made in a turd world country.

>> No.18724099

look man. Japanese people brought many good things to this world. Sake isn't one of them. Throw that shit in the trash.

>> No.18724175

Is that just everclear and maraschino cherries?

>> No.18724207

Carter also made/left it so you could brew at 16. We found this out Junior year and had quite a little system going until we went to college and became alcoholics drinking Bud Light.
Carter's brother was big into homebrewing. Hence, Billy Beer became a thing.

>> No.18724227

i wish. it's only 100 proof and i'm only down to cherries now

probably gonna go get some wine after this. I didn't get as much bang as I thought I would

>> No.18724387

Now do how many people died from drinking legal booze.

>> No.18724400

a lot
like 5.5 million one year a few years ago
doesn't sound like much but it was like a big percentage of the deaths
don't have a source sorry

>> No.18724489

>like 5.5 million one year a few years ago
Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick,5.5mil is a whole countries worth of people. I think US estimate is about 150k/year die from boozing.

>> No.18724573

Such a tiny amount of actual drink in that lmao get scammed with cheapest cherries

>> No.18724609

Fair enough but at that point just buy the good cherries and put them in a liquor that's actually good, right?

>> No.18724623

>Media coverage of Ole Smoky's opening included a visit by the Today Show[10] and an appearance on Martha Stewart Living Radio.
Yeah they makin money, not moonshine.

>> No.18724777


Such as?

>> No.18724785
File: 35 KB, 1024x1024, Winter-Wanderer-Small-1024x1024 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this in my coffee daily, delicious.

>> No.18726359

>Real bologna is made exclusively in Bologna, Italy. Bologna made anywhere else is just sparkling ham. :)

>> No.18726366

I would. Baby steps. See how long you can go before you cave in.

>> No.18726375

in what capacity would this be considered moonshine

>> No.18726511

absolutely none whatsoever, just full co-opting for use as a marketing buzzword