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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 580 KB, 1200x628, salmonella-prevention-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18693736 No.18693736 [Reply] [Original]

I have literally never gotten salmonella in my life, nor have have i ever heard of anyone getting salmonella. is it a meme? why dont they want us cooking chicken below temp?

>> No.18693741

If you consume (((undercooked))) chicken you will begin to regret your foreskin. They don't want you to know this.

>> No.18693744

Yes it is a meme. Bacteria and viruses are a jewish trick for the goyim. Don't even get me started on covid. Vaxxtards dropping like Flys in 13 days 23 hours and 59 seconds

>> No.18693753

The USDA temperature guidelines came from a time when meat processing plants were much dirtier, and as a government agency, they're naturally prone to caution.

Their guidelines were intentionally set to be well above what is actually necessary to safely eat meat, such that you could take the most contaminated, filthy piece of shit chicken, and not possibly get sick from eating it.

>> No.18693808

They're also set to be safe for people with compromised immune systems. Plus they're set up to be safe even if the cook is incompetent. If you let the meat rest for longer at a slightly lower temperature, it still kills the same amount of bacteria

>> No.18693817

So if I leave it out on the counter for 6 days it should be good and cooked right?

>> No.18693824

the jews maaaan

>> No.18693833

No. I think the lowest safe temperature is 140 or something like that. Probably an interesting experiment though. Try it, you could be famous

>> No.18693850

Dont listen to this anon ((((They're))))) going to kill you if you discover their secrets

>> No.18693856
File: 503 KB, 768x535, 1667971357050454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already dead. I know who killed jfk.

>> No.18693863

There's a point where food can be fucked up beyond the power of cooking to render it safe. Some bacteria produce organic toxins (ptomaines) as a byproduct, so even if you cook the meat hard enough to kill them, the toxins remain and you still get the shits.

>> No.18693868

...so that you don't get salmonella, duh

>> No.18694005

>Their guidelines were intentionally set to be well above what is actually necessary to safely eat meat
and in a lot of places in the US you can't even get a medium-rare burger
"one dry, gray puck, please. with cheese."

>> No.18694029

> and in a lot of places in the US you can't even get a medium-rare burger
This isn’t true

>> No.18694455

below temp chicken is gross. I'll sometimes eat some raw beef or pork or fish before cooking it, but raw chicken just makes me sick. I don't mean like literally sick from the salmonella. it's just gross tasting and feels gross in my mouth. Especially if i fried a piece of chicken and the inside is raw.

>> No.18694459

Rubbery chicken, delicious

>> No.18695702
File: 1.91 MB, 270x480, 1656396378591.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lern to wash yo chicken

>> No.18695712

Salmonella comes from salmon, retard. You're thinking of chickenella

>> No.18695813

I don't think it's a meme, but it's probably not as bad as they make it out to be.
There were a couple of times when I first started cooking I shit myself when I thought I was going to fart, and thought I was starting to become the shartmart mutt meme. I realized later it was probably that I didn't cook my chicken enough, and it never happened again.

>> No.18696014

US invented the hamburger and we're the only country to do it right. We also invented the rare-medium-well done for steaks. I spent half my teenage years and a good portion of my early adult life in Germany on an air force base. Took day trips all over Europe. Took longer vacations to Egypt, Morocco, southern Italy. Ate at places the locals called perfect, amazing, masterpiece of eatery. Got a lot of regional cuisines that were fucking amazing-- but every single time I had a hankerin for a burger and fries or a medium-rare steak, I'd get served something tantamount to a napalm induced war crime with how disgustingly overcooked and greasy it'd be.
Meanwhile I could go back to base and even if the partially blind cook that everybody fucking hated was on duty for the day he could cook a fucking hamburger properly.
Ask him for a rare steak and you'd get it. Want well done? Sure, here ya go.

The only good food worth a trip in all of Europe was in France and Spain. Sure I'd have some good meals in Germany, Portugal, UK, Italy, but none of it was worth going out of the way for. And if you wanted BBQ? Lmfao. They think putting hot dogs on a grill is BBQing, they're fucking idiots.
Actually now that I think about it fucking Quebec had better cuisine than most of Europe and they actually could cook a hamburger to boot.
Maybe it's all the world wars and rationing but something about Europe is just culturally backward foodwise. It's like you guys got stuck in time when eating cold porridge with your bare hands was considered a delight.

>> No.18696106


>> No.18696123

cooking meat in general is a meme. wild animals eat meat completely raw.

>> No.18696204

>Serrated knife with chicken
>Holding the knife that way
Opinion discarded.

>> No.18696764

>We also invented the rare-medium-well done for steaks.
In a way yes. You took it from the English but modified it so that every doneness in America is one step more done than in England/Europe.

Rare in England isn't a thing in America.
Medium rare in England is rare in America.
Medium in England is medium rare in America.
Medium well in England is medium in America
Well done in England is medium well in America.

>> No.18696780

>not mentioning wooden cutting board
Opinion discarded.

>> No.18696787

I read this in the 4 levels of lady's voice
> filthy piece of shit chicken
yep that part too