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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 953 KB, 1200x800, AF498521-2D73-4966-9800-8F80C1A75398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18688324 No.18688324 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on shrinkflation in food products?

>> No.18688329

it sucks
btw if a product didn't shrank, or was more expensive, it means the food maker tampered with the quality of the ingredients

>> No.18688330

It's based. Instead of having to pay more for the original size, I pay the same for a smaller size with the option of spending more for more if I want.

>> No.18688343

that just means you're paying more for packaging, faggot.

>> No.18688347

That pringles picture is probably from Australia, where we got swapped over from american imports to products made in malaysia, which are 1) smaller and 2) shit. Have they fucked with the American pringles as well now?
I have to wonder how much more they can possibly shrinkflate in these economic times. For example, Australia's main chocolate blocks have all dropped in size from 320g blocks way down to 180g in the space of about 10 years.
If they keep dropping the size at that rate they'll be snack bar size by 2035.
It also shits me when a company drops the size of the food, but doesn't change the box or even makes them larger.

>> No.18688351

You aussie?

>> No.18688361

The past 10 years? Inflation has been near zero for those 10 years.

>> No.18688363

A complete economical collapse should set things right.

>> No.18688369


cheer up guys

>> No.18688382

Even toilet paper shrank, though years ago. Around the start of the 'demic, WAAAAAAAaaaaaay back in late February of 2020, I stocked up on dish soap, hand soap, clothes detergent, shampoo and other shit that doesn't generally go off, including toilet paper. I'm still well-stocked on all that stuff but I went to my brother's place recently and he buys Charmin just as I do, even the same variety, and the sheets seemed smaller than what I have at home. I took one (unused, of course) and when I got home, compared it to what we have and it is indeed smaller, by about 20%, I'd say.
It's ridiculous.
idk about food, tho. I don't generally buy much of the packaged stuff to notice, though I did notice that the bags of Halloween candy we got this year for the street beggars seemed to have less in them, especially the peanut butter Snickers.

>> No.18688398
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>OY Vey shut down this thread right now

>> No.18688409

>mfw the top toberlorone is already the shrinkflation version, and the bottom one is double shrinkflated.

>> No.18688425

look at this goyim and rub your hands. he will subscribe to your patreon and support your kickstarter.

>> No.18688439


i dont eat pringles but i have some packages of pre-pandemic paper rolls. since everyone panic bought, i stocked up too so the very bottom of my pile was never used. The prepandemic rolls were like 420 rolls per pack and the current ones are something dumb like 372 for same brand/store/ect.

whats really sad is a lot of people dont understand whats going on and are legitimately tricked by it. I refuse to eat the goyslop now, it has become low quality garbage unsuitable for people but some of my family members happily consume it and cant tell the difference. Its really frustrating because if i ever need a favor, say 'pick me up some of this since you're out', it takes a lot of effort to get them to buy the right product because

>but anon, this brand is cheaper for more. this is a good deal!

no, its not. please stop consuming this garbage.

>> No.18688446

you pay the same for less retard

>> No.18688455

Read more slowly and carefully in the future, especially if you intend to reply.

>> No.18688463

shrinkflation is companies sneakily reducing the quantity of food but not lowering the price retard

>> No.18688466

>It's based
>Because I pay for more and get less
Newfags need to stop misusing "based" so much

>> No.18688483

Yes, in response to inflationary pressure. Read more slowly and carefully. Take a pause between each word if you have to.

The alternatives are the price going up changing the product to use cheaper ingredients, or the product being removed from sale because profit margins have become unviable.

>> No.18688492

So the TP squares are smaller AND the rolls have fewer squares? Fuck me.
Y'know, and I know this is weird, I might still have that single sheet of TP from my brother's house. I'm gonna photograph it next to one of my sheets tonight to show ya what I mean about the size. It's utterly fucked, bruh.

>> No.18688498

Missed a comma between up and changing.

>> No.18688502

>in response to inflationary pressure
this accounts for only so many instances of shrinkflation, and almost always you lose more food than you keep in money. even if greed wasnt a thing youd just pay for more packaging
now stop trying to talk like a huge faggot and have some humility asshole

>> No.18688504

That's literally what he said, retard.

>> No.18688508


>> No.18688513

I'm sure Anon understood that. It seemed obvious to me that Anon's post was written ironically/sarcastically/satirically. The bit about "paying more for more if I want" laid it out particularly bare that it was meant to be taken as satire.

>> No.18688514

oh nvm not what my point was anyways though i was saying shrinkflation is cucking

>> No.18688519

See >>18688513
And never read A Modest Proposal. You'll just be disgusted with the idea of turning orphans into gloves and you won't understand it for the obvious fucking satire it is.

>> No.18688544

Simple answer and the only one that's effective is stop buying it and their marketing / advertising bullshit, that's truly the only thing that gets through to those cunts

>> No.18688546

how was he being satirical?

>And never read A Modest Proposal. You'll just be disgusted with the idea of turning orphans into gloves and you won't understand it for the obvious fucking satire it is.
god i fucking hate how satire cucks are obsessed with feeling smart and worship satire so much
almost all satire boils down to 'this guy has a big nose, so i'm going to draw him with an even BIGGER nose'
its not smart it just wants to feel smart because it got coated in one thin layer of irony and it blurs peoples vision/creates these stupid, STUPID arguments of 'ackshually i think it was satire!! your is the stupid!!' and people saying their own shit was satire all along when they get disproven instead of sucking it up and accepting defeat with honor.

>> No.18688632

Based. Goyslop should be the most expensive shit you can buy so it filters subhumans from people eating normally

>> No.18688636

stfu, no it doesn't. these fags would never release data of exactly how much this shit goes to waste because people simply don't buy it in time for the product to expire. the biggest culprits of food waste believe they're serving the people's tastes and wants with 'happiness' alone, everyone from Pepsi and Coca to Nestle and Hershey.

>> No.18688645

it's fucking epic because capitalism is hecking epic and if you say otherwise you're a sjw libtard

>> No.18688654

i was gonna say this. i havn't seen a toblerone in about 20 years and both those in the picture look like fucking cat teeth

>> No.18688668

As said above, the bit about "paying more for more if I want" laid it out particularly bare that it was meant to be taken as satire.
This is not about anyone being smarter than you. It's about you missing obvious satire/sarcasm in this instance as well as fully misunderstanding what satire even is to begin with, as evidenced by the fact that you've conflated it with parody/caricature.

>> No.18688859

NTA but caricatures are a form of satire and "the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues." is the definition of satire

>> No.18688946

Yes. You've convinced me.

>> No.18688977

I haven't noticed an issue with the amount of product per package, but the quality has plummeted with a lot of flavors. Things like sour cream and onion and cheese, what used to be staples in the potato chip world, feel very powdery. The pizza flavor doesn't taste anywhere near as pizza-y as it used to. Now they have all these spicy flavors that are ok, but the way they flavor their crisps always makes the "scorchin" flavors feel like you're rubbing sandpaper on your tongue.

>> No.18688990

Yeah, drinking a fifth of fine Scotch Whiskey didn't even give me a buzz. Did they dilute that too?

>> No.18689003

>he buys trash paper
Scott's 1-ply (you don't need more) is still 1000 sheets to the roll. They're also never in stock and cost way more than they used to. I'm sure you "need" those 5-ply literal pillows on a roll though.

>> No.18689082

With hyperinflation, theyre going to have to raise the price of food at some point somehow. Shrinkflation is just a smart way of doing it because the average customer isnt measuring the peaks and valleys of their toblerone.

>> No.18689089

I make my own chips now. I both eat less of them and they taste better.

>> No.18689092

I’m still going through my Covid stash of wet wipes. My booty hole is fresh with aloe and I ain’t never going back to dry toilet paper.

>> No.18689117

You're supposed to use normal toilet paper to dry your ass afterwards. Do you walk around with a completely moist asshole?

>> No.18689166

It's in a perpetual state of readiness for... something... yes.

>> No.18689211

It's shit, but not as shit as changing ingredients for worse quality and changing the taste/texture. It sucks when I finally find something I like only for them to change the recipe and now I have to look for something new. I would rather they would just increase the price.

>> No.18689797
File: 90 KB, 1130x351, hotdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if "shrinkflation" but notice anything about these hot dogs?
(pics are not to scale)
they are all 15oz but somehow different sizes also contrary to the picture all the ones in my store have only 8 wieners in each package.

>> No.18689804

kirkland TP has not shrank if anything it is too big to fit on some hangers.

>> No.18689811

What pisses me off is cereal boxes not filled, potato chip bags only half full, and when did 16 oz cans of food become 14oz?

>> No.18689817

I remember when all ice cream came in half gallon boxes or cartons, now only blue bell has half gallon cartons.

>> No.18689828

This but not doubly ironic.

>> No.18689829

>8 thick hotdogs
>8 longer, thinner hotdogs
>10 smaller hotdogs
Nigger are you literally brain damaged?

>> No.18689832


>> No.18689833

Is anyone checking?

>> No.18689841

A jumbo hotdog should be larger and therefore 8 of them should weigh more.

bun length hot dogs are longer and should weigh more.


>> No.18689842
File: 143 KB, 270x450, Minute-Maid_Orange-Juice_Original-Low-Pulp_59oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These used to be 64 ounces/half gallon
now it's 59 ounces
guess the size of a half gallon changed

>> No.18689857
File: 46 KB, 488x488, doritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bags of these are tiny now and retard expensive

>> No.18689864

maybe you should be the guy carrying a food scale around the store and actually weigh them

>> No.18689877

they weigh the same idiot.

>> No.18689880

Funny you say that some autist did in my neighborhood and found that the in store shit like deli meats, cheese so on was way over weighed on the package then what it should be
funny they got busted
on the local news and shit

>> No.18689885

based autist

>> No.18689907

>these fags would never release data of exactly how much this shit goes to waste
If they're a public company they release that data all the time. If you work in a grocery store, or have a friend who works in a grocery store, even at virtually an entry-level position, they'll see essentially what that data will look like, since they are the ones who will mark sales and spoilage, and will note where expired goods go to, if not the trash or bottle recycler. It's not like there can be massive fraud.

Why is everything a fucking massive conspiracy with you /pol/tards?

>> No.18689917

Just get a bidet at this point. It's much cheaper than all the wet wipes you'll be buying, the wet wipes aren't really "flushable" regardless of how they're advertised, it can do better job depending on what kind you get.

>> No.18689997

I was craving doritos the other day and went to my local grocery store and saw they were like 5 bucks a bag, like holy shit they were like 3.99 before

>> No.18690276
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Bruh, Tolberone shrunk again?

>> No.18690355

Stop snacking and eating extravagant food you fat diabetic loser. A slice of bread and bologna is all you need.

>> No.18690359

"based" is a newfag term

>> No.18690468

Look at crisps.
What happens is they release a very expensive family pack that's just as big as the pre shrinkflation single serving. Then they start again.

>> No.18690495

>legitimately tricked by it
Price per sheet is clearly labelled, they have to try a little harder than that.

>> No.18690518

>shrinkflation is companies sneakily reducing the quantity of food but not lowering the price retard
Or both.
>in response to inflationary pressure
It's not a real word, every use is colloquial. In response to anything, including raw opportunism.
Frequently opportunism and inflation coincide though. You've heard prices will go up so they put them up even more than their costs require.
It's also why you have anons posting shit like >>18688361 (ignoring that CPI != price of chocolate != price of Cadbury ).

>> No.18690534

>you don't need more
How many sheets do you use per wipe?
I usually use 2x 3ply, so anything below 6ply isn't wasted.

>> No.18690557

Right one lost calories.

>> No.18690604

Have you not seen snack prices lately? You're paying MORE for less, stupid.

>> No.18690782

oldfags are all about "keyed"

>> No.18690792

how can one have a positive take on this

>> No.18690917

I think only with the assumption that the other option is just a proportional increase in price. Like if you're choosing between more for the same amount or the same price for less.

>> No.18690966

Your view just makes it more obvious how the prices have actually skyrocketed, with this tactic trying to cover it. Like for example how packets of salami slices have gone down from 120g, 90g, 85g, to now being fucking 75g for the same price as the 100g a few years ago. Inflation or not. At some point you will have to buy two packs either way, because one packet will be 50g which is fucking nothing, but of course cut with laser beams to make 100 slices to make it seem like a whole lot.
tl;dr just look at the price per kilo and all your marketing memetics will fall apart
this shit is starting to spread into the bakery as well, bread now being 800g only

>> No.18690979

i actually enjoy shrinkflation because the portion sizes of these things were always too large anyway
i might enjoy the first few bites of chocolate but i don't want a half pound bar
and yes i can always put it back in my cupboard and save it but i might be travelling or would rather have more variety
it's also easier to reduce how many indulgences i buy than it is to resist them every time i go into my kitchen
inflation is happening
would you rather pay more for the same or get less? i'd much rather get less
i wish they sold even smaller ones for elss but a lot of products don't or absolutely rape the value of them
>buying presliced anything

>> No.18691008

>i wish they sold even smaller ones for els
So you just love paying extra for more packaging materials, got it.

>> No.18691153
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only poors complain about "shrinkflation" even that term was made by lazy deadbeat poors lmao

>> No.18691178

What's up with all the comments about packaging materials in this thread? Is that the latest /pol/ fad? It's even sillier than usual.

>> No.18691179
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>> No.18691211

Simple ass

>> No.18691301


>> No.18691432

almost every bit of it goes to food banks where I eat like a jewish goyim king for free. pretty much only the deli shit and premades get tossed, and the stuff no one wants even at the bank and the food bank people told them to stop sending.

>> No.18691438

As a man ages, his testosterone levels drop and shrinkage can occur. Many such cases.

>> No.18691439
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life is a massive conspiracy, the entire point of /pol/ though was for the deep state to well poison with the craziest ones like flat earth. They do this shit all the time, just like the occupy wallstreet movement. divide, distract, decentralize.

>> No.18691908

Grocery stores have scales for the customers to use. You don't need to bring your own. But they're located in the produce section, so I guess that explains why you're unaware of them.

>> No.18691972

the joke
your head

>> No.18692001

Not that person, but I grew up with them. I don't know about other families since upkeep of one's back end orifice is not a common topic of polite conversation but in my family, I was taught that you wiped your arse with bogroll, washed your arse in the bidet after, dried your arse with a towel then, finally, tossed the arsetowel in with the whites to be gotten at when next the wash was done.
You're not meant to spray up into your shitty arsehole, Anon.

>> No.18693288

It'll probably make people lose weight.

>> No.18693304

The cock 8lllllllllD Your face

>> No.18693316

>The prepandemic rolls were like 420 rolls per pack and the current ones are something dumb like 372 for same brand/store/ect.
Oh no, that means the average American family of 5 will have to buy a new pack of TP twice a week now.

>> No.18693329

Something that happens AT LEAST once every 5 years, but which morons like you only know about through News corp media when there's a Democrat in power.

>> No.18693334

buht deyr bout a keeluhgrem

>> No.18693368

If your dick gets hard enough for a dude for you to put it in his face, that says more about you being a faggot (who didn't get the joke) than it does about anything else, my homosexual amigo.

>> No.18693372

Haha nah. Forcing a weak beta suck my dick is not gay.

>> No.18693405

>his dick gets hard at the thought of dudes sucking dick
>somehow, this is not gay
Whatever you say, Tinkerbell.

>> No.18693460

if you can drink a fifth and not get drunk you have serious problems

>> No.18693487

Even paraplegics can get boners if they are stimulated

Amusing that you so desperately want anons to be gay though (they still won't go out with you lmao)

>> No.18693506

I get it, it just wasn’t funny

>> No.18693519

Unironically true; a complete economic collapse combined with a deadly epidemic that only targets people above the age of 50 would set the world right desu senpai

>> No.18693586

That's capitalism for you. Just imagine how much this garbage costs to produce and they still need to nickel and dime you.

>> No.18693686

>pay the same
>when pringles have gone up to $4.80 a can with inflation
i wish

>> No.18693691

That's not how arousal works.
If it did, the concepts of "gay" (IE you) and "straight" wouldn't exist.
Nice attempt at explaining away your obvious faggotry, tho.

>> No.18693696

At this point shrinkflation is every nine months. Thanks kikes.

>> No.18693708

bruh if u get dommed in prison it's u that's gay not the dude that turned you into his bitch lmfaooo

>> No.18693722

Where I'm from we both have shrinkflation AND the prices have gone up by approximately 5-6 times since I became conscious enough to remember prices (so I guess around 20 years' time loosely).

>> No.18693771

this would be accurate except the point of /pol/ is to be the war room for the council of the second coming.
you'll learn this in due time, anon.

>> No.18693774


>> No.18693828

i eat whole food plant based and it doesn't seem to happen

>> No.18694021
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These used to be like $7.99 for 20 pieces back in my day. Then 8.99, then 9.99. then 11.49, and now theyre like 14.99. Ridiculous.

>> No.18694063

I eat whole food, plant-centric but not plant based. The fake meats all taste like ass.

>> No.18694129

there is zero fake meat in a whole food plant based diet

>> No.18694158

Recent marketing campaigns have made my brain equate all mentions of "plant based" exclusively with fake meat, sorry.

>> No.18694263

I'm confused by your image OP. I have never in my life encountered a toblerone like the bottom image. They've been like the top my entire 31 years of life. Furthermore, the bottom seems to have the TOBLERONE stamp on the pieces, implying it's the same number of triangles as the normal one, and would therefore be twice as long, not shrunken.

>> No.18694389

why would they shrink the pieces when they could just put less paper on the roll?

>> No.18694567

>store near me used to only carry one brand of real ice cream among all the slop brands
>notice the container shape changed slightly a few months ago
>price and volume is the same but the ingredients now list whey and tara gum

>> No.18694661

Assuming shrinkflation/inflation does eventually settle down, will we see a return to pre-covid quality and/or prices?
Or will the corporations treat it as a ratchet for their products and this is just what we're stuck with until the next bout of inflation?

>> No.18694666

god don't get me started. I used to be able to get a whole boar's head italian, a 2 liter of soda, and a bag of chips (large) for about $11
now it's like $18-19

>> No.18694790

no one who believes that would stick aroud in a shithole like that constantly canvased by bots, shills, feds, troll, etc.

>> No.18694893

conspiracy theorists have always been like that, /pol/ or no /pol/

>> No.18694908

>conspiracy theorists always had to deal with bots and open forums
you glow like the sun

>> No.18694916

Try undercutting them with your own product and making a fortune off the opportunity that artificially inflated privrs create. Or do you hate capitalism so much that you refuse to prove it works?

>> No.18695566

One thing you should be aware of is that as you get older, your tastebuds change and dull.

>> No.18695577

Never. We’re stuck with the way things are for good. Don’t think it’s just because of inflation either, it’s governments deliberately trying to make us eat the bugs, because trust me, you will eat the bugs and you will enjoy it.

>> No.18695588

This. Your goyslop is being rationed to make space for your mulatto replacements. You will accept a lower value dollar, higher cost of living, broken institutions & be happy.

Look at Brazil if you want a sneak-peak of America 2050. All of their food short of red meat and fruit is pozzed as can be. Former Soviet countries & Balkan nations have the best quality raw/base food.

>> No.18695593

I'd rather watch everything maintain size and quality and just let the price go up so people notice, hopefully so they get it through their fat heads that printing trillions of dollars is the cause of it.

>> No.18695605

You would know brown boy

>> No.18695749

scales have to be calibrated regularly to be accurate, and I doubt some shitty supermarket is doing that on a daily basis

>> No.18696217

Sigh, I feel old when I see that pic. Apparently people cant even remember back when the valleys between the peaks had NO flat spots at all, it was one pyramid next to another.

>> No.18696224

Oh, I remember. It was meant to resemble Swiss mountain ranges, not the line on a heart monitor.

>> No.18696345

If you eat garbage you deserve being exploited like this.
It takes 30 seconds to peel 250 grams of potato.
It takes 30 seconds to slice them on a mandolin.
It takes 30 seconds to soak them in water, wash off excessive starch so they don't stick together and pat them dry.
It takes 30 seconds to deep fry them.
And 2 seconds to dust them with a spice mix of your choice and salt.
Plus you'll have a far cheaper, far superior end product.

You deserve being taken advantage of.

>> No.18696379

You have never once done this

>> No.18696399

Lets see you do this

Film it and post the webm

>> No.18696406

It's a term that's over a decade old. Don't know how it's a newfag term. I remember it came from Lil B. Been here since around 2010.
Yeah I've seen that too. Hasn't caught in as much

>> No.18696555
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, esteemed gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEW RECIPE on the packaging
>check contents
>exactly the same calories and proportions
>5% smaller

>> No.18696881

cope, the ingredients don't list the amounts of each ingredient.

>> No.18696928

yup, i used to get miss vickies jalapeno for 2.50 on sale, reg 3$(leaf bucks) and now they basically 5$ a bag now

the cookies i used to buy arent even being stocked anymore
my diets changed so much im getting acne again cause my body seems to hate this new shit im eating

>> No.18696935

How odd, to eat enough packaged food that cutting it out affects you so adversely. Do you eat any fresh foods?
I also enjoy packaged slop from time to time, but the majority of my diet is fresh veg.

>> No.18696939

stop trying to make keyed happen faggot

>> No.18696960

i only buy chips once in a blue moon, they rarely go on sale

but the cookies ive been eating for over 5 years so my body is used to them
its finding a replacement for my cookies thats effecting my acne, different cookies arent as filling and more expensive now for even less
ive tried some pretels sticks but now they arent in stock now
im gonna be goin back to making bean salads for snacks and gonna have to make my own cookies now(i usually only made them for special/family events)

my normal meals haven't changed

>> No.18697117

Are you having reactions to some ingredient in these other cookies, maybe? You haven't any allergies, have you? If not, maybe look into getting screened for me ones which may have developed. I know someone who developed an allergy to lentils (also peanuts) later in life and while I don't have any food allergies, I became allergic to the glue on self adhesive bandages in my 20s.

>> No.18697145
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>> No.18697172
File: 104 KB, 220x247, don't starve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom line is you can't do anything about it, so just pay attention to what you're buying instead of getting the same product from the same brand for over a decade

>> No.18697180

>know that basic consumers have no concept of inflation and will compare your product to how it was in 1990

>keep product the same size
>keep product the same price

>> No.18697202

Keyed is for faggots, schwayed is the only true response

>> No.18697204

>price goes up AND size goes down at the same time
>oy vey why are you calling it out this isn't greed this is covid inflation

>> No.18697323

no food allergies, i had that test done in my teens
most peoples acne are due to diets
these new "junk foods" clearly have shittier ingredients that my body hates, prolly shittier sugars
i used to get choco fudge cookies(a creme filled type, like an oreo) ive tried normal looking cookies, oatmeal ones, and basic choco chip ones but they arent remotely filling. maybe im eating more of them then i notice. the fudge ones i ate i would only eat 1-3 and none for many more hours, the package used to last 2 weeks. these normal ones have less cookies and make me want to eat more of them taste wise and trying to feel full

more sugar, more acne
been trying to find something even more healthy and filling then cookies for years but there just isnt anything

>> No.18697354

>putin's genocidal war causes massive rifts in energy security
>literally every part of the supply chain has to pay extra for energy
>supply chain still not over the covid crisis
>economically illiterate anon: "they're just greedy!"

>> No.18697703

>it's putins fault that profits just so happen to be higher than ever

>> No.18698117

Make that $16.99, just went to the store today.

>> No.18698209

you get what you vote for

>> No.18698656

post pensioner card

>> No.18698661

Shrinkflation is the practice of reducing the size or amount of a product while keeping the price the same. This can be a frustrating experience for consumers, who may feel like they are getting less value for their money. However, there is not a definitive verdict on the practice of shrinkflation in food products, as some people may view it as a necessary cost-saving measure for companies, while others may see it as a dishonest way for businesses to increase their profits. Ultimately, the decision to engage in shrinkflation is up to individual companies and their business practices.

>> No.18699224

Hi bot.

>> No.18699249

As a fl-fag this has honestly pissed me off the worst.
I really miss cozying up with some liquor and 20 wings for 12.99 and taking a break from the world. I took 2019 for granted.

>> No.18699541

>A kilo of chodes.
>vs a kilo of pencils.

>> No.18699829

Most of the people causing problems in the world are under 50, anon.

>> No.18699920
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Fact check: Do companies practice "shrinkflation" because they're greedy?
The Facts: There is no evidence that food producers have deliberately reduced the net weight or volume of their products solely out of greed.
The Verdict: FALSE

>> No.18699922


>> No.18699951

I haven't eaten Pringles in over a decade. Jesus, what a downgrade in package design.

>> No.18699971

I tried their low fat ones recently. They were actively bad.

>> No.18699985

Locked post

>> No.18700131

fucking retard how long does it take you to fethc the potatoes from the basement? How long to heat up the oil? How long to clean your stove afterwards? How long to dispose of the oil and the potato peelings in the appropriate places? How long to rinse the pot with water and dish soap afterwards and dry it and then put it away again?

>> No.18700438

I've seen multiple actually healthy foods get discontinued like barbeque sauce or olives. It's near fucking impossible to get whole milk with the cream in a glass container, best I can find is homogeneous whole milk in paper containers from Aldi. Absolutely no one sells non slop bread. It's getting really fucking annoying how hard it is to find even acceptably "healthy" food alternatives. I had to make eggnog from scratch myself last year too because every brand has half a dozen poison ingredients.

>> No.18700710

Give me an example of something that's passively bad so I can understand what the fudge "actively bad" means, please?

>> No.18700727

Foundation settlement.

>> No.18700827

idk wtf that is

>> No.18702268

>the food can't shrink, cost more and have its quality tampered with all at the same time

>> No.18702621

my man is comparing downward soil pressure to structural fudge integrity. i don't wanna hear it. you're wrong and you know it.

>> No.18703281

What they did was make the cardboard tube larger so the rolls look just as thick as before, but with less footage of tp.

>> No.18703317

hot woman??? yessss i will travel to edge of the world to find full sized genuine pringles can fore you my mistress. And big tobelorene to eat. Then you hug me warmly OK?

>> No.18704542

I stopped buying pringles years ago.

>> No.18704586
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>> No.18704754 [DELETED] 

Pay up goyim. Jewkraine needs more gibs for crypto.

>> No.18704896
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>> No.18704899
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>> No.18704909

>king size snickers is smaller than original snickers
>regular snickers today is a bit bigger than a fun size
>king snickers today is 2 fun sizes

>> No.18704915
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>> No.18705326

not a fan
I'd rather pay more

>> No.18705619

Why has no one denounced these price gouging corporations yet?

>> No.18705651

The only people it affects are the fat and lazy retards who actually by that crap more than a couple of times a year.

>> No.18705987

Look up how to make explosives and toss it to your least favorite brand's HQ. I will wait.

>> No.18706004

Fucking thank you.
Our food bills haven't really gone up much at all because we don't buy much prepackaged stuff and seldom-to-never buy shit that's not on offer.
The people complaining about the price increases are the same ones who find it challenging to eat five servings of fruit and veg in a day.

Here"s a tip: porridge with dried fruit and a glass of OJ at breakfast and carrot bisque with soup crackers at lunch and you're already at four servings. Have yourself a steak with some spinach, a baked potato and sauteed mushrooms and Viola Davis: you've eaten six.
It's. Not. Hard.

>> No.18706143

Porridge and dried fruit is just so bland and takes too long to make, I'd rather have my Kellogg Fruity O's™ with a side of naturally flavoured Yoplait™ yogurt.
Carrot bisque is literally bottom tier, it's so thin and flavourless. I love the Campbell Beefy Mushroom™ soup for lunch, it carries me almost all the way through my shift before I dig into the snack bin.
Also, all the steak restaurants in my area are way too expensive. You can save a lot if you eat healthy cheaper options like the Broccoli Beef™ bowl at Panda Express.

>> No.18706210

Add banana to Fruity O's.
Ooh. I like to make the topping the night before if I'm going to have yoghurt with granola in the morning. Cook some berries or other fruit in water with a little sugar until jammy then pour onto a bit of plain yoghurt and fridge it.
In the morning, stir it all up and top with date-or-raisin-or-whatever-dried-fruit-you-like granola. Still have that juice, either way.
With Fruity O's and banana + juice, you're still at two servings of fruit.
With yoghurt with compote and granola + juice, you're having at least two but possibly three servings, depending how much dried fruit is in your 'nola. Five dates would be a serving, for example.

Could be a serving of veg. idk. If it's not, fry up a bit of mushroom and/or onion and add it to put a serving or two in your diet.

>broccoli beef bowl
At least you're getting your greens. Doesn't seem very filling compared to a steak, potato, spinach and shrooms tho, but you do you, boo.

>> No.18706295

I cant believe you mentioned steak while trying to explain how to save money.

>> No.18706320

Work on your reading comprehension skills there, kiddo.

>> No.18706329


I cant believe you mentioned steak while trying to explain how to save money.

>> No.18706416

They want you to be thin. But you fucker keep getting fatter

>> No.18706423

>WAAAAAAAaaaaaay back in late February of 2020
you have to be 18 etc

>> No.18706425

i think it fukkn SUX

>> No.18706505

Not understanding sarcastic hyperbole is a symptom of autism. : (

>> No.18706515

See >>18706320, chica.

>> No.18706812

>*inflation has existed since the beginning of time*
>/pol/: ITS DA JOOS!

>> No.18706813
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>> No.18706839

There is nothing I misread.

>> No.18706910
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So, as a rule, if I make any American desert I half the sugar in the recipe at the very least.

Tried making this cookies from The New York Times and it calls for 3 3/4 cup (460g) of confectioners' sugar. I cut this one all the way down to one cup and it was still too damn sweet. The original half a kilo of sugar would be inedible and cause acute diabetes in a single bite.

Have years of corn syrup subsidies really ruined the American pallet to the point where this is even acceptable?

>> No.18706914

I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.18706916

they're down to 18 now ):

>> No.18707133

>>exactly the same calories and proportions
>>5% smaller
because they edit the serving size to meet whatever dietry requirements they want to make a product look better than it actually is.
thats why you look at a packet of chips and see "Number of servings: 6" when you know full well that everyone eats the whole bag in one sitting

>> No.18708109

the confectioners sugar is for the icing dipshit.

>> No.18708116

Personally I like it.

>> No.18708826

savagely based
I want that character model so I can put it in my game and fuck his daughters in front of him

>> No.18708838

Yeah, Putin did that, not the deliberate sabotage of U.S. oil industry so Sleepy Joe's faggot friends in the House of Saud can keep raking in cash. No, it was deffo big bad evil Putin.

>> No.18708844
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it's so detached from Lil B at this point it almost doesnt mean anything

>> No.18708873

Have a (you) for (your) excellent bait.

>> No.18708890

The irony is that the Sauds aren't remotely friendly with the current administration but good ol' 45 did business with them regularly and still does to this day. Remember when Captain Combover sided with them over a murdered American citizen?

>> No.18708901

I'd rather pay more than deal with this bullshit, immediately loses my trust in the company
Still better than 'new formula' 'new taste' and all that shit

>> No.18708923

the bottles are 0.7l instead of 1l and the drink is 30-35% instead of 40+% now

>> No.18710364

>Have they fucked with the American pringles as well now?
i just bought a can for the first time in years and i believe the answer is NO.
however, poptarts got shrankflated teh fuck out of.

>> No.18710372

>The New York Times
well there's your problem right there. NYT is like 90% democratic readership, of course it's garbage.

>> No.18710380

Would you say you're antidemocratic, then?

>> No.18711049

yeah some things definitely taste off and i'ts not everything so i know it's not my taste

>> No.18711167

>bun length
Those are different styles of hotdogs.

>> No.18711173

Wings was one of the hardest hit

>> No.18711180

It's aids, let people notice shit getting bad and give me a better product

>> No.18711193
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>What pisses me off is cereal boxes not filled

They come giant sized now. But I'm not sure if it's one large bag inside, or the typical 2 medium sized bags in one GiAnT sIzEd box.

>> No.18711201

Papa Johns and Pizza Hut both look exactly like they did 20 years ago.

They taste nothing like they used to. Some MBA asshole has A/B tested all the ingredients to cheaper versions one at a time while making sure they look the same and over time the product is completely different.

The only chain in my lifetime that has actually gotten better is Dominos but only because the original product was complete shit and they changed it to just kinda crappy.

>> No.18711211

Bigger chips in Pringles cans are just one reason why Brits are so fat with horrendous teeth.

>> No.18711213

Shit sucks but corporate greed knows no bounds.

>> No.18711240

I don't think shrinkflation is corporate greed so much as governments paying the companies off to do it so people don't notice the inflation
Which I guess still falls under corporate greed

>> No.18711489
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Bro even subway subs are much smaller than they used to be.
Recently had one after like 10 years and was immensely disappointed.
How did people not notice?

>> No.18711859

Your brains have snapped. I'm leaving this site. You're all dumb as fuck.