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18683050 No.18683050 [Reply] [Original]

A5 Japanese Wagyu served with ketchup and reheated McDonalds fries

>> No.18683057
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>> No.18683071
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>> No.18683182

Should have cooked it more anon, it's still raw and red

>> No.18683192


>> No.18683235

have a (you)

>> No.18683236

McDonald's fries suck. They have a strange powdery texture. I think your steak would have been better served with bread. Otherwise, looks good.

>> No.18683537

(you) are a monster from hell

>> No.18684582

a meal fit for a kang

>> No.18684640

Got that from Ubereats Andrew? They ripped you off.

>> No.18684650

>look guys i am eating steak with le ketchup i bet you're pretty mad huh XD

>> No.18684726
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>> No.18684729
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>> No.18686235


>> No.18686282

>A5 Japanese Wagyu
bro that's k mart steak

>> No.18686312

That's a pretty nice crust 2bh.

>> No.18686322
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>> No.18686335


>> No.18686898

based fuck the nips. Hope it was well done too
>muh heckin folded 10000x meat meant to be eaten at a ryokan

>> No.18686946

steak from 7-11

>> No.18686986
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mc donalds fries lose 100% of their quality minutes after they are made. the only fries so far that are still ok after getting a little cold or reheated are Popeyes fries

>> No.18687004

Based (and trans) opinion.

>> No.18687551

i like it better with salad and mayo but sometimes i just make ragù with it

>> No.18687564

>le sacrilege!
Why? The quality and flavour of the cut should still be apparent with a little sauce on top. Hardly "wasted".

>> No.18688965


>> No.18689379
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>> No.18689397
File: 70 KB, 306x400, democraceeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh hecking japaneeze wayguu am i right! SOOO scrumptionsly good. YUMMY YUM just LOOK at that marbeling!! Are you looking at it! Tell me that does look AMAZINGGG! Now i MUST post online! Cuz, i mean, if you dont take a pciture of youe WAYGU to post online than you didnt really EAT and EXPERIENCE waygu!
>There, now that its posted to every social media account i have and even some annonymous cooking forums, i can FINALLY tucker into to this delectable piece of WAYGU! Did i tell you its waygu from JAPAN?!?
>Oh I did? Good. Cuz JAPAN am i right?

>nom nom nom wow sooo.. sooo.. wow... just a regular fucking steak for 20x the price.
were we fooled?

>> No.18689528

you need to calm down

>> No.18689609
File: 74 KB, 1104x621, c134ed78b89826720efc6005abce405a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could barely open insta/twitter/youtube for like a month without some online food bro account shilling le waygu steak
ive had it many times at home and in restaurants, and yes, its good, but not worth spending several hundred dollars on while ejaculating all over your tum tum
sadly its turned into something that fucking retards shill for likes and updoots. these people get more dopamine from their engagement stats than from the beautiful steak

sorry if i took it out on you.

>> No.18689622

should've used mayo instead

>> No.18690840

should've used cum instead

>> No.18691773

>screeching shitposter is also attention-starved enough to type out a full novel to gain back approval
like clockwork

>> No.18691883

clearly you've never had it

>> No.18692024

I'm truly, genuinely shocked that the funny xd soyjack and frogposting toddler is also a twitterfag

>> No.18692028

throwing a tantrum over a stranger enjoying steak with ketchup is one of the most reddit things ever

>> No.18692042

look at how little ketchup he used (on the plate), he did this one dip for the picture but ate normally the rest. I enjoy the bait htough

>> No.18692047

you talking kinda cute and breedable...