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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18671383 No.18671383 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you saw one in real life?
What was it used for?

>> No.18671408

About 15 years ago at an absinthe bar. To pour the chilled water through and sweeten the absinthe while you louche it.

>> No.18671432

This is why I have them in my cupboard right now. Made one last week.

>> No.18671484

In my office.
I used it in my coffee.

>> No.18671654

around 15 years ago. there are no benefits to the sugar being cubed.
>less control about dosage
>takes up more room

people finally found out that it was a scam.

>> No.18671655

how is life in africa?

>> No.18671667

Turkish coffee place. Used for coffee

>> No.18671673

During last summer at work, people used it in their coffee

>> No.18671753

Maybe 30 years ago in some fancy grandparents room. I tried to pull one out and the the whole jar came up. I love my grandparents but that was hilarious, I guess that's why they're called "granny candies"

>> No.18671757
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>> No.18671780

I keep a bowl of sugar cubes by my coffee machine. It's super convenient and I like it better than just a bowl of sugar.
>1 lump or 2?

>> No.18671796

Maybe 2 years ago? Cant remember why i used them

>> No.18671981
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I have never seen these before ever, outside of films

>> No.18672140
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Last time I had sugar cubes I bought them to soak them in turpentine and eat them.
It's an old medical protocol against parasites that I did when I fell into the "everyone has parasites" meme rabbit hole.

>> No.18672225

Last week. It wasn't used. It was on the supermarket shelf. I used to buy them pre-COVID for when I hosted teas but I haven't had guests in all this time so for now, I see no reason to keep stocked.

>> No.18672232

I think the day a woman's kid has a kid of his-or-her-own, a candy dish magically appears on her coffee table. We should study this phenomenon to harvest its power.

>> No.18672503

Bought some in Mauritius just before lockdown. I will buy again if I get the chance.

>> No.18673313

Sugar cubes are cool as fuck, fuck off redditors itt

>> No.18673670

A couple days ago in a restaurant for coffee.

>> No.18673851
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>When was the last time you saw one in real life?
Yes and tea and hot toddies, pic related

>> No.18673853

My parents did this, and also with a cookie jar. The main effect was that I was pudgy kid.

>> No.18673869

probably 16ish years ago, my dad would tell me that sucking on one would cure hiccups

>> No.18673885

>lemon rind
>raw sugar

>> No.18673895

bark=cinnamon stick, and loose black tea
a shot of rye whiskey then fill with hot water
called a hot toddy, traditional british cold weather boozing

>> No.18673932

Now that you mention it it was a while ago.

>> No.18673947

i see a box of them every day because i have one sitting in my pantry.
last time i used one was last new years eve i put one in each champagne glass and poured the champagne on top of them. it bubbles a lot and adds to the presentation.

>> No.18674190

When I started buying these, they disappeared from grocer's shelves soon after. I'd buy them online, but really, they're like 2x the cost of sugar in packets; and that, 2x the cost of bulk sugar. Not worth it but for meme value.

>> No.18674307

Back in kindergarten when we made sugar cube igloos with frosting. :)

>> No.18674399

What did that have to do with>>18672232?

>> No.18674402

my wife keeps a bunch in a little pot with little tongs for when her girlfriends come over. shits fancy as FUCK

>> No.18674929

no reason to cube sugar other than aesthetic value. takes up so much space and it's only used for coffees and teas, which most establishments just use packet sugar and artificial sweetener for.

>> No.18674931

these girlfriends of hers, are they in the room with us right now?

>> No.18674941
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they have these in a bunch of old fashion english tea cafes. they're pretty comfy and convenient.

>> No.18674945

>no reason to cube sugar other than aesthetic value.
>most establishments just use packet sugar and artificial sweetener for.

kill yourself

>> No.18674971

I remember those little tongs from my parents and family, what are the official names for those tong things?

>> No.18674978
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When I was drinking absinthe with friends, and when there was some put out at my college's cafeteria. I ate like 15 cubes.

>> No.18674979

I know about those and they're annoying as all hell, even worse they're filled with academic homosexuals that have never gotten out of school, yammer like little birds and think they matter.

>> No.18674988

>yammer like little birds and think they matter.
that's all we do here on 4chan. how can you see people do the same IRL and look down on them? Are you mentally ill?

>> No.18674993

The last time I saw a sugar cube in real life was at a small café that I used to frequent. They always had a bowl of sugar cubes on the table for customers to use in their coffee or tea.

I remember using the sugar cubes to sweeten my coffee on a particularly cold and rainy day. But the café has since closed down, and I haven't seen a sugar cube in real life since. It's a shame, really, as it was a small but meaningful part of my daily routine.

The world is changing, and with it, the little things that used to bring us joy are slowly disappearing. It's a sad reminder of the fleeting nature of life.

>> No.18675013
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i've only been sparingly and in small towns as a touring burger, so it was always a nice experience for me.

I could understand in a larger city they'd be like what you described.

>> No.18675016
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You need a priest's daughter to keep you warm.
They mostly come out at night, mostly

>> No.18675030

I look down on morons, socialists, and democrats. Everyone should have been given the gift or horror of critical thought. It's what happens when you have to make your own way in life, it's Lovecraftian.

>> No.18675096

I heard the best way to stay warm is to sleep with a priest's daughter... because they're always burning with the holy fire of lust!

>> No.18675124
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>> No.18675127

amen to that

>> No.18676646

being angry at the truth won't change it, anon.

>> No.18676672

They work well for bottle carbonating homebrew