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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 145 KB, 1500x1125, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__recipes__images__2015__05__Anova-Steak-Guide-Sous-Vide-Photos15-beauty-159b7038c56a4e7685b57f478ca3e4c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18666645 No.18666645 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, I don't understand why people go out to buy steaks at restauraunts in the first place, nevermind going to a place where the ENTIRE POINT is to buy steak.
Seriously, why the fuck do you need someone else to cook you a steak?! It's a STEAK. It's like having a house of bacon, or a house of microwave ramen, or anything else that literally cooks itself.
I don't know. I only go out to restaurants to get things that I can't make myself. Do other people just not do that? Are people just retarded?

>> No.18666649

>dude I LITERALLY don't understand!!? Why are le normies so le dumb?!?!
How old where you when you grew out of this phase? For me it was 19

>> No.18666657

I don't have many subjects that I'm like this on, but steakhouses is one of them.

>> No.18666666

You could say this about any restaurant unless it's some molecular gastronomy bullshit.

>> No.18666673

Holy shit, I wanna disagree with you and mention fancy French and Italian places, but I can't argue with those Satanic sextuplets. You got me.

>> No.18666681
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>> No.18666685

I'd also like to add that you're extra retarded for choosing steak because most good steakhouses use massive infrared broilers that you definitely don't own. It is practically impossible for you to make a steakhouse steak

>> No.18666695

Interesting, I was unaware that they used those things. I'll have to look that up.

>> No.18666712
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>> No.18666732

>Why would anyone go to a fancy French restaurant, what's the matter, can't put butter and herbs in a deglazed pan to make sauce?

>> No.18666745
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Devilish GET

>> No.18666746

Eh... some of the sauces are a little more complicated than that, and involve alchohol and shit.
I, for one, have no idea how to prepare or get the materials for steak tartare, so I usually get it at whatever restaurant serves it.

>> No.18666749
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>> No.18666751

checked obviously

>> No.18666759


>> No.18667364

miring and checking those digits

>> No.18667372

if I have a reason to celebrate, like having made a lot of money or some other similar kind of success, the automatic choice for somewhere to at least start at is a steakhouse

>> No.18667374

you underestimate how bad people are at cooking

>> No.18667377

> I only go out to restaurants to get things that I can't make myself
post steak faggot

>> No.18667379

Putting aside the fact that restaurants usually have access to better choices of meat and produce, and the better kitchen equipment, most people go with their families. Try cooking four steaks and four different sides with fresh baked bread at the same time.

>> No.18667417

>posts raw steak
>claims others are too retarded to cook a steak
maybe (You) should be going to steakhouses

>> No.18667458

Nixon committed treason

>> No.18667469

Steak houses often have great sides, starters, and desserts.

>> No.18667720

some of the lads here have made semi-decent points, like better choices of meat (not too big a deal), better equipment (still not essential to the experience or unattainable) and their sides/starters/dessert options (standard of any restaurant and not unattainable outside

But the real reason for going to a steak house that is damn difficult to reasonably replicate is Dry Aging

Now, can you get dry aged steaks at supermarkets? Yes, but they'll not have been dry aged as long, it won't be prepared on the day nor will it be prepared in a way that allows for the general main appeal of the dry age steak: The stick to your tongue, funky flavour that goes with the meat, almost making it a cross between fine meat and fine cheese. All you're really getting from supermarket dry aging is a steak that'll be more tender than others of its type on average

Now, what's good about that is, if you're not into dry aged meat, which not everyone is naturally, then you very much have no real reason to be going to a steak house. And they are bloody expensive, with other restaurants at a lower price range offering a similar if not better experience with that factor taken out

>> No.18667914

This. It's doesn't even have to be about different sides, just try to make 4 steaks, fries for 4 person, béarnaise and a vegetable side like asparagus without fucking up anything and serving it warm. It can be done, but it's nice to just get it served.

>> No.18667957
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Yeah, you're really ahead of the curve, so smart anon.
Fuck off faggot, god forbid people want to go out with their friends or family to enjoy some good steaks

>> No.18668038
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> he likes his stakes cooked through
Get out

>> No.18668068

This never made sense to me because Hank was routinely shown to be an awful cook or have terrible advice.

>> No.18668110

You can do an okay steak at home, but you're not going to have a grill that gets hot enough to provide a true steakhouse quality sear. A good steakhouse will have a grill that can hit 1500-1800F its just not something you're going to do at home without your own nice grill in the backyard. If you DO have a nice grill, enjoy. But if all you have is your stove top and oven, then you simply can't compete with a steakhouse.

>> No.18668118

That's the joke, half cooked steak is garbage.

>> No.18668127

Yeah I eat meat to work my jaw out. Well done? That's for scrubs give it to me rock hard so I can give these chompers a real treat to work through

>> No.18668170

A few reasons, anon. For one, they fulfil the same niche as all restaurants in that they are a place to go and be fed in exchange for money. Despite how easy it is to cook steak, one thing many people 'cant' do because they are retarded brainlets is source good steak, or even know what a good steak is. Additionally, because it's seen as a higher end option it's good for say...a date, or a business outing to 'celebrate', or something of that nature. I took my best friend to a steakhouse when it was their birthday, and then again when they got a promotion. I could've just bought steaks at our favorite butcher, and cooked for them- but it was meant to be a celebratory little thing and it let us get out of the house.

Tl;Dr: It's a restaurant retard, the point isn't just the food but everything around the food. The "experience". If you don't like the experience, then just don't go?

>> No.18668186

Its more of a social thing, creepy autistic loners wouldn't understand and everyone is happier if you don't visit steakhouses. Stay inside your quarantine zone and try not bother anyone until you die. Keep paying taxes though

>> No.18668341

It tastes better, simple as

>> No.18668360

Hell yeah brother I need it hard and dry to give somethng for the steak sauce to soak into

>> No.18668367

Impressive, very nice.

>> No.18668389

Business expense tax deductions.

>> No.18668417

You can do that with lump charcoal at home faggot.

>> No.18668492
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40 Oz Tomahawk Steak. Will make these beauties on Sunday.

>> No.18668499

I never order a steak at a steakhouse. I just get a burger i can't be bothered to make myself.

>> No.18668501

steakhouses are for entertaining clients and occasionally females

>> No.18668507
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So you know Ruth's Chris steak house? Well what the fuck is a chris steak house and where did Ruth get it? I've been searching for the answer for years. Does anyone know?

>> No.18668528

It's a Texas thing, you wouldn't understand

>> No.18668585

>I took my best friend to a steakhouse when it was their birthday
Your best friend is a Siamese twin?

>> No.18669335

>I took my best friend to a steakhouse when it was their birthday, and then again when they got a promotion.
that they/them thussy must hit different tho ong

>> No.18669480
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Sweet mother of mercy, what a get

>> No.18669493

To part retards who want to flash their cash for special occasions from their money

>> No.18669528

>be Outback Steakhouse
>get known for deep fried onion
Oh, those Aussies.

>> No.18669532

Chris owned a steakhouse and Ruth bought it. That's all.

>> No.18669554
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Checked, double satan

>> No.18669571

what are those pills

>> No.18669597


>> No.18669609
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I guess steakhouses exist so retards like me don’t fuck up steak. Let’s see how I did. Yes, I fell for the cast iron meme. The whole house smells like garlic now.

>> No.18669613

That looks pretty good though

>> No.18669615
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Pretty poorly. Tastes great, though. Must be all the garlic.

>> No.18669617

I use they/them for everyone until requested otherwise. It's safer than risking offending someone and it gets me brownie points with queers for being 'with it'.

>> No.18669626
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I threw in a bunch of fresh thyme, I think that might be the secret. It’s legit really good, but probably needed to sit out longer. I didn’t wait for the room temperature shit and it’s been sitting in my fridge for like three days.

>> No.18669652

The fat didn’t render, looks gross dude

>> No.18669677
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It was a cheap ribeye. I lost about a full half inch and maybe four ounces of weight, i think the only way to make this sort of steak look good is to smoke it all day. This sort of quick sear stuff only really works on better cuts. I demolished this shit, though. Steakhouses exist so you can make a steak and eat it while standing naked at half-mast in your kitchen. Just don’t burn your junk.

>> No.18669687

>ingredients for steak tartare
you wot m8, just got to a reputable butcher and just have them give u tartare ready beef and ur done add a fresh egg on top and thats it or if u want blend the beef with anchovy apste capers and Worcestershire. Its a low complexity dish

>> No.18669715

The only thing left in the skillet was a bit on burnt-on pepper. I would say cast iron is fairly non-stick once you let the meat do its thing. It came off with a dry sponge, no washing require.

Thanks for reading my blog. 7/10, it’s ok.

>> No.18669721

why would you want brownie points with queers

>> No.18669732

They’re actually a decent deal if you just order a steak — and a glass or two of wine (or one or two martinis). Skip sides and desserts. Sides and desserts are not only trash at steakhouses, they make you feel bloated and gross, and they’re obscenely overpriced.

>> No.18669739

Bingo. It’s not worth making a steak for only 1 or 2 people. Stinking up the house, doesn’t taste great and risk of fucking it up. Just let a restaurant handle it.

>> No.18669753

>he doesn't like the smell of garlic
I bet you kiss girls, you faggot.

>> No.18669788

Looks like Losartan pills, possibly Bactrim. Too off green to be Reglan. Anyways, good eye. The proper watchdogs have been notified, they will take it from here.

>> No.18669796

I already know you're either a super skinny weirdo, or a fat fuck that plays warcraft

>> No.18669799
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>And in other news, a local unemployed man living with his parents was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance. Upon investigation, it was determined that the substance was, in fact, his mother's thyroid medication.

>> No.18669821
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You could never comprehend the greatness of a place like Texas Roadhouse

>> No.18669824

My estrogen

>> No.18669826
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>> No.18669858

Seething cooklet.

>> No.18669907

That's raw

>> No.18669930

So I can get my daily recommended amount of transglutaminase

>> No.18669947

> A reputable butcher
Therein lies the rub, friend. I don't know who's selling beef so good it can be eaten raw.

>> No.18669998

It's almost medium, do discordfags really eat well-done beef?

>> No.18670090
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>why the fuck do you need someone else to cook you a steak?!
because sometimes i don't want to cook for myself.

>> No.18670093

nigger, read my post
> If you DO have a nice grill, enjoy.

>> No.18670218

You're nowhere near as good at cooking steak as you think.

>> No.18670273

I'm no genius when it comes to steak, but let's be real. Cooking steak doesn't take that much skill, so long as you season it properly.

>> No.18670287

Cooklets and shills hated OP because he told the truth.

>> No.18670291

Better to be safe than sorry.

>> No.18670431

Even if your name is Chris, why would you name it Chris Steakhouse and not Chris's Steakhouse?

>> No.18670462

A long time ago, in an age called the 1950s in the U.S and the 1970s to Now if you're a fucking primitive like a Europoor, Bugman, or whathaveyou, this thing called the refrigerator, a most civilized invention, by the masters of everything, from arts, culture, and of course cooking, the Americans.

Until the Americans civilized the world, primitives would have to eat or prep the who cow before it went rancid by canning, smoking, salting, or potting the meat. With steak though, it was better to eat fresh, so people would go the place where the man bought the steaks from butcher, and ate it so he wouldn't have to pay the butcher's prices because the man at the Steakhouse, would by the who muscle and divvy it up.
Naturally this wonderful, Anglo, practice was brought to the U.S where the civilized, culinary masters of the U.S continue the forgotten tradition.

A tragedy to see how far the European has fallen, forgetting its roots.

Of course the refrigerator is one of many great American Inventions that separate the Noble American from the savage latin and barbaric old worlders

>> No.18670822
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>> No.18670873

You can dry age meat at home pretty easily

>> No.18670886

Spotted the NPC, back to preddit.

>> No.18670894

>people want to go out with their friends or family
Do you know what site you are on?

>> No.18670899

the shape of dubs to come! You have a point, though sometimes it's also about eating in a big room with people enjoying their night

>> No.18670913

Struck a nerve huh

>> No.18670928

Just stating facts.

>> No.18671006
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>> No.18671769

Imagine defending OP and his shitty statement

>> No.18672155

well autistic antisocial sociopath, allow me to explain: people spend money to enjoy an experience. to be another others of their same kind and flex on those that they intentionally exclude. its like why they go to a casino. sure, you can throw your money into a burning pit in your own home but that isnt half as fun as doing in a place where everyone is bending over backwards to gaslight you into thinking this will somehow make you rich.

>> No.18672180

Unholiest of gets.

>> No.18672201

1. Fuck your numbers.

2. It takes 4 hours to make sushi, and you it costs more because you can't buy thin slices of assorted fish at the supermarket.

>> No.18672464

You answer the question anon