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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18691757 No.18691757 [Reply] [Original]

>Upper row: well seasoned, balanced dishes with tons of varied flavors
>Bottom row: we heated up some potatoes and meat so you won't get food poisoning lol, enjoy
why is this?

>> No.18691805
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 154832338749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never had a nice get-together asadito with his friends on a breezy saturday night laughing until 3 am

>> No.18691806

>tomato stew with corn

Nasty! Sweet stews are fucking gross. I have never tasted a Moroccan dish that wasn't complete ass tho, I mean those doods unironically mix plums and nuts with their chicken, that's just wrong.

>grilled meat

You can't go wrong with that, and never has a stew topped it, because grilled meat is the best food of all.

>that Croatian shit

I'm Slovenian and I've never had that. It doesn't look all that appetizing and why spoil perfectly good meat with bell pepper? It all looks boiled instead of grilled, which means it's shit.

>French snails

I trust the French to make good grub, so I wouldn't hesitate to devour that.

>> No.18691816

Middle eastern "cuisine" is literally just taking as many spices as you can throw into a pot to cover up the taste of your shit rotting vegetables and meat.

>> No.18691834

Let's face it, you didn't laugh until 3AM because you had "asadito" but because you're South American and have to shout, scream or laugh every waking second of your existence because that's just your culture.

>> No.18691848

I wouldn't feed this kind of poor ass bait to my dog. Pig disgusting. You uncultured swine.

>> No.18693284
File: 227 KB, 700x507, couscous-à-la-langue-de-boeuf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely wrong and Morocco isn't in the middle east you illiterate retard

>muh greater middle east
Maghrebi food is its own thing

>> No.18693579

I hate garlic and they put a ton of it on escargot

>> No.18694237

What makes you think the bottom right isn't seasoned and balanced?
t. Croat

>> No.18694317

>stealth /sp/ thread
no-one cares about the world cup, fuck off

>> No.18694340

>sad carrot plate
Absolutely divine.

>> No.18694466

>well seasoned, balanced dishes with tons of varied flavors
yeah butter and garlic wooo

>> No.18695817

That's couscous you fucking subhuman

>> No.18695850

Couscous is muhfugging NASTY tho! Tiny and crumbly and gets everywhere, and as dry as the Sahara to boot. North African food is srsly lacking.

>> No.18696227
File: 100 KB, 618x769, Couscous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's wrong about any couscous made in a proper restaurant or by an at least average maghrebi housewife.
Where did you eat couscous?
While we're at it, tell me what food you actually like to it so I can have a laugh

>> No.18696316

You're right, we don't. It's probably an /int/ slash /pol/ divide and conquer attempt though, as we've seen 100s of these threads over the past 2 weeks. Anyone who can cook knows all 4 have great cuisines. Just report for trolling outside /b/.

>> No.18696334

Honestly? Better than being an inhibited homosexual like you that's afraid of anything and everything.

>> No.18696440

There's nothing "balanced" about a dozen snails with a slice of bread.