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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18687077 No.18687077 [Reply] [Original]

Just heard that this was a thing, and I thought, well, I have peanut butter, I have pickles, I have bread, and they're all things I like. Why not try it. And it actually does taste good together. Why does it work so well? I wouldn't have expected that?

>> No.18687095

pickles are sweet like jelly. honey is the based choice though

>> No.18687107

Oh yeah, I used to have peanut butter and honey all the time because I used to watch a lot of Winnie the Pooh when I was a kid and one time he had a "peanut butter and honey sandwich...without the peanut butter." And I thought, that sounds like it'd actually be a good combination with the peanut butter so I tried it and it became a frequent lunch for me, the kids at school had never heard of it and seemed impressed by the idea. But I'm liking this peanut butter and pickles combination, the juice from the pickles keeps the peanut butter from getting stuck to your mouth. I could see myself having this pretty often.

>> No.18687136
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I think it's just a combination of sour taste with the peanut butter, I have had mayo and peanut butter and it was good but it tasted virtually the same just putting peanut butter on sourdough bread. That's all I do now.

>> No.18687188

What >>18687095 said and also the acid in the vinegar of the pickles cuts the fattiness of the peanut butter I'd imagine.

>> No.18687599

That is because american pickles are basically jam

>> No.18687625

do you use bread and butter pickles, or dill pickles?
i've got two unopened jars of relish, one of each, and might try this later

>> No.18687680

Add some vinegar based hot sauce like cholula, incredibly based. Eat it a lot

>> No.18687700

based on what?

>> No.18687705

never. heard. of. it.

>> No.18687748

I use dill pickles and it works, but from what I've heard on the internet bread and butter pickles are better.

>> No.18687764

i eat homemade pickles alot and hell no they aren't. They're a kind of a.. sour-salty flavor with some sweetness to it, not sure.
Weird recipe. Bread, mayo and pickles go very well though.

>> No.18688691

There's a type of pickle called bread and butter pickles that is known for being sweet.

>> No.18688709
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>bread and butter pickles

>> No.18688729

are you pregnant?

>> No.18690342

Why, you a perv?

>> No.18690358
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>Americans add corn slop to even their pickles

>> No.18690366
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>> No.18691418

This is weird, I was telling my mother about peanut butter and pickles and she made a similar comment, she said that sounds like something a pregnant woman would eat. I don't know what this means being that I'm not a woman so perhaps someone could elucidate.

>> No.18691525

because pregnant women tend to get weird food cravings for stuff that usually would sound unappealing or strange

>> No.18691639

Do you know any particular examples?

>> No.18691782

something equally as delicious: mix peanut butter and strawberry jelly together in a small bowl dip Cooler Ranch Doritos into mixture win

>> No.18691826

a joke repeated from a stand up comedian they saw last night on HBO by the water cooler in the mid 1980s

>> No.18693481


>> No.18693512

>Well, the very next year he met a dental hygienist
>With a spatula tattooed on her arm (on her arm)
>But he didn't keep in touch
>And he lost her number
>Then he got himself a job on a tator tot farm
>And he spent his life-savings on a split-level cave
>Twenty miles below the surface of the Earth (of the Earth)
>And he really makes a might fine jelly bean and pickle sandwich
>For what it's worth

>> No.18693517

I never ate anything that weird when I was pregnant, but I did crave certain foods. I always craved tuna and pepperoni sandwiches (I knew about this combo before from working at Subway, it's actually a fairly popular order believe it or not) and guacamole and chips. Also, hot Cheetos.

>> No.18693678

you can also replace the pickles with pickled jalapenos

>> No.18693684

Growing up my dad always used to make as a snack ritz crackers topped with peanut butter and ketchup. Like in the pic but minus the onion. Said it was our family recipe

>> No.18693692
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fuck forgot the pic

>> No.18693694

Once i found out relish is just pickles this year, i have been putting it on everything. I also add bananas

>> No.18693745

im so tempted to try this i have everything for it
but my pride ...my pride is forcibly holding me back but slowly loosing grasp at the same time

>> No.18694375

>you can replace the pickles with pickles
Gee thanks

>> No.18694621

Lol he looked so pleased then so crushed. Wtf is this?

>> No.18694626

This was in an episode of Hannah Montana.

>> No.18695997

At what point did he look pleased?

>> No.18696017

What kind of pickles have you been eating?