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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 298 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20221210_112729 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18680037 No.18680037 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to attempt my first rabbit butchering today.

>> No.18680041

My wife has vibrating dildo called a rabbit. Wtf?

>> No.18680052
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>> No.18680058


>> No.18680060

Will you make the other rabbit watch?

>> No.18680062


>> No.18680073

Buns are frenz, not food!

>> No.18680098
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20221210_112729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get a little bit pot in my stomach when I know I'm about to kill something that doesn't have an exoskeleton

We both know you don't have a wife.

>> No.18680108
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rip bugs
you can get away in the comics, but real life will always kill you

>> No.18680127

What the fuck is that gizmo

Break the things neck and pull its skin off like a pillowcase

>> No.18680132

monitoring the thread

>> No.18680139

ohh noo he's cute rip bunny

>> No.18680144

Good luck OP, there was a placed called the Bohemian Cafe in my city that used to do a slow braised rabbit haunch with dumplings and kraut every Sunday, God I miss it.

>> No.18680165
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My cone is a little big for rabbits. I'll have to get a smaller one if I keep this up.
Only done poultry and two squirrels before.
Good thing he was dead before I did this because my knife was not as sharp as I thought it was. Had a hard time getting through the fur.
It's a stunner. It knocks them out or outright kills them.

>> No.18680200
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For sure dead bunny.

>> No.18680256

Would you consider pumping the circulatory system with interesting seasonings after bleeding the rabbit like that one Japanese guy?

Also have you tried hare? I find it more flavorful than rabbit. Kinda like duck vs. Chicken.

>> No.18680258

Only one? What are you making with it?

>> No.18680259

Sleep tight, bugs

>> No.18680268
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I can see why the say it's like peeling a meat banana. The skin came right off.

>> No.18680270

missed these guys. used to use them for lab tests.

>> No.18680271

sleep tight, pupper

>> No.18680276

you did it wrong. you slit right to the jaw and peel.you don't cut off the head.

>> No.18680280

sleep tight bune...

>> No.18680283
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Little guy had a full bladder and a large intestine full of pellets.
I have two more males and two more young female but I wanted to work out the kinks first. Like the fact that I need to sharpen my knives better.
I've never had rabbit or hare. It's hard to find around here. Same with duck. But I still have ducks in my freezer from when I called my drake's last year.

>> No.18680295
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dude you ruined the hide. now you cant make fluffy Bunny slippers.

>> No.18680302

Hare, especially wild hare, is gamier than rabbit, but in a good way imo. Rabbit is quite mild in taste. I reccomend trying a rabbit stew. Delicious, easy, and perfect for this time of the year.

I think you can find recipes where they use the blood as a thickener for the stew. May be worth saving some of the blood. It sounds excellent.

>> No.18680303
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I didn't have hooks to hang it with and Im just going to either compost the scraps or feed them to the birds.
No but the birds get to watch.

>> No.18680314

give a cake to your chiggens

>> No.18680316

Do your ducks lay eggs? I have ducks just like that and they lay eggs for awhile, but then stop.

They are good eggs though, bigger than a chicken egg, and taste pretty much the same as a chicken egg

>> No.18680327
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Civet of hare

>> No.18680332
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then this

>> No.18680344
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They don't get their next cake until Wednesday.
They lay a good amount. They're better layers in the winter than my chickens. By at least 3-1. They have a bad habit of just laying wherever the mood strikes them and at night. I can taste the difference. But they're far superior for any recipe that involves yolks. I make a couple of gallons of ice cream during the summer with my egg glut.

>> No.18680349


>> No.18680393
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Fed the guts to the birds. They were happy.

>> No.18680395

did you check for parasites? before you feed to birds?

>> No.18680417

why is there garbage in the coop. Don't be lazy OP. seriously.

>> No.18680421
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>> No.18680423

Why haven't you cut the feet off yet?

>> No.18680435

cute slippers and mittens. keep posting

>> No.18680448
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Ive cleaned it up sense then.
Snipped and rinsed.
Overall I could do better. Ill do the other ones soon but try to save the skins for dog treats.

>> No.18680467

Man how do I purchase property like this? I’ve been searching for something simple like this for a year and it’s always just McMansions, trailers or nothing for 30 miles. Do you just knock on doors? Use Google Maps to find one? I don’t get it.

I could always have a house built but I’d be throwing away another $23,000/year at this faggot ass apartment oh my god modern life is so GAY

>> No.18680472

Be a man
Eat them with the skin on

>> No.18680475
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Anyone have a preferred rabbit stew recipe?

>> No.18680476

Yeah I get it. Buy a modular home. But my partner refuses to live “trashy” which I agree, it’s literally trash as a house. Basically an insulated shed that has no resale value.

For anyone curious, I have a $300k budget with no luck. Maybe I need to just try harder, call real estate agents. Not just the internet..

>> No.18680483

Why not just pan sear it and finish in oven? Seems like every hillbilly you see eating rodents they make some shitty ass “stew” until the meat disintegrates, spitting out birdshot gobbling it down with the flavor of Lawrys seasoning salt and Budweiser

>> No.18680485

Your partner is trash and has no resale value

>> No.18680490

BIFL, asshole.

>> No.18680493

So find someone willing to pay money for an old, used woman with a shitty attitude

Go ahead Ill wait

>> No.18680494

Because it's cold and I want to eat some stew while sitting by the fire.

>> No.18680495

What the fuck

>> No.18680500

That's what food looks like lil timmy.

>> No.18680501

t. City slicker

>> No.18680506

Whatever you gotta tell yourself from slaughtering a captive rabbit lol. Such great hunters you are!

>> No.18680508

Fuck you and stop killing pets, eat a salad instead fatass you’re deranged

>> No.18680509

in the family my south-of-france grandma civet de lapin was a big hit for the big occasions
>grill the rabbit and stew with onios, olives, carrots,mustard and herbs

>> No.18680512


>> No.18680516

You need to double or even triple your budget. Land is a limited resource and is valued as such.

>> No.18680517

this is so fucked up I'm reporting you to the police

>> No.18680526
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Why is the head removed
Why not just eat a sandwich instead

>> No.18680530

I wanted an A frame. Wife had to have a fancy house. The house doesnt really add much value to the property

>> No.18680532

Go fishing. Faggot.

>> No.18680540

Literally what is the reason to kill what could have been a fun pet for OP or even some kid in the neighborhood? OP could have eaten a $0.10 bologna sandwich and been fine, it’s not about money it’s about power. Destroying what is pure because you’re ugly and corrupt, SAD

>> No.18680549

where do you think bologna comes from you absolute retard

>> No.18680551

It's food. Would not killing and eating the rabbit mean it's immortal? Nothing gets out of life alive. No exceptions. Don't waste meat and don't cry over sustenance.

>> No.18680552

Pigs aren’t pure

>> No.18680557

Who said anything about hunting? OP raised a rabbit and decided to kill it and eat it. I don't see what the problem is here

>> No.18680558

Did you figure what you’re going to make?

>> No.18680562


Make sure you record the call. This will be gold

>> No.18680564

you have beautiful birds

>> No.18680567

Because you dont eat the head. Or the feet, or the tail. Have you ever actually butchered or seen an animal butchered???

You know they cut the dick and balls off too, right? LOL

>> No.18680579

OP is based beyond belief for raising and slaughtering his own animals. Anyone who thinks otherwise is detached from reality in a really bad way.

>> No.18680580

Pigs are a hell of a lot smarter than a rabbit

>> No.18680585

honor to the fallen

>> No.18680586
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When it doubt I roast. Potatoes, carrots, onion etc and I presume I need to add some fat.

>> No.18680594

their natural expression seems so sad :(
don't waste them, OP
although you absolutely seem to be doing well for yourself

>> No.18680595

Make them have a bite. Just because.

>> No.18680634

An A frame is stupid for tons of reasons, your wife is right.

>> No.18680664

My thoughts were I could knock down the A grame and develop the property in the future. My parents had a nice house that we had to haul out in dumpsters when we developed that property

>> No.18680676

Have no idea why one would raise rabbits for food. They literally aren't even nutritional. No I don't mean their bad for you but they don't provide your body enough nutrients to subsist off them.

>> No.18680716


>> No.18680725

he ded

>> No.18680755
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20220719_165848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about rabbit starvation? It a none issue unless there's some sort of apocalypse.

>> No.18680772

kek rabbits would out breed the radiation. one female rabbit can have 12 kits in a month up to 60 a year.

>> No.18680783

ever do the shaved back in winter thing? where you shave the rabbits name into its back and it will come in black. was a fun science experiment for 1st grade.

>> No.18680799

Roast it with potatoes till the meat almost falls off the bone and the tatoes are crispy. Just like my mom makes it

>> No.18680813

>if you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.18680832

Go eat your chicken nuggets.

>> No.18680840

That's true of most meat, that's why he made a damn stew with vegetables in it.

>> No.18681296
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Olives/Wine go so well with ribbbut.. just an idea for the next one.

>> No.18681305
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he long gone
... but that rabbit had a better life than whatever you buy in supermarkets all over the world

>> No.18681350


>> No.18681371

>IRL FUNposting via rabbits
oh man, I got so many slurs to shave

>> No.18682364

Based op

>> No.18682373

I just pretend none of this happened because everything on the internet is fake and gay

>> No.18682473

What are all these photos then, anon?

>> No.18682489
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I hunt and kill wild rabbits never a domesticated one though
kinda seems strange

>> No.18682503

lol, he has little boots on. : )

>> No.18682522

Fucking outrageously hilarious

>> No.18682541


>> No.18682553

Anon, I...

>> No.18682626
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Lucky rabbit feet.

>> No.18682637

OP i want to do the same thing thanks for sharing

>> No.18682668

That's it I'm going vegan

>> No.18682680

any chance you're chinese OP?

>> No.18682697

I know you're american, probably underage too.

>> No.18682703

don't be so hard on him
he thinks meat grows on trees

>> No.18683457

Doesn't look like china.

>> No.18683526
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it does

>> No.18683824

OP is a demented tranny psychopath. reported thread to the authorities. Hope you get put in the slammer for this fucking animal abuse, OP.

>> No.18683891

op come back

>> No.18683893

shut up tranny

>> No.18684067

>For anyone curious, I have a $300k budget with no luck. Maybe I need to just try harder, call real estate agents. Not just the internet..

Yes. Ask the homeowners in your family and friends for a recommendation for a real estate agent. They're like mechanics: a bad one can really fuck you over, an honest one makes everything easier, and it's a confusing bitch to have to do it all, yourself. My wife and I had been looking at homes, online, for almost a year and we were having terrible luck. Finally called a real estate agent and a lawyer friend to help with the documents and we found the home we wanted just inside of three months and saw some other, great houses, too.

>> No.18684084

Fags don't have family or friends

He should save that money for the diapers him and his butt buddy are gonna need

>> No.18684289

Have none of you ever killed an animal to eat it? Don't you dare call me a degraded nigger or a chink, your fucking grandparents at some point killed something to eat it, op is based.

>> No.18684350

anon posts like these >>18680506 >>18682680 are obviously bait and not serious

>> No.18684409
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>It's a stunner. It knocks them out or outright kills them.
Looks like a solder pump

>> No.18684467

>not eating the testes
never gonna fucking make it

>> No.18684788
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have you tried looking for land in places that suck away from a town of any size? where have you been looking?

>> No.18684793

like a bloody kiwi

>> No.18684814

That was my first thought too.

>> No.18684886

Did you give the liver to the birds too? Keep it in the future, rabbit liver is delicious

>> No.18684921

Came here to post this.
It works.

>> No.18684933

>and stop killing pets
As long as he did it quickly and ate it afterwards, I don't see the problem.

>> No.18684947

>never a domesticated one though
kinda seems strange
The only reason it seems strange to me is that rabbits are generally pests so it's easier to kill them in the wild.
Beyond that, it's like quail for me. I've both hunted and raised them for dinner.

>> No.18685052

That got me through skinning my first hooker.
>Let me help you with that cost m'lady.

>> No.18685205

So whats cooking?

>> No.18685207

>F Dick
Mate, I'm pressing F for the whole rabbit.

>> No.18685854
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Sweet potato, plantain, potato, chicken stock. The bunny.

>> No.18686191

Is this for draining them?

>> No.18686229
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At least it’s not a parking come this time

>> No.18686269

>Duck egg icream using "glut"
Exsqueeze me?

>> No.18686356

i enjoy your threads but i like bunnies and it's the only food i won't eat so ill skip this one. Look forwards to the next thread

>> No.18686378 [DELETED] 

nope, shitskin jeet lmao

>> No.18686412

nope. no one in my family since the beginning has time has killed anything. they all went to the butcher like a normal person. chud

>> No.18686426
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>> No.18687233

Lotta starch

>> No.18687254

leg of lamb, lambeosaurus

>> No.18687256

Would hate to die with a full bladder.

>> No.18687305

The fact that OP raises and kills his own animals puts him in a category all by himself. Whoever believes differently has a really warped disconnect from the world around them.

>> No.18687325

where do you think the rest of your food comes from

>> No.18687332

? The grocery store.

>> No.18687335

My brain is fried. I read that as rabbi butchering at first.

>> No.18687398

This is one of those things that prove God's love for us. Extremely fast breeding, stupid, delicious, and their skin just slides right off.

Free Christmas ornament

>> No.18688205

Rabbit meat is very dry, it's better to eat in a stew

>> No.18688227

>The fact that OP raises and kills his own animals puts him in a category all by himself.
This is literally the concept behind "livestock". The only reason you aren't starving this winter is because you paid someone else to do it for you.

>> No.18688244

Good thread. Are rabbits worth it for meat, compared to chickens? Chickens are just so perfect.

>> No.18688248

Do you feed them before butchering?
How do you make sure you don't end up covered in shit?

>> No.18688284
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as a kid I watched my cousins grandpa butcher rabbits.
he'd grab it by the legs, hold it upside down and then karate chop its neck. one strike was often enough.
he was a boxer and his hands were massive.

>> No.18688313

depends on what you mean by "worth it"
they breed like, well, like rabbits, so you know.

>> No.18688332

Money/care vs how much meat you get out of them. I never had rabbits but chickens seem a lot easier to care for and in the summer they eat a lot of bugs and other shit on their own.

>> No.18688390

>his smile and optimism, gone

>> No.18688401
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The rabbits wear cheaper than chicken and duck. During the summer they eat my grass and pellets. The pellets are cheaper than chicken feed.
Plus the bunny put can go straight on my garden. The chicken crap needs to be composted.

>> No.18688433

The sandwich has parts of it that no longer has a head

>> No.18688452

OP, you should do what that Jap's been doing
bleed it and then pump marinade directly into it's cardiovascular system.

>> No.18688460
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wtf this isn't wild rabbit leave them alone OP

>> No.18688462

anon are you implying he should eat a head sandwhich because your making me kinda nervous.

>> No.18688479

i didn't realize who OP was, seen his posts before. now i'm okay with it he is pretty based actually

>> No.18688517

Pigs are more intelligent than dogs. They are significantly more self aware than a stupid rabbit. What makes butchering them ok? Either it’s all wrong or not wrong at all.

>> No.18688530

>leave them alone OP
Why does it matter if it's wild?
It's a rabbit.

>> No.18688539

>Destroying what is pure because you’re ugly and corrupt
Rabbits are violent creatures that eat their own young and their own feces.
Rabbits eat rabbit. And you should too

>> No.18688540

I’ve seen a video about this. Actually works. How would you get the hide off without a knife though

>> No.18688542

You'd still need to get the hide off, but it's a lot less messy

>> No.18688550

but y'know, doesn't take long
it's funny how it really is just like a sleeve, how you can just pull the pelt off of them easily

>> No.18688574

I must be getting baited because I cant find shit to support this theory.

>> No.18688577

>a nice brace of coneys

>> No.18688669
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>> No.18688903

Paul says some things are Holy to some people and not to others, but we should respect their decisions.

>> No.18690035
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Less parasites and I get to play with baby bunnies for awhile before I eat them.

>> No.18690051

Nice brace of sevens, ESL retard

>> No.18690058
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>> No.18690072
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>> No.18690246
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Hey OP, I find breaking their necks to be much easier than coning them and cutting their throat. You can use something called a Hopper Popper that you just slide their heads into and then pull on their back legs to break their neck. You can also use a straight piece of wood or a metal bar (like a broom handle) to place behind their ears while they're laying on the ground, hold the handle down with your foot then pull straight up on their back legs to break the neck.

Don't feed the body pelt to your dogs there's too much fur and it can cause blockages. Dry the raw feet and ears for dog treats. You can also give your dogs the heart and liver (once you remove the gallbladder) if you don't want the livers for yourself. Rabbit livers are great fried.

>> No.18690816
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OP, have you used this device on ducks?
I imagine it would btfo of any brains but the amazon reviews are mixed..
I have used this >>18690246 broomstick method before but Id rather just push a button.
Nice thread!

>> No.18690834


>> No.18690838

>that face
it's over

>> No.18691589
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>> No.18691604

they fast

>> No.18691610

They don't like me!

>> No.18691758
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I bought it for ducks. But I've been procrastinating on doing my ducks because I haven't wanted to deal with plucking. Even with a drum plucker they're a pain. I have 6 ish drake's that need to go. Along with a couple of old hens

>> No.18691819
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>procrastinating on doing my ducks because I haven't wanted to deal with plucking.
yes, me too..
>>18691589 are 18 months old.

>> No.18691823
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I find it pretty morally reprehensible that you're killing domesticated pet rabbits, OP. You're not in a third world country where you have to eat what you can get, you're clearly American or Canadian and well to do since you have your own land. You're probably rich compared to most of the poors on this board, yet you're buying pet rabbits to kill? For what... For fun? There are so many wild rabbits out there you can hunt and kill. Are you too much of a lazy fat fuck to actually hunt a rabbit? Or do you get off on killing pet rabbits instead? Someone could've loved those buns and given them a good home. You remind me of the freaks that buy live pet rats at the pet store to feed to a snake when they could get frozen ones instead. Got to have some form of mental illness or other mental flaw to find this shit to be alright when you live in a first world country. I bet you'd do the same to a pet dog or cat if it was more socially acceptable. You're no different than the chinks.

>> No.18691827

livestock animals are not pets

>> No.18691865
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They aren't pet rabbits. The new Zealand whites. They're bred for meat. Im using the rabbits as part of my garden. I don't see the issue. They got treats and attention and okayish housing and occasionally go to frolic in my garden and house. Then I ate one of them. If I had the land for it I'd do bigger livestock

>> No.18691882

bribe them with cake

>> No.18691898

>domesticated pet rabbits
... Why exactly do you think rabbits were domesticated in the first place?
It's not a fucking parrot, anon.
It's a cheap, low maintenance, source of food that reproduces quickly.

>> No.18691899

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

You are sick in the head fucked up monster. I am literally in shock right now. This is gore it has nothing to do with cooking it is closer to a horror film. That rabbit was alive it had hopes and dreams and love and you MURDERED it to post it here for sick pleasure to impress other fucked up 4chan incels.

Sometimes I think this website has changed but then I see things like this and I am reminded that it isn't just a silly place where people act funny because you can when you're anonymous but that there are actually people here who are FUCKED in the head INSANE who need to be anonymous because if they were themselves in public they would be locked up where they belong and medicated.

Killing bunnies? Literally how fucked up can you be. This is worse than those sick videos of monkeys. Why would anyone want to kill adorable fluff ball bunnies? They are the most innocent creatures on Earth. All they wanted was to munch on carrots and have cuddles and you murdered them for zero reason.

You are fucked up and you should be locked up. One day you will get what is coming to you. Nobody will ever love a fucked up crazy person like you. You will die alone. Every time you go outside you know you have to hide your real thoughts because you aren't normal you are EVIL. One day people will realize and see you for the psychopath you are.

>> No.18691903

The amount of effort you put into writing bait this poor will not be worth the (You)'s.

>> No.18692002
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>> No.18692059

Rabbit are pets ? Never saw them as such. they're just an another livestock ? Grandpa used to have some with chickens and ducks. I'm from the french's countryside so maybe that's why.

>> No.18692089

makes a good ashtray
made me think of a bunch of chinks eating animal nuts in a bowl with chopsticks and saying 'mmm.. this is good testeru' idk why

>> No.18692335

extremely comfy pic

>> No.18692375

>inb4 it's not near any barcades or funko pop stores

>> No.18692419

anon you have to try harder then that
here is your (you)

>> No.18692511

while I find rabbits cuddly and cute I also eat meat in general so I made sure to not avert my eyes at the processing pics you posted. the animals I eat like cows and pigs and poultry all can be cuddly and cute too yet I eat them most days anyway. as long as I keep eating meat i find it important to see what it is I'm doing and not pretend this gruesome process doesn't happen all the time

>> No.18692537

where do you think sandwiches come from anon
food doesn't come from the grocery store

>> No.18692608
File: 530 KB, 700x737, 636874694870334856-022519-Dog-Breeds3-ONLINE-Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's fine if you think that's cool, but I just find it a bit gross because we know that domesticated rabbits are fairly intelligent, emotional creatures that are widely accepted as pets. I'm just saying, I don't find you any different than chinks that eat dogs, and boy do they love to eat dogs. I'm not sure I could justify killing domesticated dogs or rabbits myself while being in a first world country. If it's not born out of necessity, then there's no reason to kill and eat a species that many people deem pet-worthy. I would hunt and eat a wild rabbit, but "meat-bred" species like the New Zealand white or giant Flemish rabbit are still amazing pets if you want to read about them.

>> No.18692633

why are you bumping this great thread?

>> No.18692636

all wild animals have parasites, it's part of nature

>> No.18692646

I don't know about other breeds but St. Bernards are pretty expensive and you need to get them from a breeder

>> No.18692651

Just give them some horse paste while you fatten em up before the slaughter

>> No.18692700

Flemish giant are great meat rabbits. Theyre bony and they take a long time to get to any size.

>> No.18692719

>that are widely accepted as pets.
They eat their own young.
General rule of thumb:
If the animal is a cannibal, then it agrees you made the right choice.

>> No.18692728

Sometimes they just eat the extremities

>> No.18692753

they are not wild, those are farmed

>> No.18692761

And all the babies would die before reaching adulthood, if even born alive from irradiated semen

>> No.18692764

anon its just shaving the fur, not carving into its skin

>> No.18692782

>nibbling off the legs of babies is ok

>> No.18692797
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>> No.18692827

Kek, i love you op

>> No.18692845

I hope you give them a good life OP. It's the right thing to do if you're going to kill them.

>> No.18692883
File: 813 KB, 2049x1536, 204F40C1-FA1B-4446-9974-7E507581F299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its good chopped and seared as taco meat. No heavy spices just s&p. Think lengua vibes. This is jackrabbit warmed over a wood stove in my hot tent. Doesnt get comfier than this.

>> No.18692922

holy fuck is he okay?

>> No.18692944

fuck this shit im becoming a vegan

>> No.18692976


>> No.18693083
File: 173 KB, 1086x1448, IMG_20221213_134501 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to work on an improved setup.in the spring. I didn't wanted to invest to much into this until I bred, raised, butchered, and eaten some.
Not a very eco friendly diet but kinda moot considering the state of the world.

>> No.18693148

>fun pet
>pet rabbits
Rabbits are not pets, no matter how domesticated the breed. They are little hopping disease vectors that shit wherever they like and chew on anything they like, including furniture and electrical wires. They also breed so fast they will quickly become a pest if they are not regularly culled either by humans or some other predator. At very best they are livestock, and at worst they are vermin.
>I bet you'd do the same to a pet dog or cat if it was more socially acceptable.
The reason we bred dogs and cats in the first place was to help us hunt and manage other animal populations such as rabbits. They have co-evolved with us to be part of our society, and will therefore respond to training and respect your living space. They also have an innate desire for hygiene, leading them to groom themselves and bury their excrement far away from where they sleep.
>frolic in my garden and house
This is the only sussy thing you posted. Rabbits are not hygienic enough to be allowed in a house where humans live.
Pretty sure this is modern social conditioning. Historically people limited their empathy to clean animals that were part of human social groups. Then we all got television and it brainwashed us with anthropomorphic animal cartoons. Then we got the internet and people started turning into furries.
>I'm from the french's countryside
The more I learn about rural France the more based it is. Every time I see a vegan health fanatic going on about their gluten free diet, I think of all those French farmers who live on fatty poultry and still have a higher average lifespan. Never change.

>> No.18693179

>im becoming a vegan
>Not a very eco friendly diet
This. Vegans have to get their protein shipped in from the opposite hemisphere during the winter, which is about the most polluting and planet destroying thing you can do outside of nuclear war.
In a tropical climate you can maybe sustain a meatless diet off of local produce, but only for a small number of people. High caste Indians can do it, for example, but even then they tend to be lacto-vegetarian rather than full vegan.

>> No.18693348

Its more complicated than that. Without animals in the mix, agriculture destroys soils very fast. You need some sort of herba to process all the extra plant matter back into usable material for plants and other animals to eat the pests.

>> No.18693382

beyond comfy

>> No.18693447

Hey OP, got a question for ya. Been thinking about getting my own land for some time and wanted to know what you think is easier for meat, rabbit or chicken? Chicken seems kind of messy to raise but I love the taste. Also how gamey is domestic rabbit?

>> No.18693498

Sleep tight

>> No.18693500

The dead bunny doesn't bother me. Way to reply in the most lazy, shitty way you possibly could. You don't have anything to say because you know I'm right. You're just a fat lazy cunt who's too much of a faggot to go hunting like a real man. Go ahead and breed some golden retrievers too for meat while you're at it, since you have the soul of a filthy chink.

>> No.18693518

You're a faggot. Why the fuck did you think we domesticated rabbits in the first place? Where do you think rabbit meat in stores comes from? Where do you think ALL meat comes from?

>> No.18693562

Wouldn't you need the marinade to be about the consistency of water, strained beforehand after any soluble compounds from herbs etc had been absorbed, since for that to work it has to diffuse from capillary walls into surrounding tissue?

If all those conditions are met I could see it working rather well, but it does add extra steps to the process in which you have to infuse the marinade for a while beforehand.

>> No.18693590 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1689x2252, turdposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he replied to your bootyblasted ass that way because you aren't worth responding to seriously. that's why I'm posting a picture of my turd. fagola

>> No.18693773
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>> No.18693804
File: 206 KB, 1023x767, IMG_20221213_134500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a teddy disciple or something? What do you have against animal domestication and agriculture?

>> No.18693895

>Would you consider pumping the circulatory system with interesting seasonings after bleeding the rabbit like that one Japanese guy?
Degenerate mad scientist shit that perverts the natural order.

>> No.18693951

to respect the carcass is to maximize it's potential
just pump some soysauce into it's veins

>> No.18693955

The concept of bunnies that you have described arouses me sexually.

>> No.18693971
File: 154 KB, 384x589, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Chinese
>eat own dog starting by tossing it in a pot of boiling water and holding the lid down
>watch retarded gweilo argue over untortured food

>> No.18694182
File: 68 KB, 680x680, 3fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the heckin' piggos are more intelligent than le mangy mutts
kill yourself. swine are dirty degenerate animals while dogs are noble creatures. Except shitbulls. Kill shitbulls.
plus dogmeat is no good. have fun getting prion disease.
Bunny rabbits are innocent defenseless creatures. A pig or a cow could actually kill someone. There was a woman in Russia who was eaten by the ukrainians (sorry i just had to, low hanging fruits) she was raising in her barn. Cows and sheep can gore people.
It's one thing to bag a hare while hunting but raising bunnies for food is fucked up and something only a deranged psycho would do.

>> No.18694186

This is actually pure schizo rambling, OP really got the crowd riled up just having a tasty meal

>> No.18694191

Don't listen to the 'uwu but the cute bunni!' fags. Raising your own meat by means of treating it well and providing a quick death is a respectable undertaking.

>> No.18694192

you don't find ANYTHING morally reprehensible about lulling a sweet innocent bunny rabbit into safety and then murdering it?
kill yourself thousand pity animal abuser.

>> No.18694206
File: 45 KB, 615x397, 0_Fiestas-del-Pilar-bullfight-Zaragoza-Spain-13-Oct-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure schizo rambling
this is what a cow can do to a nigga.
psychopaths like killing and skinning small animals. I bet OP would torture rats and stray animals for fun when he was a kid.
No one in their right mind would think this is ok to do or even fucking post online unless they were a thousand pity animal abusing freaks.

>> No.18694226
File: 122 KB, 630x945, how-to-butcher-a-rabbit-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry about it

>> No.18694231

What Is that? Just use a broom stick.

>> No.18694239
File: 44 KB, 460x575, aZrYRqp_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never let me catch you IRL or I'll make you feel the pain of all the innocent bnuys you've killed. We don't cotton to freaks around here and I won't tolerate one of your kind.

>> No.18694242

are you also going to torture cats for all the innocent rats they've killed?
or whales for the fish they've eaten?
you will not tolerate the ways of nature?
what is this hubris

>> No.18694245

He clearly said he's happy to see other big animals die

>> No.18694259

>Would you consider pumping the circulatory system with interesting seasonings after bleeding the rabbit like that one Japanese guy?
Got any more info on this guy? I couldn't find anything, and I'm really curious as to the resuluts.

>> No.18694260

cat's don't cage up rats and then decapitate them. they actually hunt them unlike your lazy degenerate ass.
also fish don't feel pain.
But I bet you're ok using kittens and puppies as bait for sharks so you can be le self sufficient then?
domestication is not the way of nature.

>> No.18694261
File: 3.17 MB, 3952x1872, IMG_20221120_113821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I'm going to cook one.

>> No.18694269

i'm so scared

dont worry kid youll grow out of the 'animal rights extremist' phase in a few years just dont go looking into how horrific the meat industry is. itll make breaking a little bunbuns neck look like chump change compared to the ocean of animal suffering in those places.

>> No.18694280

>animal rights extremist
couldn't be me.
just don't like degenerate bullies who pick on sweet little buns.

>> No.18694279

ive been wondering about raising guinea pigs vs raising rabbits myself. the males seem like they might have a musty taste to them because of the boar grease they secrete

>> No.18694291

why dont you just avoid threads like this if you arent emotionally mature enough to handle them then. raising and slaughtering meat animals is not 'bullying' you sissy faggot

>> No.18694298

I used to raise rabbits but it never really tasted like chicken. Did coturnix quail this summer. They are tiny and taste okay but I don't like having to buy feed. Trying the guineas now because I can grow what they eat and hopefully they taste good.

>> No.18694302
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So if I adopted a child, fattened them up and then slit his throat while he's sleeping, that wouldn't be fucked up at all?
Bnuys are our FRIENDS.
Killing them is the ultimate betrayal of their trust.

>> No.18694307

Actual psychopath post

>> No.18694312
File: 18 KB, 300x327, soyjak_didn_t_like_that_by_123spaghettiman_df87l5f-300w (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychopath post
because i see innocent little creatures like bnuys like children?
how is it psychopathic, exactly? I'm not advocating to raise and slaughter human children.

>> No.18694320

interesting, whats the growth rate on the gpigs compared to meat rabbits? i've had a pet gpig before and the only thing that makes me more interested in the meat rabbits is that the rabbits can eat a wider variety of scraps from my garden

literal emotional retard tier thinking, get a grip

>> No.18694343
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The guinea pigs reproduce and put on weight much slower than rabbits but they don't dug which is nice.

>> No.18694352

>muh emotional
yes, because I'm not a psychopath.
>but muh pragmatics
my feelings are never wrong.

>> No.18694358

>yes, because I'm not a psychopath.
If you're not a vegetarian, you're a hypocrite and a psychopath.
The only thing worse than being mean is being inconsistent. Mean is necessary, inconsistent is the root of evil.

>> No.18694368
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Are you up to some electronics, op?

>> No.18694374

>soyjack posters are edgy zoomers
color me surprised

>> No.18694379

comfy thread ruined stop getting angry at bait

>> No.18694423

how am I inconsistent? Have you maybe consider that I'm using a different criteria than you to determine what is ok and what isn't ok to kill?
You're inconsistent, if anything. You wouldn't use kittens as sharkbait or raise a human child for their meat. That's inconsistency.
I am consistent whereas I think it's wrong to kill animals that aren't hurting you.
>but like the other anon said!!! rabbits are vectors of disease and are pests
but the thing is, you brought them to your property intentionally to kill them and eat them. they can't hurt you. they trust you to keep them safe.
a wild hare would be more suitable and justifiable to kill. as per anon said.
Cows and pigs can actually harm a human being. Like I said earlier, an old pig farmer lady was eaten by her own pigs. Cows can gore people
>inb4 cows don't have horns, those are bulls
there are cows who do have horns actually.
also slaughtering a sheep is justifiable because a sheep can gore you as well if it has horns.
murdering pets is not "comfy"

>> No.18694436

Fuck off, nigger. Rats are disgusting disease carrying abominations that need to be wiped off the face of the fucking Earth. Fuck you for even suggesting giving those walking plagues anything less than a harrowing demise jew.

>> No.18694448

there's a difference between poisoning the rats that infest your house and torturing them to death.
>b-but they have disease
they didn't want to have disease. just wash your hands of it and let the kitty have it's fun.

>> No.18694452

Coming up next, Vegan Electricity.

>> No.18694454

and Vegan Electronics.

>> No.18694458

>fairly intelligent, emotional creatures
You're just triggered because the rabbit is "cute" unlike a cow or a pig. Basically you're a woman mentally.

>> No.18694462

but until then, kill those rabbits

>> No.18694468

cow and pig can fuck your shit up. a rabbit you bought from petsmart is innocent and dindu nuffin and trusts you.
slaughter under trust is immoral as fuck and anyone who does it needs to be hanged

>> No.18694478 [DELETED] 

Gooks eat huskies? Seems like a shitty dog to eat. I'd at least go for something fat and lazy, not hyper spastic.

>> No.18694483
File: 373 KB, 3051x1241, FOyThG2WYAM8Isa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Agricultural Revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>brought mass amount of slavery of both animals and humans
>humans started playing God by making different cultivars and clones of plants
>made humans weak ass cucks
>created sedentary life and encourages torture of animals
>created goyslop out of sneeds
embrace Hunter Gatherer lifestyle. If that's too hard, become a nomadic pastoralist and go conquer grazing lands, cuck.

>> No.18694488

So now the criteria is how dangerous instead of how smart or "emotional" the animal is. Just admit you're a faggot and move on, it's socially acceptable in this day and age.

>> No.18694498

kys psychopathic non-white troon. i will NOT kill ze bnuy

>> No.18694513

You would think the faggot crying over a rabbit would be the troon. Good luck with your transition, try not to kill yourself.

>> No.18694534

idk who is more mentally ill
the person who doesn't think killing poor defenseless bunnies is ok or the troon who thinks that its based to decapitate and then tear the skin off of an animal?
Our ancestors know that your kind are subhuman. That's why butchers and executioners had to live away from the normal well-adjusted people back then. Even back then, people knew that you are degenerates. Even gooks who eat dogs know that butchers are part of the untouchable caste of society.

>> No.18694591

>this nigga thinks the animals he eats aren't decapitated and skinned
I hope at least you're a vegan otherwise you're a retard for thinking the shit you eat doesn't go through much worse

>> No.18694625

shut up filth. cleanse yourself of defilement. you and I are not the same. Of course the filth tried to liken itself to a normal person. No sane person can do that to an animal. Proven by how many slaughterhouse workers end up with mental issues. If you had full reign, there would be no doubt that you would be butchering people too.

>> No.18694629

Either this is surely bait, or it just reinforces the point that /ck/ may have some of the most retarded posters in blue 4chan.

>> No.18694653

>cleanse yourself of defilement
Is this tranny serious lmoa

>> No.18695211
File: 236 KB, 1023x767, IMG_20221213_134501 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunnies really hold an emotional place in some people's hearts. My duck threads didn't have this scale of emotional outbursts.
And I think they're cutes as heck.

>> No.18695252

>No sane person can do that to an animal. Proven by how many slaughterhouse workers end up with mental issues.
what about the slaughterhouse workers who don't?

>> No.18695257

I would imagine there's far more people who've had rabbits as pets than ducks

>> No.18695258

they probably had mental issues to begin with. You are not sane if you enjoy killing anything.

>> No.18695287

Dude, I fucking hate animal cruelty but what op's doing is just normal for raising lifestock.
Go use your powerful emotions for something more productive.

>> No.18695372

Ducks are cute, too. I had my own rabbits as pets growing up and would have never eaten those. My neighbor had an enclosure and bred them for meat, I ate those. Rabbit is delicious. Sadly now I live in the city and raising animals is pretty much impossible

>> No.18695380

so every slaughterhouse worker in the world is a mentally ill person who enjoys killing?

>> No.18695398
File: 35 KB, 600x338, innocent bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't find ANYTHING morally reprehensible about lulling a sweet innocent bunny rabbit into safety and then murdering it?
>innocent bunny

>> No.18695400

You're a larping faggot that lives in his mother's basement. What OP is doing is fine and based.

>> No.18695404

They're not pets they're livestock

>> No.18695408

In the interest of discussion that isn't vegans going REEEEE, can you answer my questions OP?

>> No.18695478

>it's BASED and epic
no one who isn't a delusional tranny thinks this.
it's the fact you take pleasure in death that makes you a mentally ill freak.

>> No.18695487

>it's just normal
no, no it isn't. it's not normal to brag to all your 4chan buddies how you're about to slaughter a bunny rabbit. Relishing in killing is not normal.

>> No.18695520

Anon, this is no different from harvesting vegetables. The food was grown, then it was harvested. The only pleasure to be found is in a job well done. If you're upset because the food OP harvested happens to be "le heckin cute bnuuy" then might I suggest joining PETA?

>> No.18695525

>it's no different than harvesting vegetables
keep trying to justify your defilement, freak.

>> No.18695542

Where's the justification? Its farming. This is what farmers do. This is how food is made. It's not particularly pretty, but it is what it is.

>> No.18695558

Besides, those rabbits lived better lives than their wild equivalent. Or better than the life of a chicken in a factory farm.

>> No.18695568

it's not farming. It's slaughter. Know your place, filth.

>> No.18695578

>it's not farming. It's slaughter.
Which is what you do when farming livestock.

>> No.18695587

only if you're a jewish industrial farmer. all the normal farmers sell them to a slaughterhouse.

>> No.18695597
File: 233 KB, 1086x1448, IMG_20221213_134501 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pick of my sexually confused rooster Herald. He likes ducks.
Easier to free range
Less chance of catching parasites from them
Poop needs composting
More work to butcher. (Plucking)
Can be more of a pain to breed. And the most efficient meat bird the Cornish cross doesn't breed true.

Cheaper feed
Can't free range easily they dig and can get a few diseases from the ground
Easier to butcher
Wastes can go directly onto plants
Furs potentially useful.
Breeds prodigiously

>> No.18695615

Seems like rabbits might be easier for a beginner then. Probably easier to buy a hutch than to set up a coop. Cleaning seems easier too.

>> No.18695625

how is selling your animals to a slaughterhouse any more moral? you vegans are crazy

>> No.18695626
File: 236 KB, 1086x1448, IMG_20221213_134501 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep finding old dog crates and other cages at my local dump. Just make sure the holes are bigger than the poop or it just builds up in the cage.

>> No.18695653

>When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
The blood is on the slaughterhouse's hands.
i eat meat everyday, except Friday.

>> No.18695655

They don't lay much in the winter. I get 6ish a day right now ( mostly duck). But come spring it'll be dozens. Some of my hens are getting old so I'm not sure how big the glut will be.

>> No.18695671

The ducks are cute but ditch the tilt shift filter

>> No.18695686

>Ukrainian cow

>> No.18695689

I can save him

>> No.18695723

anon I don't think you're supposed to learn from Pilate, he was the bad guy

>> No.18695734
File: 354 KB, 922x830, PPizte6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this word. It doesn't get used enough.

>> No.18695760

Not that anon, but Pilate is largely misunderstood. He didn't want to crucify Jesus, even giving the crowd a choice between the zealot Barabbas, who was a murderer and Jesus who had not broken any Roman law. Not wanting a revolt, he condemned Jesus at the insistence of the crowd. The crowd, I might add, that consisted largely of jews loyal to the pharisees.
You might remember Jesus saying "forgive them father for they know not what they do" while he was on the cross. This is for the sake of the Romans, who were unaware of who Jesus was and what it was they were doing. The pharisees and the crowd knew, however. Shouting "his blood be on us and our children" they were damned for the crime of killing the prophesied Messiah.
You can read it yourself in Matthew 27:24-26.

>> No.18695762

>pontius was the bad guy
no, anon. that was the Jews. Pilates didn't want to kill Jesus.
"Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. Then answered all the people, and said, 'His blood be on us, and on our children.'"

>> No.18695768

Based herald

>> No.18695978

You are so stupid

>> No.18696824


>> No.18696869

Just a man preparing a rabbit.

>> No.18697321

It's purely modern conditioning.
>Historically people limited their empathy to clean animals that were part of human social groups
Even then people would still drown unwanted puppies and kittens.

>> No.18698203
