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18702789 No.18702789 [Reply] [Original]

Is Paleo the most arbitrary diet ever? It seems pretty stupid.

>> No.18702835

All fad diets are arbitrary. It's more about getting people to believe in the hype, and the change in mental attitude will lead to changes in lifestyle, which will lead to people losing weight because - wait for it - they're eating less calories. It's a lot like religion, except as soon as people stop thinking they need the diet they almost always revert back to eating as much as they did before. This is most true with Atkins/keto/no carb fad diets. They try to come up with this whole scientific thing about how carbs are bad and it's like, no bitch, you stopped filling up on bread before every meal and now you're losing weight. Literally do the math.

>> No.18702874

Keto isn’t a fad diet, its literally prescribed to epileptic patients. Carbs are the essence of goyslop.

>> No.18702879

>This is most true with Atkins/keto/no carb fad diets
I'd argue it's the least true for those.
"Avoid carbs" is a lot more nebulous than "eat like a caveman".

>> No.18702885

Meant to say less

>> No.18702887

>Keto isn’t a fad diet,
Keto is the literal poster child of fad diets.
>"Avoid carbs" is a lot more nebulous than "eat like a caveman"
Either you don't know what "nebulous" means or I'm really not understanding you here.

>> No.18702891


>> No.18702904

Cavemen ate tuberous starches. Humans have been eating starches for 90% of their existence. Mayans in south America ate corn and quinoa. Asians ate rice. Even recorded history within the last 10k years prove that Egyptian pharaohs ate fatty meat rich diets and as a result they got fat and that shows in their bodies with the atherosclerosis. All kings who ate meat and fat based diets also got fat and unhealthy. This is irrefutable proof. Ketolards are in a literal cult because they don't want to give up their american diet of fatty foods. Gives americans an excuse to keep eating unhealthy food and taking away the "unhealthy" scape goat bread and just ordering a patty makes them feel a little bit better. Doesn't make the heart disease go away though so it's all cope.

>> No.18702944

Also americans on keto can eat cheese stuffed burger patties wrapped in bacon, sounds so healthy!

>> No.18702960

>Mayans in south America ate corn and quinoa.
Where are they now?
>asians eat rice
Ah yes, asian people, the epitome of physical strength.
>All kings who ate meat and fat based diets also got fat and unhealthy
No shit anyone with an unlimited supply of food will get fat.
The Aryan pastoralists, Mongols, Huns, Germanic tribes, and all other conquering savages ate diets dominated by protein and dairy. They were built like beasts and dominated their grain-fed victims despite their superior numbers and technology.

>> No.18702969

Yes and there's no reason to do it if you're not the specific type of epileptic it helps

>> No.18702970

Back to reddît with ye, tranny.

>> No.18703004

lmao amerimutts are dying like flys from heart disease. Japs eat a 75% carb based diet with fish mixed in(which has like 1/3 the fat of red meat per 100g) and live to 90. Keep eating your fatty burgers, cheese, milkshakes and delaying the inevitable. You're still going to get heart disease. Also you can't out exercise diet either, see jim fixx. Jim fixx ate steaks, eggs and died of 3 blocked arteries at 52 as a marathon runner.

>> No.18703016

>Fixx was genetically predisposed—his father died of a heart attack at 43 after a previous one at 35,[7] and Fixx himself had a congenitally enlarged heart—and had an unhealthy life: Fixx was a heavy smoker before beginning running at age 36, had a stressful occupation, had undergone a second divorce, and gained weight up to 214 pounds (97 kg).

>> No.18703039

he was interviewed and ate steaks every day, as well as his favorite food was a double cheeseburger. Also the autopsy showed he had 3 major 90% blocked arteries, that doesn't happen from stress. Anyways mutt your argument is
>"but muh hunters n shiieeet!"
with no evidence past that. Japan literally makes amerimutts seethe because they are 75% carb based and it completely BTFOS any and all ketolard arguments about longevity. Seed oil argument isn't valid either because that's still fat, which is permitted on keto.

>> No.18703052

If you take two guys, one eating 2000 calories of bacon per day and the other eating 2000 calories of bread, the bacon guy will demonstrably loose weight much faster than the bread guy, while also being much more satisfied. I don’t know why you keep denying these simple facts.

>> No.18703067

I have no idea and I don't keep up with california faggotry. The question is why do you keep with those fag of the day types?

>> No.18703083

When was the last time you wore vans or sketchers?

>> No.18703320

The oldest evidence for starch Consumption is 60 kya. That's far from. 90% of existence. Everything else you said is also bullshit.

>> No.18703392

>fatty foods are…le bad
Get a load of this goy

>> No.18703396

Both of those guys would be in terrible health you fucking moron

>> No.18703399

We’re talking about weight loss.

>> No.18703499

1996. I got them from the "skate shop" at the mall and it was a dangerous mission for two reasons. First, I didn't actually skateboard or roller-blade, and there was a very real risk that the cool older kid behind the counter would make a reference that I didn't get, and he would make fun of me. Second, the mall was in the middle of transitioning to a "black mall" and there was a very real risk that I could get beat up or even raped in the foot court bathroom. But I wanted those bomb skater fashions, so I hyped myself up in my mom's car, listening to Third Eye Blind on my Discman on repeat while freebasing Cherry Coke, until I was able to speedwalk inside and complete the shopping mission in a sugary caffeinated aggro blur.

I was so excited for school the next day. I was going to blow everyone away with my new skater fashion and my new hardcore personality. No more autism for me, I was going to join a garage band, and smoke weed, and get detention for sass, and maybe even touch a girl's boob. But the next morning, I threw up 4 times from nerves after eating my microwaved breakfast Toaster Strudel, and my mom phoned me out sick. I passed out and didn't wake up until 2:00pm, just in time for Animaniacs.

>> No.18703501

After that, I never worked up the courage to wear the shoes. They sat in the original box hidden under my bed until I was 35. Sometimes I would put them on and pose in the mirror, carefully replacing them in the box afterwards in their original position, with the crinkled paper inside and everything. The right shoe went "on top" as the Van's logo went left-to-right. One night I realized that the Van's logo was on both sides going left-to-right and maybe I had gotten the direction reversed at some point. But after four hours of rearranging the shoes and checking them under different lights, I was satisified that the original position was correct.

Eventually the shoes stopping fitting because of my fat Man Ankles. After I turned 35 my dad finally guilted me into selling them on eBay to help pay for his dialysis machine. As I covered the original Van's box in styrofoam packing peanuts for shippinh inside a larger re-used Amazon box, it felt like I was burying my childhood, my hopes and dreams. As the weeks passed, anguish turned to rage, and let's just say that the EverQuest cave elves definitely felt my wrath. I was almost banned for cheating twice as the Caves of Underdale were splashed and soaked with gallon upon gallon of pixelated elfen blood. But then Windows Update broke my graphics drivers and I had to reinstall and I couldn't remember my EverQuest password. So I cut my losses and started Runescape although I kept the same gamer handle, DarkSpawn1985. Add me, we can campaign together but please don't post any anime memes in chat, my mom doesn't allowed anime in the house anymore.

>> No.18703507

For all that and no pics of hot surfer chicks?
What did you bother with calibullshit for?

>> No.18703517

"he" yeah right. That seems like a weird cult just think when the freak job wants you to start chanting and giving him all of your assets.
Beware the grape kool aide.

>> No.18703521

people think keto works because "our bodies are designed to eat meat!" but in reality keto works because our bodies DEFINITELY AREN'T designed to eat that much meat and doing so literally breaks our metabolic cycle.

>> No.18703525
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>Punctuation is Reddit

>> No.18703526

>comparing bread to bacon

>> No.18703529

Beware even more when those cult types want to bring in your wife or girlfriends for the leader's "extra satisfaction" and there comes the upsell
Multi level marketing scheme MLM is so obvious, it was back in the 1990's with nigerian 419 shit and way before that.

>> No.18703536

>using Reddit Caps
you have to go back

>> No.18703550

I dont give two shits about reddit and why would you cap it, but if you're gonna get technical you might want to cap your sentance and put a period at the end. I'm sure an English major will hit me over the head somewhere.