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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 643x575, cwispy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18718323 No.18718323 [Reply] [Original]

Would someone recomend some youtube cooks? I miss The Drunk Cook so much its unreal. I also like Daddy Jack's Cooking with the Blues. I need some kino cooking.

>> No.18718331
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Sometimes i want to make my own cooking show but im afraid

>> No.18718339

i like wang gang, especially when he's cooking in the countryside, and random japanese restaurant channels like this: https://www.youtube.com/@mogufood
>Daddy Jack's Cooking with the Blues
kino rest in power

>> No.18718341

I'd watch it

>> No.18719308
File: 364 KB, 718x790, Screenshot_20221220-064435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wok with Yan is pretty based. Oldie but a goodie.

>> No.18719311


>> No.18719322

You're a real piece of shit

>> No.18719332

>all wok and no play makes yan a dull boy
>all wok and no play makes yan a dull boy
>all wok and no play makes yan a dull boy
>all wok and no play makes yan a dull boy
>all wok and no play makes yan a dull boy
uhhh... yan bros...?

>> No.18719333

kqed has pepin shows & yan can cook

>> No.18719382
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Chef John

>> No.18719403

I cant, it's not like the old days when videos would just play, now everything has pathetic popup ads and have become unwatchable, plus it's like food channel shit where they're running around like chickens with they're heads chopped off always in a rush, hurry hurry. To what end?

>> No.18719435

have you not heard of adblock?

>> No.18719438

Kek. That show hits me in the nostalgia feels

>> No.18719464

I would burry my face deep in his ass, honestly.

>> No.18719599

Adam Ragusae is the king right now. Plus all his stuff can be made mostly without special equipment. It's the everyman's cooking channel plus you get science and he kinda teaches general cooking practices so you can also start making your own recipes

>> No.18719760

Fuck off

>> No.18719765

Chef John, Historical Italian Cooking, Jacques Pepin, old Julia Child videos. Anything else is shit-tier clickbait.

>> No.18719852

This guy here knows whats up. You couldn't pay me to watch the greasy fag in OPs pic

>> No.18719858
File: 206 KB, 1500x1500, bk-hb-how-to-cook-the-victorian-way-mrs-c_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Victorian Way

>> No.18719864

fuck adblock..
get ublock origin for regular browsing and sponsorblock for youtube.

>> No.18719869

I liked his food, too bad he's such an insufferable faggot about it

>> No.18719884

+1, liked and subscribed!

Heckin Doggeringo!

>> No.18719889

Chef John is all you need.

None of these kike faggots.

>> No.18719970

I believe he's 1/4 or 1/2 Russian jewish.

>> No.18719981

Annoying but I can't argue with his recipes: https://www.youtube.com/@thatdudecancook
Hit and miss: https://www.youtube.com/@BrianLagerstrom

Newer but good:

>> No.18720111

Brian Lagerstrom is like Josh but not annoying

>> No.18720146

Chef Jean-Pierre

He constantly reminds us that we are his frens


>> No.18720211

Holy shit! This guy is a lunatic. Thank you!

>> No.18720282

for me? it's this fat wop bitch

>> No.18720291
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>> No.18720296

I never ask for likes, comments, subs or bell. I wonder if that's why my youtube channel is not growing.

>> No.18720336

same. But then I look at how the "YouTube hustle" turns people into disingenuous twats and realize it's not for me.

>> No.18720341

as cringy as it is, it does help

>> No.18720510

Foodwishes if you're actually serious about being a good cook and don't just want entertainment

>> No.18720523

>Glen and frens
>Guga the steak jew
>Hiro sushi guy from florida
>Michel Dumas
>Italia Squisita
>INA Cooking archives
>About to eat
>Weird Explorer
>The corean/japanese food industry vids
>Best Ever Cooking SHow
>Chef Jean-Pierre
>Dear Meat

>> No.18720785

Air strikes on a Palestinian hospital?


>> No.18720834

Papa likey

>> No.18721042


You're welcome frens. Don't skimp on the butter!

>> No.18721048

wang gang is the king
i like "NOT ANOTHER COOKING SHOW" as well just a nice dude making good italian-american food
internet shaquille is fun too and definitely an anon

>> No.18721056

i got tired of weird explorer because he is a retard tier cook who ruined that rare citrus-ade by juicing the fucking rinds

>> No.18721213

>fuck adblock get adblack

>> No.18721440
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If he dropped the "I'm trying to be funny or quirky look at me internet I'm so random" act he'd have a great channel.
I find him annoying. Like a lot. What man named Brian actually goes by "Bri". What do you find hit or miss with his recipes?

Picrel is the GOAT

>> No.18721460
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>You rike fish?


>> No.18721468

>Adam Redditsae
>everyman's cooking channel
>have a holier than thou attitude toward Marco promoting knorr
why are you lying, anon?

>> No.18721821

Helen Rennie (MILF with a cute russian accent, but also a competent chef. One of the most underrated YouTubers I can think of)
Pro Home Cooks
Internet Shaquille
Alex French Guy Cooking (now just Alex)
Ethan Chlebowski
I find him pretty funny and a lot less annoying than, let's say, Joshua Weissman.

>> No.18721922

>internet shaquille is fun too and definitely an anon
he has a successful career and a beautiful wife. he isnt an anon

>> No.18721930

Chef John absolutely would wreck Adam in a fight

>> No.18721937

Frank from Epicurious

>> No.18721985

i cant watch internet shaquille. all i think about is how cool he is and how pathetic i am and get depressed

>> No.18721986

Is antichef more a SA goon or reddit?

>> No.18721991

Your pic related makes good food in a normal way, with general equipment. He's got a good channel

>> No.18722013

This guy gives off real creepy vibes. He’s like 30 but talks likes he’s trying to groom his teenage audience. All that fake cutesy talk like “cwispy” and encouraging his viewers to call him Papa and Daddy is fucking cweepy groomer shit.

>> No.18722072
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post me vids with low quality like The Drunk Cook. I just poasted josh for these lame clickbaits. Also, his recipes are preddy gudd.

>> No.18722075

who this"?>

>> No.18722090

Fuck off, Big Papu Josh. I will not give you channels to steal from to use as content so you can groom non-binary teens while making millions of dollars.

>> No.18722100

there aren't any

Literally every single one is utter dogshit now. Another casualty of modernism.

Stick to books, which is also full of dogshit so you'll gave to wade through that to find the good ones, but at least they exist, unlike on youtube

>> No.18722106

how can you say chef john is utter dogshit? and why do you claim they all are anyway? someone who tangibly turned to dog shit over the years is sam the cooking guy. his original videos were doing stuff like chef john does. then he eventually shifted into this bullshit he does now where he has some normal dishes but also retarded stoner shit

>> No.18722118

I just miss papercuts777 and want to relive some nostalgia. nobody cooks or drinks like him?

>> No.18722121

Not another cooking show

>> No.18722138

ha ha. What’s the name of the YouTube channel, smart bottom?

>> No.18722160

this guy gives off faggot vibes
anything else like Jean-Pierre?

>> No.18722188

>Helen Rennie
she reminds me of my Aunt. Thats a good thing
>Pro Home Cooks
This guy is a faggot
>Alex French Guy Cooking
Gay as fuck. I'm looking for raw home cooked meals.
>Ethan Chlebowski
Andy Dalton of cooking. He's servicable but I dont want him as my chef

>> No.18722191


>> No.18722194

I might need to make it myslef

>> No.18722421

>Goes diving in some beautiful places
>Catches random shit he thinks looks cool
>Tries to eat it
>Even if it's poisonous he'll wat it anyways
>Has hospitalized himself once doing this but keeps trying to find weird and tasty things
>Decapitates a turtle on video and drinks its blood
>No shitty sponsor bullshit because he's not speaking English but subs all his videos in it
Simply the best in youtube

>> No.18722562
File: 34 KB, 738x415, 98FFAB06-B215-43D9-8352-2001685255A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No sponsorships
>No Reddit behavior
>No meme recipes
>No political lectures
>No “Here’s the science about why salt is salty”
>No react videos
>No camera zooms
>Just an old shy woman sharing her recipes with you and her dog
RIP Francis

>> No.18722640

not a show, but based food slut has some underrated recipes

>> No.18722679

If you post anime, that is probably above your intelligence level.
Grow up before doing anything else, no matter how old you are.

>> No.18722686

Chef Jean Pierre is awesome French chef but has lived in Florida for like 20 years.

>> No.18722698

Fuck off, the REAL King is this guy:

>> No.18722714
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian woman with a channel called "Cooking with Dog" seems infinitely exploitable... but I watched a few and I just can't, they're great, unironically wholesome, peak Youtube that will [naturally] never make it to the front page, but I hope somebody archives it all before it's too late. (Thanks for the reccy, really, because even though The Algorithm and its California "curators" do sometimes surface quality content, there are such unplumbed depths...)


>> No.18722726
File: 103 KB, 960x636, yuI69Hc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> trips

is kqed a television station ?

>> No.18722734

I don't realize follow this stuff but from what I hear it's gotten even worse as recent years, the class divide between the upper-class "approved" platform "creators" and the middle class has only grown, notable channels have migrated to Twitch, etc, and others are already crossposting to other platforms, hedging their bets as Youtube becomes increasingly stagnant to due low payouts and censorship, no incentive for interesting/disruptive content. Don't get me wrong, I still watch a lot of Youtube, but they're closer to Facebook-tier irrelevance than they realize. (Facebook is currently like having a landline in 1999, everyone still had one but all the cool kids had been using mobile phones for years.)

>> No.18722841

Internet Shaquille is ok. He's kinda faggy though

>> No.18722844

oh. it's on youtube. it has loads of old tv show episodes.

>> No.18722879

>Mostly recipe based
- Food Wishes / Chef John (https://www.youtube.com/c/foodwishes))
- Chinese cooking demystified (https://www.youtube.com/c/ChineseCookingDemystified))
- Chef Wang (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg0m_Ah8P_MQbnn77-vYnYw))
- Misty Ricardo (https://www.youtube.com/c/MistyRicardo))
- Magic Ingredients (https://www.youtube.com/c/MagicIngredients))
- Adam Liaw (https://www.youtube.com/user/adamliaw))
- Peaceful Cuisine (https://www.youtube.com/c/ryoya1983))
- Souped Up Recipes (https://www.youtube.com/c/SoupedUpRecipes))
>Vlog tier with recipe, advice and other stuff
- My Name Is Andong (https://www.youtube.com/c/mynameisandong))
- Alex (https://www.youtube.com/c/FrenchGuyCooking))
- Internet Shaquille (https://www.youtube.com/c/internetshaquille))
>Geriatrics cooking
- De mi Rancho a Tu Cocina (https://www.youtube.com/c/DemiRanchoaTuCocina))
- OrsaraRecipes (https://www.youtube.com/c/OrsaraRecipes))
>Not primarily food based, but has the occasional good recipe
- James Hoffmann (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMb0O2CdPBNi-QqPk5T3gsQ))
>Honorable mentions
- Alvin Zhou (https://www.youtube.com/c/AlvinZhou1))

>> No.18722881

>have a holier than thou attitude toward Marco promoting knorr
What do you mean? He pointed it out as a point of admiration for him

>> No.18722885 [DELETED] 


>> No.18722895

For me, it's Chef Tell.

>> No.18722907

JOSHUA, sit on my face, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18722918

i want to face fuck helen so bad. just looking at her neck makes me diamonds

>> No.18722942

Glad you enjoyed it friend. Cooking with Dog is OG foodtube from 2009 and a real antidote to everything I hate about food youtube.If you get the chance, try out some of the recipes, simple Japanese homecooking. If you can find beef tendons, try the Gyusuji curry recipe, unironically one the best curries I've ever had.

>> No.18722957

cringe soft boy faggot

>> No.18722983

Pretty Japanese girl cooking. No subtitle but she's nice to look at.
Japanese cooking channel with subtitle. Had tried some of the recipes and turned out good.

>> No.18723856
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based and cayennepilled

>> No.18724780

Just wanted to share and oldie The Drunk Cook chinese recipe. Pay attention.

>> No.18725353

I miss vinny from brad's fermentation show. What a master memester, they killed him though because they found out he browsed 4chan and secretly had a nazi collection. The obviously gay guy who isn't gay is also a good cook, most of the women in the kitchen aren't worth a damn

>> No.18725912

I dont want this thread to die so im bumping it. So far the winner is Jean Pierre. But I'm still looking for something more raw. cook on a piece of shit stove and forget the recipe in the middle.
Please stop posting pederasts?
The chink women are ok but the chink men are so effeminate. stop poasting them too.
I dont want 'science' Alton Brown tickles my spot for that already.
Someone please post a low qulaity video with high quality recipes?

>> No.18725918

im a fan of sam the cooking goy,
smokin and grillin with AB, chuds bbq, and hey grill hey

>> No.18725938
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how many whisks you got?

>> No.18725948
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Chef Michel

>> No.18725950
File: 40 KB, 611x479, ItsBeautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he always say to "freeze it for 17 years"? is he some kind of 'Q'anon?

>> No.18725956

Why does his oil do that wtf

>> No.18725965

hes was an out of work professional chef. His oil was correct.

>> No.18725967

honestly its because of the sugar.

>> No.18725990
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Total Shit: Ragusea, Weissman, Chef John.

Good: Helen Rennie, Grandma Gina, Vincenzo, Vito Lacopelli

>> No.18726139
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J. Kenji López
Brian Lagerstrom
Ethan Chlebowski
are my favorites.

>> No.18726269

This guy is great, loved it when he did a video with Joe Pera.

>> No.18726271

Can't believe no one has mentoned this channel yet but kayscooking is goat tier.

>> No.18726298

No one has mentioned this sweet abuela?

>> No.18726368

Andy cooks is pretty good.

>> No.18726403

most people here can't speak other language other than English,are you estúpido?

>> No.18726438


Why the fuck would I want science in a recipe video?

>> No.18727343





>> No.18727345

What's your channel's name?
Also if youre cool and ginuwine like chef JP it's not so abrasive

>> No.18727351

Sorry for Auschwitz. Unfortunately I'm white.

>> No.18727623

i really dont know how you autists can watch chef John with that horrible intonation

>> No.18727630 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18727651 [DELETED] 

It is not necessary for you to apologize for something that you had no involvement in and that occurred before you were born. The Holocaust, including the atrocities committed at Auschwitz, was a terrible and tragic event in history. It is important to remember the lessons of the past and to work towards a more compassionate and just society.

>> No.18727795
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I fucked her

>> No.18727800

i cant think of any

>> No.18727924 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 1024x683, 1671742172210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He surrounds himself with nonwhite friends. Are there just so many or does Soros fund this guy too? Where are the Aryan chefs at?

>> No.18727928

so that he doesn't make a single shekel

>> No.18727951

The Cooking Foodie, Shit name but good channel. No commentary just the cooking,

>> No.18729404
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, Accent-Seasoning-32-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I archive a thread for future reference?

>> No.18729498

This man has got to chill it on the coke

>> No.18729522

What do you retards actually, tangibly have against him? The videos seem pretty inoffensive to me

>> No.18729560

I would guess its because he's an insufferable faggot
Recent example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9Kw4DHYz00

>> No.18730061
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 1669152686417869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cardcaptor sakura a shit

>> No.18730071

why does he feel the need to bring a PhD to talk about fucking bread, and if it's good for you or not?

i'll literally trust my grandma over any labcoat in 2022 when it comes to nutrition.

>> No.18730085

reimu a shit

>> No.18730662

He makes his own content too I think its called proto Cooks or something like that

>> No.18731955

chef jean pierre is based

>> No.18731964 [DELETED] 

every youtube cook seems annoying nowadays, theyre all trying to be le quirky, they either have a shitty unfunny gimmick and catchphrase or theyre just a default human being making default "theehee im such a mess amirite guys? (:" jokes
are they are cooks who are just charming and simple? or at least who's humor is a tad different, perhaps more rough and full of personality rather than actively sucking the charm out of the room like OP on the weekends?

>> No.18731970

I kneel

>> No.18731981 [DELETED] 

tell me about him bros

>> No.18732011
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There is only one. Plus, I'd love to bone Michelle.

>> No.18732044

>reminded of Francis

>> No.18732101

Cookin' with the Blues was awesome, he did a ton of good recipes. Onyo Man (Chef Jean Pierre) is awesome too.

>> No.18732399
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>I also like Daddy Jack's Cooking with the Blues
I miss him.

>> No.18732428

because you fucking love science, duh
what are you some sort of chud? ugh

>> No.18732553

low quality and good recipes is cookinginfinland old videos from years back

hes dead now though rip

>> No.18732568
File: 90 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate Cacao チョコレートカカオ (Turn on CC Subs) is probably the definitive YT channel for all recipes chocolate related.

>> No.18733057

>kills fish and buys a studio kitchen
Why does he hate the planet so bad?

>> No.18733062 [DELETED] 

Oh my God. He's Jewish. Help. I'm an unarmed Palestinian child.

>> No.18733144

Do it, bitch

>> No.18734356

Does any body know any good copycat recipe for a taco bell Mexican pizza...BUT BETTER?

>> No.18735991

Thank you. I wish I would have seen this more timely

>> No.18736170

yeah if some scandal about him doinking some TikTok zoomers came out I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.18736208

>his utter look of disgust when he mentions someone asked him how to make something without butter

>> No.18736223

he also does it when he uses alcohol and mentions people not drinking alcohol. so funny

>> No.18736233
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I would fight, bleed, and wade through the gory remains of our foes all the way to hell and back for Chef John from food wishes dot com.

>> No.18736918


>> No.18736975

Glenn and Friends


>> No.18737036

You are no at real piece of shit.

>> No.18737094

Whole Bon Apetit squad
but Brad and Claire are my favorites

>> No.18737158

>Chef John from food wishes dot com.
Wiiith absolutely no mercy or remorse.

>> No.18737194

Ina Garten

>> No.18737749

bruno is one of the best for sure

>> No.18738305


Based Helen rennie

>> No.18738509

Kenji Lopez Alt - faggy but good because he cooks quite simple meals and shows how to go by intuition instead of by detailed recipes
Chef John - a good resource on recipes if you can stand the way he talks
Brian Lagerstrom - solid baker, overall useful and not too annoying

>> No.18740209

I like her

>> No.18740296 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 220x229, Frog .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.18740387

she's a Croat snow nigger larping as an eggplant

>> No.18740404


>> No.18740478

Because he is obnoxious. In one of his pizza videos he said he had been mastering making pizza dough for 14 years or something trying to make everyone feel like he is some kind of god's gift to us mere mortals.
It was just basic pizza dough recipe he probably picked off of some website after doing 2mins of googling.

>> No.18740715
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Alright these are the top 3 without question, (not in order)
>Internet Shaquille
Sometimes does cooking entertainment but most of the time make practical things to make.
>Adam Ragusea
Makes videos both for the fancy type of people who want to spend 10 years making a thing and other videos where a 5 year old could follow like the 101 series. Forget mostly about the podcasts they are like entirely different thing
>Ethan Chlebowski
Makes cooking videos leaning to the science and planning side. But skip that somewhat bullshit because it's actually useful for once. And you get the quick meals stirfry,pasta, sandwiches, and things he made during the week. Good stuff

>> No.18740718

Note that all of these are for practical use, and not for mindless scrolling through entertainment. I feel like there isn't anyone else better than these top 3 since they focus on like cooking cooking, not like baking or like pastry bullshit.

>> No.18740724

best cook in england

>> No.18740755

dont respond to my thread anymore. I said NO more sodomites!