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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18687342 No.18687342 [Reply] [Original]

>Be at corporate end of year event
>Get half a dozen people asking why I'm not drinking or if I want seconds (thinking I've had something)

>> No.18687351

you vill drink zhe alcohol

>> No.18687353

When you don't drink, it makes those who do vaguely uncomfortable because they're reminded that there are alternatives to their lifestyle and their choices.

>> No.18687374

They’re trying to engage their mildly autistic coworker in conversation that everyone can relate to
Shockingly the autistic coworker just stammers a reply and pulls out his phone to pull out just the right reaction image for the somehow /ck/ relevant thread

>> No.18687379

you ask for orange juice with soda if you don't want to drink. it is uncomfortable to talk to someone without a drink in your hand. it is standard socialising etiquette. it breaks up conversation and allows excuses to leave conversations.

>> No.18687382

People don’t trust those who don’t drink, what are you hiding?

>> No.18687593
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just tell them you're a recovering alcoholic and that if they bring up the matter any further you'll be taking this up with HR. solved.

>> No.18687638

It's a Germanic bonding ritual.
I suggest you move to Asia where it's even worse.
Or the middle east, which will spare you the need to commit suicide since they'll behead you for some hair.

>> No.18687652

Why is this getting spammed rn?
Another question night be, why aren't you holding a cup wtih ice, seltzer, and lime or something? You're there to "eat, drink, and be merry".

>> No.18687656

>did you hear anon is an alcoholic and that's why he doesn't drink? *slurp*
>oh yeah? I could see. *gulp* figured there must be something going on there.
>hey I need another beer
>yeah me too
>glad I'm not an alcoholic

>> No.18687658

because only faggots and retards don't drink
which one are you
probably both lmao

>> No.18687675

Massive alkie cope. Fact: the vast majority of people can enjoy alcohol on social occasions without becoming a pathetic addict.

>> No.18687679
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you must drink poison

>> No.18687686

the benefits of never drinking is a tall can of shitty light beer is enough to loosen you up for an hour

>> No.18687753

>Gulp down 4% water and get """"drunk"""" at the social events
>Go home and sip on fizzy water like it's a fine wine
Oh yeah dude, awful alcoholics hanging around, they definitely aren't making small talk with as little effort as possible.

>> No.18687761

oh no anything but that

>> No.18687802

because most peoples inner monkey has been craving the sweet sweet sedative that is alcohol. having been deprived it when younger they make up all sorts of reasons to drink.

so those of us that can handle reality confuse their feeble minds.

same happens when you tell people you don't watch *sports team*, or *movie franchise*, or *youtube camwhore*.

>> No.18687834

Its a white people's thing you wouldn't understand

>> No.18687843

Alcoholics don't like being reminded of their poor life choices so they want to bring you down to their level.

>> No.18687864

im hiding my penis in my pants
i can bring it out if u want

>> No.18687873

Walk around with a soft drink if you dont want to draw attention

>> No.18687882
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... You post on 4chan.

>> No.18687902

They are insecure and feel judged.

>> No.18687908

I don't ask anyone why they're not posting on 4chan

>> No.18687925

You have the self-acuity of a sponge.

>> No.18687935

just have a glass in hand and never drink from it
dump it away when you're ready to leave

people are fucking cunts

>> No.18687950
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this, I've made it through several occasions by pretending to always have a drink
>grab a glass of beer
>sip 10ml from time to time when someone is talking to me
>dump it somewhere when it gets warm and no one is looking
>repeat 2-3 times
>later when someone asks me if I want another just go 'nah I already had 3 haha gotta watch my intake you know" or some other bullshit
my entire family believes I like beer

>> No.18688100

Because it's a party and you're being a killjoy by not partaking.

>> No.18688121

Alched holes make me feel good

>> No.18688126


>> No.18688135

Sir this is a hecking website.


>> No.18688222
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>Was a frat boy in college
>Spent every weekend drinking, smoking weed with friends, sorority girls, whoever is around
>Good number of weekdays too, even our frat meetings were wet events
>After graduation continue drinking the same way, much more often alone though
>Stop drinking earlier this year, don't make a big deal out of it or tell people
>Friends and family continuously offer me drinks while hanging out, only take no for an answer the second or third time
>Realized how dull most conversations with them really are now that I'm not drugging myself through them
Thanksgiving was honestly sad at some points this year, this idea that "Family fucking sucks and no one wants to be here, we all need to drink just to deal with each other" is so pervasive and pessimistic it's disgusting. Funnily enough, dealing with this world sober really makes you wish for a drink; still glad to have quit though.

>> No.18688239

Yeah same, except i wasnt a fratbrat. ill still have the occasional beer but it makes me feel like shit. Dont know how i did it for all those years

>> No.18688538
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>That look of disdain from cashiers buying alcohol at 7am

>> No.18688592

Reminds me of the time a woman I know said I should cut back on drinking.
>she was the liquor store cashier

>> No.18688598

FUCK i hate life. drinking rn. why did i turn out like this

>> No.18688605
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>> No.18688606

Anon why not just drink a non alcoholic beverage then? It seems like they’re just trying to make conversation and they notice you don’t have a drink.
Only people on 4chan would get bothered by something like this
>Oh my goodness why are the people at this corporate party trying to make conversation like I’m their coworker or something

>> No.18688611

Same, but when it's 12:30 AM and they aren't allowed to sell after 1AM for a few hours.

>> No.18688633

Yeah walk around with a fancy nonalcoholic ginger beer

>> No.18688644

I'm in recovery. Can relate anon. Most people drop it if you just say oh no thanks I'm not drinking but it do get annoying. Sometimes I just want to say I was a degenerate drug addict and don't drink anymore.

>> No.18688770

normies can't handle folks that aren't like them
have a light drink or even regular drink and just nurse it forever. if they ask always bump the number up - oh yeah. this is me 2nd one

>> No.18688773

Is alcohol toxic for skinwalkers or something?

>> No.18689596

Me on the right

>> No.18690737

>lose ~80lbs this year (BMI went from 32.5 to under 21) via OMAD, dirty keto, and avoiding sweets/alcohol
>expected to have a much lower alcohol tolerance
>it's pretty much the same
>look up how many calories/carbs in all my favorite drinks
>only straight liquor is worth drinking
>can barely get a buzz without going over my TDEE
>alcohol is no longer appealing

>> No.18690800
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>why aren't you getting fat and drunk like the rest of us anon

>> No.18690828

me on the left

>> No.18690841

because it's cringe incel behavior

>> No.18690850

Me in the middle

>> No.18690880

Not drinking is not a personality

>> No.18690961

Did people used to drink vinegar mixed with water? As a replacement for alcohol, or just because it tasted good?

>> No.18690970

yeah because its a stiff drink. men like stiff drinks. pussies like u like to drink strawberry and peaches with cum

>> No.18691020

im not drinking because im the designated driver for my chucklefuck coworker

>> No.18691117

The only accurate post in the thread

>> No.18691187

Post body.

>> No.18691195
File: 316 KB, 744x921, 517E4C28-7BC8-4A69-B8DC-BB2B0109C2DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won’t even sell me alcohol dood

>> No.18691205

The true temperant man:- "my only companion is some guy who can barely stand and I'm going to pretend to like it"

>> No.18691245


>> No.18691255

don't gotta drink to have a good time

>> No.18691304

>They’re trying to engage their mildly autistic coworker in conversation that everyone can relate to
Oh, you mean by humiliating someone in front of everyone else?

>> No.18691307

>*movie franchise*
My brother has tried to get me to watch the MCU movies for decades (feels fucking weird you can say that now...), and just can't comprehend why I don't care for capeshit.

>> No.18691311

Ask the roman legionnaires. Posca is pretty good on a hot summer day, though.

>> No.18691375

The only accurate post in this thread

>> No.18691881

And now you know why non alcoholic beer exists

Wait until you find out about vegetarian hamburgers

>> No.18692138

>read first line
odds are that i fucking hate you lol

>> No.18692201
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>mfw I'm perfectly aware of the excessive drinking culture in my country and I perpetuate it anyway because I just really, really like it
the meek must fear the drunk

>> No.18692219

This is why you’re autistic. This isn’t humiliation, it’s a question.
>Haha just not for me I guess
>Someone’s gotta make sure Craig doesn’t go too hard!
>Well, you gotta pace yourself at these things
So much shit you can say to keep the conversation light and fun and flowing. Taking this as some deep seated personal affront to you is sad

>> No.18692943

holy shit grow up you pussy

>> No.18693035
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No you sperg dumbass, they want the opposite, they WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOU. If a couple drinks to help the event is too much for you, just listen to >>18692219 jesus christ. You got bullied in school and you're still holding onto it or something?

>> No.18693188


>> No.18693261
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>Be at corporate end of year event
>Devour everything in sight

>> No.18693336

Teetotallers are boring cunts and all their stories suck. Nobody cares your kids don't have bruises

>> No.18693355

>hide name
>profile pic is obviously kingcobraJFS

>> No.18693360

Bro just fucking get a cocacola with lime and nobody will ask you shit about dick

>> No.18693361

Bro don't out the guy, he's trying to stay low profile.

>> No.18694799

>When you don't eat shit, it makes those who do vaguely uncomfortable because they're reminded that there are alternatives to their lifestyle and their choices.

>> No.18694826

Wait, is this from casper wy? I only ask because we have a cy albertsons.

>> No.18695326

Who /waterinhand/?

>> No.18695452

Any way to reverse this? I had to drink half a bottle of vodka last weekend just to avoid being sober for 2 hours, it used to be that a single glass of wine was enough for the evening. Shit's starting to not be financially viable, I might as well just do drugs.

>> No.18695630

make your own alcohol

>> No.18695643

You are doing frugs

>> No.18695742

It's because you're an unbearable wet towel of an aspie and they're hoping getting a few drinks in you will make you less of one.

>> No.18696633

>Just admit to doing something you dont to fit in
>Just lie and be forced to live that lie each time drinking happens

>> No.18696637

This, tbqh familam

>> No.18696666
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Tell these same people you take LSD or Shrooms a few times a year and they look like pic rel

>> No.18696673

Who tf cares what a minimum wage cashier thinks lol

>> No.18697896

>You can't be an alcoholic, you're famous!

>> No.18697967

People often don't learn to be fully social without alcohol. Drinking young prevents them from developing the ability to be interesting. Their peers are drunk, too, and so everybody tolerates everybody's inability to form conversation. They require alcohol to loosen up and so are artificially tense when sober. They reserve gregarious behavior and goofy statements for when inebriated to ensure a lower risk of ostracization if a joke goes wrong.

>> No.18697978

I am an alcoholic and I don’t drink in public settings because then I’ll get drunk and act foolishly.

Alcohol is the devils nectar, a truly vile, evil concoction.

>> No.18698488


>> No.18698981

Taking a shower is apparently an alien concept to this man