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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18703984 No.18703984 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18703987

I eat tomatoes the same way

>> No.18703989


>> No.18703990

I don't see any ham

>> No.18703993

little fella absolutely demolished it

>> No.18703994

Isn't this that thing in Japan where they have the snail eat a tomato and then immediately pull it out of its shell and eat the snail live?

>> No.18703997

He looked pretty hungry

>> No.18704014
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Snailbro absolutely killing it like Randy Santel

>> No.18704017
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Imagine that on your penis

>> No.18704040

clean plate club

>> No.18704066
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>> No.18704076
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>> No.18704077

stop being a sex fiend.

>> No.18704134

Did they starve the snail beforehand or do they eat it with shit in its guts?

>> No.18704145

he looks like a capybara

>> No.18704147

well there do seem to be some decorative sprinkles on the plate, like it's at a fancy restaurant

>> No.18704332

VERY cool

>> No.18704350

Snel eat the tomat

>> No.18704481

are you a snail

>> No.18704503

Snails have rasping teeth.

>> No.18704546

Snails are cute!

>> No.18704593

snails are good creatures.

>> No.18704601

Lil bro was hungry fr fr no cap

>> No.18704618

that's what i'm sayin desu

>> No.18704667 [DELETED] 

Looks like Zelensky the Jew devouring my tax dollars.

>> No.18704669


>> No.18704753

Needs the King of the Hill theme.

>> No.18705177

Take it to /pol/ you goof

>> No.18705192

I'm not a snail you fucker. Snails don't post on 4chan and there's no way I could even post on this site

>> No.18705193

also, food and cooking

>> No.18705195
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ladies and gentlemen
we got him

>> No.18705211


>> No.18705270
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>> No.18705294

Imagine having to eat with your feet and shitting on your own head.

>> No.18705303


>> No.18705333

do snails do that?

>> No.18705334

idk lol

>> No.18705337


>> No.18705345

Nice try Snailsmen

>> No.18705351

kek, nice one anon

>> No.18705354

Ham is incredible, and it reminds me of my first venture to the Honeybaked Ham store which was on 12/15/2022.
I had a coupon and thought I would give them a try. I went in the store and a very nice employee, Megan, asked if she could help me. I showed her my coupon and said this was my first time there. I asked for suggestions and she said she liked the roasted turkey sandwich. Since ham is right in the name, I said I think I would try their classic ham sandwich with a side of Bacon Broccolli. I didn't take a picture of the items, as I forgot and I was hungry. The classic ham sandwich came on a croissant and it was very, very good. The Bacon Broccolli was also very good.
On my receipt there was a survey. If I completed the survey I would get a code for a bogo sandwich. So of course I did the survey. Then today I went back to the store. Megan was there, as was the owner. I decided to try the turkey and got 2 of the roasted turkey sandwiches. One for me and one for my hubby. These came on a long roll and were just as good as the ham sandwich I had the day before.
The owner rang me up but didn't know how to enter my phone number so I would receive “piggy points” for my purchase. Megan came over and showed him how to do it. I said to him “You're the owner and you don't know how to do that?” To which he responded he's usually in the back and that the program was new. I asked if Megan was going to make my sandwiches and he joked about me not trusting his sandwich-making abilities. I said, well you didn't know how to give me points. He said yes, Megan would be making my sandwiches. I liked that he could take a joke.
If you are looking for a great ham or turkey sandwich, I suggest giving Honeybaked Ham a try. I know I will be going back there again!!

>> No.18705359
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>> No.18705363
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>> No.18705374

>t. Gary

>> No.18705377
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That snail's snorting some lines and is gonna start howling at the moon and will start attacking sheep, a Weresnail in London? That should be a movie.

>> No.18705378

I don't think anybody eats the snail alive, they are so susceptible to parasites that you gotta cook them.

>> No.18705410
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>> No.18705414
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>> No.18705425
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Boys we eatin tonight.

>> No.18705436

eyestalks wrote this post..

>> No.18705450

this video triggers my molluscophobia, still cute snail tho.

>> No.18705454
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>> No.18705504

It's more than that, the snails, escargot that are in restaurants are harvested from 10000 times perfectly tilled soil, they're not just ones found slinking along or whatever it's call outside in some garden or by a pool.

>> No.18705519
File: 142 KB, 1200x800, cute_snail-helix_pomatia_89a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this qt, now would you eat it maybe in some butter, garlic sauce or just like it slither along to do what snails do?

>> No.18705563

ask this guy >>18705192

>> No.18705567

where on earth are snails this big?

>> No.18705582

Is he eating it or just drinking water from it? I wouldn't think spiders ate veggies.

>> No.18705584

Where do the shells come from? Do they make them theirselves?

>> No.18705591

They're born with it and it grows as they grow.

>> No.18705595

How much 'mato (or anything else, for that matter), could a snail devour in a single go? Here, we see but a slice.

>> No.18705662
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>old jersey
big jej

>> No.18705673

That's a slice of cherry tomato.

>> No.18705728
File: 20 KB, 560x434, Cheiracanthium mildei male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are misgendering her, but yes as far as I know Yellow Sac Spiders are strictly predatory, she is probably just having a drink. There are a few odd omnivorous spiders though like Bagheera kiplingi.

>> No.18705829


>> No.18705837


>> No.18705843

Damn, I haven’t seen someone get exposed like this since Mozart posted on 4chan

>> No.18705851
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 964216F0-E0A3-4C92-B89D-EC6591A9A967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some snails can get absolutely huge

>> No.18705897

>tfw illegal to own one of these badboys in the USA

>> No.18705903

Do they have teeth?

>> No.18706093

I read somewhere that Romans used to give snails blood or milk to drink, then sell them as snack food. Pretty sure they cooked them though.

>> No.18706431
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I wanna cook one

>> No.18706463

Snails are so cool, wish we had them here

>> No.18706521

What wretched godless country doesn’t have snails?

>> No.18706862
File: 14 KB, 430x352, 4DJd86MXKsrUSVpRYdeLXldshdzDZZsS48H34fVIkjVqsOhd8DMQAwInJIad6hhrEYIJ2GRoHN3rGmaH0XlOIXLBnBEo8ceOwabqnFYHHaVs6OZ8Omrh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew is a national treasure

>> No.18706901

That's called dirt

>> No.18706917

I look like this and I eat like this

>> No.18706961

how do tomatoes taste so good despite being mostly water and fiber? doesn't make any sense

>> No.18706964

Snail performs cunnilingus on tomato 4K HD.

>> No.18706968

they're miracle fruits

>> No.18707090

thats exactly what a snail would say

>> No.18707141


>> No.18707179

I'm not kidding.

>> No.18707180

Its not illegal if you're not a pussy

>> No.18707188
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>> No.18707200
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>> No.18707216
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>> No.18707219

my ramshorns snail population got out of control in my aquarium so i introduced dwarf loaches and the loaches ate all of the snails. now i have no snails in my aquarium.

>> No.18707248

>implying killing russoids isn’t a great investment
fuck ya mudda

>> No.18707531

Well they eat with their mouth but their anus is indeed on top of their head

>> No.18707554
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first time I ever thoughts of a real snail ad cute

>> No.18707560

I have a bag of periwinkles (sea snails) in my freezer for almost 2 years now. Still edible? I've been thinking about boiling them in a pot with salt, peppers and garlic over pasta with cheese

>> No.18707573

>2 years
Fuck no

>> No.18707587
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>> No.18707595

theyve already been blanched

>> No.18707978
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Animals eating food thread?

>> No.18707979
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>> No.18707983
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>> No.18707985
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>> No.18707988
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>> No.18707990
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>> No.18707992
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>> No.18707995
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>> No.18707997
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>> No.18708000
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>> No.18708004
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>> No.18708008
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>> No.18708009

>The cure to /ck/'s cancer was simply a dose of /an/
who would have thought...

>> No.18708011
File: 1.53 MB, 640x800, broccoli.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18708054


>> No.18708277


>> No.18708286

wtf is this thing, a catmouse?

>> No.18708287

>joos while whites fend off the nigs and spics

>> No.18708288

>Okay and...?

>> No.18708294

Does he like the black pepper??

>> No.18708300
File: 1.69 MB, 320x268, brocc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tree kangaroo.

>> No.18708311

wtf is that little retarded monster

>> No.18708312

he's a big guy

>> No.18708318

Looks like MAH COCK

>> No.18708323


>> No.18708340

fucking nigger birds

>> No.18708374

he's sucking it down

>> No.18708410

my dog used to love bread. but she would not eat fruit or vegetables. and she would turn into a feral animal if i gave her a beef bone

>> No.18708494

based broccoli cat

>> No.18708503

can we get more invertebrates eating? They're cuter than chordates.

>> No.18708505

Not even broccoli?

>> No.18708511

imagine eating a food that's bigger than you

>> No.18708515

How would they know you had one

>> No.18708531

That snail looks like a bro, why cook it up? That would be like cooking up a doggo friend

>> No.18708539

Stepped on one of those crunchy slimy bastards with bare feet as a kid. They can get fucked.

>> No.18708543

She looks very interested, the penis growth pills aren't necessary.
I know easier said than done and hindsight is 20/20

>> No.18708552

Some would think that's from eating from earth herself, she provides just don't be stupid

>> No.18708664

Holy fuck its huge, I thought not a single snail got as large as the aqutic kind. *searches google* Yeah fug, I imagine a bunch of these dudes would just, REAP fields eating everything nonstop. I want one as a pet somhow.

What gives why do I find these things so adorable. Like really really adorable. They'd make a lovely pet in a terrarium. Gonna look into the types and where to get one.

>> No.18708684


>> No.18708693

I've seen that in Florida, its really funny. A girlfriend and I saw this so parked nearby and used green lasers to draw them out, not to harm.
It was really funny, some park ranger babe was there to make sure we wearn't beaming them directly with the lasers, of course that was never the intent. It was this huge group of coons all at one place, it was really cool.

>> No.18708773
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>> No.18708808

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rLB2OhyR-A I love this video of this dude feeding his dog a whole pizza

>> No.18708817

The crazy thing is it looks sped up but this is just the actual speed of this species
Scary stuff

>> No.18708848

They are harvested from the roadside by gypsies in the balkans then exported to France
t. I see them pick snails all the time

>> No.18708849


Snails grow their own shells. Fun fact: because the chemical reaction required to grow the shell uses calcium and CO2, their shells are massive carbon sinks. So much so that snails (really all mollusks) are slowly fucking up the biosphere by depleting atmospheric carbon, leading to our recent ice ages. Eventually, at least without our current human intervention, C02 would reach levels so low that most plants could not survive and the entire biosphere would collapse.

So anyway any time you see one of these fuckers kill them. Save the planet - salt a snail.

>> No.18708867

Wait, really? Why aren't we just making giant snail farms to stop global warming, then?

>> No.18708870

because global warming isn't real

>> No.18708888


It would take millions of years for snail farms to capture that much carbon.

Besides global warming is a good thing. Earth will again be a warm lush world with towering rainforests even in the arctic circle, just as it was in the era of the Dinosaurs

>> No.18708904

t. lazy southerner
Society will collapse without autists in cold places having nothing to do

>> No.18708913

I literally googled “weird little orange monkey creature” and that video came up, it’s a golden snub-nosed monkey

>> No.18708960

I had a "Food Experiments" book as a kid that had a recipe for a fried earthworms, lettuce and tomato sandwich. First part for cleaning out the earthworms was to put them in a box of clean peat moss for a week. After that just fry the worms like bacon.

>> No.18708982

more like DEFCON 3

>> No.18709042

That's really true, the ducks have to think up horror stories to keep up their university research budgets to promote fear and keep people in line.

>> No.18709050

Maybe that and Andromeda Strain, keep people in fear is a good way to control the populace.
Oh wow, now there's covid and masks.

>> No.18709052
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>> No.18709056

Cool doggo, doogo dont need no vax

>> No.18709061
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>old jersey

>> No.18709070

Probably some tiny island nation no one's ever heard of. The Galapagos effect is real.

>> No.18709081

Cows are bigger than you.

>> No.18709109


>> No.18709116

>Carrying your laundry from the basement to your room

>> No.18709124

More well behaved than a bunch of nog kids receiving toys.

>> No.18709143

niglets eating paint chips do not count

>> No.18709164
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>> No.18709176
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>> No.18709256


>> No.18709278


>> No.18709313

Were you by chance using green lasers to beam and harm them?

>> No.18709318

this guy is fucking crazy haha

>> No.18709321

What is the correlation between penis pills and Depeche mode?

>> No.18709328

what is this, cannibalism?

>> No.18709332


>> No.18709485
File: 709 KB, 636x458, es.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french going ham on snails

>> No.18709521

cursed pic

>> No.18709698


>> No.18709873

Thanks anon.

>> No.18709945


>> No.18710024

My mom has a friend who feeds raccoons and it's a nightmare for the neighbors.
>raccoons all over the goddamn neighborhood
>raccoons climbing on stuff
>raccoons breaking things
>raccoons chasing kids
>raccoons fighting pets
>raccoons shitting up everyone's yards
There were so many complaints about her feeding raccoons that the city council passed an ordinance prohibiting most wild animal feeding but she's still doing it and the neighbors are madder than ever

>> No.18710025

I think it's a seagull

>> No.18710039

AKA Shitducks

>> No.18710101

Somebody should start poisoning them

>> No.18710121

Snail would've enjoyed that 'mater a lot more with a bit of salt on it.

>> No.18710179


>> No.18710249
File: 256 KB, 640x800, raines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will that bitch finally do porn

>> No.18710254

sorry, that's me
have to eat too yknow

>> No.18710466

Snails also really love rat poison for some reason they will eat an entire box of the stuff like it's nothing

>> No.18710480

Based snails

>> No.18710492


>> No.18710493
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>> No.18710569

That would be a God tear treat for a pet snail

>> No.18710664

Those are cherries

>> No.18710667

Then there will be vomit and blood and shit everywhere

>> No.18710709

Those are some damn fat raccoons. How long has that guy been feeding them?

>> No.18710962

they contain glutamate, not msg. even if you removed the glutamate, such as when you cook it and the chemical reaction reduces the stability of the peptide chain containing the glutamic acid, it will still taste good because its an olfactory stimulating fruit thats been bred to release as many aromatics as possible when you bite into it and crush it. Go squish a tomato in front of your nose and you will understand exactly what i mean. if you dont have a tomato, go bite a chocolate bar and then smell the piece of the bar you just bit and you will understand why your mouth feels so good when you chew on chocolate or tomatoes.

>> No.18711016

Tuck in snail my son, well done you’ve done it lad

>> No.18711078
File: 74 KB, 462x606, snibsnab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you snib your snabs?
Is it different for certain animals?
Do I have to poke live prawns in the head?
What about live mussels?
I know that a few years ago people decided that lobsters/crabs feel pain or have souls or something. But is pre-killing just a cope for PETA appeasers, or does it serve some legitimate purpose besides messing up the presentation?
Chef JP pre kills his lobster and he seems based but that may have been a production decision to avoid conflict.


>> No.18711084

frick this was supposed to be a thread

>> No.18711087

why is no one mentioning how insane this one is. the lad is sitting at a picnic table eating kabocha

>> No.18711105

It's more cost saving to just cloudseed with sulfur.

>> No.18711158

>Besides global warming is a good thing. Earth will again be a warm lush world with towering rainforests even in the arctic circle, just as it was in the era of the Dinosaurs
Kind of important to remind people that this world did not support human life and cannot support human life due to wet bulb temperature inhospitableness. So if your goal is to encourage global warming to kill off 80% of humanity, I guess that'll work, but it's a bit disingenuous to suggest we could coexist with this lush world.

>> No.18711178

You don't eat an entire cow at once

>> No.18711242

I go munchin

>> No.18711247

You just have to be "that" guy

>> No.18711348

I'm the guy who originally posted about raccoon lady and I'm genuinely surprised nobody has taken things into their own hands.

>> No.18712946

I could though

>> No.18712957

This is the most compelling argument about climate change I've ever read

>> No.18713020

a classic

>> No.18713215
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>> No.18713257


>> No.18713266


>> No.18713288

Capybaras are delicious, their flesh has the taste of fish but the texture of pork.

>> No.18713301

what movie is this? It looks pretty comfy.