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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18676881 No.18676881 [Reply] [Original]

>decolonisation of your diet
I can already tell it’s retarded. Why exactly should one do that?

>> No.18676884
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I know it’s from Vice so I should treat it with some scorn.

>> No.18676888
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>low vibrational
Vague spiritualist BS you’d expect from /x/schizos. Again why would I want to decolonise when I may well benefit from sampling food from other cultures. I’m not appropriating shit

>> No.18676892

I don't get it, are they telling us to eat only watermelon and fried chicken with purple drank or that we shouldn't do it?

>> No.18676893

>purposely limit what you allow yourself to eat in order to own whitey

Brilliant, proceed.

>> No.18676898

I don’t even think they have a clue either. “It differs from person to person”. That’s fine by me, I’ll just buy shit as normal and cook what I want.
Again I fail to see the problem with this

>> No.18676962

This basically means black people can no longer spice their foods.

>> No.18676972

What exactly would they eat if they had African roots I wonder
>no spices
The entire appeal of their food: gone

>> No.18676974

People would ideally live in concord with their blood which is tied to the land. Not exactly possible when one lives hand to mouth, but I'd rather eat local indigenous food than, say, the cheap goyslop at the supermarket

>> No.18676991

this thread made me throw out my east asian ingredients. I'll go through the curry related stuff I have, but after that's done, the only ethnic food I'm going to make other than italian is mexican or maybe japanese. And apart from those, I won't be eating ethnic food again.

Fuck ethnics. The multiculturalist horseshit is just to get us to eat like these animals.
We have to return to tradition.

>> No.18677000

The only sensible take I could get from this. I do understand opting for more locally sourced food is definitely ideal (the quality of things I’ve bought locally from the farm is huge compared to store bought). I don’t get why we would need to “decolonise” however. Wouldn’t it just not be better to focus on more local incentives or community projects for food growth and supporting local retailers and businesses?

>> No.18677007

i wish they would decolonize themselves. every last one of them.

>> No.18677019

how about they go back to their countries then
imagine crying about colonialism while immigrating somewhere else

>> No.18677025

hello ragusa

>> No.18677030
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Imagine going up to some brother in Texas or something and telling him it’s racist/problematic/colonizing/sjw buzzword etc for a black guy to eat barbecue ribs and whatever else because it’s what white people eat

When will this sjw woke nonsense end

>> No.18677038

White man invented booze, so it would do them some good.

>> No.18677045

>Rural areas are colonies of the cities
Starving to own the rednecks

>> No.18677056

Doesn't that mean those of African descent can eat everything you can find at a Walmart because charities have been delivering food from America to Africa for decades?

>> No.18677057

I wish I was so privileged and sheltered that the biggest and most offensive thing I’ll ever encounter in my life is a black guy eating borscht or someshit

>> No.18677063
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>> No.18677098

Imagine telling your local distinguished melanated gentlemen that they should stop drinking Hennessy because it's colonialism.

>> No.18677121

>stupid nigger shit from niggers

>> No.18677132

It's blood & soil ideology wrapped up in SJW jargon. It's based and cringe simultaneously. People can eat a diet true to their folk without hating whitey

>> No.18677139

There’s no real rational thought behind this. What exactly is wrong with eating ribs etc and how exactly does this decolonise you? Wasn’t the original movement to integrate black people into wider society and not to segregate?

>> No.18677148

>no disease on the top arrow
I hate leftist revisionist niggers so much it is not real.

>> No.18677153

Is this the paleo2.0? Anyway, i'd gladly eat more pre-potato roots but good luck finding more than 2 for sale on a commercil scale.

>> No.18677156

It’s not entirely to difficult to do so and there’s a lot of African cultures (Ethiopian in particular) were it’s possible to do so. The decolonisation part is just preaching and outright stupid.

>> No.18677160

>paleo 2.0
That’s literally just eating marrow from bones

>> No.18677163

>tfw black people cant eat food now
i support blacks de colonising their diets

>> No.18677174

Decolonization is sjw speak for “don’t do what white people do” white people eat barbecue, thus therefore for black people to decolonize, they shouldn’t eat barbecue. It’s a ridiculous notion.

>> No.18677179

>speaking english
>wearing clothes
>using tecnology
>not dying by 40
All of the appropriation of my White American culture makes me SICK.

>> No.18677186

I agree completely. So by their logic, they’re basically saying eat locally and within what was eaten within your culture. So you’re black but what if you identify with being an American more rather than African?

>> No.18677190

I imagine it would be a fiery but mostly peaceful reaction

>> No.18677195

Then you’re a colonized house n-word.

These sjw people will never be satisfied by anything and it’s useless to even engage with with them.

>> No.18677205

Why does everything have to be such a confrontation with them. Do they not know that blacks for years fought against segregation? Why are trying to bring it back? It gains nothing long term but yet more arguing. So what if I want to eat barbecue food with money I earned myself, like I give a shit about geopolitics when I’m eating Chinese. What is the real problem?

>> No.18677207

The retards pushing this are incapable of healing the concept that culture has evolved over the last 2000 or so years, to them their "culture" is entirely defined by whatever spot in Africa they think their first bipedal ancestors lived in, regardless of the fact that they and every member of their family as far back as they can trace likely grew up within the same county.

>> No.18677210

It's about convincing themselves they're superior for being cultured, they're basically the same as that one annoying ginger everyone knows who makes a big deal about being a quarter Irish every st Patrick's day while getting wasted on cheap American lager

>> No.18677219
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you really think anything from someone who calls themself "ghetto gastro" is worth paying even the slightest attention to?

>> No.18677221

This. Do they also not realise that other cultures interacting with each has a wider benefit in improving and driving forward said cultures. I enjoy that I can go out and get smashed on continental beers and have a choice of places I can go to. Why even give a shit if it’s “not from your culture”. Why care?

>> No.18677225

Nobody needs salt, chocolate, vanilla, nutmeg, cloves, pepper, chili pepper, banana, pineapple, avocado or wine to properly feed themselves.

I prefer local Russian products too, Fjodor.

>> No.18677234
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it makes sense in the case of remote injun communities where importing typical western diet is obscenely expensive and wasteful.
going back to the food that grows and lives in their own back yard would be of some benefit i am sure.
and cutting out refined sugars is good advice to anyone regardless of race.

that shit about vibrations is whack though.

>> No.18677238

I blame Dr Sebi for this nonsense. From wiki
> Alfredo Darrington Bowman (26 November 1933 – 6 August 2016),[2] better known as Dr. Sebi (/seJbiː/), was a Honduran self-proclaimed herbalist healer, who also practiced in the United States in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Bowman falsely claimed to cure all disease with herbs and a plant-based alkaline diet based on various pseudoscientific claims, and denied that HIV caused AIDS. He set up a treatment center in Honduras, then moved his practice to New York City and Los Angeles. Numerous entertainment and acting celebrities were among his clients, including Michael Jackson, Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes, and John Travolta.[6]

Basically this retard convinced black people to eat an insane diet that he made up and he got rich by selling Irish sea moss and other snake oil to gullible black folx. His diet “works” in that switching to a vegan diet from a typical black person diet is obviously going to be beneficial in terms of alleviating the diet related illnesses that so many black people suffer from. This convinces the black person that Dr. Sebi’s diet and supplements are miracle cures instead of the black person realizing that eliminating all the horrible stuff they eat is actually the cure.

>> No.18677241

>White man invented booze
incorrect, booze was invented in many places independently.
there's a strong argument that the discovery of simple beer is what drove primitive hunter-gatherer socities to agriculture in the first place.

>> No.18677247

>go on and on about the different food in (((diverse))) places as a plus
>must now only eat the food where you're from
Leftism is a fucking mental disorder

>> No.18677255

no probably not

>> No.18677260

I checked out their website and it really is as you would expect

>> No.18677269

Beer was a mistake

>> No.18677283

>cut out dairy
>cut out red meat
Another conspiracy to weaken the population. No surprise.

>> No.18677288

Forgot to say that the central claim of Dr Sebi is that mucus in the body is the cause of every disease/illness/sickness and his electric vegan alkaline rids the body of mucus thus curing everything from AIDS to cancer to herpes. Nigga publicly stated germs and viruses don’t cause sickness. He also said that Gregor Mendel invented the soybean and tofu in the 1800s. People (black) really believe this shit too because a fellow black person is saying it.

>> No.18677294

I can't find any information about American diseases which came to Europe during the colonial era. Do you have an actual specific list or source? I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.18677302

They REALLY want us to stop consuming animal products, why? I never will, but I just wanna know why. To lower T? So we die at 60 and never collect Social Security + 401K?

>> No.18677318

This for me is why the appropriation argument is stupid to me
Why shouldn’t I sample a part of a different culture? Isn’t that part of the learning experience? Isn’t learning about other cultures beneficial and entirely the point instead of being insular?

>> No.18677322

Pretty sure they were born there like their ancestors

>> No.18677335

Ok? So some people only want to eat food from whatever their heritage is. Why should I care or be mad about this?

>> No.18677338
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>decolonized diet

>> No.18677348

Literally to keep people weak and sick. Weak people are less likely to revolt and sick people become dependent on the government (more likely to vote for tax increases on others) as well as a huge cash cow for the disease management industry (doctors, hospitals, pharma) which the government gets a cut of through taxes as well.

To hammer home how much money sick people generate, there was a Hepatitis C cure released a few years back and in response, Goldman Sachs warned its clients that funding cures is financially unsustainable and managed illness is far more profitable and should be considered ahead of cures: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/11/goldman-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model.html

>> No.18677352

>unprepared grains
>other unlucky spooks
Holy shit quick someone tell those ghetto gastro assholes to make a bbq sauce fine enough for cannibalism

>> No.18677353

Fuck off, Tyrone. Eating like an ancient African won’t make into a Wakandan Overman. For all you mayo monkeys, a big part of this electric living vegan cell diet is the idea that ancient Africans had shonen anime protagonist abilities but they lost their superpowers when the white man colonized their diet.

>> No.18677356

nigs gon nog frfr nocap

>> No.18677360
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Thank you, based anon. I really hate the government and the *ahem* (((elites))).

>> No.18677388
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Personally I try to maximize the colonization of my diet.
>foods grown by slaves
>foods gathered with child labor
>foods grown in areas where the natural vegetation has been removed
>spices from nations invaded for said spice
I prepare all my food following the strictest European methods as possible as well.

>> No.18677392

>We have to return to tradition.
you first

>> No.18677398

>Personally I try to maximize the colonization of my diet.
>>foods grown by slaves
>>foods gathered with child labor
>>foods grown in areas where the natural vegetation has been removed
>>spices from nations invaded for said spice
...so strictly indian food then?

>> No.18677403

What you described isn't appropriation. Appropriation would be if someone took a concept, process, or item from a different culture to profit off of in some way without crediting or providing reimbursement to the source.

>> No.18677405

When you think about it, the African diet is basically the carnivore diet. Except it was just eating others. No wonder they felt great

>> No.18677407

SEA, Indian, and South American ingredients primarily. I exclusively eat fruits grown in deforested amazonian rainforest lands.

>> No.18677411

Then they have no right to complain about “colonising food”

>> No.18677432

Excuse me that's English culture not amer*can, stop appropriating

>> No.18677437

thats because academia is kiked

>> No.18677442

Only soy grows in the amazon

>> No.18677457

American blacks have been eating white people food since we bought them

>> No.18677482

It’s about rejecting the western paradigm and embracing literal retards because they’re not white. This is the philosophy. Again, this all comes from Dr. Sebi. The Dr. title is obviously self given as he received little education and seemed to be nearly illiterate.

> According to Western medical research, diseases are a result of the host being infected with a “germ”, “virus”, or “bacteria”. In their approach in treating these “infestations”, inorganic, carcinogenic chemicals are employed. Our research immediately uncovers flaws in their premise through basic deductive reasoning. By consistently utilizing the same premise and methods, they have consistently yielded ineffective results. In essence, in the 400-year tradition of the European philosophy of medicine, their approach in treating disease has yet to produce any cures.
In contrast, as we examine an African approach to disease, it diametrically opposes the present Western approach. Specifically, the African Bio-mineral Balance refutes the germ/virus/bacteria premise. Our research reveals that all manifestation of disease finds its genesis when and where the mucous membrane has been compromised. For example, if there is excess mucous in the bronchial tubes, the disease is Bronchitis; if it is in the lungs, the disease is Pneumonia; in the pancreatic duct, it is Diabetes; in the joints Arthritis.

>> No.18677530

what has a stronger reaction?

anti colonialism in diet would be focusing on growing and cultivating heirloom variety of foods.
all the foods in the grocery stores
the mexican tomatoes, the chinese apples, etc. share very little in common with th food your anestors grew and ate.
im not sure about livestock though, i know each reigon seems to have its own breed of broilers, lamb, beouf,and hog.
though culturally speaking , theres regional varieties like champange, stilton, kobē, types of food.
but also theres an old wives tale that says some raw local honey will help with allergies.
perhaps th "decolonizing" shit is just on trend for immigrants send money to their families back in old country,motherland.
perhaps it would be better to focus on cultivation on local foods as opposed to food on trading routes.

>> No.18677543

to be noted.
the reason why you live in relative ease without dying from famine disease or starvation , is by and large the reason why we eat produce so unlike our ancestors.

>> No.18677567

Syphilis probably came from Colombus' first voyage when they fucked the natives.

>> No.18677578

It isn’t about being a locavore. In fact it isn’t even really about food. The central tenet of dietary decolonization is the rejection of the West. It’s wacky Hebrew Israelite levels of black people being astronomically fucking retarded.

>> No.18677591

Distillation was invented by Arabs and beer is prehistori

>> No.18677642

Seems every bit as racist as the nordic as fuck half brown /pol/yp who adheres to a strict based and redpilled hyperborean diet of rotten fish. The free mixing of food cultures is the only good thing about American cuisine.

>> No.18677681

its very dangerous to be purposefully blind of your surroundings like that.
decolonizing the west by pretending it isnt there is very laughable.
solutions come from synthesis not rejection.

>> No.18677696
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>> No.18677742

More than these overtly ethnocentric people on the left annot me, I'm more annoyed by white "conservative" politicians who don't have the balls to play by the usual same rules and challenge them on the same court

>> No.18677751

"The movement" has always been saying whatever it took at whatever time to get gullible white people to hand their country and its political reigns over to them.
They aren't ever going to be Americans, they just want what the Americans have.

>> No.18677779

These faggots should decolonize themselves and go back to whatever shit hole they came from

>> No.18677936

Booze is naturally occurring. We discovered the best way to make it, but it's like saying some race invented the egg

>> No.18678005

Just let people believe that it's terrible for you. Syntho-meat and the rest of the cold case full of vegan alternatives have been a boon for people who buy real food because it keeps demand reasonable.

>> No.18678021

Yeah, it's great until it starts hurting the supply.

>> No.18678063

The supply gets hurt enough without the market being involved. Beef herds are being pared down because of the urea shortage affecting feed production. During 2020, dairy herds were thinned because there was so much milk on hand because restaurants were closed, they were dumping it on the ground. Poultry flocks over the entire country were culled last year because of the bird flu "outbreak," nevermind the coincidence that it was the first time usda used the dubiously effective pcr tests to determine this.

>> No.18678252

Tribalism racism is tiring black people cook up some good food great chicken ribs Asians have some great cuisine chow mein sushi whites know seafood and burgers


The sun is going to implode and we’ll be here arguing about who has privilege

>> No.18678261

People can get along as long as they have their own space

>> No.18678290

>black people cook up some good food
sorry, I don’t want to die of hypertension when I’m 40 because of seasoning related illness.

>> No.18678342

If putin launched nukes tomorrow, the last thing I'd think as the fireball blinded me and I waited for it to hit would be that I'm glad AF that I'm not black.

>> No.18678350

Syphilis (maybe).
Thats pretty much it. And syphilis is moderately debated because its not very clear if it just appeared during that time frame organically, or was imported.
What diseases should we be seeing listed?

>> No.18678359

To be fair they usually die from a gunshot wound from anotha brotha to worry about that.

>> No.18678470
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We're at the point where i want to lean into this shit... HEAVILY... so more people see how absurd it is. Reductio absurdum.
You'll find legit white supremacists(if you look hard enough to actually spot one) who are less fucking intolerant towards non-whites, than a lot of mainstream PoC activists are towards whites and their own people. A white supremacist wants all the black people out of his neighborhood, or maybe even country. The woke tards now a days are practically demanding white genocide through demographic shifts, and while it all happens, they demand white people be mocked and berated. Everything a white person does is theft of culture, microagressions, appropriation, gentrification, white flight, etc. Theres literally nothing a white person can do in some situations that WONT get him called a racist.
Meanwhile, i see a lot of afro/latino/asian/aboriginal/whatever... wearing blue jeans, using iphones, connecting to the internet, enjoying democracy and systems of government that grant them equality... who all of a sudden dont consider using those things as cultural appropriation.

I mean if there was a magic wand i could flick that would un-do all the colonization from EVERYONE(not just what whites did in the last few centuries) i would. Everyone would be worse off than they are now, but something tells me europe would still be a pretty great place to live, and africa(and all africans) would become very miserable. But hey, then all those things they claimed to have invented, like peanut butter and the elevator(lies, btw, not invented by blacks) would make africa just like wakanda.

>> No.18678495

Whites are only 10% of the global population. Why do they cause 90% of the planet to seethe?

>> No.18678549
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Sounds like a rehash of How to Eat to Live by Elijah Muhammad same idea of certain food associated with slavery was bad for you on a spiritual as well as nutritional, also pretty sure he died in his like '70's so much for his diet suggesting you can live to 120 years kek.

Also shit in his book like red navy beans are a bad type of bean to eat because thier history in slave food makes them racist. The nigga says certain beans are racist like wtf man?

>> No.18678638

You know, you can tell a lot about the character of a man by how he acts when he has power over someone. The white man, when he was in control of the world, was forceful, sure, and he had some demands, sure: some tea and some spices, but when those demands were met he was satisfied and would leave you alone. Now the world is run by the jew, and his ever-faithful servant, the negro (a funny little echo of the period of American slavery), and things have changed. They have no goal - they simply want to inflict as much suffering as possible. Suffering is the goal. They would happily squat in smouldering ruins so long as they knew that their eternal enemy, the white man, was more miserable than they are, and in fact that's exactly what's happening right now. The world as we know it is being destroyed as part of the eternal crusade of these people to cause as much pain as they possibly can for you and your kin. Why? They just want to cause suffering for you. They could have you naked and cowering in a corner, cringing and crying, and begging for mercy, and they would still want more. It's never enough, so don't give these parasites an inch. As soon as you do, they'll figure out that you're someone that they can squeeze, and they'll keep squeezing, forever. They want you confused and frantic, constantly in fear and saying sorry for shit that you didn't do, because the end goal is always pain. Never forget that. These people will never be satisfied. They want to gradually and continually lower your quality of life, because your misery is sustenance for them. That's the character of these people. This is what they do now that they are the hand that holds the whip. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING that the white man ever did was this cruel and sadistic. Each individual thing might seem harmless enough on its own, but it all adds up over time. Every action is another brick in the wall, and they are building the prison around you that they intend to torture you in forever.

>> No.18678672

Whites get to keep red meat, most grains, dairy, fish, most vegetables, and pasta

Must cut out cane sugar, tomatoes, potatoes, and corn and its derivatives.

This is sounding like a pretty good deal for White people.

>> No.18678684

Absolutely mindbroken.

>> No.18678694

Eat the bugs.

>> No.18678696

Why am i not even surprised.

I'm currently making European desserts with African cocoa, SEA cinnamon and nutmeg, Chinese anise and Indian tears. Vice can go fuck themselves, i deserve to enjoy this delicious food because my ancestors mastered sailing, metallurgy, irrigation and mining.

Niggers should decolonialize and eat only yams, nuts and meat, cook only on wood, use only bronze tools and no imported spices. That would give them the energy to swim back to Africa because boats are colonialism too

>> No.18678795
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They hate us cuz they anus

>> No.18678805

so if i'm half black does that mean i have to introduce dirt into my diet?

>> No.18678873

"Half black" is just black

>> No.18678906
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These Golliwogs should "decolonise" their diet and go starve.

>> No.18678907

This is the most fascist shit i happened to come by lately, and i've been listening to RAC non stop for the last week. Do these retards not see their hypocrisy?

>> No.18678973
File: 60 KB, 953x582, The-Changing-Meaning-of-Affirmative-Action-The-New-Yorker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In their minds, it isn't hypocrisy. Whatever principles you thought they had, they never meant it to be considered both ways. "Racism is bad" means "racism against us is bad, racism against you is good." It never meant anything else.

>> No.18678982

this is good news, you can now eat watermelon, fried chicken, grape drink etc

>> No.18679395

Great. So all i can eat is turnips, rutabaga and cabbage.

>> No.18679432

What a fucking brainlet take, it's like claiming nobody invented roads because asphalt exists in nature.
Stfu you actually saying bitch ass boyo

>> No.18679614

I refuse to give up my pocky or my cheeseburgers

or more pure ingredient wise my pasta or my rice, pretty sure we don't get either of those natively here, or at least not rice you would want to eat

>> No.18679632

Ethyl alcohol is naturally occurring, booze is a drink made with fermentation and distillation that ends up containing high amounts of ethyl alcohol.

>> No.18679641
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>Going so far left you loop around to being far right
Next they'll be arguing for water fountains and bathrooms only for PoC so they can "decolonize" their water

>> No.18679680

>>foods grown in areas where the natural vegetation has been removed
That's every single store bought food except maple syrup.

>> No.18679729

Damn Jay Z got fat

>> No.18680083


>> No.18680343

the conservative equivalent of this is some evangelical multimillionaire selling your grandparents buckets of emergency rations.

>> No.18680353

Yes! Stop appropriating white culture!

>> No.18680415


>Fight against racism by only consuming things your race stereotypically consume


>> No.18680424


The only naturally occurring booze is wine and cider, the rest take a shit load of steps to recreate

>> No.18680686

It’s almost like they didn’t think this through.

>> No.18680706

As a Brit, I’m fucked in this regard myself as I have no actual idea of what we would culturally eat beyond some fucking hog in the forest or vermin or some such shit. Multiculturalism has improved our diets and I genuinely enjoy cooking recipes and meals from other cultures (I’m planning to try out German cuisine next). What they’re trying to do is just a literal step backwards. Yes I understand that this approval is better than having to eat highly processed food but we already have incentives and ideas that are better than this retardation they’ve suggested. This is basically the sort of gatekeeping they’d accuse others of

>> No.18680717

just do the opposite of what they say to redpill your diet.

>> No.18680729

I’m going to check this Bozo out. It’s not exactly like the food itself is the actual problem with slavery now is it

>> No.18680730

Or you misunderstand what their position has been all along.
>This is basically the sort of gatekeeping they’d accuse others of
The naivety. Nothing they believe is a belief in principle. They'd vote to instate slavery tomorrow as long as they get to be the masters.

>> No.18680735

They said to cut out red meat and dairy but I’m not doing that anyway. Cutting out the sugar though I’m trying to do regardless of dumbass some dietary advice

>> No.18680764

Slavery is still extant right now as I type this and none of them care at all lol

>> No.18680773

No they’re just insisting that they go back to eating scraps to own the whites. There’s genuinely more worthwhile things they could and should be saying than this

>> No.18680781

German bros what can I eat? Pretzels? White hot dogs?

>> No.18680788

>low vibrational
Anyone who uses the word vibration to refer to anything that isn't literally shaking something should be killed

>> No.18680818

It’s yet more vague spiritualist mumbo and means nothing. The moment I seen the word in relation to talking about what we eat it just stopped me from ever considering this was seriously thought out

>> No.18680862

Aren’t they the colonists if they moved here? That doesn’t even make sense.

>> No.18680866

Kek, most of my cooking is literally colonial
>t. descendant of colonial administrators in the Dutch East Indies

>> No.18680868

Monkey mostly.

>> No.18680878

Mead is more or less naturally occurring if water gets into honey

>> No.18680886

It's a reflection of the fact that they know that they no longer have to pretend to assimilate to please Americans (white people) and are making their own identity as their own group more apparent. This one won't catch on because people aren't going to stop eating all the food that's available to them, but it's a sign of the times all the same, just as you'll find that many now majority black schools are being renamed from white historical figures to black ones and even dabbling in segregation policies.

>> No.18680887

why does vice chose the ugliest gorilla they can to spout the most retarded shit imaginable

>> No.18680931


checked and based. i only get fish that's been poached off the coasts of 3rd world food insecure nations.

>> No.18680945

Mjod is a wine

>> No.18681062

What they won’t tell you is that it’s a LUXURY to decolonize your diet

>> No.18681164

Less monke, more bug. Massive kek

>> No.18682743

bumping from page 10 because of this

>> No.18682780

Already made separate water fountains for fags in some schools in the U.S

>> No.18682818

nta but did you even read the article? it said shit like mexican-american, which only makes sense if its an american who is of mexican heritage , and theres only about 5 million living native americans in america and about 24.2% of america is nonwhite, (over 82 million)
pretty sure you're retarded m8
why doesnt it list extremely useful and culture shaping things like rice

>> No.18682825

was about to make a reply about that, you're right. who the fuck in their right mind names themselves or someone else in any form something thats practically 'poverty gastroenteritis'

>> No.18682841

This is so fucking stupid and against multiculturalism it’s basically only eat foods from your heritage. Yeah, no I’m going to continue to enjoy Mexican and Japanese, Chinese,Italian foods

>> No.18682929

>This is so fucking stupid and against multiculturalism
They never wanted to be "multicultural" they just wanted a chunk of your country for themselves

>> No.18683702

Is it too much to hope that this leads to some angry spear chuckers and hipster faggots giving themselves food poisoning by attempting to eat culturally sensitive tarantula meat or something?

>> No.18683705

barbecue comes from the Injuns though don't it? barbacoa and huwhatnot.

>> No.18683713

Barbecue comes from everyone. Literally every culture grills meat. Some do it a little different, but it's ultimately grilled meat. There is no one culture that started barbecue and if you think there is you're fucking retarded since we've been cooking meat over a flame since the stone age

>> No.18683714

>barbecue is grilled meat
low IQ yank detected.

>> No.18683724

Oh no you're special cause you put spices and/or sauces on it and grill it at a lower temperature. No one else does that anywhere! Fuck off retard

>> No.18683748

shut your mouth and go to a pig-pickin'. THAT'S barbecue. Grilling is high direct heat. You can grill whatever. Barbecue can only be pigs and if you're a little bit of a heretic, a cow. Barbecue is low and slow. putting bulgogi on a wire grill is not fucking barbecue.

>> No.18683800

Damn I can't think of any other country grilling a pig or cow. Just nothin comes to mind. It's meat on a grill dude. Shut up

>> No.18683807

again. grilling a cow or a pig is not barbecue. it's roasted or smoked. Dumbass northerner go suck the clam chowder out of your uncle's dick

>> No.18683838

it will only end after people will start violently killing these sjw racist pigs

>> No.18683839

damn I didn't know that smoked food didn't exist until southerners created it

>> No.18683884

It is. I know all you guys have going on down there is college football and barbecue, but you can admit that everyone else does barbecue too instead of splitting hairs like you're trying to do. You put meat on a grill with fire. Everyone does it. Bulgogi is just as much barbecue as brisket

>> No.18683924

why do you kikes hate that words have definitions? Does it also piss you off that a woman is someone born with two X chromosomes, a vagina and a pair of tits? Or am I just splitting hairs again?

>> No.18683929

You're right. Words do have definitions. Look up the definition of barbecue you inbred moron

>> No.18683938


This sounds like one of those sounds-smart-until-you-think-about-it diets. Reminds me of when some dipshit doctor started telling people that they should have a diet according to their blood type. Later it was found out to be false and that same doctor was threatened with having his license removed for spreading such falsehoods.

tl;dr - if we could get minorities to start eating healthier, that would be great. Unfortunately "soul food" is a thing and will probably never go away, so they'll just keep blaming whitey for their high rates of diabetes and obesity

>> No.18683939
File: 68 KB, 720x285, Screenshot_20221211-093546-520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. (Cookery) to cook (meat, fish, etc) by direct heat, as under a grill or over a hot fire, or (of meat, fish, etc) to be cooked in this way. Usual US and Canadian word: broil
kys stupid ass uneducated yank

>> No.18683948

to roast or broil (food, such as meat) on a rack or revolving spit over or before a source of heat (such as hot coals or a gas flame)
Mirriam Webster. First definition. Not the third from Wikipedia. Go fuck your cousin and live in poverty

>> No.18683949

it's pretty smart. not a health diet though. Just research food your ancestors ate prior to colonization. kind of like what Tasting History and Townsends does (technically Townsends is colonial, but you know what I mean).
Also, what about mix-raced people? can they eat whatever they want?

>> No.18683952

>merriam webster
George and Charles Merriam were from Massachusetts. What the fuck would they know about barbecue?

>> No.18683955
File: 61 KB, 759x1092, 1413829081324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw recolonizing your diet with racist food

>> No.18684060

>is told to look up the definition of barbecue
>posts the definition of grill
Classic dishonest ESL.

>> No.18684072

barbecue definition is in image.
grill definition is text.
fucking retard. not an ESL btw I'm from dixieland a first world country not from yankee doodle fuckwad country.

>> No.18684076

I think you meant to say you're an ESL from India.

>> No.18684083

Does this mean natives will finally stop drinking themselves to death?

>> No.18684106

who the fuck you calling injun?

>> No.18684126

Injuns are from the Americas. I said you write like someone from India.

>> No.18684136

how do i write like a hindu?
because i write concisely, grammar be damned?

>> No.18684152

The poor grammar, the particular choices of which words, articles, and punctuation you leave out, the overuse of the word fuck, trying way too hard to sound like what you think Americans sound like by using words like "dixieland" and "yankee doodle"... there are a lot of signs, and it all points to you being an ESL foreigner most likely from India.

>> No.18684163

you're completely wrong. if I was Hindu, i wouldn't be writing this while I'm on the john.

>> No.18684188

absolutely, it's an interesting concept if you strip away the leftist academic gobbledygook its packaged in where you try to only eat foods that your ethnicity ate prior to colonization/Columbian Exchange/etc. to get people to think about how that shit affected cuisines. But trying to excise "colonial influence" is a retarded can of worms to do full time. Like try telling people they need to ditch chilis from their cuisine because peppers were imported outside of the Americas thanks to colonialism and see how that lands.

>> No.18684198 [DELETED] 

Why are Americans like this? Their all insufferable no matter what shit mix they are. Niggers from non UNited Americas are pretty chill. Every time i meet an merican irl or net their annoying as fuck

>> No.18684261

It's just losers who have no real skills or anything going for them so they have to revert to muh heritage or muh skin color.

>> No.18684281

they're endlessly told their shit doesn't stink, and if it does, it's someone else's fault (typically whitey)

>> No.18684296

Our politicians have babied minorities the last 50 years while making them poorer and poorer but it's the colonists fault from 500 years ago

>> No.18684301

>Our politicians have babied minorities the last 50 years while making them poorer and poorer but it's the colonists fault from 500 years ago
Aussie here we did this to abbos with the same results and now whites are actually worse than them

>> No.18684444

at this point rightoid dumbasses engage with this type of liberal american bullshit more then actual liberals. all you have to do is ignore this shit. its inconsequencial.

>> No.18684660

first sentence is correct, but nobody's gonna buy the rest
>it's just some kids on tumblr bro it'll blow over :))

>> No.18684854

Ignoring this shit has caused radical changes throughout the country in the last few decades. Even the most ridiculous shit you think nobody could take seriously still informs public policy and government decisions exactly because nobody takes them seriously enough to stop them in their tracks.

>> No.18684987

I remember ignoring this shit until my city burned down over some dead negro. No I will not ignore it.

>> No.18685001

You ignored police brutality until the mounting frustration with it finally exploded into anger, you mean. It had happened before and it will happen again if you continue to ignore police brutality. You leard nothing.

>> No.18685021

More accurately, they were deluded about the prevalence and extremity of police violence, and then saw an out of context cell phone video and were whipped into a violent frenzy, aided by the media, and acted out their violence on innocent people instead of learning understanding what they were claiming to be raging about.

>> No.18685045
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If white people couldn't eat any POC foods they'd be stuck with broccoli. Hahaha.

>> No.18685076

There are 12-13 million arrests every year and several times more police encounters. The amount of unarmed black men killed by police are in the double digits, usually between 15-30, and they're almost always found upon review to be justified given the circumstances (such as being in the act of wrestling for the officer's weapon). This is the number for the entire country, not one city. People have a cartoon image in their heads of police gangs going around shooting thousands of black people for no reason as part of an orchestrated "systemic" plan, and it's this false image, self-perpetuated from a festering victim complex, that caused that explosion of anger.
In the case of George Floyd, every officer on the scene was immediately fired before the department could even figure out what happened and promptly charged with degrees of murder or manslaughter. What is there left to protest then? They don't have a time machine. Smashing businesses and setting fires over it isn't a vigilante act.

>> No.18685092

>things that we refer to as low vibrational

Who the fuck refers to anything as this?

>> No.18685130

>my city
You don’t live in south Minneapolis and you never have, you’re from a suburb. It isn’t your city faggot

>> No.18685143

Everywhere in the Midwest is comprised of white flight suburbs, which is why the cities themselves are shit.
t. St. Louisan

>> No.18685192

So why do these elitist faggots from Minnetonka and Edina talk about these cities belonging to them when they’re too pussy to drive down Lyndale avenue? If you hate the city then stay out. Don’t act like it belongs to you though. You don’t live here.

>> No.18685211

Keep sweeping it under the carpet, friends. Nothing to see here. Tee hee.

>> No.18685232

Tell me about it. There's loads of people from West County or St. Charles that call themselves St. Louisan even though they only go downtown for a Cardinals game. Though hilariously we rely on the City for all of our labor, there'd be no one working fast food if we didn't have a good bus system.

>> No.18685234

>In the case of George Floyd, every officer on the scene was immediately fired before the department could even figure out what happened and promptly charged with degrees of murder or manslaughter.
No they weren’t. The protests happened way before they were convicted. The officer who killed Floyd had a history of police brutality charges. The precinct was notorious for brutality issues as well.

>> No.18685242
File: 77 KB, 768x402, nov30_part04_42-768x402-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have not eaten true afircan food unless you have eaten dirt cookies, mosquitoe patties or sand eggs

>> No.18685243

Stop defending that fentanyl fueled criminal

>> No.18685252

Drug use or prior crimes does not make you an unperson who deserves to be abused by the state

>> No.18685266

>lie and over exaggerate the truth
>resort to insult when it’s clear your argument is shit
You’re such a little pussy.

>> No.18685286

Even if he was a drug abuser who did rob a pregnant woman, why does that justify the state doing what they did? Handle things in proportion to the danger. And when we start going "well he was a bad person, he doesn't deserve rights" that's a dangerous path. Even the most heinous criminals have rights.

>> No.18685328

>too spicy for most
I get that this is supposed to be a joke but it's tiresome and not even funny.

>> No.18685329

"The state" didn't do it, an officer did and was fired, charged, and convicted on several counts. It also didn't happen maliciously. The prosecution in the Chauvin trial boiled it down to negligence, stating that several angles of video showed that the officer's knee was on the upper back rather than his neck, and argued that he was still responsible because he had Floyd's head too close to the car's exhaust (Floyd placed himself in this position). Rioters didn't look into any further details of the incident or listen to the arguments at the trial.

>> No.18685334

>ghetto gastro
Have black people ever stopped to consider that embracing being poor and stupid as their "culture" is perhaps detrimental to their success?

>> No.18685337

Riots continued for months after every officer on the scene was charged, and then at the courthose they formed lynch mobs threatening to burn the city down again if the jurors didn't give them the verdict they wanted. These aren't the good guys.

>> No.18685341

>The officer who killed Floyd
I didn't know that fentanyl was a sworn officer of the police force.

>> No.18685348

Lol geoge was killed by a racist white police not by a drug overdose

>> No.18685417

>Handle things in proportion to the danger
Watch the bodycam footage and see what the actual arrest looked like before Floyd flipped out and had to be swarmed by officers. They were as gentle and accomodating to him as possible but he wasn't going to accept being arrested no matter how they handled it.

>> No.18685595

Work in the cities and try not to become racist. It's impossible. My coworkers were black and even they hated the blacks that came into our shop. There's a reason cops are quick to react with american black people. They're unpredictable and violent. Fuck em

>> No.18685609

That's not what the coroner's report said.

>> No.18685658

They’re ethnic nationalists opposing the homogenisation of culture and society. I commend them, and believe the same logic should be applied to all races and ethnicities. Mixing of races and cultures helps nobody, we should all be segregated into our own homogenous communities.

>> No.18685668
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 103978904-The_meme_formerly_known_as_Kuk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using words like "low vibrational" without realizing he's appropriating caucasian-american hippie spirituality


>> No.18685684

This is actually interesting.

What did ancient white people eat? A decolonized European meal could be very fun to make.

>> No.18685699

It's a completely dishonest image. It ignores that things can be invented and animals can be domesticated independently in multiple locations by peoples without contact with each other. Their whole argument is "uhm, ackshually it happened here EARLIER!" and it's fallacious as fuck.

>> No.18685715

I have a cook book from my homeland so I don't have to read garbage like this, get fucked Vice.

>> No.18685717

It also ignores that 80-90% of african cuisine is reliant on foodstuffs domesticated by europeans and arabians. They typically just ate wild game and flora they could scavenge, rather than any real farming. If we’re going to open it up that far, then we can point to how nearly every large animal native to the european continent was eaten by native europeans, and many still are.

>> No.18685739

>If we’re going to open it up that far, then we can point to how nearly every large animal native to the european continent was eaten by native europeans, and many still are.
Exactly, they also falsely equate domestication with meat consumption. Even if it's true that cows were first domesticated by non-whites in North Africa, that doesn't prove that whites weren't eating beef from wild cows they hunted long before then. Same thing with eggs, you don't have to own domesticated chickens to eat their eggs.

>> No.18685778

North Africans were arguably white in the pre-Crusades era. Ancient egyptians are described as having blond hair on occasion. Tutankhamen was a ginger.

For chickens at least, the actual animal is native to south asia. Jungle hen. The european equivalent would’ve been ducks or geese

>> No.18685813

>For chickens at least, the actual animal is native to south asia. Jungle hen. The european equivalent would’ve been ducks or geese
That's fine, I didn't actually know that, which is neat. But the problem I still have is their insistence that all eggs come from chickens and you have to have domesticated chickens to get eggs. It's just an insanely reductive and dishonest image.

>> No.18685840

Because they’re dishonest and actively spiteful people. Mince no words, they HATE europe and ethnic europeans.

>> No.18685853

LMAOOOOO this is too fucking funny. Vice is something else.

>> No.18685859

Honestly, that has happened to me in Chicago.
>go to some "soul food" place
>get fried pork chops
>lady asks how they are
>say just like granny used to make
I think what people forget is that the US is a big ass fuckin' place and there is no one uniform culture.
I am from Texas and would hang a man for putting beans in chili, but I was in fucking Cabinda and the blacks smoked goat meat. Tasted great. Everyone does it, people just call it different shit. I don't give a fuck what the cunts at the EU say about "places of origin" and "trademark."

>> No.18685874

>nooooo you have to eat the globohomo goyfeed stop eating your ancestors cuisine!

>> No.18685876
File: 62 KB, 400x509, Kool-1979-Ebony-4-Apr-032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The food of their ancestors is menthol cigarettes and malt liquor.

>> No.18685924

Shut the fuck up retard

Thats like saying you can't use pneumatic tires unless you're Scottish

>> No.18685975

This is secretly based and redpilled

>> No.18686005

The issue with this, specifically when talking about Black Americans, is that their culture, history, and identity is inextricably linked to colonialism and in fact the ethnogenesis of Black Americans is the direct result of colonialism. "Decolonizing" one's diet would not be an act of cultural affirmation or preservation of heritage, but rather an act of denial and erasure. I understand wanting to get people to stop eating hyperprocessed dog shit, especially given the prevalence of obesity and diabetes in non-White communities, but the language being used here is fucking retarded. Honestly the insistence on LARPing as some sort of nebulous "African" identity that exists in certain circles of Black Americans is so fucking tiring. It's like the haploautists who think their little R2D2 genetic markers mean anything.

>> No.18686202

Nobody who lives in a former colony like the USA, Canada, or Australia, should be complaining about colonialism

>> No.18686275

Blacks lump all whites together and assign collective guilt to them. You think a black american gives a fuck if the white guy they’re mugging is an old stock mayflower anglo or the grandson of a postwar Italian immigrant? Fuck no. “He a wytboi, so he raysis and his wallet is muh reparashuns fo slavery an sheeit” is as far as it gets

>> No.18686288

I'm more getting at the fact that they're denouncing the thing that gave them their home and everything they love. They want white people to feel bad for creating this paradise but don't want to feel bad for benefitting from it themselves.

>> No.18686297

I like how we're circling back into what is essentially eugenics - why else would a diet composed entirely of what the majority of your genetic makeup historically ate benefit you in any way? They don't realize it, but they are gradually pushing into race realism territory where we begin recognizing the biological and cultural differences between races. Do they really think whites will never act in the exact same way that they are?

>> No.18686298

>Blacks lump all whites together and assign collective guilt to them.
This is true and I fucking hate it. Literally none of my ancestors participated in slavery, none of them were in the US when slavery was happening, and yet when the idea of reparations comes up they want to apply it equally to EVERYONE and if I argue against that or get upset by the idea of being held responsible for something my ancestors DIDN'T EVEN DO I'm called racist.

>> No.18686368

In-group preference. They see a weakness in whites as a group, so they go for it because it benefits blacks collectively in the moment.

My ancestors came to america as itinerant sharecroppers, effectively no different from black slaves. But because they were white, that doesn’t count.

>> No.18686384
File: 47 KB, 800x800, 1570218535411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>institute reparations from slave owner's descendants to slave's descendants
>mixed black guy has a raped slave in his family tree
>descendant of slave = gets reparations
>descendant of slave owner = pays reparations
>has to pay reparations to himself
>govt takes 30% surcharge to administer the program
you're welcome, darkies

>> No.18686392

Post hand

>> No.18686449

Mine did do it and I still want them to shut up about it. They picked cotton for a few years and gained access to a country they would never be make themselves, while my family tree is full of people who actually had to struggle and sacrifice, fighting in brutal wars and establish civilization in the middle of harsh wilderness for the benefit of future generations and all the foreign ingrates who came after

>> No.18686487

It’s a shame how nobody has the bollocks to point out that food stamps, section 8 housing, child tax credits for single mothers, and affirmative action are all effectively reparations.

What I would give for a politician who would look straight at the NAACP and say “what is the dollar amount that has to be paid before we can declare that slavery has been atoned for. What explicitly has to be done, before we can abolish Black History Month and rename every MLK Jr Boulevard back to their original name”. Call them out, and force them to say “nothing will ever be enough”. Only when we can make them say that publicly so everyone can hear it, will people FINALLY realise it’s all a grift to keep whites in a perpetual guilt cycle so they work against their own self-interest.

>> No.18686660

loser cope

>> No.18686892

>Ancient egyptians are described as having blond hair on occasion. Tutankhamen was a ginger.
Meanwhile actual genetic studies of mummies show that their closest relatives were the Arabs that later conquered them.

>> No.18687048

This kinda shit isn't new among blacks at all, it's just the worst form of it yet
Rastas for example aren't allowed to eat processed foods and reject many kinds of food additives and seasonings but they're way more based than this retarded seething feminized crap
I always found it kind of ironic that anti-colonial movements these days are so colonized by the white female mindset

>> No.18687078


>> No.18687142

I want to dejudaize my diet, by not eating seed oils.

>> No.18687154

You will never decolonize your dna from the white/spanish rapist that fucked your ancestor. Don't put that shit on me, you need to do some soul searching. That's your great great great great grandpa, not mine.

>> No.18687180

>The taste has been described as a smooth consistency that immediately dries the mouth with a pungent aftertaste of dirt that lingers for hours.

>> No.18687302

Fuck you, I'll barbecue a deer if I want to.

>> No.18687333

lol lmao
kill yourself for this culture war pretending its not 100% a fucking grift.

>> No.18687347

you mean grill a deer? it's not barbecue

>> No.18687369

Too bad that nobody actually defunded their police departments because I would have loved to see the resulting crime rampage raping naive anglovermin

>> No.18687372 [DELETED] 

The white people's food guide:
>Indoeruopean heritage don't count
>Neither does Crescent Fertile culture
>Also no Age of Discovery
Condescending nigger doesn't even know what he's talking about

>> No.18687378

I'll decolonise my diet after they decolonise their technology and medicine. I'll give up avocados and they can give up antibiotics.

>> No.18687393
File: 52 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-5aadf26a42808b344e3dce542b7d1cdb-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arabs are white, anon. Persians too.
If you took away his sandnigger fit, he'd look like a Spaniard or Italian or Greek.
I'm friends with all kinds of Europeans. It's impossible to divorce European and Near Eastern history. North Africa and the Near East were part of the Roman Empire. Parthia, Scythia, Seleukids Empire and the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom are all part of European history. Fucking Odin from Norse mythology migrated from Scythia to Northern Europe and gave Denmark and Sweden to his sons. Anglos come from Heimdall, if the sagas are to be believed.

>> No.18687415

>you mean grill a deer?

No, you illiterate turbonigger. I said what I meant. I will slow cook a deer over low heat from hardwood coals IF I FUCKING WANT TO. Now go kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.18687424

If that's barbecue then ketchup on ramen noodles is spaghetti.

>> No.18687429

North Africa, Anatolia, etc. were populated by an ethnically distinct people and were not Arabs. They were not Greek but they were similar to them. The idea that the modern bastard Arab is the same as an ancient Anatolian is ridiculous. It's like saying the ancient Egyptians were black.

>> No.18687432

If you dressed him in western clothes, he'd look like all the other Arab guys wearing western clothes

>> No.18687438

>If that's barbecue then ketchup on ramen noodles is spaghetti.

ah, so you're literally retarded. got it.

barbecue is simply a method of cooking meat SLOWLY over LOW heat from burning hardwood coals. You can barbecue literally any meat, as long as you use that method, sponge dick.

>> No.18687442

>Why exactly should one do that?
Because one is a virtue signalling SJW who hates oneself.

>> No.18687501
File: 85 KB, 602x723, main-qimg-96c1cb5c2400cd5add3e673231ccae05-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're literally white people but swarthy. They have same bone structure, facial features, etc.

>> No.18687518

That's because there weren't any major diseases that spread from the Americas to Europe you moron. Europeans were insanely resistant to disease on a genetic level compared to American natives.

>> No.18687532

Oh yeah ? You know what ? Fuck you !
>Colonizes your food.

>> No.18687536


>> No.18687556

White "science" done dey understand kuru kuru is a food group

>> No.18687688

Actual genetic studies have found them to be closer to modern europeans than middle easterners.

>> No.18687776

You’re Buck broken

>> No.18687785 [DELETED] 

Buck broken nigger lol

>> No.18688029

thats haiti not africa

>> No.18688045
File: 31 KB, 333x500, 41U9WLnxK-L._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb noigs take this book as law unironically

>> No.18688048

>Although he used the title and name Dr. Sebi, Bowman had not completed any formal medical training. He was considered a quack by licensed doctors, attorneys, and consumer protection agencies in the United States. He was arrested being accused by New York state of practicing medicine without a license. After trial, Bowman was acquitted based on the legal definition of "medicine" for his herbs. He was later charged in a civil suit that resulted in him being prohibited from making therapeutic claims for his supplements.[7]

>In May 2016, Bowman was arrested in Honduras for money laundering, after being found carrying tens of thousands of dollars in cash with insufficient accounting for its origin. During several weeks' detention in jail, he contracted pneumonia. He died in police custody as he was being transported to a hospital.

>> No.18688058


>> No.18688367

im white so im going to colonize my diet even more, to honor my heritage of dominating shitskins

>> No.18688403

Why don't they just tell the truth with what they're trying to do? Just say: Due to stress on supplylines, because everyone is a lazy faggot and doesn't want certain resources as much as other nations, we're gonna need you all to eat local. You get the bonus effect, of not furthering division of people based on their ethnic background in this country due to the lack of the implied whitey did this to me.

>> No.18688436

by the end, you shit yourself so much that your colon drops out of your asshole
that's why its called like that

>> No.18688438

What food most epitomizes this? First thing I can think of is Nestle Abuelita (chocolate, palm oil, spices maybe, Nestle).

>> No.18688799

I’d prefer this and I’d believe most people could get behind this message. Far less preachy

>> No.18688806

>Rastas for example aren't allowed to eat processed foods and reject many kinds of food additives and seasonings
That is literally based though. Why can’t these ghetto kitchen spooks not get a clue

>> No.18688812

What does that taste like?

>> No.18688815

Lutefisk is based.

>> No.18689438

Leftist fucking invent nonexistent problems.

>> No.18689448

This must be made as a joke.

>> No.18689531

>I will not ignore it
>instead I will complain on 4channel dot org and derail threads to push my political thoughts instead of doing anything effective to change the situation
wow so cool and epic and redpilled and traditional you'll save the world any day now I'm sure

>> No.18689580

>Due to stress on supplylines, because everyone is a lazy faggot and doesn't want certain resources as much as other nations, we're gonna need you all to eat local.
Ah, the optimism of disaffected retards from every political extreme. Always remember, if consumer demand doesn't break open new markets, then my massive throbbing globalized cock will.

>> No.18689611 [DELETED] 

I dont live in south Minneapolis. I'm not a yuppie white retarded lefty, but I did watch Minneapolis burn.
No. I hate niggers and leftist traitors.

>> No.18689651

>some retard no-name says retarded pseudo-political thing
>retarded OP feels the the need to cry about it on a cooking board and bring the other retard more attention
Can we please go back to pre-2016 4chan?

>> No.18690171

White people get nothing because they never domesticated shit. All """european""" cereals and domesticated animals come from middle east (sumeria).

>> No.18690192
File: 20 KB, 638x360, Goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explains why you're so fond of them.

>> No.18690206

Don’t blacks get mad when white people eat “black people” food?
I’m so fucking tired of them bros. Why did we let slavery die.

>> No.18690239
File: 2.42 MB, 2144x1120, Jewish Slavery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites didn't really own slaves though. The real question is why did we let the hook-noses import them in the first place.

>> No.18690721

While I wouldn't doubt that Jews, merchants that they are, were heavily involved in slave trading, I don't know how you could convince yourself that 78% of slave owners in the United States were Jewish. There was like 10 Jewish people in the US at the time, they owned 4 million slaves together?

>> No.18690742

Afghanistan isn't in the Middle East, retard.
Besides, wypipo fuck dogs all the time. It's all over the Internet.

>> No.18691126

from what i can name:
>Cocoa because of child slavery
>Soybeans and cattle grown in the amazon
>palm oil (which encompasses a lot of foods since its in everything) because it kills orangutangs
>Avocados and almonds that consume shitloads of water

Anything else?

>> No.18692701

sick of seeing this thread in the catalog