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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.23 MB, 1500x1001, image_2022-12-10_185010661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18680322 No.18680322 [Reply] [Original]

>google biscuits and gravy expecting thin baked slices to soak up the remaining brown sauce from an oven poultry meal
>get this

>> No.18680325

>this thread again

>> No.18680326

don't knock it til you try it

>> No.18680336

>expecting thin baked slices
so you don't know what a biscuit is?

>> No.18680385
File: 6 KB, 193x261, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related are biscuits

>> No.18680390

those are cookies.

>> No.18680403
File: 386 KB, 598x601, BiscuitsAndGravy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18680411

When Americans say 'biscuits' they mean savoury scones, and when they say 'gravy' they mean cream sauce.

>> No.18680414

>cream sauce
No, when saying "biscuits and gravy" we're referring to a creamy sausage gravy, but we have non-creamy gravies as well. Sausage gravy is definitely a gravy, though, because it's made with meat drippings.

>> No.18680429

>when they say 'gravy' they mean cream sauce.
you can put cream in gravy, but gravy is not a cream sauce.
think instead of a thickened au jus.

>> No.18680690

Love how yuro's cant comprehend meat and bechamel served on a fluffy quick bread.
Its quick simple and cheap.

>> No.18680845

>google disgusting american "food"
>get images of disgusting american "food"
>go on disgusting american "imageboard" to post a "thread" about it

>> No.18681011


>> No.18681095

how about i just kill u
tell me if u r laughing after that bud

>> No.18681119

oi m8 keep running your mouf
i pop u rite in the gabber, swer on me mum

>> No.18681137
File: 229 KB, 568x477, Screenshot from 2022-12-10 15-59-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bongistanis will scarf down stargazy pie with mushy pies and then complain about American biscuits and gravy

>> No.18681149

most bongs don't even know what stargazy pie is, it's only a tradition in one little fishing village.

>> No.18681228

Yeah, that's how most regional foods are in the US too, but fuckwit yurotards still like to pretend like one oddball thing is ubiquitous across the whole country. So suck a dick and own your fishhead pie along with whatever bongbilly podunk town thought it up.

>> No.18681282

That's disengenuous of you.
biscuits and gravy isn't anywhere near as obscure as stargazy pie.

>> No.18681307

>it's a matter of degree
>I decide the threshold
Too bad, you don't get to have it both ways.

>> No.18681316

>one small fishing village is the same thing as half of the entire united states

ok retard

>> No.18681327

see now you're being disingenuous you dumb retard

>> No.18681347
File: 16 KB, 400x496, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a discussion of buscuits and gravy, which is enjoyed by The South. that's the entire southern bit of the USA.
you are the one who brought up stargazey pie, which only exists in the village of Mousehole, population 690

>> No.18681451

>that's the entire southern bit of the USA.
piping in as an onlooker, it's extremely common in at least 20 US states, and probably at least a third of the population of the US has at least eaten it once.

>> No.18681463

You're welcome.

>> No.18681510

Fuck off with your goalpost shifting. Yurotards love playing the
>hurr durr all Americans
game but then get their assholes blown out when it's paid back.
Cry harder you fishhead sucking faggot.

>> No.18681533


>> No.18681765

>calling a roo cream sauce

>> No.18682061
File: 107 KB, 912x877, 16bfa460f6acf4bdb05dea051ffaec7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison, The entire UK is the basically the size Texas, if that. So comparing regional dishes is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.18682067

biscuits and gravy is better than any dish from the UK

>> No.18682117
File: 80 KB, 897x792, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fail to understand at every level.
you aren't comparing regional dishes, you are dragging an obscure dish from an obscure village into a discussion about something that is popular all over the third largest populated area of the world.

>> No.18682119

lmao britbong cope

>> No.18682140

Yet here you are trying to act like people picking b&g over truffle fries means its a common dish across an entire country. Do euros really? haha, a country who's culinary high point is putting canned beans on toasted white bread talking shit about biscuits and gravy is hilarious

>> No.18682180

>picking b&g over truffle fries
that's not what's being displayed at all, retard.

>> No.18682183
File: 26 KB, 665x665, easy-sausage-gravy-recipe-1-of-1-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody say biscuits and gravy?

>> No.18682202
File: 717 KB, 1654x1800, 20220123_145619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a mean biscuits and gravy

>> No.18682217

just ignore the beans on toast part. Must have hit too close to home.

>> No.18682222

I'm not going to ignore the part where you're too stupid to understand a heat map, no.

>> No.18682241

Clearly you're the one that doesnt understand. Go back to the site where you found the graphic, look at the dark green states, then click through the options. Then read the original reply over again.

>> No.18682247

Youd think for a country that birthed the language you'd have a basic grasp of how to read it.

>> No.18682292

american biscuits and elsewhere scones are different. biscuits have a higher moisture content

>> No.18682497

scone vs biscuit is like apple vs pear. Similiar, but not quite the same.

>> No.18682540

Holy fuck, is this fish pie sucking brittard still whining about 'muh tiniest village'? Just fucking own it already. It's already a well known fact that bongs have atrocious food, so a pie with fucking fish heads sticking out of it isn't even the most surprising of your country's transgressions.

>> No.18683193

Says Mr NoPassportneverlefttheUS

>> No.18683222
File: 262 KB, 1242x744, sausage biscuits and gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18683282

I will knock it, it looks like someone vomited up their breakfast

>> No.18683366

one day you'll understand and come to terms with the fact that only the US matters

>> No.18683376

How can that be true when it's filled with juice?

>> No.18683377

doesn't change the fact that the scones and white bechamel you shove down your fat gullet for breakfast is fucking garbage

>> No.18683609

No place else worth visiting until WE colonize Mars. Deal with it, Nigel.

>> No.18683957

So is the fishhead pie you cram through your snaggletooth maw.

>> No.18683965
File: 1.88 MB, 3024x4032, 0BF52069-342A-4582-98AA-EC7AC0182868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biscuits and Gravy is the GOAT breakfast meal along with bacon, eggs, and toast
Also, I just pissed liquid fire water out of my ass

>> No.18683969

except nobody eats that shit

>> No.18683972

It's actually quite similar considering the sheer size comparison between the US and the UK.

>> No.18683980

looks fucking heavy to eat

>> No.18684001

This is why all Euros are buck broke twinks

>> No.18684293

it's delicious.
the gravy is made from milk and flour and the meat juices of a maple flavored sausage. the biscuit is light and fluffy.
if you're poorfag and have no buttermilk biscuits you can also do it with toast.
also, remember: don't fucking forget the black pepper.

>> No.18684455

look up "dialect". tldr its basically like a language within a language. surprised you didn't know this already

>> No.18684481
File: 421 KB, 512x512, 1663319942177558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is just Bongs and Amerifats seething at eachother forever

>> No.18684486

If that were true then it would be popular in the UK.

>> No.18684492

Never gonna fucking make it

>> No.18684493

will bongs ever get tired of acting oblivious? maybe it was funny 20 years ago but it's just making you look like idiots at this point.

>> No.18684523

no, we literally mean biscuits and gravy idiot. as the only country that matters, we get to decide this kind of stuff.

>> No.18684584

Why do only British people get mad that Americans call different things different names? We don't get mad that you call fries chips. We even use "chips" and "biscuit" when referring to your culinary inventions like fish and chips or digestive biscuits. What's your deal?

>> No.18684618

Nobody cares what Americans mean when they cook.
This is why.

>> No.18684703

All narcissism is ultimately born out of insecurity.

>> No.18684760

Why is every other country filled with fucking retards?

>> No.18684772

Yeah, that's why they keep making it. Cope.

>> No.18686000

Biscuits and gravy is one of those dishes that I like watching people make on Youtube but I'd never eat in real life. The idea of milk-based gravy just sounds foul to me.

>> No.18686002


>> No.18686010

Nobody cares what Europeans mean when they say anything, so consider things even.

>> No.18686100

It's just a bechamel with sausage

>> No.18686139 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 1209x1612, 20221211_203718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post things Bongs are not allowed to have

>> No.18686156

based, post TV next

>> No.18686200
File: 3.64 MB, 4032x1816, 1 (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better, flex on them with their own guns that they can't own but we do.

>> No.18686213

It sure is. A person who has never been south has never seen biscuits and gravy and never seen white gravy

>> No.18686450

tastelet never heard of bechamel

>> No.18686473

never heard of it

>> No.18686518

You're missing out extremely badly

>> No.18687716

we're heavy guys

>> No.18687717

for you

>> No.18689037

what an original comment you fucking NPC

>> No.18689043

as repulsive as peanut butter, jam or nutella on a toast

>> No.18689088
File: 108 KB, 1024x683, gravy-8582w-2-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravy can mean any savory thick sauce. Chicken Tikka Masala? That sauce is a gravy. Traditional brown gravy is just thickened drippings from a roast, perhaps with some broth. But then there's country style gravy, which is more like a bechamel. And some Italians will refer to their tomato sauce as gravy, especially when its simmered all day with some sausages and meatballs. There's also mushroom or onion gravy. Another weird one is red-eye gravy which is made with coffee and served with a thick slice of fried cured ham.
I would imagine its a similar confusion when Americans hear how many things you would call a pudding, when we use a much narrower meaning over here.

>> No.18689109

This is great when you make it fresh. We made some the other day for breakfast with a nice spicy breakfast sausage and it turned out quite delicious

>> No.18689111
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhh baby girl, you have not lived until you've had a plat with fluffy buttermilk biscuits and thick pork sausage gravy
mmm MMMM!

If I may, I would like to give a hearty recommendation to Tudor's Biscuit World restaurants located throughout the southeastern united states. Fantastic way to start your day with a big old plate full of carbs, protein, and fat. You're gonna have energy to do some fuckin that's FOR SURE!

I feel so sorry for English motherfuckers over there on their cold rainy island "euuhhh my lord what a delightful breakfast" they say as they eat some fucking fried beans and shit. HELL N O!!

>> No.18689128

>Fantastic way to start your day with a big old plate full of carbs, protein, and fat
…Unlike English breakfast somehow?

>> No.18689136

I don't know where you're from but it's clear the place is filled with the type of fucking retards that can't recognize an obvious joke.

>> No.18689150

You think it's likely he's one of the 690 specific people who live in that village? Jesus Christ I knew American "education" was at a local level but I thought at least there were minimum standards, fuck over to >>>/sci/ and learn some statistics.

>> No.18689218

I’m an unironic PhD student and quantitative analyst. The entire point of statistics is to take a sample from a popular to infer something about the population. There will always be error and there will always be bias. I don’t think you know what the point of statistics might be, the goal is to rule out chance. That’s why you have critical values for your t-statistic score. So you can survey a village in order to make assumptions about rural populations, but your study isn’t gonna be great.

Many anons over on /sci/ throw out a ton of stats, most people in general do, but the studies are flawed in their sampling and their misunderstanding of stats cause them to spaz out. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog. I need to eat something and I have a linear regression case study to do for my final.

>> No.18689261

That's a lot of words to say "Divide 690 by the population of Britain and subtract that from 1 to find the exact chance anon is wrong (hint is very close to 100%)"

>> No.18689292

That isn’t what I’m saying at all. Even then, in that instance you can make a Type II Error and fail to reject your null when you should have. The thing about stats is that nobody believes them unless the stats say something they believed in already. It doesn’t work that way. It’s like how people post graphs and charts showing the southern US has low IQs and high poverty and takes a lot of federal dollars, but then ignore the higher amount of blacks and Mexicans in those states and where exactly money goes (urban areas).

Regardless, I think you’re being disingenuous and unwilling to learn.

>> No.18689306

>and unwilling to learn
From you, right now? Absolutely yes.

>> No.18689309

You don’t gotta learn from me, go learn on your own.

>> No.18689352

>he made a stats joke on 4chan about an idiot who doesn't know stats, i bet he doesn't know stats himself, i should link him stats papers
You are cordially invited to calculate the odds ratio of whether I want you to blow me or not

>> No.18689419

>see obsession thread
>it's a bong
Every single time without fail. Why is that?

>> No.18689676
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>> No.18689698

New to food?
Typical Br*t.

>> No.18689918

So it's a common criticism? Is that not an indictment of your food?

>> No.18689929

>"This is your food."
>"No, no-one outside of an obscure village has even heard of it."
>"This is your food because I say so."
>"No, no-one outside of an obscure village has even heard of it."
>"Holy fuck, just fucking own it already."
No, no-one outside of an obscure village has even heard of it. Just fuck off already.

>> No.18689946
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Biscuits and sausage gravy is great
I also like this with gravy

>> No.18689964
File: 35 KB, 550x330, biscuits-and-gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob evans

>> No.18689976

means plebs like (You) are filtered by something as basic as appearance

>> No.18690014
File: 39 KB, 480x428, 1656527496365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking idiot. You babbling moron. You insufferable scoundrel. Tudor's biscuit world is not in the southeastern US. It's essentially only located in the hillbilly lands of West Virginia, and it will always stay that way. Do not slander Tudor's ever again, you salacious fool, or I will cast a hex on your wheat yield preventing you from ever enjoying a delectable biscuit ever again. Fuck you.

>> No.18690019
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>> No.18690466

Remember this next time you feel your retardation acting up and you can't hold back the
>do americans really
Now shut the fuck up and eat your fish pie you empire losing cuck.

>> No.18690788
File: 2.88 MB, 480x600, amerimutts kneeling for niggers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really?

>> No.18691062

Millions of people live in the American

About 700 people live in the village where stargazy pie is made

Whether by absolute numbers or by percentage of the country stargazy pie is way, way more obscure than biscuits and gravy

>> No.18691063

*The American south

>> No.18691087



>> No.18691232
File: 15 KB, 474x355, 45444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flour & Water is somehow 'gravy' in america

>> No.18691250

>Flour & Water
the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18691258

>he fuck are you talking about?

The wallpaper paste shite you claim to be gravy

>> No.18691370

There's no water in it, you dumb cunt. It's bechamel made with pork fat from sausage instead of or in addition to butter.

>> No.18691584

Nah, bechamel is nasty, too. White rouxs in general taste just taste like baby vomit to me.

>> No.18691672

>you WILL eat the cum-scone!

>> No.18692015

I grew up a hoosier and i had biscuits and gravy regularly for breakfast.

>> No.18692675

I mean there is water insofar as it's in the milk/cream that you're adding. And if you want you can add some to thin it out/simmer it a little longer, but otherwise yes you're correct. It's not soup, it's gravy

>> No.18693961


>> No.18695711
File: 271 KB, 512x512, 1671028991203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughed at this retarded shitpost
damn it this place ruined me

>> No.18695724

Really? Then why was this whole thread started?
The post that ends all threads like these.

>> No.18696344
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>There's no water in it, you dumb cunt

Amazing, and here i was thinking gravy is a viscous liquid rather than a fine powdered solid