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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18673092 No.18673092 [Reply] [Original]

>He spends all day thinking up recipes and imagining holding dinner parties for friends and family
>In reality he only makes meals for one and is alone all day and hasn't heard from friends in a long time

>> No.18673105

It could be worse, I am a slow cook and my wife won't let me cook because she hates my food and doesn't trust me not to experiment either. So she cooks every meal and then bitches about it endlessly

>> No.18673112

>he has imaginary conversations in his head all day long because he's unable to talk to people irl without sperging the fuck out
Imagine that

>> No.18673114

My ex gf (female, cunt) would only eat basic shit yet I can cook almost anything and all she wanted was food that you can throw in the oven and forget about.

>> No.18673128

>He makes up green texts about imaginary scenarios about other anons having no friends

Cringe ngl

>> No.18673150
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>> No.18673162
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Riveting tale, old boy.

>> No.18673178

Oh God, if I ever end up single again I don't think I'd get with a picky eater. The wife only cycles through a few meals, dislikes seafood, red meat, most fruit and veg, whole grains...

>> No.18673352
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That was pretty much my situation too, I feel your pain.

>> No.18673357

>he spends every saturday hosting tea parties with extroverts

>> No.18673477

Actually if you must know, I spend the weekend alone and wishing I was dead.

>> No.18673500

maladaptive daydreaming is a bitch

>> No.18673509

You're a slow cook? Like a sloth? You don't seem impaired.

>> No.18673960

How do I stop it and face reality?

>> No.18673970
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>> No.18673974

Why don't you invite people over for a tea party on Saturday?

>> No.18673982

Jokes on you, I don't even live in America.

>> No.18673998
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These ones I'm less sure about

>> No.18674007

anon i think the point of his post is that he does that

>> No.18674009

>Go on a date with a girl
>Imagine spending the rest of our lives together
>When it inevitably ends I'm devastated because we were already married in my head
Why am I like this

>> No.18674010

My friends are settled with families and they never seem to want to go out now.

>> No.18674018

An ex gf i broke up with in april was a really picky eater, and wasn't at all adventurous with food.
Seems silly but for the next long term relationship a picky eater is a deal breaker, or "ick".

>> No.18674022

I do this and cry because of the kids that weren't born.

>> No.18674036

All my wife wants to cook and eat is chinese shit. She's only a quarter Chinese, just one Chinese grandma, whole rest of her family are your typical American mutt whites, but all she cooks and wants to eat is the weirdest, grossest Chinese slop. I'm so sick and tired of congee with rotten ammonia eggs. Green onion should be a light garnish, at most, but she will put so many giant hunks of green onion in every thing, and uses the shitty white part. Giant hunks of unpeeled ginger, too. I'm going crazy boys, I just want a fucking cheeseburger but she will literally take the shit out of the cart and refuses to let me buy and cook regular fucking food, what is with this bitch and why did I marry her, she's currently making some Chinese garbage now.

>> No.18674040

It pissed me off after practising for so long and getting better at cooking snd then all they want is slop. Eventually you stop cooking what you actually like and make boring shit instead, it's miserable.

>> No.18674048

We should swap and you can have my basic bitch.

How does your wife feel about eels and colonoscopy cameras inserted in her anus?

>> No.18674055

Show pics of what she is making

>> No.18674078

She is incredibly basic in all ways, and also extremely vanilla in the bedroom. Missionary, lights off, that's all she wants.

>> No.18674082

I'll take a pic when it's done

>> No.18674092
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Okay, thank you sir
T. Have a chinese gf

>> No.18674096

I'm sorry for your suffering, basic bitches are the worst.

>> No.18674102

Wtf am I looking at

>> No.18674112

>be spaniard
>see euro countries on list
>see mexico on list
>don't see spain
>*commits suicide in *spanish*

>> No.18674141

Anon, yo...

>> No.18674142
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>I want pancakes and egg!
>oh hey, tomato
>oh hey, I have some dumpling to try before feeding them to guests
>what to drink? Tea.

>> No.18674192

I can't tell if that's your plate or a reflection of your soul

>> No.18674213

I am so fucking sick of show long bow or however the fuck you spell it. I just want some spaghetti or something, you know?

>> No.18674244
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It’s gonna get better. :( I miss him.

>> No.18674255
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Quit being so dramatic, you tranny. Some people are capable of not having a neurotic breakdown if their food doesn't look kawaii.

>> No.18674277

Eat my farts you anime swine

>> No.18674290
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I'm not a fan of cum bubbles, you disgusting tranny

>> No.18674291

cooking for one is the best what the fuck are you on? I don't have to worry about picky faggots
>omg I haaate anchovies! lets just order out!
I cook only things that I like and i feel completely free to experiment without worrying about judgement. I made 3 cup chicken last night and you know what? I decided I was going to add mushrooms and cook the rice in mushroom broth. It transformed a normally savory and slightly tangy dish into one that was rich, earthy and nutty. It's when I am cooking for myself that I actually learn and discover new things. When I cook for others I feel forced to be conservative and do what I know is good. For just me? I can tolerate a mediocre or even bad meal, very rarely have I made something inedible and eating through the bad meal leftovers gives me something to chew on, with each bite I consider what I could have done differently.

I cook maybe 3 or 4 dishes for other people a year. People always compliment it and there are never any leftovers at office parties of whatever I made. Most of the dishes I cook for others are also dead simple, again owing to the conservatism of cooking for a crowd.

>> No.18674301

What do you make for the parties?

>> No.18676151

i miss cooking for my ex every day because sharing food with people is nice, and although we were both relatively picky when we met, she grew to love pretty much all foods as i got into cooking.

>> No.18676414

>show long bow

>> No.18676421

are the little oily buns homemade?

>> No.18676576

I managed to invite a girl over for some wine next week. What do i serve with semi sweet wine? Im thinking of doing like a platter of cheese, ham, cherry tomatoes and grapes but im a total cheeselet.

>> No.18676875

Your cock

>> No.18676922

dog food, you just know

>> No.18676930

That is guaranteed but i want something to go with sweet wine too. (other than cum)
Naah she might be white but the dog fucking trend hasnt reached this area of earth. Also she prefers cats so i guess the worst ill get is toxoplasma

>> No.18676938

>>In reality he only makes meals for one
What are you a faggot? when i cook food i make enough for 3 days

>> No.18677016

That's because you're a fat cunt and eat all three days worth of meals in one day lol

>> No.18677020

If the wine is sweet then maybe pair it with savoury food?

>> No.18677062


>> No.18677073

Thats the plan. I just want some ideas of what savoury dishes would go well with sweet wine.

>> No.18677104

Kebab meat and chips with mayonnaise.

>> No.18677112
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i live alone now and generally prefer that but i do miss living with roommates sometimes. last place i lived was a townhouse with 3 other absolute bros and we lived together for 2 and a half years. would have near monthly family dinners with all of us, our friends, our gfs etc. none of us were great at cooking since we were in our early 20s but fuck i miss the crowded kitchen full of every couple trying to make our own dish and taste testing and helping each other and sitting down together at the end to just enjoy the food and each other's company..

>> No.18677142

Sounds comfy, wish I had that

>> No.18677150

it was very comfy. the last few months we were together we ended up buying a ping pong table and that broke us out of our mundane daily routine and we were filled with the same excitement we had when we first moved in together. was supposed to donate it to my friends church but my fat roommate broke it buy bodyslamming it while drunk lol. we're all grown ups now and me and the fatbro broke up with our exes and the other two bros got married to their girls. life is fucking nuts

>> No.18678323

GF and I alternate cooking. We also cook a meal for our other family every other Thursday. Cheer up bros! I believe in all of you!

>> No.18678595

Man, I fucking WISH I only had to cook for myself. Then I'd feel comfortable with trying all kinds of different stuff, instead of constantly thinking "okay roommate 1 needs to go to bed early tonight so I need something done fast and roommate 2 is allergic to x y and z so I can't make a b or c."

>> No.18678609

Sounds like absolute hell.

>> No.18678699

Now I know why just 3 generations ago we beat our wives

>> No.18678728
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I want an Asian gf it hurts so much bros!

>> No.18678961

the person you describe is living the dream

>> No.18679065
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>> No.18679079

>he's never been to a /ck/ meetup
Bro if you want friends just ask
The chance of getting murdered by someone here is not THAT high

>> No.18679654

>/ck/ meetup

You mean we all go to McDonalds?

>> No.18679738
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>>He spends all day thinking up recipes and imagining holding dinner parties for friends and family
>>In reality he only makes meals for one and is alone all day and hasn't heard from friends in a long time
I haven't done this in 5 years. I've accepted that I'm weird, my life will always be shit, and now I just eat and cook what I want without pretense.

>> No.18679810

Sounds kinda gay

>> No.18680158

it had its ups and downs but mostly ups. love those guys
friendship is based

>> No.18681066

similar here bro...
eating good food I prepare for myself is one of only joys in life I have
I do work out I'm not fat, people who know me often ask...yo you hit the gym man?... but eating is pretty much only thing I have to be joyful in my life
i love food : |

>> No.18682396
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>> No.18682406
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Fuck you op. Why did you make a targeted threat directly at me?