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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 534 KB, 2480x2310, mayolicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18717450 No.18717450 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18717466 [DELETED] 

You mean you love oil, eggyolks and then some random spice to flavor it? Ok.

>> No.18717467

What's your point?

>> No.18717468

You sound like a fucking retard.
>duy you dont like food u like ingredients that make the food!!!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXD

>> No.18717473 [DELETED] 

I love cotton candy... what's my point?

>> No.18717478 [DELETED] 

A retard who can spell, mind you.

>> No.18717481

Also love mayo, but this is some trash tier dogshit.

>> No.18717486
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For me, it's Dukes

I need that Twang

>> No.18717626

You're both absolute retards. Make your own mayo, it takes 2 egg yolks and some oil, splash of lemon juice or vinegar. Takes all of literally 2 minutes and tastes demonically good.

>> No.18717648

Hell yeah twangbro. Duke's master race for life.

>> No.18717914

I love chlorine gas and chunks of reactive sodium

>> No.18718209


I myself enjoy explosive hydrogen gas(hindenburg anyone?) And Oxygen

>> No.18718216

mayo is the most vile thing i've ever tasted

>> No.18718433

Nah mayo is god tier on chicken or turkey sandwiches.

>> No.18718440

People who do not make their own mayonnaise should be placed in concentration camps.

>> No.18718525

>I hate mayo!!!
>*eats aioli, ranch, subway chipotle sauce, and every other sauce based on mayo*

>> No.18718564

I lean towards the hydrogen myself, but I like to have about half the amount of oxygen.

>> No.18718753


>> No.18720082

Literally the best mayo on shelves retard

>> No.18720138

Why Hellmann's when kraft exists

>> No.18720140

Most of all, I love homemade mayo, but Hellman's is really good compared to all the other brands I have available where I live.

>t. Not American.

>> No.18720220
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>> No.18720597

i try to avoid mayo because muh calories but when i have french fries you can bet your prolapsed asshole i'm dipping them in mayo

>> No.18720602
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like this local one. or belgium mayonnaise

>> No.18720940

This is the whitest -- as in caucasian -- thread on /ck ever.

>> No.18720953

me too

>> No.18720958
File: 2.89 MB, 853x480, NA_mayonaise.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18720974
File: 128 KB, 600x600, jap mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Nippon Mayo

>> No.18721449

is putting a bunch of sugar in every single food product a requirement to be sold on the american market?

>> No.18721486

unironically, yes, but not sugar, it's corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.18721490

So Japanese mayo is made out of egg yolks and vinegar?

>> No.18721502
File: 1.98 MB, 250x209, 1346ygkuir734hjifd78934hhjkds78239f8934h9y34t985742y98gtf3y4982y3t42980342t3mkdflsg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i deleted my Pandora account of over like 15 years because of this garbage.. fuck hellman's mayonnaise and every other mayonnaise on the market anywhere in the world that comes in a plastic container.

>> No.18721550

>I love goybean oil

>> No.18721767

someone tell the mutts and gooks you should add some mustard as well
and especially tell the mutts to not put fucking sugar in it