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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 969 KB, 1448x2048, cafemungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18669230 No.18669230 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Espresusso edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old or confused, drinking anything cozy lately?

Previous Thread:>>18656057

>> No.18669248
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>> No.18669331

to drink goffee
or just go to sleep

>> No.18669340


>> No.18669366

some anons made fun of my shitty ceramic mill grinder a month or so ago
i finally bought a k6 and it arrives today
thanks for bullying me anons, can't wait to enjoy a better cup :)

>> No.18669395

What's your brewing method?

>> No.18669406

mainly pour over, occasional french press, once in a while moka pot.

>> No.18669408

>thanks for bullying me anons, can't wait to enjoy a better cup
it's gonna be way way better. enjoy!

>> No.18669409

I paid $15 for a bag of coffee beans and it just tastes like regular coffee.

>> No.18669412

>I paid $15 for a bag of coffee beans and it just tastes like regular coffee
grinderlet detected

>> No.18669413

Nice. K6 is more than enough for all of those

>> No.18669461

Glad to help friend. Pay it forward. Bully the next anon who needs an upgrade.

>> No.18669467

what coffee

>> No.18669483

ooh sumatra is so stinky

>> No.18669499


>> No.18669508


>> No.18669536

Have I been played for a fool? This can't be

>> No.18669547

$22/lb for
>Origin : rotates seasonally
They're buying whatever south american greens they can get cheap and roasting it dark enough that it tastes like coffee and tards like you keep paying for it.

>> No.18669556

dude, but,but, it's a family, they wouldn't rip you off...

>> No.18669565
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that's a real hot coffee pot

>> No.18669567

My portuguese grandmother would turn over in her grave if she found out we weren't ripping off PNWhites with her name.

>> No.18669570

They ripped me off. The owner made a blog post about joining the George Floyd riots and he overpays farmers from his home country. At least it's organic though.

>> No.18669633
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Fucking lmao

>> No.18669646
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still no discount on bripe

>> No.18669678
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This is what I paid for some organic single estate small farm greens in a sick microclimate. God damn I miss green coffee coop. They only had about 6 listings at a time but it was all fucking A+ tier. I need to check out greencoffeebuyingclub next but I kind of want to buy a box from royal first.
>Region: Lake Atitlán
>Producer: Tinamit Tolinan Cooperative
>Process: Washed and patio dried
>Clean, honey sweet well balanced cup with hints of cherry/plum and nice chocolate tones.
Coffee that tastes like coffee in the best way. Great for when you want to gift shit to a tastelet and have them begging for more.

>> No.18669682

more like brape lol

>> No.18669763

DESU it doesn't sound terrible - I assume it's a medium roast by the description. What grinder do you have?

>> No.18669768

what roaster you got?

>> No.18669790

I'd like to know how good it is. Come back and share. You don't have another good grinder to compare it with, so this one will blow the old one away. You could talk about build quality, too.

>> No.18669834

Modded $20 popper and a popper* I'm going to start working on modding in January. Whenever I get bored of small batches I'll snag a freshroast and razzo glass upgrade and stick the tc4 into it.

>> No.18669869

1Zpresso. It's not bad, just boring but maybe I should've expected that from something named "breakfast"

>> No.18669915

I wish you would build a machine from the ground up with a heat gun and a rotating drum.

>> No.18669936

*koff koff* bro u wanna hit mine? just ground some fresh light roast girlscout cookies bro *koff koff*

>> No.18669951
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coffee beans took too long to arrive so I've been scrounging off preground coffee for the past few days

>> No.18669970

I mean. I can with that tc4+ no problem, I just don't want a drum roaster. I'd much rather get some parts fabricated and rip off this guys design then not pay roastlogger. Modded freshroast sr800 route will get me real close with minimal effort.

>> No.18669990

How has it been? Also do you have no roasters close enough that you could drive over and pick up a bag on the same day that you run out? Even if it's not terribly good it's probably still better than supermarket coffee.

>> No.18670056

it's a blessing in disguise because I'm gaining a new appreciation for freshly ground coffee
>Also do you have no roasters close enough that you could drive over and pick up a bag on the same day that you run out?
I don't want the beans to arrive a day after buying a whole bag, although I'm considering it at this point

>> No.18670068

They don't sell small doses? I'm in an experimental phase right now trying out lots of different "local" (i.e. in the same country) roasters and I can usually get 100g bags, or at least 200g ones.

>> No.18670105
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I didn't know it went lower than 250g

>> No.18670108

Depends on the roaster, I saw one place selling fucking 50g doses.

>> No.18670143

that's not even enough for me to decide if I like it or not

>> No.18670242

In the future they'll start selling packs of 5 beans for a dollar +tip. They'll come in the mail in foil packets like candy wrappers.

>> No.18670329

can't wait to pay for a subscription where they deliver it 6 times a day

>> No.18670348

I love single use foil packets. If I could get my coffee in 15g packets I would

>> No.18670386

You'll have to settle for recyclable materials.

>> No.18670395

Paper is fine too

>> No.18670398
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>> No.18670427

>preground coffee
oof, basically a teacuck

>> No.18670460

xbloom looks cool as fuck since you can just buy the reusable cup

>> No.18670487

Retarded. Should've used a QR code so that they aren't making e-waste with every cup brewed.

>> No.18670488

It looks significantly less dumb than other bean to cups, but still pretty dumb. Seems good for like, reception areas for plastic surgeon offices. At home you're better off with an orea and any grinder you want.

>> No.18670517

I come back to /ctg/ after half a year and see Kingrinder getting shilled when I was shitposted for getting a K6 at the time
What happened?

>> No.18670534
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They started paying me. I get $75 for every femobook conversion. We call it the niche killer. Also them cutting the price from $160 to $99 didn't hurt.

>> No.18670679

What grinders y'all got? I got a Fellow Ode because it looked cool, and the grinders I actually wanted don't ship to the US.

>> No.18670733

literally me
I got tired of my dollar store grinder since the nylock nut I modded into it made adjusting difficult, but removing the nut completely or loosening it slightly makes the burr fall off as I grind.

>> No.18670851

wug2 83a
Anyone sip on anything particularly tasty today?

>> No.18670879

my sister mixed macha and milk into a liberica I brewed for her

>> No.18670900

Based. Sometimes I'll throw a little swissmiss into my brazlians to make them not boring.

>> No.18670933

>I got a Fellow Ode because it looked cool, and the grinders I actually wanted don't ship to the US.
i hope you got SSP MP or cast burrs

>> No.18670942

>What grinders y'all got?
monolith max SLM
1zpresso ZP6

working through a couple bags from proud mary. cortado with ghost rider (natural kenya/brazil blend) and a pourover with next level (kenya natural)

>> No.18670987

i have a Breville Smart Grindr Pro. Is it any good, or should I kill myself?

>> No.18671063
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rok grinder

>> No.18671070

I have a normalfag Baratza Encore that I haven't sold yet
My daily grinder is a Kingrinder K6

>> No.18671096

timemore c2 aka zp6

>> No.18671099

Don't work, do you?

>> No.18671108

You don't have 10 minutes every morning to grind and brew coffee before leaving for work?

>> No.18671114

yeah its good enough, but struggles on coarser grinds

>> No.18671129

Look at this tough guy, I bet he drink instant coffee black.

>> No.18671169

Nice! Sworks finally shipped my fucking wdt tool.

>> No.18671175
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>Had to survive with shitty instant coffee from the hotel
>Arrive home too late to make myself some goffee
>MFW no good goffee for 5 days

>> No.18671208

just make coffee pussy.

>> No.18671218

Y'all, should I buy an Aeropress for traveling?

>> No.18671249

>yeah its good enough, but struggles on coarser grinds

i bought it because a couple of bloggers said it was good enough to play around with espresso. I'm not doing coarse grinds on it

>> No.18671251


elaborate. what makes it so bad? why should I upgrade?

>> No.18671282

I love coffee
I love you retards. except the filthy aeropress gang subhuman.

>> No.18671286

it's good for traveling. and then it's good when you get home and realize it's simple and reliable as hell and use it there too.

>> No.18671291
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A $33 kingrinder k0 has the same burr, finer adjustment, and generates less fines because of the inherently lower rpm. A $99 kingrinder k6 will blow it the fuck out of the water. You paid ~$160+ to add on a shitty motor+hopper+screen and some coffee blogger made a couple bucks off the affiliate link.

>> No.18671297

I bought a Q2 so my grinder can fit inside of an Aeropress just not sure it's worth packing a press+grinder.

>> No.18671302

definitely would pack it. I have the same setup. makes good cohee

>> No.18671313

I just got a P64 with the new Mizen Omni burrs, upgraded from a Kinu M47. AMA if you’re curious about the Omni burrs or difference from the Kinu.

>> No.18671342
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Ayo another kinu to cast brother.

>> No.18671346


>> No.18671354

Is there a Kingrinder equivalent to the Q2?

>> No.18671361
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No you have to go up to 48mm in the k5/6 to get that geometry so you lose out on the aeropress docking.

>> No.18671426

got a can of mcdonalds columbian. good stuff better than folgers by a margin. making it with a moka pot.

>> No.18671431

>some coffee blogger made a couple bucks off the affiliate link.
but I didn't use an affiliate link?
>anon posts his own affiliate link
i see what you did there. since it's the same burr as what you linked, i see no reason to buy another appliance. nice try tho. GG EZ.

>> No.18671488
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Oh no its retarded.

>> No.18671833

V60 recipes that I found, take like 3 minutes altogether. But when I do pour over in a melita, let's say 300g of water, then for almost all the water to drip through it takes like almost 5 minutes with blooming etc. Should I try to adjust for it somehow?

>> No.18671978

>aeropress docking
Is everything about the aeropress SuperGay?

>> No.18672157

I want to upgrade my grinder.
I drink lighter to medium roasts.
I am debating between the DF64 with SSP burrs - niche zero - craig lyn HG-1 Prime and the Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dose

so far I am leaning toward the HG-1 Prime as it seems to be a good balance between texture and clarity and since it's manual I feel it's going to last a lifetime compared to an electrical one. but maybe I haven't heard about other grinders and wondering which one you guys use.

>> No.18672237

>Should I try to adjust for it somehow?
yes, adjust variables based on what tastes good to you

>> No.18672251

I've made some good tasting cups like this. But I am wondering If I am doing an obvious mistake by letting the process take longer than with a different brewer.

>> No.18672267

>But I am wondering If I am doing an obvious mistake by letting the process take longer than with a different brewer
not at all. if it tastes good, you're doing it right

>> No.18672298

>I drink lighter to medium roasts.

>Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dose
dont know much about this, but seems like burrs arent swappable, so youre stuck with eureka burrs
>DF64 with SSP burrs
great price and can be shipped with SSP burrs (MP or HU for espresso). likely needs shim alignment & a couple (easy) mods to make quality of life improvements (declumper, dial indicator)

>niche zero
classic italian style espresso - thicker mouthfeel - with good workflow. not great for light roasts
>craig lyn HG-1 Prime
much nicer than niche, other than having to hand grind. conical so thicker mouthfeel and decent for light roasts, but not as good as a well aligned flat

only better grinders are going to be getting into the Lagom P64 (similar to DF64 with out of the box alignment and better build quality) and 75-98mm burr territory (kafatek, lagom p100, titus) where price goes above $2500

>> No.18672398
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>got this Breville espresso machine like a year ago when we found it on sale at HomeGoods for like $250
>gf stowed/tossed the manual
>decided to go get it online today to find the expected dose of the single shot filter
>found out that there's a magnetic slot for the tamper and the top is supposed to be a cup warming tray
Kinda unnecessary, but still neat.
Also, the manual has some pretty decent instructions for brewing espresso and steaming milk.
I've told her that if this breaks and we can't get replacement parts, I want to get one of those cafelat robots. They look really nice.

>> No.18672401

the Lagom p64 and other models you've mentionned are a bit out of my budget.
I have narrowed my choice between the DF64 with SSP burrs and the HG-1 Prime.
I think I'll go read about those on home-barista

>> No.18672437

too much goffee bros...
its over for me, leave me behind i can't make it.

>> No.18672444

>DF64 with SSP burrs and the HG-1 Prime
def read up on home-barista. i'd think about it in terms of what you want out of the espresso (i'm assuming youre focusing on espresso since you said texture and clarity).

light roast focus, fruitiness, clarity, acidity, floral notes with thinner body, 1:3+ ratio sweet spot,: SSP Multipurpose

medium to light roast focus, fruitiness and acidity but more mixed and more body, 1:2 - 1:3+ ratio sweet spot: SSP HU

all around roast focus but not as much on light, tons of texture, little clarity, 1:1 - 1:2 ratio sweet spot: HG1 (mazzer 83mm)

also look into SSP Cast 64mm burrs - their version of the Lab Sweet - less clarity, more texture, but still flat burr profile. probably between the HU and Mazzer

>> No.18672493


just found this and he breaks down burr recos for taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQx7YPYq4S8

>> No.18672497

also this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqAn5qydts8

>> No.18672621

Is the cheap crackpot style roasters good for anything? I though about starting to experiment with roasting. Also, I have a wilfa il solito grinder I got a year ago as a christmas present. Its breddy good for grinding shrooms, but what is the verdict for coffee grinding? Is it bad or worse?
I'll have to save some money for the equipment used here, but in the meantime I'd like to start with something

>> No.18672622

Thank you guys, I really appreciate your help.

>> No.18672650

Nvm, the solito seems to be shit wrapped in a nice box

>> No.18672773
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Say no more. I have everything I need.

>> No.18672783

Is chicory any good alone?
Any recs?
I want something good, but with no caffine.

>> No.18672784

based. as long as you enjoy your coffee that is what matters the most my friend.

>> No.18672787


>> No.18672799
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Forgot someone, whoopsieesss

Thanks you, wholesome spreading partaker

>reduces image size
>ensures image doesn't flip
>crops out stuff I don't want you to see

>> No.18672813

>Canadian vanilla Silk oat milk

>> No.18672828

>he can't edit pictures without taking a screenshot

>> No.18672829

>crops out stuff I don't want you to see
What esoteric secrets do you hide from us bean ascetic?

>> No.18672840

Nice bait, fart sniffer. Some methods are easier on mobile.

Ye, real good schtuff.

In this case, my broken drawer

>> No.18672845

>fart sniffer
are you 12 years old? fucking embarrassing

>> No.18672848

Look at him sniff

>> No.18672851

Some 4chan apps let you scrub metadata (which includes the thing that flips the image) and change the quality/resolution of the image before you post it. Can't crop though

>> No.18672863
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Yeah it's not 2006 anymore. Your phone can crop no problem.

>> No.18672864

>Some 4chan apps let you scrub metadata
4chan automatically scrubs exif

>> No.18672869

>he doesn't maintain a banter spectrum that spans from innocently silly to psychoticly gruesome

>> No.18672872

Yeah but the image ends up flipped as a result. At least last I checked.

>> No.18672873

This is good to know. I assume all boards get their images treated?

>> No.18672874

>I assume all boards get their images treated?
ya - test uploading a pic from your phone that has exif then downloading it. everything is scrubbed

>> No.18672883

Thanks friendly supporter. How is your day going? Have any good brews?

>> No.18672892
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todays goffee

>> No.18672897

yes, i've had some nice cups today. thank you fren :) how about you?

>> No.18672952

Your red mug is very kino. What material is it?

Plural nice cups. That's gotta be gud. Happy for ya, that's not always possible to achieve, you know?
I'm still polishing off the cup in the photo above,
It's nice and smooth. It's cooling down though. I should nuke it

>> No.18672969

>Your red mug is very kino. What material is it?
it's a vintage Anchor Hocking Fire King mug. i think it's similar to pyrex. not dishwasher safe tho as i sadly found out with one of them. ruined the glaze

>> No.18673185

When we talk about hand grinders punching well above their price point, we're comparing them to shit like the cheap wilfas and baratza/brevilles. $20 set of burrs jammed into a shiny housing with the cheapest motor they could source.

>> No.18673223

Kek, noted. We'll see if hobby gets out of hand for me.

>> No.18673263

This hobby*

>> No.18673265
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Feel free to ask any questions. Someone will probably be around to link youtube videos they haven't actually watched.

>> No.18673278

>We'll see if hobby gets out of hand for me.
yess come to the dark side :^)

>> No.18673300

Oh shit!

>> No.18673309

what's the color legend?

>> No.18673331

NTA but it's kinda obvious m8
>red = shit
>yellow = meh
>light green = ok
>dark green = excellent

>> No.18673343

Levels of autism

>> No.18673344

you're neon green level of autism lmao GOTCHA

>> No.18673345
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best creamer?

>> No.18673346

Your bf's cum

>> No.18673358

Most are fine, though i only use creamer to cover up bad coffee (its destroys the flavor of good coffee), so idk what the best one would be

>> No.18673364
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needs ZP6!

>> No.18673367
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>chinese longevity milk

>> No.18673372

Don't think about it too much. Avoid reds, there's probably a better option for yellows, light greens are starting to get good, darker greens are typically lighter greens with better build quality.
So if you were comparing kingrinder k5 to 6 you can see they've got the same burrs, k6 has a little bit smaller stepsize, and way more convenient external adjustment(Ring at the top instead of a dial in the catch cup). Bumps it up a bit comparatively.
Going from K6 to K-max, same burrs, external adjustment, slight difference in step size(not that big of a deal for a filter focused grinder), but the kmax will have better tolerances and build quality. K6 goes on sale for $99, so its up to you to decide if thats worth the extra $130.

>> No.18673374

I'm waiting to see if they're keeping it around or just using it to get rid of the K bodies.

>> No.18673452

>What grinders y'all got
Mignon Specialita for Espresso with a Flare Pro 2
Comandante for filter
I mostly do light or light/medium roasts.
I feel like I still know nothing about coffee

>> No.18673492


>> No.18673523

Well, off to sale hunting then. Do you happen to have that same kind of autism deployed for roasters?

>> No.18673563
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You'll have alot of fun and great coffee right out of the box with that popper*($70), but they've been out of stock for 6 months and can't get a manufacturing run fulfilled. I'll almost feel bad ripping it apart in a few weeks. Might just open it up tonight and see what I'll have to do. That pic of my modded $20 popper isn't impressive whatsoever. Just following a guide and sourcing the right parts. Jamming it all into a stack of coffee cans was a funny idea but I'm not doing that dumb shit again lol. You could look into a freshroast sr540 for ~$200 or something like a hive($75+upgrades if you want them) if you're down to roast on a stove and stink up your place.

>> No.18673583

Thank you, I'll look into it.
Nice build you got there!

>> No.18673644

It was a test build that ended up working so it never got changed kek. Next one will be a little bit more put together. That popper* didn't exist yet when I was wired up the first one so thats def a better starting point now.

>> No.18673741
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>when I was wired up
Jesus christ google has me talking like an esl.

>> No.18673760

Fukken europa doesnt have kingrinds available. Is Q2 enough for a noob like me, or should I go straight to J-MAX or jx-pro?

>> No.18673767

You guys should really find a name besides popper lmao

>> No.18673775


>> No.18673800
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First you get some coffee and some milk. And then you make a cappuccino. Hope that helped.

>> No.18673802

Can I make cold brew in an empty plastic bottle and just filter it out when pouring into a cup?
Also any good coffee accessories in aliexpress besides scales?

>> No.18673815
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I cleaned em
I do, and I travel for a living
Nothing about it is, except it's haters

>> No.18673830

No. All kingrinders are roughly the same size

>> No.18673868
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Q2 is a great filter grinder, just a little less convenient because the smaller burrs/capacity. Will cut slower+take more effort than the same geometry but bigger. Jmax and pro are more "espresso focused" burrs, but Matt Winton won the brewers cup with a Kinu that the J series knocks off so its all going to be preference. I posted a pic of some other burrs earlier but heres the jxpro and kinu.
People have been using hot air popcorn poppers to roast coffee for 40 years. Then last year a guy had a chinese factory make an old school high powered popcorn popper with knobs to control heat/fan speed. For some reason he named it Popper*(is a coffee roaster).

>> No.18673904

How do I get a cups worth or coffee with the travel without making an americano

>> No.18673933

Enjoy your BPA moobs, I guess.

>> No.18673937
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Got the fancy stuff in lads!

>> No.18673953

I found out some people don't have a little voice in their heads and just immediately talk without restraint, is that you?

>> No.18673954
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>I cleaned em
banchou, I kneel.

>> No.18673968
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I just had a brilliant idea. You know how really hot coffee is both too hot to drink but also doesn't taste as well? But cooling it down with ice dilutes it? Well what if you freeze brewed coffee in an ice cube tray and use frozen coffee cubes to cool down your freshly brewed coffee?

>> No.18673981

That's a negative. I'm a player character with an inner monologue. I was joking, but we really do need to removing plastics from our daily lives as much as possible.

>> No.18674002

why not brew over ice and factor the weight of the water into your brew ratio

>> No.18674006

Will reduce the amount of water you brew with

>> No.18674011

Maybe I'll have to go with the Q2 for now, if I cant find the kingrinds anywhere

>> No.18674049

works for aeropress
I think Jimmy Hoffa recommends it for making pour over iced coffee, and if you were only seeking to drop the temp to drinkable instead of iced you'd lose very little effective extraction

>> No.18674083

about one cappuccino's worth

>> No.18674099

You compensate by grinding finer

>> No.18674107

You dont
I've got more free test than your dad
Buy an aeropress NOW

>> No.18674143
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>Buy an aeropress NOW
gang gang

>> No.18674150

Based and sex appeal pilled

>> No.18674155

Who do you think you are?

>> No.18674164


>> No.18674178

I think aliexpress is the only way for euronons to get kins.

>> No.18674186

You can import them from burgerland. Comes out to about 150€ for a k6, which is about how much you're gonna pay for it on ali

>> No.18674470

This particular setup would be better with an aeropress

>> No.18674494

Plastic enjoyers need not to comment

>> No.18674713
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>> No.18674864

less wasty, more tasty

>> No.18674879
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Turkish Coffee

Do I need a good pot, or I am being meme?

I already have a good burr grinder for espresso.

>> No.18674901

>Turkish Coffee
>Do I need a good pot

you need one with the right size connector for the pipes under the sand

>> No.18675090

based Scrubs appreciator

>> No.18675108
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>> No.18675138

I am equal parts revolted and understanding

>> No.18675305

Mocha pots aren't big

>> No.18675326

haha mocha cock

>> No.18675396

A Briton and therefore I deserve better than the usual Lyon's coffee I buy. Lyon's is also fancy, but it's the cheapest coffee in my village at 1.69 a jar. If I travel to the nearest town I can get an 89 pence jar of Asda own brand.

>> No.18675486
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>> No.18675500

What a shame I'm broke, they're selling silver cups again. 80ml would be fine for espresso

>> No.18675504

Habesha cutie

>> No.18675715

Potter here. These are very refined ceramics. The one with the hare's fur glaze is technically excellent. Precision cast, clean as hell foot despite a runny glaze, overglaze luster (maybe).

>> No.18675925

I'm kind of fixated on the concept of silverware to notice ceramics, but they have names like Jianshui and Jingdzhen that may be a big deal in China or something.
I never got teaware from this website, but the one time I ordered tea from them years ago it was good stuff. Nice to know their stuff seems legit

>> No.18675926

>instant coffee is trash don't buy that
>capsules are trash don't buy that
>commercial beans are trash don't buy that
>yes! specialty is good but only if you know how to pick and can pay big bucks

Jesus christ can a poorfag just get a nice cuppa.

>> No.18675941

Google "freshly roasted coffee" in your cunt's language with location on.
A roaster can't be farther than 30 minute drive.
Go there and have some. Mine does free all-you-can-drink tastings

>> No.18675950

In my area, even walmart has decent stuff.

>> No.18675982

>can a poorfag just get a nice cuppa.
depends on how ignorant and or how low your standards are.

i think you can good beans for much cheaper if you roast them yourself but thats a whole other thing.
i have also heard other poor fags rave about dunkin donuts beans or something.
and you can get into pour over for like less than $300usd and thats a buy it for life type shit.

>> No.18675986

sure it does champ.

>> No.18676001

Last time i had it (like 3 years agp tbf), black rifle coffee was great.

>> No.18676006

>black rifle
this is bait

>> No.18676014

I remember thier stuff being good, whats the issue with them?
also brands like peets, intelligentsia and stumptown are also there (all coffees that are perfectly fine)

>> No.18676146

>I remember thier stuff being good, whats the issue with them?
cheap beans roasted dark and marketed as "conservative" to sell to boomercons

>> No.18676161

i remember them tasting good, but they totally sold to conservative types hard when I got them.

>> No.18676170

>i remember them tasting good, but they totally sold to conservative types hard when I got them.
their brand got fucked when they came out against kyle rittenhouse. now a lot of conservatives dont like them. and they support police who have donated to kyle rittenhouse so the left doesnt like them because of their "ties to white supremacists" (the left never liked them to begin with, but this is the new reason).

i'm just glad people are saying their coffee sucks, no matter their reasoning :^)

>> No.18676189

Shitty hill to die on.
oh well, the other coffees are fine.

>> No.18676217

need to transport some freshly roasted sealed coffee over a two day drive, with an overnight at a hotel.
does it matter if i leave the coffee in the trunk of the car, to experience the day's heat and the night's cold or nah? if i must, i could bring it into the hotel room with me overnight, i never turn on the heat and i could stick it in a cool corner so it doesn't experience a temperature shock if need be.
but it'd be way easier to just leave it in the car.

>> No.18676377

kys tripfag

>> No.18676488

yeah stumptown is showing up at my local markets and it's always a nice option to have in the back pocket

>> No.18676520

agreed, a local roaster or even online is better, but sometimes, im in walmart and i need coffee, so options are nice.

>> No.18676574

>you can get into pour over for like less than $300usd
You can get into pourovers for much less than that.
q2 grinder - $100
v60 dripper - $20 (can go under $10 if you really want to)
weightman/whatever scale - $15
electric kettle - $10
(optional) thermometer - $10
total: $145-$155

>> No.18676614

i've even seen miroco temp controlled gooseneck kettles on aliexpress for $50ish, and it's a pretty decent stagg ekg knockoff. i use it and the temp control is accurate enough, so it's fairly accessible on that front too. often sells for $80 on amazon.

>> No.18676758

Okay, i found a k6 from burgerland and with a scale. The price is not overly bad with customs and shipping. Its all downhill from here, isn't it? No turning back, IF the product ends up being vastly better than what im used to

>> No.18676775

> -with
Such is life of an esl

>> No.18676842

Full steam ahead. You're buying a tool you can use for years. Cheap beans or expensive, you'll be able to prepare them for any brew method.

>> No.18677102

>Its all downhill from here, isn't it? No turning back, IF the product ends up being vastly better than what im used to

>> No.18677118


>> No.18677135


>> No.18677208

Got a pic? Of the aliexpress listing, not the one you own.

>> No.18677298
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shoot, looks like my info is outdated. not seeing it there anymore. my bad.
I wonder if there's a cost effective gooseneck that's induction capatible for people who already have induction plates.

>> No.18677416

> cost effective gooseneck that's induction capatible
The jap harios? No thermometer tho.

>> No.18677446

>q2 grinder - $100
i dont believe grinders below $250 exist.
there is zero point in getting them, if you are that poor just drink instant.

>> No.18677449

>he buys grinders for under $500
Just stop drinking coffee

>> No.18677459
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cups under $1000 don't exist
if you are that poor just drink instant

>> No.18677501

look at them melt

>> No.18677507
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>> No.18677918

look at them coof

>> No.18678203
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I dun fucked up. Been using my sette grinder daily for four years now without maintenance or calibration. Got this horrible noise all the sudden and barely any grind going through. Took apart and a screw on the motor mount was loose in the housing. Must have gotten in motor or something and completely fucked it.
Learn from me and don't be lazy fucks. Take your grinders apart every once in a while, make sure the components are properly mounted etc. Shit will get loose over years of use and get fucked up. Last option is to call customer support and see if anything can be done.

>> No.18678220

>>commercial beans are trash don't buy that
They are but that's how I started, I think it's fine for beginners but idk how much you're even saving compared to your local roasts

>> No.18678245

i can buy 1kg of trash dark roast beans at aldi for like $12?aud
my local roaster sells 250g for about the same.
and i buy 250g specialty beans online for $24

it really depends on what you have on offer locally(or within the country depending on how fast shipping is)
like there is only so much you can squeeze out of grocery store beans. even if your method and tools and everything is perfect the cup is going to be ok at best.
so i think going to something at least fresh roasted(within a week or so) is better than just buying grocery store stuff because you will be able to actually see your progress.

>> No.18678633

>bought a bag of coffee from a charity
>coffee is godawful
>feel like a fool
>should have just given a cash donation

>> No.18678666

Ignorance is the biggest barrier, not money. Rich people pay a ton of money for the same trash poor people drink, paying more has mixed results.

The biggest issue is getting coffee which isn't fucking stale, same with spices. When an expensive coffee goes out of date do you think they're going to throw it out? Fuck no.

>don't buy coffee that doesn't have the date it was roasted
That's a massive filter, 4/5 The coffee on the market is now gone.
>grind your own coffee, or have it ground
Many hipster coffee places will grind beans for you, it's not as simple as mincing meat.
Often a rich fag with a grinder will do it for you, kinda like pasta makers there's a ton of unused ones sitting around in cupboards.
>brew the coffee

Like baking bread it's a huge pain in the ass if it doesn't fit with your routine

>> No.18678679

was it seven weeks

>> No.18678989

how fucking hard can pourovers be

>> No.18678993

if you have the right equipment and coffee, ez.

if you have shit equipment and coffee, impossible

>> No.18679001

Are all kettles from Amazon requiring 110V? Some kettles are going on sale for about 30% and I want to import ones but need 240V.

>> No.18679022

how hard would it be to brew 750ml of coffee via pour over in one shot

>> No.18679063

Would be annoying I think. There is a optimal bed depth and loading the dripper too full would be detrimental.

>> No.18679337

It's not super hard, but I can't think of another brewing method that takes more skill.

>> No.18679353

kmart electric spice grinder
the one people usually get for weed

>> No.18679456

I gave up on all electric coffee grinders a couple years ago because you're never ready when they break (and they always break eventually). You just have to have at least one or two days without coffee.

>> No.18679597

literally everything you own will require some kind of maintenance. even hand grinders require regular cleaning.

>> No.18679623

>even hand grinders require regular cleaning.

>> No.18679652

I clean my hand grinder every once in a while. It takes a few minutes. There's nothing to diagnose if or when it breaks. There's very little to break. No motor, no electronics, no screws, no shitty little plastic parts that can render the entire thing inoperable. What can break? The axle shaft? The crank handle? The burrs wear out? Who gives a shit. That's the life of the machine. I'll get a new one.

>> No.18679671

I don't use electric grinders because I'm not ready for a horrible sound first thing in the morning. The softer sound of the hand grinder is a better start to my day.

>> No.18679711

>I'm not ready for a horrible sound first thing in the morning. The softer sound of the hand grinder is a better start to my day.
also feeling the beans being crushed and smashed and cut in your own hands really gives a whole new feel to making coffee
also they can always be converted with a power drill or something.

>> No.18679733

I like to think the beans are little people I'm grinding up as if I'm some kind of greek titan making an elixir of vitae to power me through another day

>> No.18679735
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>> No.18679741

Yeah. Nothing like the screeching sounds and dogs barking at a cup of coffee at 6 in the morning. Hate electric grinders now. Huge quality of life improvement.

>> No.18679756

kettles with temperature control*

>> No.18679763

A powerful mindset

>> No.18679770

not coffee related but i make my morning smoothie the night before and then freeze it and then eat it like frozen yogurt with my morning coffee. just trying to reduce as much unnecessary noise in the mornings as possible.

>> No.18679813

>Elemental mercury from ingestion is poorly absorbed with a bioavailability of less than 0.01%

>> No.18679821

I see soyjak in the moka pot
I see spirso on the bag
I see yellow fish guy and plankton below coffee bag
And I see pepe in the entire image looking at the steam. Great meme to whomever made this

>> No.18679823


>> No.18679839

>Whomever made this
All that analysis and you missed the guys watermark lol.

>> No.18679841

It's easier to see AI images when you don't expand the thumbnail.

>> No.18679845

Allegedly female. I'd need to see the Carfax.

>> No.18679901

I brush/air blow it after every use, takes 10 seconds. However I don’t think I’ve ever taken apart my grinder, only check the zero quickly every couple months.

>> No.18679902

I received a Baratza Virtuoso+ for my birthday, and I was using a blade grinder previous.
The difference is INCREDIBLE. I'm having a blast tweaking the grind settings.

>> No.18679929

Happy birthday anon.

>> No.18680177

I will buy some sort of handheld as a backup. Useful anyway if power goes out. It's gonna be a week at least without espresso unless I get my ass to a store and buy some generic off the shelf. Didn't have time to call customer support yesterday either since got too busy trying to fix it. Maybe they will send me a new gearbox/motor for free but doubt since it's a bit old of a unit. Fuck, and I just got freshly roasted beans in. AAAA
Can you please recommend a good hand grinder for espresso? Does that even exist?

>> No.18680192

Their customer service is top notch because their products are shit. You'll be fine.

>> No.18680196

>good hand grinder for espresso? Does that even exist?

>> No.18680207

K4 does it fine

>> No.18680212

>plastic parts
funny thing. Seems the gearbox assembly on mine >>18678203 has plastic pieces. Reading that any foreign ungroundable object like a little pebble will rek the entire assembly. That may have been what happened to mine since the breakage was so sudden and the entire until went into death throes.

>> No.18680217

thank you, will look into.

>> No.18680223

Thanks, fren :)
This is almost enough to convince me to buy a hand grinder

>> No.18680224

Currently sipping on a cafe mocha from the ethiopian coffee place I've been reviewing here.
This is my least favorite cup of coffee so far. I mean it's edible, I'm not gonna toss it. Not NEARLY as good as, for example, their latte, caramel latte, drip coffee, chai tea, etc, though.

>> No.18680231

That's reassuring. Was reading on forums that others with same issue got a free motor/gearbox. Maybe I can get one for free or some sort of discount.
I've had this grinder paired with my Silvia for four years now. My Silvia is 20 years old and still going strong. May get an expensive setup one day with a better heating mechanism.

>> No.18680241

if the beans are little people then what are the very rare little pebbles that shrekt my grinder internals?

>> No.18680244

If you're 20 years deep with a silvia why not look into a better grinder? Fix and flip the sette, buy a p64 or something.

>> No.18680249

>be me
>make my coffee
>half and half is 7 days expired
>no milk either
>only have eggnog
>pour some in
>its fucking fantastic

>> No.18680251

Yeah, which means it's okay if you break a thermometer, but drinking it by the cupful is quite a different story.
If you drank 200ml of mercury, you'd absorb 0.27g, which is still quite a bit.

>> No.18680261

Someone didn't watch Hercules growing up

>> No.18680269

>If you're 20 years deep with a silvia why not look into a better grinder?
Because my autism says I need to upgrade the entire setup at once. Something I've been meaning to do for years like PIDing my Silvia but gotten lazy and comfy with my basic setup. Will look into the p64, thanks. Money's not an issue for good quality items. Stuck with figuring out where to go from the Silvia. Want something easily repairable with good internals and part availability but a better heating mechanism. Maybe a more comfortable steam wand. The Silvia really shines in the repairability and ease of maintenance.

>> No.18680285

On a somewhat related note. Fuck up my espresso grinder and have only shitty commodity coffee as backup. Brew it in a drip filter. Tastes like shit. Add a few pinches of salt. Tastes pretty good. The salt meme is worth a try.
I'm gonna try the nog thing now. I've been experimenting with heavy whipping cream and there was a particular brand that was really good that I can't get anymore since I moved. Not all heavy whipping cream is created equal

>> No.18680286

They're not even silver

>> No.18680288

>upgrade the entire setup at once
But you bought the sette 4 years ago? You people confuse me.

>> No.18680296

sorry, the silvia is old because got it from my parents when I moved out. Bought the sette since my boomer parents always used preground or a cheap blade grinder.

>> No.18680362

any aeropress compatible grinders that are made in europe?

>> No.18680565

Yeah, it's kinda shitty that there's always some kind of plastic gear or integral mount that if/when it breaks downs the entire machine for the time it takes to order a new very specific plastic doodad. And it's always on a day you really needed that coffee for whatever reason. I've gotten rocks before, too. Sucks.

>> No.18680576

>. And it's always on a day you really needed that coffee for whatever reason.
but that's everyday
got a k4 since it's on sale on amashit so will have a backup now and maybe even a nice casual camping accessory

>> No.18680627

when you say 'compatible' do you mean fits in the plunger, or grinds well enough for it

>> No.18680822
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>had goffee for dessert

>> No.18680880

sorry bro the bripe was extra dank today KOFF KOFF got some exotic shit for it today koff

>> No.18680941

Bit fancy that mate, is it a special occasion?

>> No.18680958
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Purchased directly from Partners Coffee through Amazon's third party listing, roasted a few days ago and arrived today. Made a delicious cup from the Amazing Aeropress™.

>> No.18680959

I meant fit in.
I'm reconsidering going for the aeropress since it requires micro-filters. Then again I could get a stainless steel filter for it but I'm afraid it would mess with the coffee flavour
Shouldn't I just be better off getting a french press if I don't wanna bother with filters?

>> No.18681019


>> No.18681079
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Today I had my coffee with some vanilla, cinnamon, and brown sugar mixed in

>> No.18681107

my favorite roaster in brooklyn when i lived there was Parlor

>> No.18681139

you're right

>> No.18681341

Reee, I think my grinder will be delivered sometime next month. Meanwhile someone tried to recommend me an app for grinding the beans, but i think hes trying to fool me into some scam. Have you tried it, is it any good?

>> No.18681431
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Can you make a cup better than your local cafe?
Do it!

>> No.18681549

You briping that sumatran funk too, mang?

>> No.18681611

Briping that Aldi's pack. Ikyky.

>> No.18681774

Give me a Hario Switch recipe
I've just been using the Hoff's 15g/2min/release with a fine grind size so far

>> No.18681792


>> No.18681938

hario switch is a product for pour over snobs too cowardly to join the aeropress gang, change my mind

>> No.18682069

Filthy aeropress gang subhuman really wants friends. Must be lonely over there. Good thing you can only make 4oz of coffee at a time huh?

>> No.18682125
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whoever told you that was lying or wrong and the man isn't filthy anymore, sort yourself out

>> No.18682152

>aeropress for years
>still using the gold print version
>get hario switch last week
I refuse to believe anyone in /ctg/ only has a single type of brewer

>> No.18682288

Sorry 4oz of coffee with 12oz of water on top. Yum.

>> No.18682334

do mason jars count

>> No.18682400

I can cold brew with my french press, does that count?

>> No.18682463

I have a moka pot and a french press.
It's nice not having to pay for filters.

>> No.18682562

>half and half
you deserve nothing

>> No.18682568

What's the difference between siphon and a moka pot?

>> No.18682625

google my nigga

>> No.18682777

Is a timemore c3 good for aeropress coffee?

>> No.18682786

no get the kingrinder k4

>> No.18683122

New thread