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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18681067 No.18681067 [Reply] [Original]

What do you get from the 7-11 hot food section?

>> No.18681091

not anymore. used to grab it as a quick and easy breakfast but I learned that while you quickly shit it out within a few hours you'll have to stop additional times simply to wipe despite having only shit once

>> No.18681099

whenever i see something annoying, in my head, I hear this announcer say: "It's time for the get-the-fuck-away-from-me parade."

There's actually a few different kind of parades that get announced, but that one's the most common.

>> No.18681101

didn't ask, autistic schizo retard

>> No.18681123

Looks like it's time for the fucking retard parade.

>> No.18681130

It's time for the gooning to tranny porn parade

>> No.18681134

their pizza genuinely has this offputting chemical taste i haven't found anywhere else. it makes little caesars look gourmet

>> No.18681142

food poisoning

>> No.18681145

Food poisoning

>> No.18681146

I like their hot dogs and those chicken roller things.

>> No.18681147

Why is all of the food brown?

>> No.18681151

2 steelies, a large spicy hotdog with relish mustard and onions, and some boneless wings

>> No.18681157


>> No.18681163 [DELETED] 

gslop thread?

gslop thread.

>> No.18681199

wet sloppy shits, typically

>> No.18681202
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don't have 7-11s over here
do have greggs tho

>> No.18681203

Based, I want to shout you 7 11 and then seal my mouth over you're asshole

>> No.18681238

I really like the mini tacos. I take them over to thr nacho cheese machine and put that and a packet of hot sauce on them.

>> No.18681848


The shits

>> No.18681871

only ever get the jamacian beef patties

>> No.18681880
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>> No.18681889

"please ask clerk for assistance"
Guess the demographic for that place

>> No.18681899

Anon, retards can't give informed consent.

>> No.18681914

Chiggin wings

>> No.18681960
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after a while i gave in to the musubi they sell at convenience stores in hawaii

>> No.18681969

they have hotdogs?
no idea why but i’d kill for a bunch of hot dogs right now. just salivating imagining them.
maybe because i found my old cap today i wore to a once-in-a lifetime chicago baseball game, and holy hell, the dog i had in the stands back then was so good i still remember it vividly, today.

>> No.18682035

2 pizza slices and a big gulp.

>> No.18682049


As long as the rice isn't utter trash, I can't imagine that being bad, especially for the price.

>> No.18682055

buffalo chicken roller nothing else competes

>> No.18682114
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in college i used to always get a 5 pack of

>> No.18682165

15 hotdogs and cram them like takeru kobayashi

>> No.18682185
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Food poisoning.

>> No.18682307

Greggs is very appealing to me as an Australian. I don't care for a lot of that sweet looking stuff but I'd definitely try some of those bakes.

>> No.18682324

buffalo chicken taquitos and potato wedges

>> No.18682551

Food poisoning?

>> No.18683255

steak and cheese taquitos, hotdogs, or bone in wings, whatever that's on sale.

>> No.18683268
File: 432 KB, 600x600, large_8fd95aca-c8c0-4f99-8d7c-edf522243807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use their microwave for one of these badboys

>> No.18683276

>tiny english notice
>huge spanish notice
is this really america?

>> No.18683491

>spongy white tube of mechanically processed and extruded chicken anus

>> No.18683504

>steak and cheese taquitos
My brother in law got such bad food poisoning from taquitos at a gas station he had to go to the hospital. I have been wary of eating foods off the rollers ever since

>> No.18683508

Because all food should either be brown or green, and there's no salad there.

>> No.18683539

I used to get cheeseburgers but the only way to get them is to ask for the clerk to make some for you and I started to feel really bad cause it felt like they were putting in too much effort for my useless ass just to make me some 2 dollar cheeseburgers.

>> No.18683573
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this looks like it says trewards from afar
what a marketing gaffe, what the hell were they thinking
absolute tragedy by knobhead marketers

>> No.18683576

It's the same font. English is just more efficient.

>> No.18683580
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go on lad
have a cheeky nosh

>> No.18684754


>> No.18684765


>> No.18684802

Do you guys really eat gas station food?

>> No.18684868

literally ''ouchies the food makes my tummy wummy hurt'' posts.

>> No.18684981

for me, its a pint of beer, large coffee with random combination of creamers, and 3 taquitoes all for $6.50.
When road tripping, i get one of these meals every 100 miles.

>> No.18685026

Freezer burn.

>> No.18685044

Usually taquitos, sometimes the basket of mini beef tacos. Got the pizza once and regretted it after the first bite.

>> No.18685072

an apple or banana and one of the microwave burritos (only if they have date stickers).

if we're talkin hot food it's gotta be the boneless chicken. it's just frozen chunk chicken breast and sauce that gets nuked at 500 degrees, there's nothing to fuck up. hot protein and a slushie to power you for a few hours. the pizza's alright but only when it's fresh DO NOT eat the old pizza or you'll get sick. winds and mini tacos suck, hotdogs and burgers too.

if they keep the nacho cheese fresh, dunking a taquito roller is pretty good. ask about the soft pretzels if you want a soft pretzel... they're there, lurking

- 7-eleven store manager

>> No.18685083

The fuck out of

>> No.18685984

I bring my own dogs and just pop an in while I take my morning shits

>> No.18685985

Taqitos have gotten noticably shittier despite being more expensive.
I don't have much of a reason to eat there anymore

>> No.18686057 [DELETED] 

back in college we'd stop at the seven eleven on the walk back from the bars because it would be the only food place open at like 2:30am. we'd walk in hammered and fill up bags with donuts (we always went for the pink frosted donuts, which we called the simpsons donuts) and the spicy chicken biscuits they have at the counter. maybe even some ice cream from the freezer. we'd spend like $10 each and walk out with multiple donuts and chicken biscuits each. we'd eat it all and then split a pack of cigarettes and shoot the shit until we got home. good times. i miss those days. that type of carefree days are gone and will never return.

>> No.18686062

back in college we'd stop at the seven eleven on the walk back from the bars because it would be the only food place open at like 2:30am. we'd walk in hammered and fill up bags with donuts (we always went for the pink frosted donuts, which we called the simpsons donuts) and the spicy chicken biscuits they have at the counter. maybe even some ice cream from the freezer. we'd spend like $10 each and walk out with multiple donuts and chicken biscuits each. we'd eat it all and then split a pack of cigarettes and shoot the shit until we got home. good times. i miss those days. those carefree drunken nights are gone and will never return.

>> No.18686106

beef patty with chili and cheese on top

>> No.18686422

My man

You said it, brother. I'll take two.

>> No.18686432

Taquitos or the mini tacos. Hot dog is ok too but I rarely get it. Maybe once every few years.

>> No.18686446

I miss the Korean bbq chicken rollers and beef patties
They should have corn dogs
The burger hot dog is pretty good

>> No.18686517

dude i think thats expired

>> No.18686520

Either their roasted or buffalo wings. Their spicy breaded wings are fucking disgusting. 7-11 nachos are also really good when both the chili and the cheese are working.

>> No.18686739

I dont.. in my area dirty Indians own the 7-11's they undercook food, recook food from the past day, touch food with their hands.. I would never eat from a 7-11. I'd eat from am/pm gas stations before that shithole..

>> No.18688235

i love 7-11 hot dogs with that shitty cheese sauce and chili that comes out of a machine

>> No.18688243

The spicy wings have just a hint of plastic.

>> No.18688255

Some sorth of disease probably

>> No.18688274
